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As someone else said, DS9 became interesting to me when the Jem H'Dar were introduced. Seeing the Galaxy class and its Picard-esque crew get slaughtered made me drop my froot loops...

  On 9/26/2011 at 3:03 PM, Mog said:

I'd personally say start with the season finale from Season 2 and then work your way on up. That episode introduces the Jem'hadar and has a really awesome observation made by Quark (of all people).

Thanks, I'm picking it up from the last 2 disks of season 2. I've seen the season 1 shows already so I don't have to slog through that again...

(A transporter accident Riker gets slaughtered with a Galaxy class? This I have to see!)

  On 9/27/2011 at 4:04 AM, miles316 said:

That was not commander Riker in the "Defiant" it was his idiot brother Thomas yes he was a twin made from a transporter accident.

Gotta love how they got rid of the stupidest character ever, the creation of which proved that transporters do indeed kill you & clone you every time you use them! :)

  On 9/20/2011 at 8:53 PM, Keith said:

lol at the power of fanboy rage if that's true. Split my ass, that movie totally voided everything post Enterprise, and for good reason. ST had become so convoluted with the borg, q, time travel, time travel, the borg, q, and more time traveling borg, the only sensable thing to do was reboot. So what does Abrams do? Not only reboot, but erease everything in the previous canon in the process. BRILLIANT!!

Like dropping an A bomb from orbit on the whole thing. Or better still a Genesis bomb with Proper protomatter.


I still like to think that Thomas Riker is the original, and the one on the Ent-D is the "clone". (they even explicitly stated in the episode that could be so--each one is equally "the real one")

Posted (edited)
  On 9/27/2011 at 10:11 PM, David Hingtgen said:

I still like to think that Thomas Riker is the original, and the one on the Ent-D is the "clone". (they even explicitly stated in the episode that could be so--each one is equally "the real one")

But what if both were really being controlled by space slugs that love eating worms? DUN DUN DUUUNNNNN!!!

You know, one of the coolest things that TNG did that I completely forgot about until saying that, was that early episode where they phasered the admiral's upper torso & you got to see how it hollowed him out.

Edited by Keith

Yeah they said they're going to redo all the special effects shots using the original 35mm print of the models in flight because originally all the effects were done on VHS tape.

  On 9/28/2011 at 8:52 PM, VF5SS said:

Yeah they said they're going to redo all the special effects shots using the original 35mm print of the models in flight because originally all the effects were done on VHS tape.

I just wish it was profitable enough for universal to consider doing the same thing with B5.

Posted (edited)
  On 9/28/2011 at 7:13 AM, Keith said:

But what if both were really being controlled by space slugs that love eating worms? DUN DUN DUUUNNNNN!!!

You know, one of the coolest things that TNG did that I completely forgot about until saying that, was that early episode where they phasered the admiral's upper torso & you got to see how it hollowed him out.

This was actually one of the few plot devices they never finished. The queen slug sent a message off into space supposedly to signal an invasion, but the whole idea was just dropped. Thats it. Nothing else. A large chunk of federation high command gets infiltrated and... thats all. :angry:

I found out later there was supposed to be these giant insect invasions collecting other races to add to their hive mind, but the special effects aspect would have been too expensive so they dropped the bug idea and used plot elements from it to create the borg.

EDIT:When I was a kid this episode scared the living crap outta me :blink:

Edited by renegadeleader1
Posted (edited)

Could have been worse, it could have turned out to be Species 8675309

Edited by Keith
  On 9/28/2011 at 10:30 PM, renegadeleader1 said:

This was actually one of the few plot devices they never finished. The queen slug sent a message off into space supposedly to signal an invasion, but the whole idea was just dropped. Thats it. Nothing else. A large chunk of federation high command gets infiltrated and... thats all. :angry:

I found out later there was supposed to be these giant insect invasions collecting other races to add to their hive mind, but the special effects aspect would have been too expensive so they dropped the bug idea and used plot elements from it to create the borg.

EDIT:When I was a kid this episode scared the living crap outta me :blink:


A shame that the bug aspect was dropped. But on the other hand, the Borg became that much more bad-a$$ because of it.

Nevertheless, it's a first season episode. There are a few good nuggets of stuff in that season, but considering that the show basically reinvented itself with the 2nd season...

Posted (edited)

A very short clip of an Enterprise-D flight shot. Even in 720 on youtube you can see how much better it is.

And I think they scrapped that bug idea because lots of people found that episode disturbing(scared the crap out of me too when I was a kid).

Actual clip is about 55 seconds in.

Edited by kaiotheforsaken

Not that interested in most of TNG. i would be interested in the sampler if it didn't have Farpoint. I'll wait and hope they do things like the Klingon anthology, etc.


Interesting. Original model graphics + new effects. Still confused about whether or not that's going to be widescreen though.

  On 9/29/2011 at 6:59 PM, Uxi said:

Not that interested in most of TNG. i would be interested in the sampler if it didn't have Farpoint.

Yesterday's Enterprise or Q-who? should be in that sampler, for sure...


I am pretty much set on getting the individual seasons once they start coming out.

Can't miss the opportunity to see that beautiful Galaxy Class design in glorious HD.

But I wish they were a bit more bolder with the SFX, e.g. saucer impulse engines should be glowing red, warp out could me more like in later series/movies.

Fixes I would like to see are:

- Starship scaling: various Excelsior class ships, Stargazer, Borg Cube come to mind.

And I finally want a visual confirmation on how big the Romulan D'Deridex class Warbird is compared to the -D!!!

- Warp fly-byes should have those engine streaks

- no phaser fire from photon torpedo tube (Darmok)

- updates on beam/replicator effect

Icing for me would be:

- a new Wolf 359 battle scene

- Season 4+5 cliffhanger "Redemption" should get some much needed SFX for whole Romulan blockade/detection thing

- new shots of the saucer separated stardrive section

Posted (edited)
  On 9/30/2011 at 9:46 AM, lechuck said:

Icing for me would be:

- a new Wolf 359 battle scene

- Season 4+5 cliffhanger "Redemption" should get some much needed SFX for whole Romulan blockade/detection thing

- new shots of the saucer separated stardrive section

Right. If they could have new FX shots of the original Enterprise "dogfighting" with the doomsday machine in the TOS I'm sure they could do a lot more stuff with TNG. One thing that always bugged me were the constantly re-used shots of an Excelsior class running besides the D, and pretty much the same ships used repeatedly due to budget constraints obviously.

Ooh, remember the episode "Cause and Effect" where the D gets caught in a temporal anomaly that repeatedly kills everyone? The Bozeman, the ship that collided with the D, was intended to be a TOS era Constitution class but they ran out of time and money so they resorted to the same 'ol Miranda (?) class. It'd be quite a treat if they could return to that original idea. Wow man, when I think about all of the FX stuff they could do...

Edited by myk
  On 9/30/2011 at 11:16 AM, renegadeleader1 said:

correct me if I'm wrong but didn't TNG skip the battle of wolf 359 altogether with the enterprise ariving in the aftermath too late to do anything? I think it was DS-9's pilot episode that actually showed the battle.

You are correct.

  On 9/30/2011 at 11:16 AM, renegadeleader1 said:

correct me if I'm wrong but didn't TNG skip the battle of wolf 359 altogether with the enterprise ariving in the aftermath too late to do anything? I think it was DS-9's pilot episode that actually showed the battle.

True, but since they've been able to actually design new scenes altogether with the TOS, I'm "hoping" that they'll take the same liberties with TNG. I salivate at the idea of Yesterday's Enterprise, featuring the Enterprise C trying to fight off four Romulan Warbirds, and/or maybe a battle with the Enterprisde D facing off against three Klingon battleships, not pesky little Birds of Prey that, in my opinion, should've lost. There are all sorts of moments in TNG that could be very well fleshed out with some new scenes/CGI...


Emphasis should be added on the Macross Valkyrie wing sticking out of Captain Garretts head when she is "killed" in "Yesterday's Enterprise".....


  On 9/29/2011 at 1:30 AM, sketchley said:

A shame that the bug aspect was dropped. But on the other hand, the Borg became that much more bad-a$$ because of it.

Time to show how much of a nerd I am: But there's a DS9 re-launch book called Unity (set after Season 7) that actually has those bug things as a major threat.

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