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  On 3/17/2013 at 12:15 AM, Benson13 said:

No bro-namath, you're awesome.

co-sign Benson, and he's right...it's guys like u that take the time to fabricate this stuff that I stand in awe of. Your embellishments to already existing items, as well as your completely original one of a kinds, make for a richer more satisfying hobby experience IMO, so hats off to all of you!

oh, and u r most welcome for the link bro!

Edited by claude grant

Something of that magnitude, I don't know. Depending on scale, it'd be orders of magnitude more involved than something like what Experten makes.

The sheer number of parts to make might make it impractical using anything besides actual injection molds.


Well, obviously it's complex. He was talking about it being like a thousand dollars on Shapeways, or something like that. If this is better it could be higher quality at the same price or maybe $500 or $600.


That 3D printer is gorgeous, and really I'd say it's less than 5 years before a good consumer level 3-D printer is available that people will want to actually buy, at a price that won't break the bank. If I had the money I would buy one of those right now, I just wonder how much the liquid plastic costs.

  On 3/19/2013 at 5:50 PM, Knight26 said:

I just wonder how much the liquid plastic costs.

The Form 1 Prosumer 3D printer ultraviolet laser SLA from the earlier link?

The site lists liquid resin at $149 a litre.

I have no idea if that is good or bad or if there would be another off the shelf product that somebody could use instead. Something to keep an eye on tho.


I have looked into getting my own 3d printer for a long time now. With the costs involved and the maintainence, it is much more cost effective for small guys like us to get the prints done. The build materials are expensive and larger companies can buy in bulk and get discounts. etc etc. I still hope to get one someday, but i have found some really excellent 3d printers that do high quality work with no steps. They may be more expensive than shapeways, but the time I save with finishing makes it worth the extra cost. All I have to do is throw them in rubber and start casting!

  On 3/20/2013 at 6:54 PM, CoreyD said:

We need to form some sort of 3d printer modelmaker co-op...that isn't shapeways... :)

Speaking of, these people are giving one away to a co-op. https://www.lulzbot.com/?q=news/printer-giveaway

(Yeah it's a real printer company, even if it sounds like a troll site.)

If they are giving these away so people make cool stuff to advertise their 3d printer, the folks around here would give the printer makers something to brag about.

  On 3/22/2013 at 8:46 PM, Kaldar5 said:

Speaking of, these people are giving one away to a co-op. https://www.lulzbot.com/?q=news/printer-giveaway

(Yeah it's a real printer company, even if it sounds like a troll site.)

If they are giving these away so people make cool stuff to advertise their 3d printer, the folks around here would give the printer makers something to brag about.

That's actually a pretty good argument to use. Have Kurisama tell them he'll ditch the shapeways if they give him a free one. Kind of like a sponsorship.


I doubt that one would be much good for anything other than resin mold forms, but still....

At least the people around here would actually put it to immidiate good use unlike alot of groups I can imagine with no modeling skills at all.

  On 3/23/2013 at 9:29 PM, Kurisama said:

You think they'd go for something like that? Hells yeah I'd pump their brand if I get a free printer and it fulfils my standards.

I doubt it's anywhere near as good as shapeway, but as TundraYeti said, a cheap 3d printer would probably be great for resin molds.

Would they go for us? Yeah I think so. It's not a drawing, they choose who gets it. As far as applications they would see:

Seeing what talented people can already do vs some vague idea someone else has that is unrealistic.

But someone would have to get the MW website owners on board with this and assure them there wouldn't be any drama or flak about a possible "MW community owned" 3d printer.

I haven't been around long enough to have that kind of contacts or clout.

I just think it would be great if some of the skilled scratch modelers on MW had 3d printer access; even if it was just getting parts from another member that had the printer at cost + shipping. That would beat the heck out of shapeways for some projects.

We would all get to see even more incredible builds.

I think we should put together a collection of links for the best scratch builds for the "what makes our group stand out" application, get the website owner's ok, and submit an entry, and worry about who physically gets it later - as long as it's someone willing to run it and just charge expenses, that's still great for everyone. We got about 20 days left.

Sorry for the derail Kurisama, keep up the work on the incredible and underrepresented Meltran gear!

  On 3/27/2013 at 12:00 AM, valhary said:

my big dilemma is the head that I really like to be more aesthetic and minimalist like the vf 1s perhaps Kurisama maybe give us an different option ;)

This is awesome! Heavy armed Q-Rau!

  • 2 weeks later...

Fyi - I've been able to reduce the cost on some of the smaller items - going to see if I can do the same for the arms at a later date. Also updated the Rau entries with photos (from this thread).

I had to reduce the length of the impact cannon by 1.3cms so now it can be polished in WSF. Now I'm the only person in the world that owns it in the original proportions!

  • 3 months later...

Mine needs a few coats of clear and then its done, been like that for at least 7 months. There is a 10% discount on WSF at Shapeways at the moment, I will eventually get to slimming down the arms and feet at some point - but working and looking for work IRL has taken priority.

They way I went about making the Rau back then doesn't allow for easy adjustments, so it's a lot of work to either amend or start from scratch...

  On 8/14/2013 at 2:30 PM, valhary said:

a little update

Valhary,where are you getting your parts made?

Kurisama, any news on the Rhea cannon mount?


I was thinking about the one that would mount behind the missile pods. Maybe I got the name wrong.

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