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In no particular order:

Neil Adams (Cyber Rad)

Jim Lee (various, most notably X-Men)

Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez (Atari Force Vol. 2 #1-3, 7-, 9-12)

Jack Kirby ('nuff said)

Ron Lim (Silver Surfer)

What're yours?

  On 9/10/2011 at 4:29 PM, Wanzerfan said:

In no particular order:

Neil Adams (Cyber Rad)

Jim Lee (various, most notably X-Men)

Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez (Atari Force Vol. 2 #1-3, 7-, 9-12)

Jack Kirby ('nuff said)

Ron Lim (Silver Surfer)

What're yours?

I like Jim Lee, sure. My favorite for awhile was Brett Booth (Backlash), even if he never could draw women right. Nick Roche is probably my favorite Transformers artist at the moment. I like Mark Bagley's Spider-Man. Do I have to pick all five? I don't know that he's one of the top five of all time, but I think that J. Scott Campbell's work has really improved since Gen 13 in the '90s.


I'm not even sure if some of these guys even work in the industry anymore because I haven't been reading them in a while but prolly the most amazing in my book...

Travis Charest (started off as a Jim Lee Clone but really surpassed him as far as style... )

Chris Bachalo (always amazing)

Adam Hughes (Pin Up Master)

John J Muth (watercolorist extraordinaire, maybe should be on the top of the list if it was in any particular order)

Joe Madureira (I can't stand this guy for never ever finishing a project, but his art was pretty amazing. People always said that he was a manga artist but I see him more of a Disney artist that worked on comic books)

Honorary mentions to Alex Ross, Bernie Wrightson and Dave Stevens.


Joe Mad

Michael Turner

Bryan Hitch

Jim Lee

Steven McNiven

Back in the early 2000s when I wasn't following comics these guys art is what brought me back.


I have too many favorite artists to only list five, so ill just list them all.

Jim Lee

Alex Ross

Todd Mcfarlane's work on spidey

Steven Platt

Brett Booth

Art Thibert

Ian Churchill before he totally changed his style

Eric Larson's work on spidey

J Scott Campbell

Michael Turner

David Finch

Ed Benes

Joe Mad

Whilce Portacio

Sam Kieth

Jae Lee

  On 9/10/2011 at 4:39 PM, mikeszekely said:

I like Jim Lee, sure. My favorite for awhile was Brett Booth (Backlash), even if he never could draw women right. Nick Roche is probably my favorite Transformers artist at the moment. I like Mark Bagley's Spider-Man. Do I have to pick all five? I don't know that he's one of the top five of all time, but I think that J. Scott Campbell's work has really improved since Gen 13 in the '90s.

This thread is about your top artists. I just listed my top five favorites.
  On 9/11/2011 at 2:24 AM, Wanzerfan said:

This thread is about your top artists. I just listed my top five favorites.

It's still difficult. I mean, take Mark Bagley as an example. While he's improved since the early '90s, he's not that great at drawing people in street clothes. Back in the early '90s, every face on every dude he drew looked identical. But I still love him on Spider-Man (and later, USM) because he draws such a dynamic Spidey.

Or Brett Booth. He drew some amazingly detailed stuff back when he worked on Backlash, and he was a huge inspiration for me. I remember spending a high school art class with an issue of Backlash #8... I'd stare at a panel, trying to absorb the details, and then try to redraw it. I did this for the whole issue. As awesome as Booth is at some stuff, though, he could never seem to get women right. They'd be standing around in poses that'd break a real woman in half if she tried it, or they'd have an unusually long torso, or their breasts would look like a pair of softballs in spandex instead of the more natural slopes of an actual breast.

Then there's a lot of the guys at Udon. They have a great, anime-inspired style that's great for people in street clothes, but it doesn't necessarily translate as well to heroes in masks.

In short, I like a lot of different artists, for a lot of different reasons. They all have their strengths, weaknesses, and specialties.

It's actually a lot easier to tell you who I don't like. Rob Liefield, who seems to think if he draws a lot of extra pouches, straps, and lines that we won't notice he has no functional grasp of human anatomy. Or Humberto Ramos, who isn't a bad artist, but his style rubs me the wrong way.

Posted (edited)

Rob Liefeld, or as I like to call him, the artist who can't draw eyes to save his life. <_< That man absolutely killed the New Mutants, in my opinion (his contribution to the X-Tinction Agenda crossover stroyline really pissed me off).

Edited by Wanzerfan

I'm hardly a comic book reader so...

J. Scott Campbell

Andy Kubert

Jim Lee

Marc Silvestri

Todd McFarlane

...and :lol: to Rob Liefield.

Posted (edited)

Huge comicbook fan here, So I'll go with my current fav 5

1. J.H. Williams III--Check out Batwoman very surreal

2. Jim Lee--Justice League

3. Jerome Opena-Uncanny X Force

4. Jae Lee--The Dark Tower

5. Ivan Reis--Green Lantern

Other Notables, They could easily be in my top five:

Paul Renaud_cover artist--Deja Thoris

George Perez--Action Comics, Teen Titans

Tite Kubo--Bleach

David Finch--Batman

Mike Deodato--Avenegers/Dark Avengers

Ed Benes--Justice League, Birds of Prey

Mike Perkins--Captain America

Frank Cho---Avengers

Alex Ross--Kingdom Come

Yuji Shiozaki---Ikki Tousen

Phil Cheung--Young Avengers, Thor

Phil Jimenez--Infinite Crisis, X-men

Alan Davis--Excalibur, currently doing covers for marvel

Frank Quietly--All star superman

Andy Kubert--Flashpoint

Rags Morales

Simon Bianchi--Thor

Doug Mahnke--Green lantern

Ryan sook--X Factor

Frazier Irving

Steve McNiven--Captain America

Edited by Golden Arms

Okay, real answers here:

I freely admit I've got a bias towards artists that can WRITE STORIES, as well...

In no particular order:

Terry Moore

Jeff Smith

Dave Sim

Marc Hempel

Jill Thompson

Posted (edited)

Ashley Wood | Zombies vs Robots, Metal Gear Solid, etc. Picture :


Don Lawrence | Storm, Trigan, etc. Picture :



Herge | Tin Tin

Willy van der Steen | Suske en Wiske

Edited by knoted
  On 9/11/2011 at 2:34 PM, Metal_Massacre_79 said:

Dale Keown: Pitt, Hulk, The Darkness.

Quite possibly the best Hulk artist.

I don't want to be too critical, because there's a lot of stuff that's so right with that pic (face, chest, abs, and hands are perfect), but that's too many veins for my tastes.

  On 9/11/2011 at 6:43 PM, mikeszekely said:

...but that's too many veins for my tastes.

True, but that pic doesn't even come close to the amount of veins that most of the real body builders have. Now those guys are disgusting (and the female versions too).


I'm not a big comic book reader but my favourites right now are:

Mark Schultz - Xenozoic Tales(Cadillacs and Dinosaurs)

John Buscema - Savage sword of Conan

Albert Uderzo - Asterix

Herge - Tintin

Jim Lee - X-men

I like the classics. I also find that a lot of newer artists are good but their stuff doesn't seem to stand the test of time. I like the ones who's art always seems to be good regardless of the era.

  On 9/11/2011 at 11:49 AM, knoted said:

Ashley Wood | Zombies vs Robots, Metal Gear Solid, etc. Picture :

I don't really read his comics but Ashley Wood is the best damn toy designer around. world war robot is awesome.


In no particular order and representing British comics, which have been noticably absent from this thread so far:

1) Brian Bolland - Judge Dredd.

2) Mike McMahon - Judge Dredd (Pre-80's era only).

3) Bryan Talbot - The Adventures of Luther Arkwright / Heart of Empire.

4) Carlos Ezquerra - Strontium Dog / Judge Dredd.

5) Kevin O'Neil - Nemesis the Warlock / Marshall Law / LOEG.

Honorable mentions to:

6) Steve Dillon - Axel Pressbuton / Preacher / Judge Dredd / Mean Arena.

7) Ron Smith - Judge Dredd.

8)Mark Harrison - Judge Dredd / Glimmer Rats / The Travellers.

9) Dave Gibbons - Rogue Trooper / Watchmen.

10) Cliff Robertson - Judge Dredd.

11) Jesus Redondo - M.A.C.H. 1 / The Mind of Wolfie Smith / Timequake / Return to Armageddon.

12) Alan Davis - D.R. & Quinch / Miracleman.

13) Ian Gibson - The Ballad of Halo Jones / Robo Hunter / Judge Dredd.

14) Massimo Belardinelli- Meltdown Man / Ace Trucking Co. / Inferno.

15) Colin Wilson - Rain Dogs / Judge Dredd / Rogue Trooper.


Posted (edited)
  On 9/13/2011 at 11:51 AM, Graham said:

In no particular order and representing British comics, which have been noticably absent from this thread so far:

1) Brian Bolland - Judge Dredd.

2) Mike McMahon - Judge Dredd (Pre-80's era only).

3) Bryan Talbot - The Adventures of Luther Arkwright / Heart of Empire.

4) Carlos Ezquerra - Strontium Dog / Judge Dredd.

5) Kevin O'Neil - Nemesis the Warlock / Marshall Law / LOEG.

Honorable mentions to:

6) Steve Dillon - Axel Pressbuton / Preacher / Judge Dredd / Mean Arena.

7) Ron Smith - Judge Dredd.

8)Mark Harrison - Judge Dredd / Glimmer Rats / The Travellers.

9) Dave Gibbons - Rogue Trooper / Watchmen.

10) Cliff Robertson - Judge Dredd.

11) Jesus Redondo - M.A.C.H. 1 / The Mind of Wolfie Smith / Timequake / Return to Armageddon.

12) Alan Davis - D.R. & Quinch / Miracleman.

13) Ian Gibson - The Ballad of Halo Jones / Robo Hunter / Judge Dredd.

14) Massimo Belardinelli- Meltdown Man / Ace Trucking Co. / Inferno.

15) Colin Wilson - Rain Dogs / Judge Dredd / Rogue Trooper.


Well, Graham beat me to it - I was also intending to throw in an art-droid into Mek-Quake for the Brits! I think I would have to add Cam Kennedy to the list, who did work on "Rogue Trooper" and had a fantastic eye for hardware. Kevin o'Neill, incidentally, has a pretty unique distinction - the only artist whose entire art style was "not approved by the Comics Code Authority"!

Another favourite for me would be Ian Kennedy - when I was growing up, it was still possible to buy politically incorrect war comics with titles like "Battle" and "Warlord". Ian Kennedy did a great many beautiful covers for many of their annuals, as well as working on the revived "Dan Dare" for the 1980s "Eagle" comic relaunch.


Steve Yeowell, who worked on "Zenith", a legendary early alternative take on superheroes that appeared in "2000AD", would be another one.

Edited by F-ZeroOne

There's so much great talent around, so I just boil it down to the creators of "Comics that blew my head off" category:

Moebius (Incal, The Airtight Garage)

Howard Chaykin (The Stars my Destination, Cody Starbuck)

Travis Charest (Wildcats)

Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri (Druuna)

Bill Sienkiewicz (Elektra Assasin)


Richard Corben (Den)

Dave McKean (Arkham Asylum)


Currently I'd list these as my favorites, in no particular order:

Enki Bilal (The Nikopol Trilogy)

Roger Leloup (Yoko Tsuno)

Jiro Taniguchi (a distant neighborhood, a zoo in winter)

Jean-Claude Mézières (Valérian and Laureline)

Virginie Augustin (Alim the Tanner)

  On 9/13/2011 at 7:42 PM, F-ZeroOne said:

Steve Yeowell, who worked on "Zenith", a legendary early alternative take on superheroes that appeared in "2000AD", would be another one.

I'm sure he's a nice guy and all, but I just can't get into his artwork, it's always looked too rushed, unfinished and minimalistic for my tastes. In fact he's one of my most disliked comic artists. No matter how well a story is written, I just can't read it if it's drawn by Yeowell, especially his black and white stuff. If it's coloured, I can sometimes tolerate it.

I don't mind simplistic and minimalistic art, by other artists, like Jock for example, but there's something about Yeowell's art that's always bugged me.


  On 9/13/2011 at 8:21 PM, electric indigo said:

There's so much great talent around, so I just boil it down to the creators of "Comics that blew my head off" category:

Moebius (Incal, The Airtight Garage)

Howard Chaykin (The Stars my Destination, Cody Starbuck)

Travis Charest (Wildcats)

Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri (Druuna)

Bill Sienkiewicz (Elektra Assasin)


Richard Corben (Den)

Dave McKean (Arkham Asylum)

Bill Sienkiewicz is an aquired taste. Some of his New Mutants stuff can be pretty meh.
  On 9/13/2011 at 8:21 PM, electric indigo said:

There's so much great talent around, so I just boil it down to the creators of "Comics that blew my head off" category:

Moebius (Incal, The Airtight Garage)

Howard Chaykin (The Stars my Destination, Cody Starbuck)

Travis Charest (Wildcats)

Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri (Druuna)

Bill Sienkiewicz (Elektra Assasin)


Richard Corben (Den)

Dave McKean (Arkham Asylum)

DAMMIT! How could I have left out Dave McKean? Cages was brilliant. ^_^


Hughes is one of my favorites, but sometimes he makes up faces that are too far from the character. Like some of his Wonder Woman drawings look like Cher.

Just found out who EJ Su is. I've seen his work around but never really connected that he did all of those drawings. Pretty talented. Close to Frank Cho but a bit more mechanically inclined. Awesome stuff.

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