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Akemu M.D.: Doctor Detective is only four episodes into its run.  It was scraping the bottom of the mystery story barrel two episodes ago.  Now it's a good thirty, maybe forty meters down into the bedrock beneath the barrel.  They're trying to do an "is it supernatural or isn't it?" sort of "mystery" now, and that kind of story does not work with the series premise of (allegedly) realistic medicine.  It's so incredibly dumb that it's impossible to take seriously... so much so that the only thing the writers can think of to build "suspense" is to have the protagonist play the pronoun game to drag out the answer even though the "mystery" is so simple it only takes a minute and a half of in-story time to actually solve.  

This is, perhaps, made worse by the fact that they then stand around talking about the solution to the mystery with all the energy and enthusiasm normally reserved for discussing income tax paperwork while all three doctors present ignore the slowly dying patient in agony on the floor behind them.


The mystery?  Turns out that going into a freshly opened tomb that'd been sealed in damp conditions for a thousand years and fondling the decaying mummy sealed inside without any kind of PPE is a fantastically bad idea.  The story apparently features the only three archaeologists in the world who've never heard of "tomb sickness".


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