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I'll take Mospeada's music every day of the week, especially the Love Live Alive versions.

Guest davidwhangchoi
  On 5/9/2014 at 2:40 AM, Keith said:

I'll take Mospeada's music every day of the week, especially the Love Live Alive versions.

is the music different on Love Live Alive? or is it still the classic old lady folk song vocal style. my mom used to sing like yellow belmont, so i guess that's why i don't like the style of music. lol

  On 5/9/2014 at 3:21 AM, davidwhangchoi said:

is the music different on Love Live Alive? or is it still the classic old lady folk song vocal style. my mom used to sing like yellow belmont, so i guess that's why i don't like the style of music. lol

It features a bunch of new songs (mostly sung in Yellow's male voice) and a few new versions of old songs.

And I'm with Keith... I'll take the Mospeada music. C'mon, guys... it's JOE HISAISHI!!!

Posted (edited)
  On 5/9/2014 at 7:46 AM, Marzan said:

I love the Mospeada soundtrack. Blue Rain, Love Stone, Stop!

"Love spits in cosmic waves!"

"Motorcycle freak, that's you! Motorcycle tooling, that's all!"

Edited by Gubaba
  On 5/9/2014 at 7:51 AM, Gubaba said:

"Love spits in cosmic waves!"

"Ai no FENIX kokoro no uchuu e "


Well I WAS going to take a break from anime for a while, partially because I thought I had the month off, BUT it turns out I won't be doing so until mid-June. With that said:

Death Billiards- So wait, Little Witch Academia, with all the annoying characters and bad pacing, got favored as best short over THIS? This was great! I mean yeah the characters weren't interesting, but it was definitely better.

Uta Kata Special- Dumb unneeded epilogue was dumb. It was beyond pointless beyond explaining how that mirror had a section of it broken off (which they could not do in the series because WHY?)

Patlabor TV up to ep 20- Ota is a bad character, 'nough said. I cannot stand his endless yelling and his inability to fight properly. Admittedly I do like this more than the first OVA series, but the dullness overall is at Rayearth levels, which is a shame because I did like the water dragon in episode 19, who knew dragons existed in this franchise! Then again there has already been paleozoic mutants resembling Gaira from War of The Gargantuas, episode 4 had a giant badger, and movie three was about a carnivorous mutant amphibian (Wasted XIII who even got her name in the title!). And then there is Noa, who as ditzy as she was I thought could be likeable. Then episode 18 happened and she gets mistakenly kidnapped.... Normally I have no issue with damsel in distress characters, but SHE IS A COP! A LAW OFFICER! And it wasn't like she was ganged up on, it was one guy! Not even a muscular one or had a weapon on him! HOW DOES THAT WORK? Apparently it is enough to get her tied up and gagged ("and while we're at it lets ungag our hostage, it isn't like she'll bite us or give away our plans to the cops or anything!"). I know I'm harping on this a lot, but it raises too many questions. You know what also made no sense? "I am a politician from another country, let me join your police force so I can use your equipment despite having no knowledge how to use it!" The stupidity in this hurts. A lot. At least that plot thread from episode 7 got addressed (although it would have been nice to know what happened to Prototype Saturn) and I'd be lying if I said the ending theme hadn't grown on me some.

  On 5/8/2014 at 8:23 PM, Marzan said:

Thanks so much for the recommendation. I'm up to the 3rd episode of Ping Pong so far and have to admit it's absolutely brilliant. The direction, dialogue and animation are all top notch and the "ugly" art somehow keeps on growing on you.

You're welcome! I'm at episode 4 and eagerly waiting for episode 5's airing this week.

Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)

finished the new jojo's series season 1 and unto watching season 2. i read the manga's so i know what's going on but young Joseph Joestar still cracks me up. i think they did it well.

Season 2 so far i had too much expectations bc of owning the original ova's and then the prequel ovas. i imagine i would enjoy this more if it was the first time watching, but so far it's a let down in comparison to the 90's ova's. but it's still early in the season so things can change. the biggest issue i have is it feels more like i'm reading an interactive manga more than watching an action anime during the fight scenes. feels like a lot of static pictures with words plastered around them than full animation sequences. the story is always enjoying though.

Edited by davidwhangchoi

Finished Fate Zero. I heard it was a dark series before starting. But man, was it a depressing and tragic series, like with a Shakespeare-esque ending. :unsure:

But finished Kill la Kill also. Now that was an awesome show. I love the insane crazy fights between Ryuko and Satuski with random Mako rants. Want second season. Now!!!!!


Went up to episode 24 in Patlabor, not much has changed other than the secondary chick on the team leaving and apparently in this setting customizing machines does not decrease their value SOMEHOW. Also seeing Phantom go down so easy compared to last time make it seem like a joke, real shame.

Starting this June I am going to do it, a time I have been dreading.


Guest davidwhangchoi

After Mospeada, i started watching the Robotech version of Super Dimensional Cavalry... as i never seen it. as a kid i always skipped the "Robotech Masters" i even had it on dvd for a decade since like 2002 (or 2006 i forget)

all i can say is since i have no childhood memories for the robotech version as i had for Mospeada, i'm going to stop where i'm at so far and get a copy of the Japanese version with subs.

i have no idea what's going on. i think the story doesn't make sense. it sorta megazone-ish but i can't tell with all the Robotech Masters hoopla.


Southern Cross was given the worst 'robotech' treatment, that's for sure. The story was cut to pieces. After watching it in Japanese, I thought the original was pretty decent, and much improved. I'm looking forward to what you have to say about it, David.

As an aside, the Robotech dub for Southern Cross is one of the few English dubs that gave me nightmares.


  On 5/16/2014 at 5:18 PM, technoblue said:

Southern Cross was given the worst 'robotech' treatment, that's for sure. The story was cut to pieces. After watching it in Japanese, I thought the original was pretty decent, and much improved. I'm looking forward to what you have to say about it, David.

Yeah, it's a pretty good show. Unfortunately, you can tell when the staff realized they had to wrap things up quicker than expected... It doesn't fall apart, but it DOES get rushed.

Guest davidwhangchoi
  On 5/16/2014 at 5:18 PM, technoblue said:

Southern Cross was given the worst 'robotech' treatment, that's for sure. The story was cut to pieces. After watching it in Japanese, I thought the original was pretty decent, and much improved. I'm looking forward to what you have to say about it, David.

As an aside, the Robotech dub for Southern Cross is one of the few English dubs that gave me nightmares.


thanks for affirming this. i'm on amazon poaching for a good price for the Jpn verision

  On 5/16/2014 at 5:54 PM, Gubaba said:

Yeah, it's a pretty good show. Unfortunately, you can tell when the staff realized they had to wrap things up quicker than expected... It doesn't fall apart, but it DOES get rushed.

good to know what to expect towards the end. evang was like that as well as MGS 2 sons of liberty. in terms of being rushed to end it. i was like huh at the end of both.


Evangeluon asn't rushed, the budget justw wasn't there to do a big production end (until EOE). MGS 2 wasn't rushed, Kojima just decided not to have Arsenal Gear ram into NY after 911.

In other news , Viz just announced that they've licensed thw new and original Sailor Moo series on blu ray.

I'm pretty f¥ckin' ecstatic.


First off, new anime news topic, wanna talk about anime news then do it there, do it here and it is more or less spam: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41107

I was going to wait a while but oh well. Patlabor up to episode 32, more face palming edition. Having Clancy being replaced by a person identical to her was dumb- Oh wait she is also a crybaby when it comes to ghosts, never mind. Episode 27 had ghosts. Seriously? GHOSTS? It doesn't fit the tone of the series! It is as though the writers had no idea how to make this series CONSISTENT. There is no consistency in this! Episode 28 has.... Surprisingly good build up!.... Only for the next one to have "lets make an episode dedicated to food poisoning and make it a long boring dragged out joke!" I'm not expert on Japanese real estate, but how the hell did only one restaurant be willing to serve THE FRIGGIN POLICE FOOD!? That is a constant stream of customers right there, paid by the tax payers! How in the holy mother of fu- Eps 30 and 31 were also somewhat good only for episode 32 to go "lets just bring Clancy back and put whatshername in the hospital for a while". The stupidity hurts. Also why did they abandoned the Griffin's wings? "Yes, let the authorities have evidence into our illegal activity!" Are they TRYING to kill their own build up on purpose? If so they succeeded.


Watched Tsukihime. While good with the mysterious aspects of the show, it didn't really explain too much as to what was going on with Akiha and her red hair(demonic powers) and her maids, Hisui and Kohaku. Too many loose ends.

But Date-A-Live is pretty good in a silly way.

Guest davidwhangchoi
  On 5/17/2014 at 9:13 AM, Keith said:

Evangeluon asn't rushed, the budget justw wasn't there to do a big production end (until EOE). MGS 2 wasn't rushed, Kojima just decided not to have Arsenal Gear ram into NY after 911.

rushed = out of budget. the last episode ended the series abruptly but i can't really debate this because i'm not a hardcore fan of anime or have much street cred as you on the subject matter.

sorry but MGS 2 was rushed, Arsenal gear running into NY or not is irrelevant. MGS 2 was not what he wanted towards the end but had to rush it bc of budget and deadlines.


I'm watching Gundam Unicorn as I wrote in the Gundam thread. Rarely does a show live up to the hype. This one does. Big time.

But if we're talking masterpieces, I finally got to see Cipher (the OVA). Rarely has a work of art captured the zeitgeist of it's time with such audacity and exuberance. I'm still mesmerized. And never has Phil Collins been used to such devastating effect. Breathtaking.


Unicorn is great, still prefer MS-08th though.

"Thunderbolt, another one year war" is a great manga with many kits already released, would make a good anime too, IMO.

  On 5/18/2014 at 3:52 AM, ron5864 said:

Watched Tsukihime. While good with the mysterious aspects of the show, it didn't really explain too much as to what was going on with Akiha and her red hair(demonic powers) and her maids, Hisui and Kohaku. Too many loose ends.

But Date-A-Live is pretty good in a silly way.

Type-Moon is doing a redo of Tsukihime,so hopefully it fleshes out the Shiki family linage and bloodline abit more.

  On 5/20/2014 at 7:31 PM, s001 said:

I watched the first episode of monster the other day. Looks very promising. I'm excited.

You're in for quite a ride. The anime is one of the most faithful adaptions from a manga ever and that's one of the best manga ever made IMO. There's even talk of Guillermo del Toro making a pitch to HBO about making a live action version of this.


I just finished the TV version of Patlabor. None of the villains after the Griffin episodes came back for no reason, the jokes were still dumb, the ending was mediocre, and GOSH DARN IT OHTA IS A HORRIBLE CHARACTER! I have not brought this up much, but this guy was absolutely obnoxious, annoying, unsympathetic, and somehow he never gets fired! AT ALL! He makes for a horrible cop! Top ten worst anime characters by FAR! Captain Goto being laid back all the time was sort of annoying, but nowhere near Ohta's caliber. This series might have been better if they discarded most of the episodes, pretty much any of them that don't involve the Phantom, Griffin, Economies, or Zeros. It is a shame because I did like the episodes with creatures in it. Ep 44 was enjoyable as it was a nice shout out to 60s and 70s tokusatsu, I will give it that.

Part of me wants to take on The New Files next and end it even though I still have the new live action stuff to get through, part of me wants to pick up a series that aired recently like Buddy Complex or Nogunagun or Nobunaga since I haven't since I finished the worst anime of all time, and part of me wants to finish something on my back log like Blood + or Appleseed 13 or Outlaw Star. Not sure where to go next.

Posted (edited)

Watching the worst anime out there? You poor soul. Anyway, I just finished watching some two part OVA called Samurai: Hunt For The Sword. The comedy bits were dumb, but the action was somewhat good and it was interesting to see an anime not from the 00s to use early digital coloring.

Edited by DuelGundam2099
  On 5/21/2014 at 5:48 AM, Vepariga said:

Type-Moon is doing a redo of Tsukihime,so hopefully it fleshes out the Shiki family linage and bloodline abit more.

So Arcueid will be more like the Carnival Phantasm version with magical girl Phantasmoon powers? Or maybe not....


Last night I started watching Nobunagun and have been marathoning it until finishing it just now. On one hand the action and monsters are awesome as hell with some well done art and fleshing its military elements out. One the other hand the cast is boring and has horrible music and comedy. Still though the good outweighs the bad even if it slowed down in the middle. Also I was lied to, there was no mecha in this, just power armors.


Not lied to mecha stands for mechanical in anime, not for robot as it does in the west.

So spaceships, power armour, etc are all mecha.


I'm watching City Hunter for the first time. Season 1, episode 7. Awesome show so far.

  On 5/28/2014 at 11:35 PM, peter said:

I'm watching City Hunter for the first time. Season 1, episode 7. Awesome show so far.

A true classic.

Recommend the manga too.

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