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Posted (edited)

I think that was the first time I saw a picture of the VF-17 fast packs with the leg missile compartments open. Thanks for the link!

Edited by Loop
Posted (edited)

Did Yamato steal Mr. March's colored line art?

Yeah, it definitely looks like the image on MMM.

Edited by Loop

Hey guys, even my vf-19f is shipped, anyone actually have theirs yet? Need pictures, as I won't see mine for a month because of travel...



Mine is in customs too but Monday is a Holiday and NM postal service is... poop. So I'd imagine Thursday is more likely for me after the holiday tomorrow.


Same here, it hit customs at LAX sometime saturday, so hopefully I can call and have the post office hold it for pickup on tuesday. Otherwise, those goofballs will leave me a note and tell me to come get it wednesday. :p


Sent payment for my 19F should be getting a notice that it will ship unfortunately for me it was also the same week I ordered three, well accidently four 1/100 MG Gundams from HLJ, from the Gundam Seed line. The Freedom, The Blitz and the Duel with Assualt Shroud. I somehow accidently ordered two Duels without even realizing it, now it cost me a whopping 400+ dollars. With the Blitz on restock status and in my warehouse until it's ready I have the VF-19F, the Freedom and two Duels comming in. The new look HLJ has is way to confusing.


Well I thought I was only going o buy 1 vf-19f now I see those pics I have to buy 2 now

Photoshop for me since they sold out at HLJ

Posted (edited)

Thanks Yamato, you've made my credit card company very happy.

Interesting how the box says "normal color" - does that mean they'll be coming out with other variant 19Fs or weathered versions in the future? =P

There's a VF-4G ad in the box as well - sneaky!

(sorry, no time for proper pics)



Edited by Phalanix
Posted (edited)

Got my VF-19F today from Amiami. The box was in bad shape for a new product..... there is a tear and a huge crease in a half circle shape where the tab on the side is to open the product. Enough with the box though.


I was supposed to buy a set, but feel like if I hold off a bit I can get the second one cheaper maybe. It all depends on what happens with the current flood of releases. I have one of everything on pre-order thus far between Bandai and Yamato, the 1/60 valks of course.

Edited by Loop

Thanks for the pics! Man that looks bright white, how does it look in person? Mine is somewhere between Seattle and Tokyo!

and Docker needs backup! :)


Posted (edited)

Thanks for the pics! Man that looks bright white, how does it look in person? Mine is somewhere between Seattle and Tokyo!

and Docker needs backup! :)

Oh yes, very bright and very white :) It looks awesome in person although I have not transformed it yet. I am very happy to have backup for my Docker, but now I need 1x more :p

Usagiz, you live in Seattle?

Here are 2 more pics for sh!ts and giggles...



Edited by Loop

How long did shipping take for you guys (assuming you're in the US?) My 19F has been sitting in customs since September 1st. There haven't been any updates since. I wish it were shipped Fed Ex, at least I'd get updates. EMS (which becomes USPS when it hits the US) is crap for updates. For all I know it's in my city but they haven't got around to updating the website yet. Either that or I got lucky and they'll hold on to the box at customs for an extra week.

Posted (edited)

How long did shipping take for you guys (assuming you're in the US?) My 19F has been sitting in customs since September 1st. There haven't been any updates since. I wish it were shipped Fed Ex, at least I'd get updates. EMS (which becomes USPS when it hits the US) is crap for updates. For all I know it's in my city but they haven't got around to updating the website yet. Either that or I got lucky and they'll hold on to the box at customs for an extra week.

Acceptance: August 31, 2012, 5:01 pm Tokyo

Delivered: September 05, 2012, 1:01 pm BELLEVUE, WA 98004

Customs was not too bad this time around for me.

Processed through USPS Sort Facility September 02, 2012, 9:39 am SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94125

Inbound Out of Customs September 02, 2012, 10:04 am

Edited by Loop

Yeah, getting things by FedEx is enough to turn me back to going to HLJ for everything. The stupid shenanigans with USPS is a pain, and it always means I have to wait a day to pick up my stuff, because they don't offer to hold things for you... since.. you know.. I actually work for a living, and can't be waiting around for their guy to stick the slip in my box.

If anything, it's just a pain, because while the actual post office closes at 5 pm, the trucks keep running, so once my package goes out for delivery, it's pretty much guaranteed I won't see it until the next day after work.


They still haven't shipped mine yet from my private warehouse but the shipped the Gundams, does that make sense to you. You pay for all and they only send three Gundams and no 19.

Posted (edited)

I was feeling nostalgic so i busted out my first valk i ever owned the 1/72 Ver. 2 YF-19(i don't count jetfire because my mom gave it to goodwill when i was in 3rd grade), I cant believe back in 2000 I thought this was the coolest thing I ever had. I remember since the takatoku/banda valks at the time were still around the $1000 mark this was my holy grail. My, how times have changed.


Edited by Murphy

Yeah, I got mine as well. Nice n tight, sharp n all. The white is great and the new head sculpt is awesome. i shall eventually get another so I can have my Emerald Force.


I wonder what the process is then? Sounds like we all ordered from AmiAmi and had them leave the same day. Except this time mine has hung out in customs until last night at 10 whereas everybody else already got theirs. I've noticed before other people have had to wait a REALLY long time, it was just me this time. It is odd considering it's the same shipment on the same day arriving at the same location but one of them gets left on a shelf for an extra five days.


OK, this is MEGA nitpicky, and i understand that but.... Couldnt they have given us the pilots name stickers? Instead we get 'PL-Ooooo.' I KNOW this is such a small thing, and not that important, but i LIKE having the pilot names there. Its the first thing i do on anew Valk when i start on the stickers, because it's like... I dunno, adding its personality. Im sure those guys HAD names, so it couldnt have been to hard to find out.....

I KNOW it's a minor Nitpick, but it does bug me a little :( I hope they dont do this for the 17D's


Well, considering I'm not even a huge Mac7 fan, haven't seen it in ages, and still remember that Gamlin's lackeys were named Dick and Mory... yeah.

Actually, did the VF-19S or VF-17S have name stickers at all? I guess they most likely had the main characters for them, but I remember looking over my VF-17S sheet looking for a Jenius sticker and not seeing it. I'm hoping it still had Gamlin or Kinryu's name.

I suppose I'm just used to getting a standard sticker sheet that comes with every variant of a particular valk (like Gamlin's VF-22 stickers came with Max and Millia labels). What with the fancy Master File logos and stuff, these latest sticker sheets look like they've been tailor made for individual repaints, rather than covering everything.

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