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Macross Zero Episode 3


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Of course they´re humans , that´s what the protoculture came to develop on earth, humanoids. If the island remained isolated for hundreds if not thousands of years it would be pretty damn diffucult/impossible that the other islanders do not feature the same kind of genes. The only reason that the Sisters are the main focus of all this genetic mystery is because they´re the protagonists of the story and they made contact with Shin first , otherwise you would see someone else being the focus of the scientist´s investigation.

That is an incorrect assumption.

In ep-2, Alice/Aries was taking blood-samples from all the villagers, despite Sara's protestations.

In ep-3, Alice asked about Sara's family-blood as being special during their encounter at the cave-mouth.

Timecode at 5:25. Alice got further verification at timecode 7:04. Referenced with Infusion's subs.

Only Sara and Mao were of the shaman-family (guardian) and Alice pretty much drove in that point hard against Sara.

Nutuk was only the elder who tells story. The rest of the islanders does not have any of the effects that Mao and Sara have so far illustrated, e.g. Mao's sensing of the AFOS head about to be captured and Sara's song-effects. Nor any of the other villagers sharing the same blood-type as the sisters' . The sisters' blood matched those that were being collected from the AFOS.

Stop assuming Mao had something to do with the AFOS´s reaction , that was due to Sara´s reaction to Shin and Mao´s kissing.  Mao didn´t have anything to do with the AFOS glowing hence she doesn´t have any psychic conection with it. Sara was only able to connect with the AFOS because she was at fountain which seems to be part of the protoculture ruins (overtechnology -- AFOS ).


I think you should stop yourself from too much assumptions.

fwiw, I'm not even talking about who made the AFOS glow at all.

Watch the ep-3 again. It was Mao on the boat who sensed the AFOS head about to be captured _under_ the sea by the Anti-UN unit. Therefore, psychic-link was established with Mao. Sara also did not know that Mao had anything to do with the AFOS head until Shin told her it was Mao who asked him to protect her "treasure".

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About the defenses around the fleet perhaps they thought that the destroids could be enough. I liked how the ghosts had the little lightening bolt antennae from the YF-21/22. I'm just wondering about what they said about AFOS's blood being of the same type found on ASS-1, it might have been the version I got, I don't know.

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The did have some VF-0s ready for launch after the Ghosts went into the sky (I think they´ll appear in the next Ep).

Yes, when you see the Ghosts launch, there are VF-0s on deck, but later in the episode when the flight of 5 x SV-51's attack, the Asuka II's deck is completely empty.

So maybe all the VF-0's apart from Roy's launched immediately after the Ghosts to go on a mission somewhere else.

Even if this is true, it is incredibly stupid of the UN forces to leave a multi-billion dollar battle group consisting of one aircraft carrier, several Aegis cruisers and other ships(?)so lightly defended with no air cover, when you know the enemy is in the area and has Variable Fighters. Whoever is in command should be court martialed and shot.


You know, it is possible that DD and Nora already shot down all the launched VFs and Ghosts of the Asuka.

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You know, it is possible that DD and Nora already shot down all the launched VFs and Ghosts of the Asuka.

I strongly doubt that. I don't think they would have failed to show such a major event.

Anyway, if all the other VFs already launched, why was Roy the only one left behind?


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Hey anyone notice as Ivanof/DD was ripping his way into the ships hanger, he stored his gunpod in his leg ala patalabor style? Nothing major just a cool detail I felt like pointing out.

Edit: D'oh just noticed there was a whole thread dedicated to this.

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Great episode! What bothers me is how the mechs are so way advance than their progressive counterparts.

The VF-0 under-water? I thought these things had conventional engines. They've musta put the nukes on shin's valk without us knowing.

Those destroids are so armored core-like that the original destroids look very sterile & generic.

AFOS, the doomsday machine with blood coming out of the AFOS body in the Asuka aircraft carrier and the extraction of blood thoughout the islanders especially Sara & Mao reminds me of the bloodpac of the Escaflowne.

Was that Nora piloting that Anti-UN destroid if so how did she manage to pilot one after her crash landing from the sky?

I want Hasegawa to make those destroids so bad!!

It's possible that there are O2 tanks mounted in the VF-0 for brief flights under water and in space. Edgar does say it can do it for a few minutes, which would mean that the VF-0 does have some sort of internal reserve.

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I strongly doubt that. I don't think they would have failed to show such a major event.

Anyway, if all the other VFs already launched, why was Roy the only one left behind?

You know they did show a VF or Ghost coming up behind Nora. And considering that DD and Nora were the only ones to make it to Asuka, it could mean that the defense was good enough to hold back the other SVs.

And why didn't Roy launch? Probably because they were mounting the armor on him?....

The VF-0 under-water? I thought these things had conventional engines. They've musta put the nukes on shin's valk without us knowing.


We've known it for quite some time.... <_>

Was that Nora piloting that Anti-UN destroid if so how did she manage to pilot one after her crash landing from the sky?

Yes it was Nora. It's quite obvious she called for backup while trying to land her half wrecked plane....And considering Shin looks like he's been running for a bit, I would say a good amount of time (like more than 15 minutes) has elasped from the time he ejected. :)

Edited by azrael
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You know they did show a VF or Ghost coming up behind Nora. And considering that DD and Nora were the only ones to make it to Asuka, it could mean that the defense was good enough to hold back the other SVs.

I'll have to have a look again tonight, I didn't notice another VF-0 or Ghost coming up behind Nora.

I think at least one other SV-51 made it through as we only show two being destoryed, although nothing is seen of him again. Perhaps he's off shotting up the other ships.


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I finnally understand what the hell the islanders mean by ¨Kadun¨ , it´s simply ¨artifacts¨ , the guns and the APHOS itself are mentioned as Kaduns but they´re realted to different concepts i.e. guns are Kaduns of fire.

From what I've gathered, "Kadun" is basically their word for Demon. Sara's always talking about them as though they're supernatural things that can be invoked by curses and such.

I think so too. Sara tells Shin not to tell anyone "Otherwise... I will invoke Kadun curses upon you".

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oh, I notice a total of 8 SV-51s heading over to the Asuka. 3 on the rear left of Nora and 3 on the rear right of DD. I notice normal average SV-51 pilots are more skilled and have more expirence than the average vf-0 pilots. With 6 SV-51 and 2 ACE SV-51 it's posibible they already encounter the launched vf-0 and ghost and either did a fast hit and run with Asuka as main objective or is in the middle of some dog fights while Nora and DD plus maybe 1 or 2 started attacking the Ships, still with the same objective.

The f-14 are pretty much useless againist the Sv-51s, we saw that on the first eps., and the VF-0 suck up too much gas,, so I guess that's why they don't have birds in the air at all times. But the Destroids seem to do a pretty good job.

Roy stay to defend the Asuka, since they have something really important on board. Also by launching later he can have more gas/energy for battle unlike the Sv-51 and the Vf-0s that was pretty much using 1/4 to 1/2 of theirs already.

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I absolutely loved it when the one Cheyenne cant land a hit, so it flips its arm around and launches all of its back arm mounted missiles. It was so cool!!

The way the UN Spacy Helicopter fired off its countermeasures after taking off was quite awesome also.

But one thing.. What the hell is up with the Cheyenne destroids? Theyre WORTHLESS. Theyre bleadin awesome. In my oppinion they were the coolest visual thing in Episode 3. But... They were taken out SO EASILY. They can zip around on wheels, and even use their jump-jets for limited aerial movement, but theyre still taken out with one shot. One shot!!! Its like theyre plated in C4! In one scene we see a Cheyenne take a direct hit to the chest, leaving a firey hole, and then it blowing up. No ejection sequence, no nothing. Destroids have extremely heavy armor, far more than that of a VF-1. They should at least take a couple hits to destroy. As it was.. there was no purpose to them.

Say... Do Destroids have that Molecular Armoring System that the VFs have? That system that makes the armor ludicrously tough? I guess it would make sense how easily destroyed they are if they /dont/ have that system.

And Man, I love the Armored Valkyrie. Its got shields on both forearms! And its so damn squat and heavy! its ludicrously cool! Just look at how tubby and powerful it looks!



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I absolutely loved it when the one Cheyenne cant land a hit, so it flips its arm around and launches all of its back arm mounted missiles. It was so cool!!

The way the UN Spacy Helicopter fired off its countermeasures after taking off was quite awesome also.

But one thing.. What the hell is up with the Cheyenne destroids? Theyre WORTHLESS. Theyre bleadin awesome. In my oppinion they were the coolest visual thing in Episode 3. But... They were taken out SO EASILY. They can zip around on wheels, and even use their jump-jets for limited aerial movement, but theyre still taken out with one shot. One shot!!! Its like theyre plated in C4! In one scene we see a Cheyenne take a direct hit to the chest, leaving a firey hole, and then it blowing up. No ejection sequence, no nothing. Destroids have extremely heavy armor, far more than that of a VF-1. They should at least take a couple hits to destroy. As it was.. there was no purpose to them.

Say... Do Destroids have that Molecular Armoring System that the VFs have? That system that makes the armor ludicrously tough? I guess it would make sense how easily destroyed they are if they /dont/ have that system.

And Man, I love the Armored Valkyrie. Its got shields on both forearms! And its so damn squat and heavy! its ludicrously cool! Just look at how tubby and powerful it looks!



erh,, from that angle the GBP-0? look kinda like a gundam. :p

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What the hell is up with the Cheyenne destroids? Theyre WORTHLESS. Theyre bleadin awesome. In my oppinion they were the coolest visual thing in Episode 3. But... They were taken out SO EASILY. They can zip around on wheels, and even use their jump-jets for limited aerial movement, but theyre still taken out with one shot. One shot!!! Its like theyre plated in C4! In one scene we see a Cheyenne take a direct hit to the chest, leaving a firey hole, and then it blowing up. No ejection sequence, no nothing. Destroids have extremely heavy armor, far more than that of a VF-1. They should at least take a couple hits to destroy. As it was.. there was no purpose to them.

Say... Do Destroids have that Molecular Armoring System that the VFs have? That system that makes the armor ludicrously tough? I guess it would make sense how easily destroyed they are if they /dont/ have that system.

I imagine that a Destroid Cheyenne is tough enough that it could probably withstand a few hits from an SV-51's 55mm gunpod, but remember in episode # 3, those Anti-UN variable amphibious destroids are shooting at the Cheyenne using what appears to be a powerful large bore beam weapon.

I don't think there is any actual source that confirms that the Armor of a Destroid is actually tougher than the armor of a VF.

While Destroids certainly look bulkier and appear to have thicker armor, their armor may just be made of convential materials and they may lack the SW-AG energy converting armor of a VF. Also, the VFs armour is likely to be OTM hyper-carbon or other OTM material.

Remember, the VF-1 is rumored to cost 20 times more than a Destroid and part of this cost could be the SW-AG system and OTM armor.


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Yah, ok. Its to be expected that a enemy Valkyrie can easily blow apart numerous destroids. But how come the Destroids were fighting a losing battle against the Amphibious Destroids of the enemy? Defense is supposed to be easier than offense! Those Destroids should have hunkered down behind a hill and wasted those freakin things from medium range, not go toe to toe with them 200 feet away from eachother!! Im not dissing it. I think everything about Macross Zero is bloody awesome. But... Doesnt it seem like the creators of Macross have a vendetta against Destroids? ^_^ Its like a Destroid slept with Kawamoris sister and he's never gotten over it, so he makes them die horrible deaths every time he has them animated, LOL ^__^


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erh,, from that angle the GBP-0? look kinda like a gundam. :p

Them's fightin words, saying the lovely armored VF-0S looks like one of them ugly Gundam thingamybobs. :D

Sorry, but I sort of agree.

The big old skirt panels from the back, do make it look at least Gundam esque.

And the big old knobby studs on the knees don't help much either.

Makes it look like the good old RX-79G, or EZ-8 from 08th MS Team.

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You know they did show a VF or Ghost coming up behind Nora. And considering that DD and Nora were the only ones to make it to Asuka, it could mean that the defense was good enough to hold back the other SVs.

When do you see a VF-0 or Ghost coming up behind Nora? I've just rewatched the whole attack on the Asuka scene again and didn't see this?

Are you sure you are not refering to Shin's VF-0D later on?


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Ya' know, I'm beginning to wonder if the blue glowing thing is actually the AFOS head or something else, perhaps something ejected from the AFOS head.

For a start, it looks too small and is the wrong shape in my opinion to be the AFOS head.


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Ya' know, I'm beginning to wonder if the blue glowing thing is actually the AFOS head or something else, perhaps something ejected from the AFOS head.

For a start, it looks too small and is the wrong shape in my opinion to be the AFOS head.


I wanna know what the big blue thing was that opened up it's eye and looked at Shin and Mao :blink: .

I think Mao was referring to the thing that Shin rescued as being the AFOS's head.

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Not only Mao, Nora also mentionned it as being the AFOS head's !!! I am certain this thing is AFOS's head and I am more than certain that something BAD is going to happen to Mao thanks to the stupidity of the guys ontha Aska giving her the AFOS's blood! :blink:

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Not only Mao, Nora also mentionned it as being the AFOS head's !!! I am certain this thing is AFOS's head and I am more than certain that something BAD is going to happen to Mao thanks to the stupidity of the guys ontha Aska giving her the AFOS's blood! :blink:

It would be pretty damn cheap if Kawamori went with the ¨little girl goes bersek - controls giant mecha - protagonist/lover has to save the world and decide between sisters¨ crappy plot. If anything Mao´s blood transplant will only wake up the APHOs and it´ll try to defend the island , but I seriously doubt Mao will have any control over the damn thing.

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It would be pretty damn cheap if Kawamori went with the ¨little girl goes bersek - controls giant mecha - protagonist/lover has to save the world and decide between sisters¨ crappy plot. If anything Mao´s blood transplant will only wake up the APHOs and it´ll try to defend the island , but I seriously doubt Mao will have any control over the damn thing.

Maybe the AFOS will get control over her :blink:

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Now that you mention it, that's a possible direction for the story, but I agree it would be awful. At least, I doubt that Mao is going to end up being a tragic figure, if only because they decided to make a cute statue of her in one of the recent toy collections.

As for the glowing thing, I'm also pretty sure it's the same thing that was under water with the big eye, and that it is the AFOS head. Otherwise, the storytellers did a terrible job of explaining what's going on. I think perhaps the object's shape when being carried is because the "tentacles" surrounding the head are "closed up" into a point.

Edit: Like GobotFool says below.

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Ya' know, I'm beginning to wonder if the blue glowing thing is actually the AFOS head or something else, perhaps something ejected from the AFOS head.

For a start, it looks too small and is the wrong shape in my opinion to be the AFOS head.


When the AFOS head is surfacing its tendrils fold in. imagine a flower in reverse bloom and you get the idea.

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When do you see a VF-0 or Ghost coming up behind Nora? I've just rewatched the whole attack on the Asuka scene again and didn't see this?

Are you sure you are not refering to Shin's VF-0D later on?

Right as they split coming at Asuka. It's hard to see and I had to watch it frame-by-frame to catch it. As we see the POV of the Destroids, DD and Nora split off. As Nora pulls off to the right (from the scene POV), you see something come right behind Nora. DD fires off 3 missiles which hit the destroid, throwing a huge fireball into the scene which blankets the image.

See images attached:


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But... Doesnt it seem like the creators of Macross have a vendetta against Destroids? ^_^ Its like a Destroid slept with Kawamoris sister and he's never gotten over it, so he makes them die horrible deaths every time he has them animated, LOL ^__^

I'm inclined to agree, it just aint fair I tell ya! The next Macross show should repent and be based solely around Destroid pilots annihilating Valks from miles off! :p:lol:

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Great screen grabs!!

Say... Was it my imagination? In one scene as the SV-51's are flying in, I thought I saw a destroid flip its arms around and fire off the missiles in the pod at the back of its arm. Was that just my imagination? Was it just launching its shoulder missiles? Or what? Im confused.

And yes, it does appear that something is chasing Nora. But its not firing. So why wouldnt it just be another SV-51? That makes the most sense to me.


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