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David Foster of the company 1947 Entertainment revealed that he has already outlined a plan, not only for the show's pilot, but for the entire series.

"The series concept is fully developed, subject to change of course, with a solid five to seven-year series plan, pilot script and a conceptualised finale that intends to define Star Trek for generations, extensive character bios, costume and ship/set designs, and more," Foster told Trek Web.

Foster went on to insist that the plans are serious.

"This is a drastic departure from the typical eight to ten-page treatment of the previously pitched Star Trek series ideas that have not included even a pilot script," Foster said. "The series is highly energised with a much younger cast, and uses cutting-edge future technologies with newly envisioned special effects and designs."

Foster teased the theme for the prospective series, declaring: "If evil wore the face of a hero, would you recognise it? If freedom came in the likeness of your oppressors, would you accept it? If you were your own enemy, who would be victorious?"

The project, which is still looking for an executive producer, will eventually be pitched to CBS.

Also, info on David Foster here.

I just hope two things...Rick Berman has nothing to do with and second...Rick Berman have to do with it...this show needs to be Star Trek, not Time Trek.

  On 8/25/2011 at 9:01 PM, Zor Primus said:

Also, info on David Foster here.

I just hope two things...Rick Berman has nothing to do with and second...Rick Berman have to do with it...this show needs to be Star Trek, not Time Trek.

Interesting. Personally I hope they wait until the current run of movies is done. Still, I wonder if this will be met more with fan-rage because it's not classic Kirk, ST:TNG or just outright apathy like the reboot was when it was announced?


  On 8/25/2011 at 9:01 PM, Zor Primus said:

Also, info on David Foster here.

I just hope two things...Rick Berman has nothing to do with and second...Rick Berman have to do with it...this show needs to be Star Trek, not Time Trek.

Why all the Berman hate? TNG and DS9 are two of my all-time favorite shows (I'm currently re-watching TNG on Netflix, and I'm glad to note that it's held up well over the years). Enterprise was good too, if you gave it a chance. Voyager was the only Star Trek that I really didn't like, and honestly I blame the cast/characters, who were flat out boring most of the time.

For the record, I'm not saying the Berman is necessary for Star Trek going forward, and I'm curious to see what David Foster has in mind. I just don't see any reason to want him excluded, either.


I personally don't think they should go back to TV. Stick with the current movie franchise for a while. As for the vague plot, sounds suspiciously Blake's 7'ey.

  On 8/25/2011 at 9:51 PM, mikeszekely said:

Why all the Berman hate? TNG and DS9 are two of my all-time favorite shows (I'm currently re-watching TNG on Netflix, and I'm glad to note that it's held up well over the years). Enterprise was good too, if you gave it a chance. Voyager was the only Star Trek that I really didn't like, and honestly I blame the cast/characters, who were flat out boring most of the time.

For the record, I'm not saying the Berman is necessary for Star Trek going forward, and I'm curious to see what David Foster has in mind. I just don't see any reason to want him excluded, either.

I dunno. No question TNG was good. DS9? Started off real slow and didn't get better until late in the show's existence, namely due to the outstanding backdrop the Dominion War provided. Voyager, I didn't like at all. Enterprise? It turned me away. For me, there's 2 clear misses and 1 near miss, with only 1 show being a solid hit, and it just so happened that the hit show was Rodenberry's last foray.

For me, I felt the ST franchise losing steam by the time of the late 90s. TNG ended in '94. DS9 was finding its way up, but VOY was floundering. Because of that track record, I'd say no with Berman.

Lastly, if ST should be shown on TV and/or the Big Screen, I don't see why it can't be done on both. Especially if the new series has already been made out story-wise. A TV show can let you go in depth.

  On 8/26/2011 at 12:10 AM, Warmaker said:

I dunno. No question TNG was good. DS9? Started off real slow and didn't get better until late in the show's existence, namely due to the outstanding backdrop the Dominion War provided. Voyager, I didn't like at all. Enterprise? It turned me away. For me, there's 2 clear misses and 1 near miss, with only 1 show being a solid hit, and it just so happened that the hit show was Rodenberry's last foray.

For me, I felt the ST franchise losing steam by the time of the late 90s. TNG ended in '94. DS9 was finding its way up, but VOY was floundering. Because of that track record, I'd say no with Berman.

Lastly, if ST should be shown on TV and/or the Big Screen, I don't see why it can't be done on both. Especially if the new series has already been made out story-wise. A TV show can let you go in depth.

DS9 did start off slow, but ultimately I thought it was better than TNG. And like I said, I wound up liking Enterprise (I was fully prepared to hate it). You gotta give them credit for at least trying a new direction, there.

Voyager was awful, I think we can all agree on that. But Berman himself said that it was too much Trek too soon, and that Paramount pushed him into it. There's only so much you can do when you're burned out.

And again, I still blame the cast/characters. TNG had a strong cast of interesting characters. DS9 had a strong cast of interesting characters, who (Worf and O'Brian aside) were interesting for being so different and, at times, dysfunctional compared to the crew of the Enterprise. Voyager was staffed by cardboard cutouts and cliches. It's only saving grace was the Emergency Medical Hologram, played brilliantly by Robert Picardo.


Rick Berman is responsible for a lot of crap in Trek too. A lot of the problems of Insurrection and Generations come from him. And whatever good will he built up he managed to destroy when he teamed up with Brannon Braga to make some of the worst stuff ever. Like the last episode of Enterprise was basically their way of saying "gee we wish we were still doing TNG."

  On 8/26/2011 at 2:03 AM, VF5SS said:

Rick Berman is responsible for a lot of crap in Trek too. A lot of the problems of Insurrection and Generations come from him. And whatever good will he built up he managed to destroy when he teamed up with Brannon Braga to make some of the worst stuff ever. Like the last episode of Enterprise was basically their way of saying "gee we wish we were still doing TNG."

*shrugs* I liked Generations.

But yeah, you guys want to hate on Braga, be my guests.

  On 8/26/2011 at 2:17 AM, mikeszekely said:

*shrugs* I liked Generations.

Kirk dies on the bridge lol

Have you seen the SFDebris or Redlettermedia reviews of Generations

they're a hoot


I'm not even going to start on the speculation, nor am I going to put all my hope in this, but it would be great if they did another series.

  On 8/26/2011 at 2:50 AM, Jasonc said:

I'm not even going to start on the speculation, nor am I going to put all my hope in this, but it would be great if they did another series.


As long as they stick to the core values of Trek, and don't try and reinvent the "wheel", it should be watchable.

Less SFX. More character, thank you.


Let's not forget that Rick Berman was kinda hands-off with DS9, which I think helped to keep it from becoming the same-old, same-old Trek.

Really, it was Ira Steven Behr, Robert Hewitt Wolfe, and Ron Moore (sharpening those skills on DS9 that would later make BSG so frakkin' good!) that were the creative geniuses that made DS9 into such a damn good show.

For me, DS9 is the gold standard for Trek. Any series or movie that comes out with the "Star Trek" name on that has to measure up to DS9 in terms of story, characters, and complexity.


There was a panel at the Vegas Trek convention about the future of Trek in TV.

Personally I'd love to see them do it, and get it right. Just keep it away from the big 3-4 networks that can everything that isn't a huge cashcow out of the gates. I'd personally prefer a post TNG series, the show could even potentially have cameos to tie up any lose ends TNG might have.

Trek needs some love imo, JJ has done some great work thus far, but we need more than just a movie ever 3ish years.

  On 8/26/2011 at 4:09 AM, kaiotheforsaken said:

There was a panel at the Vegas Trek convention about the future of Trek in TV.

Personally I'd love to see them do it, and get it right. Just keep it away from the big 3-4 networks that can everything that isn't a huge cashcow out of the gates. I'd personally prefer a post TNG series, the show could even potentially have cameos to tie up any lose ends TNG might have.

Trek needs some love imo, JJ has done some great work thus far, but we need more than just a movie ever 3ish years.

I'd like to see NBC or CBS get it. They seem to be the only major networks willing to stick with a show even if it's not really great in the ratings as long as there's a stable, core audience... I'm thinking of shows like Chuck.

Fox would axe it after three weeks and syfy would wait till it got good then kill it.

As for when the show should be set... I dunno. I thought voyager and enterprise really killed the alpha universe will the "time war" nonsense they loved to run. I feel like they should just flash forward well into the future and throw out a line like, "with all the temporal incursions, the time barrier is to destabilized, blah blah blah, no more time travel."


I'm ok with a time travel episode here or there, but I agree, the less there is, the better. Time travel has been done about a million times, especially in Trek.

I think the creators would be smart to go forward vs backward with a new show. We have movies to give us the re-imagined Kirk era and Enterprise was...well crap. Hell they could do a nice jump like they did between TOS and TNG, give us like the Ent-G or something.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/26/2011 at 4:58 AM, kaiotheforsaken said:

I'm ok with a time travel episode here or there, but I agree, the less there is, the better. Time travel has been done about a million times, especially in Trek.

I'm okay with time travel but voyarger and enterprise made it sound like the future of the federation was as cosmic time cops... that's not something I'd care to watch.


I think the creators would be smart to go forward vs backward with a new show. We have movies to give us the re-imagined Kirk era and Enterprise was...well crap. Hell they could do a nice jump like they did between TOS and TNG, give us like the Ent-G or something.

yeah, that's what I would like to see. ST online is exploring the post TNG generation, so set it a hundred years or so post TNG.

Edited by eugimon
Posted (edited)

I dunno. Staying in the main continuity but going even further forward... they were already to heavy into "technobabble saves the day" by the time Voyager ended. I don't know that I'd care to see another century of advancing technophilia and deus ex machina. Maybe if, during that intervening century, something catastrophic happened to bring the Federation and all the other gangs down a notch or two. Something analogous to the slide from Star League to Successor States in Battletech comes to mind. I'd be more interested.

Oh, hell, y'know, whatever they do, I'll keep abreast of the development, and no matter how bad it sounds, I'll end up watching the first few episodes at least. Can't lie to myself.

Edited by Penguin
  On 8/26/2011 at 5:13 AM, Penguin said:

I dunno. Staying in the main continuity but going even further forward... they were already to heavy into "technobabble saves the day" by the time Voyager ended. I don't know that I'd care to see another century of advancing technophilia and deus ex machina. Maybe if, during that intervening century, something catastrophic happened to bring the Federation and all the other gangs down a notch or two. Something analogous to the slide from Star League to Successor States in Battletech comes to mind. I'd be more interested.

Oh, hell, y'know, whatever they do, I'll keep abreast of the development, and no matter how bad it sounds, I'll end up watching the first few episodes at least. Can't lie to myself.

well, even by ToS, ST tech was already pretty much on god level, I don't think they're ever really going to be able to escape the deus ex machina problem by introducing another deus ex machina to explain away the god tech. They just need better writers.

  On 8/26/2011 at 5:47 AM, eugimon said:

well, even by ToS, ST tech was already pretty much on god level, I don't think they're ever really going to be able to escape the deus ex machina problem by introducing another deus ex machina to explain away the god tech. They just need better writers.

I'm probably in a tiny minority on this, but I think it'd be cool if the new series was set within the timeframe of the first ST movies. I always liked the advanced, yet classic TOS look to the ships. The uniforms were spiffy, too :p Also, you'd have classic standoffs with the Klingons, Romulans, etc.

What I do foresee is a show set more into the future past the TNG/DS9 shows and movies. Alot of freedom to be had in showing that future's political landscape, levels of power, warship designs (old and new; expect existing designs from TNG/DS9/Dom.War era, Feds and Klingons like using proven hulls), new characters, etc.

Going back to TNG timeframe is kinda iffy, IMO. You're treading on alot of established ST history and background, mostly established by all the shows and movies set in that era. 3 TV shows in this era already saturates it heavily. Hell, I'd think you'd have more freedom going back to TOS/TMP timeframe than you would with a TNG era show.


Personally I'd love to see something along the lines of kelly's heroes/captain tylor(just way toned down) set in the TNG era featuring an old run down Miranda class ship crewed by the federations screw ups, odd balls, and former prisoners thats all but forgotten by the fleet and left to their own devices.

Think of the character possibilites

The captain of the ship could be a scape goat that took the blame for a disaster someone else caused.

The first officer is an alcholholic survivor of wolf 359

Chief of security is a gun nut andorran that deals weapons on the side and is prone to asking orders to set to kill

Chief medical officer is a former drug addict

Chief of engineering a workaholic obsessed with suping up the ship like a personal hotrod and constantly tinkering with it illegaling installing a cloak

Lounge officer an Orion girl with more tactical sense than the rest of the ship but would rather be the den mother of the ship

  On 8/26/2011 at 2:17 AM, mikeszekely said:

*shrugs* I liked Generations.

But yeah, you guys want to hate on Braga, be my guests.

Copy that; I think the D should have met its death better but overall it was a good effort...

  On 8/26/2011 at 5:03 AM, eugimon said:

yeah, that's what I would like to see. ST online is exploring the post TNG generation, so set it a hundred years or so post TNG.

Yeah, and I'm not totally thrilled with the stuff they are coming up with in a post Nemesis world. But that's a bit OT, and yeah 100 years post TNG would be good. That may give the feds enough time to come up with something faster than warp, such as their own Transwarp network or something. They could open up basically the entire galaxy in which to pull ideas from. Perhaps even revisit some old friends/rivals from other quadrants and see what the 100 years post Federation contact has done.

Trek has so much potential, STO fills the void...sort of, but it still doesn't feel very Trek. I also really don't believe anything in the game will ever be considered hard canon. The gaps been too large since we last had new Trek on tv imo.


Personally, I would like to see an entire Star Trek series done in the Mirror universe. Goatees and women wearing extra skimpy uniforms everywhere.

I would also like JJ Abrams to get off his ass and finish making the next Star Trek movie. :angry:


Yeah, it seems like a really long time between movies isn't it? Maybe it's just me.

  On 8/26/2011 at 10:03 AM, renegadeleader1 said:

Personally I'd love to see something along the lines of kelly's heroes/captain tylor(just way toned down) set in the TNG era featuring an old run down Miranda class ship crewed by the federations screw ups, odd balls, and former prisoners thats all but forgotten by the fleet and left to their own devices.

Think of the character possibilites

The captain of the ship could be a scape goat that took the blame for a disaster someone else caused.

The first officer is an alcholholic survivor of wolf 359

Chief of security is a gun nut andorran that deals weapons on the side and is prone to asking orders to set to kill

Chief medical officer is a former drug addict

Chief of engineering a workaholic obsessed with suping up the ship like a personal hotrod and constantly tinkering with it illegaling installing a cloak

Lounge officer an Orion girl with more tactical sense than the rest of the ship but would rather be the den mother of the ship

Didn't we already get Captain Tylor with the recent ST reboot? Think about it.

  On 8/26/2011 at 5:29 PM, peter said:

Yeah, it seems like a really long time between movies isn't it? Maybe it's just me.

That's what happens when the movies are driven by a flim maker who's career isn't just Star Trek. :D

In the old days, Paramount picked whatever director/former-cast-member-with-aspirations they wanted to and cranked out the films. You get more frequent films, but quality is hit and miss. Not that J.J. couldn't totally screw up the sequel. There are just higher expectations that he won't.

  On 8/26/2011 at 6:03 PM, Keith said:

Didn't we already get Captain Tylor with the recent ST reboot? Think about it.

That's what I was thinking myself.

Anyways, my vote for a Trek series that could be serialized: The Romulan Wars (which is what Enterprise should have been).

  On 8/26/2011 at 7:27 AM, Warmaker said:

I'm probably in a tiny minority on this, but I think it'd be cool if the new series was set within the timeframe of the first ST movies. I always liked the advanced, yet classic TOS look to the ships. The uniforms were spiffy, too :p Also, you'd have classic standoffs with the Klingons, Romulans, etc.

What I do foresee is a show set more into the future past the TNG/DS9 shows and movies. Alot of freedom to be had in showing that future's political landscape, levels of power, warship designs (old and new; expect existing designs from TNG/DS9/Dom.War era, Feds and Klingons like using proven hulls), new characters, etc.

Going back to TNG timeframe is kinda iffy, IMO. You're treading on alot of established ST history and background, mostly established by all the shows and movies set in that era. 3 TV shows in this era already saturates it heavily. Hell, I'd think you'd have more freedom going back to TOS/TMP timeframe than you would with a TNG era show.

Totally agree! The time period between the TOS movie(s) and TNG is prime unexplored territory. I always liked the feel of the Enterprise-A era (circa late 23rd century). The decks of the ship and their crew had a more militaristic and utilitarian look to them, by the time of TNG the Enterprise-D has the look & feel of a luxury cruise.

And of course, the Red single coat uniform is still the best! :p

  On 8/26/2011 at 5:13 AM, Penguin said:

I dunno. Staying in the main continuity but going even further forward... they were already to heavy into "technobabble saves the day" by the time Voyager ended. I don't know that I'd care to see another century of advancing technophilia and deus ex machina. Maybe if, during that intervening century, something catastrophic happened to bring the Federation and all the other gangs down a notch or two. Something analogous to the slide from Star League to Successor States in Battletech comes to mind. I'd be more interested.

Oh, hell, y'know, whatever they do, I'll keep abreast of the development, and no matter how bad it sounds, I'll end up watching the first few episodes at least. Can't lie to myself.

They either need to back off on the tech or embrace the logical implications of it. The replicator/transporter tech alone should mean unlimited mass/eneregy conversion and near immortality. If the television writers can't deal with this stuff, then either get rid of it or find people who can actually write science fiction.


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