renegadeleader1 Posted October 19, 2014 Posted October 19, 2014 So wait there's a scumbag pedo with a get out of statutory rape free card who has no problem talking smack to a father in this POS movie? At this point I am actively hoping somebody kills Michael Bay. Quote
JB0 Posted October 19, 2014 Posted October 19, 2014 On 10/19/2014 at 11:28 AM, renegadeleader1 said: So wait there's a scumbag pedo with a get out of statutory rape free card who has no problem talking smack to a father in this POS movie?That's an... interesting take on things. It's a three-year age difference(17 and 20(Yes, I started the movie to check that. No, I didn't watch but the one scene. )). They're BOTH children, far as I'm concerned(damn whippersnappers, get off my robo-lawn!). They've been dating since they were BOTH in high school. I'd argue that insisting that the instant he turns 18 he has to dump his girlfriend and go get with a college chick like the rest of the grownups is actually worse than providing a highly limited exemption to sexual assault charges. Certainly, there was no need to toe the line there. Whether she's 17 or 18, she's still a high school senior, so it makes no material difference to the shambling mess of a plot(in more ways than one, actually*) and Bay is actively stirring up drama, but the exemption actually exists, and does precisely so that two dumb teens DON'T wind up being criminals because they didn't have the self-restraint to keep it in their pants. Pretty sure the state legislature would frown on using said exemption for dad-taunting, though. I think the specific wording they're using is from a different state, though. As it stands now, Texas law is both simpler and more permissive than the movie claims, so it's not really a problem(in more ways than one*). But it's worth noting that the boyfriend was receiving dubious legal advice. The best part? They're taking the complicated (and inexplicably controversial) loophole when there's a far easier way out of this mess. *Age of consent in Texas is 17. Not 18, as her dad believes. She IS 17. Basically, they've already won. She's totally legal. His grandstanding is missing the forest for the trees. He could throw his inaccurate quick-reference card in the trash and forget it ever existed. And yes, I did hit the state's website and pull up the penal code chapters 21(sexual offenses) and chapter 22("assaultive offenses") because of Micheal Bay. My browser history is now somewhat worrisome, incidentally. Transformers: How did we get here? Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. I don't even play one on TV. If you are a high school girl, or are dating one, please check with a real lawyer first. Quote
renegadeleader1 Posted October 19, 2014 Posted October 19, 2014 (edited) Dude the fact that they started dating in highschool makes it a bit worse. He's 3 years older than her so the first time they could overlap would be when he was a 17 year old junior and her a 14 year old freshman. So he was age of consent, but she never was. That's kinda messed up. Edited October 19, 2014 by renegadeleader1 Quote
DuelGundam2099 Posted October 19, 2014 Posted October 19, 2014 More like the age of consent should be dropped to 15 and everyone complaining about it should be sent into a den of hungry grizzly bears. As for cinemasins, I stopped taking the videos seriously the instant he said Lockdown was a decepticon, proving he cannot pay attention to details. Quote
Roy Focker Posted October 19, 2014 Posted October 19, 2014 On 10/19/2014 at 1:07 PM, renegadeleader1 said: Dude the fact that they started dating in highschool makes it a bit worse. He's 3 years older than her so the first time they could overlap would be when he was a 17 year old junior and her a 14 year old freshman. So he was age of consent, but she never was. That's kinda messed up. I thought about that too when I rented the movie last week. A 3 year age difference for an adult couple is nothing. When your both still kids each year sets you further part in physical and mental maturity. Quote
JB0 Posted October 19, 2014 Posted October 19, 2014 I had something more typed here, then bumped ctrl-Q instead of ctrl-tab and killed it all. It's probably for the best. In any case, the movie says she was a sophomore and he was a senior when they started dating. She has a summer birthday(since she's 17 "now" and just a few weeks from graduation), so would have been 15 her entire sophomore year. He was either 17 or 18, depending on when they started dating. If they were both currently in high school, it would've been okay, as long as it's merely implied subtly. If they were both out of high school, it would've been totally okay. Even maintaining that same 2-3 year difference in both cases. I just don't see there being a real problem. It's not a letter of the law issue, since the letter of the law says it's fine. It's not a spirit of the law issue, since the spirit of the law is "adults should not go around picking up schoolkids" and he wasn't. There's probably far better reasons for "actively hoping somebody kills Michael Bay" than "because he made a movie implying that two dumb teens can't keep it in their pants." Like... the first Bayformers movie, in it's entirety. Incidentally, the "Romeo law" wouldn't have actually helped the "real" Romeo. Juliet was 13, and COMPLETELY out of bounds by modern Texas law, which bans relations with anyone under 14, no exceptions. It is fortunate for us that Shakespeare did not live in 21st century Texas. But that's even more wildly off-course. Quote
Kanedas Bike Posted October 19, 2014 Posted October 19, 2014 Yeah, that whole dating aspect really could and should have been left out of the movie entirely. Besides, there are so many other things that could be used as fodder for hatred against Bay. I also agree that Transformer fans are fiercely loyal, but by definition so are most fans, including those of Macross. -b. Quote
Scyla Posted October 19, 2014 Posted October 19, 2014 There where man scenes in AoE that should have been left on the cutting room floor. The movie is too damn long! Quote
anime52k8 Posted October 19, 2014 Posted October 19, 2014 What stupid bullshit argument did I just wander into. Quote
skullmilitia Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 It took a turn for the worse when someone mentioned they should lower the consent age to 15.... Young people... so painfully inexperienced with consequences. Quote
DuelGundam2099 Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 (edited) Let them make their own mistakes and cut the umbilical cord. Once we stop jailing people for miniscule garbage we can use those tax dollars for something worth a darn like fixing our roads, feeding the poor, fight global warming, clean our environments, hand out medication to people that need them, disaster relief, and probably some other stuff I am not thinking about off the top of my head. Edited October 20, 2014 by DuelGundam2099 Quote
JB0 Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 On 10/20/2014 at 3:35 AM, DuelGundam2099 said: Let them make their own mistakes and cut the umbilical cord. Once we stop jailing people for miniscule garbage we can use those tax dollars for something worth a darn like fixing our roads, feeding the poor, fight global warming, clean our environments, hand out medication to people that need them, disaster relief, and probably some other stuff I am not thinking about off the top of my head.Let protoforms be protoforms, and focus on restoring the Allspark and rebuilding Cybertron, basically? Wait, they've both been blown up. Quote
vlenhoff Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 (edited) Yes, the rule exists to protect high school sweethearts, the end. Let's not troll this one to death... The obvious argument here is WHY is the movie focusing on this, instead of bad arse transforming living robots from space... The inevitable answer is: because M. Bay Oh, and JBO, lol, you nailed it. So was cybertron really destroyed? So these autobots are ambitious but rubish...(maybe Jezza, Hamster, And Capt Slow were driving the "autobots") Edited October 20, 2014 by vlenhoff Quote
JB0 Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 On 10/20/2014 at 2:05 PM, vlenhoff said: Oh, and JBO, lol, you nailed it. So was cybertron really destroyed? So this autobots are ambitious but rubish...Crazy Prime keeps his word. He promised to protect humanity. He never promised to stop Megatron and Sentinel from imploding their homeworld. Though the actual state of Cybertron is only implied. Only person willing to say anything was teenage girl in Age of Extinction, and she said "They don't have a home. It got blown up." (Some lines are memorably bad. This is one of them.) As she is not an astronaut, nor a Cybertronian, nor a high-ranking government official, I take her evaluation of the situation with a grain of salt. But it looked pretty bad for Cybertron at the end of Dark of the Moon. If not destroyed, it's at least pretty solidly wrecked. And they ALREADY had the "our planet is dead, without the Allspark Cube all hope is gone" issue. And Prime used THAT as a knife and vaporized it to heck way back in '07(And that was after Sam IMPROVED the plan). Even if Cybertron is still MOSTLY intact... it's still a dead world incapable of sustaining life. And it's ALL CRAZY PRIME'S FAULT. Worst Autobot leader EVER. And he won that title against Grimlock and Hot Rod, for Primus' sake! Quote
big F Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 (edited) Basically once they run out of spark they are all gonna look like burnt out toaster ovens. Bam!!! The end, oh but wait Bay will dream up some crap that will fix that. Oh look they didn't destroy the real Cybertron that was the spare one. Oh and Megatron isn't now called Galvatron, and he no longer transforms into an accident in the cutlery draw or a pile of metal cubes. Edited October 20, 2014 by big F Quote
Kanedas Bike Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 On 10/20/2014 at 7:30 PM, big F said: Basically once they run out of spark they are all gonna look like burnt out toaster ovens. Bam!!! The end, oh but wait Bay will dream up some crap that will fix that. Oh look they didn't destroy the real Cybertron that was the spare one. Oh and Megatron isn't now called Galvatron, and he no longer transforms into an accident in the cutlery draw or a pile of metal cubes. *Fingers Crossed* for multiple Cybertrons. The sight of hardcore and casual fans alike sh!tting bricks would be worth it. -b. Quote
vlenhoff Posted October 21, 2014 Posted October 21, 2014 ok now that we have it out of our system.. this movie was slightly better than the previous ones... Quote
Kanedas Bike Posted October 21, 2014 Posted October 21, 2014 On 10/21/2014 at 1:28 AM, vlenhoff said: ok now that we have it out of our system.. this movie was slightly better than the previous ones... Relatively speaking I can't decide which I thought was better between this and Dark of the Moon. -b. Quote
skullmilitia Posted October 21, 2014 Posted October 21, 2014 You guys totally missing the point that space bridgeing a planet next to earth, wouldn't exactly just sit calmly Next to us. That whole physics thing. Obviously not a study of Bay's, made so by Armaggedon Quote
DuelGundam2099 Posted October 21, 2014 Posted October 21, 2014 And you bring up Armageddon why may I ask? Quote
JB0 Posted October 21, 2014 Posted October 21, 2014 On 10/21/2014 at 2:00 AM, skullmilitia said: You guys totally missing the point that space bridgeing a planet next to earth, wouldn't exactly just sit calmly Next to us. That whole physics thing. Obviously not a study of Bay's, made so by Armaggedon Indeed. It wasn't noted by Dark of the Moon, but WAS by the 80s cartoon. As I believe even Bay is more intelligent than THAT(and Dark of the Moon was CLEARLY written by someone that had seen the cartoon), I assume that the effects of the space bridge were preventing Cybertron from exerting an immediate tidal effect on Earth. Which is also why Cybertron would implode in the bridge instead of merely being cut in two when the bridge closed across the part that was already through. That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. Quote
Kanedas Bike Posted October 21, 2014 Posted October 21, 2014 Nope. No way I'm getting into a scientific debate as it concerns two factions of mass-shifting-sentient-homicidal robots from outer space. I'll just watch you guys go at it. Besides my enjoyment (or whatever) of these movies is pure popcorn, I like seeing things get blown up by the military, by random humans that happen to be in the right place at the right time and by said mass-shifting-sentient-homicidal robots. -b. Quote
vlenhoff Posted October 24, 2014 Posted October 24, 2014 (edited) Ha, skull militia is right. Everything would go bananas. Edited October 24, 2014 by vlenhoff Quote
big F Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 (edited) Yup I always thought the cartoon delt with it well, pushing a near earth sized object into the orbit distance of the moon would cause utter chaos, to say the least. Tidal shearing and techtonic plate movement, probably partial atmospheric loss, to say the least. Purfect for energon production. I kinda thought that Cybertron hadn't fully come through the space bridge, so may be it still didn't have full mass, so Mr Bay dodges a physics issue. Doesn't mean I'll let him off the hook though. I'd quite like to see him sent through the space bridge, to some where dangerous, like Quintison or just deep space. Edited October 26, 2014 by big F Quote
Negotiator Posted October 28, 2014 Posted October 28, 2014 Transformographagizers! For Oreobot! Quote
areaseven Posted October 28, 2014 Posted October 28, 2014 Spine spine spine, I'm skipping with your spine Spine spine spine, it was yours and now it is mine... Quote
areaseven Posted October 30, 2014 Posted October 30, 2014 Confirmed: Michael Bay NOT Directing Transformers 5 Quote
GU-11 Posted October 30, 2014 Posted October 30, 2014 (edited) I have a feeling they'll get the guy who directed that recent TMNT flick to stand in for Bay. Been saving this pic for just such an occasion: Edited October 30, 2014 by GU-11 Quote
Twoducks Posted October 30, 2014 Posted October 30, 2014 And the movie will flop and everybody will say: "see? only Bay's genious can make these crap scripts sell tickets" or "see? only the curiosity of seeing how more stupid Bay can make things is what sells tickets" or... Quote
big F Posted October 30, 2014 Posted October 30, 2014 He'll chicken out nearer the time, he's like a kid with a scab, he can't help but pick at it. Quote
mikeszekely Posted October 30, 2014 Posted October 30, 2014 On 10/30/2014 at 8:30 AM, areaseven said: Confirmed: Michael Bay NOT Directing Transformers 5We're not that lucky.Seriously, the guy's quit after every Transformers movie, but every time Hasbro and Paramount want another one, there he is. Quote
vlenhoff Posted October 31, 2014 Posted October 31, 2014 Oh Geeez, that video just reminded me of the movie xD you know what, the whole catching the humans in mid air thing got old 2 movies ago. Ok I'll now shuddup... Quote
RD Blade Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 On 10/30/2014 at 10:16 PM, mikeszekely said: Seriously, the guy's quit after every Transformers movie, but every time Hasbro and Paramount want another one, there he is. QFMFT Quote
Hikuro Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 I'm wondering with all these "transformers are dangerous" posters, why hasn't anyone spoofed it with an old g1 rocket launcher toy to a kids eye? I had a couple close calls as a kid lol. just get g2 Optimus there with his twin cannons and BLAM! Quote
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