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  On 9/18/2014 at 6:19 PM, JB0 said:

According to Google, it's apparently about a war with corporate terrorists over control of the trains. Which is absurd enough to make me want to watch the thing on it's own.

For anyone that was wondering, I just want to note that Google lied. This may have been the content of the books(I make no promises, not having read them), but it darn sure isn't the content of the anime.

The show is enjoyable, but smacks of being heavily abridged. Feels like important things were skipped over left and right.

Standard lazy adaptation issues, really.

It DOES do a good job striking a balance between "stupid people doing stupid things" and "something needs to actually HAPPEN this episode".

Except episode 6. That's a giant conga line of ridiculous nonsense from start to finish.

It is not exactly what I'd call must-watch programming, but... there's far worse ways to kill some time.

That concludes this pocket review.

Posted (edited)

So recently I have been getting back into anime. First off was URDA, a low budget CGI ONA that was only five eps and I thought it was okay. Next was some thirty minute CGI anime on Crunchyroll called Yonna which had astounding visuals going for it even if story wise it was mediocre; MAL thinks it is bad for some reason, proving people are too whiny and cynical over CGI. After that was Afro Samurai, which aside from being too short was a fantastic five episode anime that had a lot going for it (anime should team up with Spike TV more often). Wanting to catch up with anime this year I went with Dai Shogun: Great Revolution which was almost as bad as Daimdaler (including the same pros and cons) except that their villains were decent, the mechs were handled better, eps 6, 11, and 12 were somewhat good, and there was no random main protagonist switching; however the animation is unquestionably some of the laziest in 21st century anime. Finally I decided to try and finish the Patlabor franchise with The New Files OVA series and good lord it has all the same problems as the TV series minus better animation; at least they finished the Griffin story even if it ended dumb and they should have ended it right there. Only half way done, but I doubt the second half will have anything better. One thing I have to say is that this is probably the first OVA series with more than a handful of episodes to have a solid first episode (real shame they screw up later ones, ugh).

Edited by DuelGundam2099
  On 9/21/2014 at 1:11 AM, Keith said:

Did Tomino sneak in and direct that Aldnoah Zero season finale? Don't forget about Argevollen either!

That last chapter of Argevollen was pretty good too!

  On 9/18/2014 at 6:19 PM, JB0 said:

According to Google, it's apparently about a war with corporate terrorists over control of the trains. Which is absurd enough to make me want to watch the thing on it's own.

this was the description on MAL:

The "dream railway paradise entertainment" story is set in a parallel world where Japan did not privatize its national railways. Naohito Takayama is an ordinary high school boy who dreams of a comfortable future working for the top-rated Japanese National Railways. He is assigned as a trainee in the Railways Security Force full of odd characters such as Sakurai, a troublemaker who hates men. On top of that, an extremist group called "RJ" plots to privatize the Japanese National Railways.

that plot described in the last sentence was completely non-existent in the anime. at all.

i suppose that last sentence was supposed to make the synopsis more exciting, but instead it just made me dismiss the anime outright. ironically, without that sentence the rest of the synopsis would've been a clearer description that it is a slice of life anime and i probably would've been more inclined to give it a go.

anyway, i checked it out and was both pleased and disappointed.

pleased because it was an ok enough diversion, and they really went all geeky with the train stuff.

disappointed because the fanservice was nowhere near what i thought you guys were describing. :p

HOTD, it's not. pretty tame actually, except for a couple of cameltoe shots.

the OP rocks though, and actually, the BGM was pretty good particularly in the last arc.


The animation ranges from mediocre to awful. Which really makes you wonder why they bothered with all those ass shots. At least draw THOSE nicely. Do your T&A right or don't do it at all, geez.

Also, if they'd called it a slice of life show, I would've never glanced at it. It's typically just a pretty way to say "show where nothing happens ever". Sometimes it gets used for "I have no idea how to describe this", but that's usually an identifiable circumstance.

I watched it FOR the stupid commercial terrorist plot. But I didn't really mind the omission, since it was entertaining anyways, if not always sensical(I forgot they were "in training" and "high school students" unless the show reminded me, since they mostly treated them as fully-qualified employees... right on to being assigned as the sole bodyguards of a foreign dignitary).

That said... I wonder if the animators are promoting the Sakurai relationship, or if the books are as concrete about how the harem plays out. Because, really, the anime has them all but married.

I don't mind. The harem cliche can be funny, but it needs to have an endpoint. And if our hero is going for the harem ending, then own it and WRITE A HAREM ENDING. Not status quo infighting forever.

  On 9/23/2014 at 4:02 AM, grss1982 said:

You just summed up how I felt watching the last episode. :ph34r:

Ha! My wife came into the room really concerned because my reaction was so strong. Now I'm going to make her watch it.


Oh Captain Earth, no matter how hard you last minute it, you aren't Gurren Lagann (or G Gundam). Still a lot better than Valvrave.

Posted (edited)
  On 9/23/2014 at 7:29 PM, renegadeleader1 said:

Sentai Filmworks just announced they picked up Muv Luv Alternative and are giving it a dub. There are at least 3 or 4 people on here I know will be happy. :)

I wonder how the dub is going to handle the couple of 'xenophobic' characters you get in MuvLuv. It must be a bit of a challenge for a dub director to get that right.

No news of a sequel I suppose?

On another matter, has anyone played a game called "Rage of Bahamut"? They're releasing a series based on this game in a couple of weeks and it looks like it might be a decent watch


Edited by Marzan

An hour ago I finally managed to finish Patlabor: The New Files. It was better than the TV series, but only because there was less of Ota and visuals. It had a bad habit of replacing the opening and ending themes EVERY FOUR EPISODES. Most anime these days do this, but New Files did it first, making it hipster! In all seriousness the lack of crime oriented stories in this cemented my idea that the creators either know nothing about mecha anime or cop shows or they did and failed on purpose.


I've been hoarding the Kill la Kill final episode, for no particular reason but I will probably finally screen it this weekend. I'll be finishing Arpeggio of Blue Steel today and moving on to SAO II and Rail Wars.

I'm trying to get into Claymore, but so far, it's losing me...

  On 9/24/2014 at 6:22 PM, A_Man_and_a_Woman?! said:

I've been hoarding the Kill la Kill final episode, for no particular reason but I will probably finally screen it this weekend. I'll be finishing Arpeggio of Blue Steel today and moving on to SAO II and Rail Wars.

I'm trying to get into Claymore, but so far, it's losing me...

If after watching episode 8 of Claymore doesn't grab you, then yea, the rest of the series won't. So try to get it that far in before you drop it :-)

  On 9/24/2014 at 6:39 PM, Gunbuster said:

If after watching episode 8 of Claymore doesn't grab you, then yea, the rest of the series won't. So try to get it that far in before you drop it :-)

Gotcha! It's had some cool moments but the plot hasn't really grabbed me and I find the kid kind of annoying.

P.S.- Location: In your Yasha = brilliant.


Just finished Arpeggio of Blue Steel and it was pretty good. I highly recommend it for a quick fix, the naval battle stuff was handled extremely well.

Pretty curious to see how Terraformars goes.


Claymore is one of the best anime of all time, definitely not recommended to drop. Anyway, I just started watching Panzer World Galient up to episode five and HOLY CRAP BARBARIANS VERSUS NAZIS STARRING ROBOTS AND FRIGGIN DINOSAUR BONES! The art style, the music, the mechs, the action, and even the first episode are all high class for anime of their time. The characters are a bit dull, but I will give them a chance.


Okay, if it wasn't for the production values and kickass opening and closing themes, Rail Wars might have lost me at two episodes in. It's pretty stupid but in an enjoyable way. Lets see how long I last...

Because fan service.

Posted (edited)

I might've dropped it two episodes in if it hadn't been for Sakurai. She's a fun character, and a large part of why I plowed through the show as fast as I did.

There's a lot of variablity across the run. Some episodes are MUCH better than others, but the second half is fairly decent.

Episode 6 is peak stupidity, but it's also hilarious.

7-9 are a single story, and pretty much the high point of the series.

Sadly, they close out with an epilogue episode of no value whatsoever. It's not dramatic, not funny, not anything. It just... is.

Edited by JB0

I have to admit, Sakurai and Iwaizumi are my favorites and the show is really pretty to look at. I need something light anyway after the last few shows I've watched and this one looks like it can be fun.

The general consensus here is to stick with it so I'm sure I will- you guys haven't steered me wrong! Yet!


Sakurai is pretty consistently awesome.

Iwaizumi gets caught up in the main guy's harem field and simply ceases to exist for large stretches of time. When he IS around, he's a fun dude, though.

Posted (edited)

Speaking of Claymore, the manga is ending in the next couple of days. I'm crossing my fingers for this to inspire a studio to do a second season (yeah right!)

BTW, anyone else catch the ending of Terror in Resonance? Beautiful. Watanabe's still got it IMO. And on saturday he get's another finale with Space Dandy (that second season has been some of the most creative and experimental stuff I've seen in anime for years).

Edited by Marzan

I have been behind on anime this year unfortunately. After Galient I am not sure if I should take on M3, Argevellion, and Captain Earth, or do a supposed classic like Blood +, Black Lagoon, or Outlaw Star.

  On 9/25/2014 at 8:19 PM, technoblue said:

Cool. I just finished the first season of Space Dandy

Was I the only one hoping that Prince would show up in a later episode?

  On 9/25/2014 at 8:19 PM, technoblue said:

Cool. I just finished the first season of Space Dandy, and I just started Terror in Resonance. I have to build up on Watanabe in preparation for the US Blu-ray release of Bebop.

Sakamichi no Apollon was a pleasant surprise. I'm not really big on slice of life period pieces but I thought this one was done brilliantly.

I recently ran through Samurai Champloo; that one never gets old for me.

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