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Posted (edited)

MGM and EON Productions have announced that the next James Bond 007 film will begin production later this year and will see a release on November 9, 2012 (in time to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the James Bond 007 film franchise). The new film, now titled Skyfall, will be directed by Academy Award winner Sam Mendes (American Beauty, Revolutionary Road), and Daniel Craig will return to the film franchise as James Bond. This is good news for moviegoers, as plans for a new Bond film were put on hold due to MGM's bankruptcy.

Being released after Quantum of Solace (2008), Skyfall will mark the second longest gap between Bond films since the early 1990s, when GoldenEye (1995) came out six years after License to Kill (1989).

New James Bond Film Starring Daniel Craig Approved

Edited by areaseven
  On 6/3/2011 at 5:21 AM, >EXO< said:
The British hunk, who is currently filming the hit franchise's latest outing Quantum Of Solace, believes it's time studio bosses modernized the macho role - urging them to turn the secret agent gay.

And that's why actors aren't studio execs.

  On 6/3/2011 at 5:21 AM, >EXO< said:

A lot of British spies during the Cold War were gay, or at least would get with whoever they had to to get what they wanted. James Bond is a Cold War era spy.


As long as it's not in the same mould as Quantum of Solace (worst... Bond... movie... ever!) Hopefully they'll return to the staples of Bond, and not continue drifting aimlessly in action-movie land.

Posted (edited)

I enjoyed Quantum, while not a good Bond movie persay, a decent action flick none the less. It's more enjoyable if watching directly after Casino Royale, makes it more tolerable that way

Edited by kanedaestes

I didn't see Quantum in the theaters due to hating Casino Royale so much. I thought Quantum was a far better movie.

Maybe I'm getting old, and tired of way way way WAY WAY over the top action sequences - the chase at the start of Casino was so obviously impossibly fake I just started laughing. Follow that up with the interminable gambling scenes where I nearly fell asleep from boredom and you have the formula for a bad movie experience.

Quantum appears to have learned from the mistakes and made the action more believable - for a Bond film that is (no Bond film is believeable of course, but there is a tipping point that Casino went way over)

  On 6/3/2011 at 2:02 PM, Dynaman said:

I didn't see Quantum in the theaters due to hating Casino Royale so much. I thought Quantum was a far better movie.

Maybe I'm getting old, and tired of way way way WAY WAY over the top action sequences - the chase at the start of Casino was so obviously impossibly fake I just started laughing. Follow that up with the interminable gambling scenes where I nearly fell asleep from boredom and you have the formula for a bad movie experience.

Quantum appears to have learned from the mistakes and made the action more believable - for a Bond film that is (no Bond film is believeable of course, but there is a tipping point that Casino went way over)

So you're saying that the Roger Moore movies were more realistic?

  On 6/3/2011 at 12:49 PM, sketchley said:

As long as it's not in the same mould as Quantum of Solace (worst... Bond... movie... ever!)

Wow. I absolutely loved that film. Thought it made up for the crappy 80's bond movies.

  On 6/3/2011 at 3:06 PM, areaseven said:

So you're saying that the Roger Moore movies were more realistic?

No kidding, ppl around here seem to have no memory. I think the last two bond movies were epic. ESP compared to the Moore ones (not that there was anything wrong with Moore himself but he got the worst scripts)


Quantum of Solace was a badly directed mess with horrible action - the opening action setpiece is collection of all features that is wrong with modern Hollywood action films. Worst action editing ever.

With Sam Mendes at helm I trust there's no way they can hit the rock bottom like they did with Quantum. Not exactly a fan of his, but still


Sidestepping the worst... ever... debate.

  On 6/3/2011 at 3:40 PM, Xard said:

With Sam Mendes at helm I trust there's no way they can hit the rock bottom like they did with Quantum. Not exactly a fan of his, but still

Agreed. With excellent movies like American Beauty and Road to Perdition under his belt, he's going to be bringing needed directorial skills to the project.

Of course, writing is another matter all together. Good direction of bad writing only adds up to so much. Hopefully the writers will find inspiration in returning to the classic archetypal Bond villains and their evil plans of world domination.


Looks like the public disagrees with this board:

11/17/2006 Casino Royale GLOBAL REV $596,365,000

11/14/2008 Quantum GLOBAL REV $576,368,427


I enjoyed Casino Royale for its' gritty take. I hated the cute-hunky-clean Bond that Pierce Brosnan did. I didn't see Quantum - maybe will pick it up on DVD. My favorite Bon is Roger Moore, and lately I've been kind of enjoying Sean Connery.

Making James Bond gay just because some British agents/spies were gay is STUPID. James Bond should remain true to form - if somebody wants to make a gay-spy movie - have at. But keep Bond Bond.

Although given the times we live in, it's to be expected. Everything eventually has to apparently turn gay. It's like - I remember last summer me and my girlfriend went to the movies...didn't know what we wanted to see...there was some Italian movie...something light...Romantic Comedy... whatever...we figured...yeah fine...

Turned out to be about a guy who had trouble coming out of the closet...we felt so out of place. It's like...this whole movie is stupid because it has nothing to do with us.

The gay main character had a grandmother who told him the story about her romantic love from her youth, and how her family wouldn't accept the guy - and that side-story (which lasted for like 5 minutes), was the only part of the movie we enjoyed.

Gay Bond would be ridiculous - but unfortunately to be expected.

The worse thing, however, is that this trend for infusing established works and themes with homosexual content somewhat suggests that there's nothing original that a homosexual-themed story could present.

Bond is a case in point. If somebody wants a gay spy movie - why not just make it? I mean, look at Austin Powers - that was a parody of Bond and it was a success. Why not a gay Bond knock off.

What's next? Bond needs to be a black transvestite? I dunno... I feel so lost sometimes in the movie theatre these days...

happy Michael Bay's Transformers 3 is on the horizon! :-)


  On 6/3/2011 at 3:06 PM, areaseven said:

So you're saying that the Roger Moore movies were more realistic?

In the action presented on screen, yes. Most of the time it is physically within the realm of the possible for the human body to withstand the stunts that were seen in Roger Moore's movies, the stunts (or should we say, CGI) seen at the start of CR were impossible. No human can jump as far down as the characters did and not have two broken legs (at least). Even worse - they REPEATEDLY jumped that far.

And since we brought up Roger "The Spy Who Loved Me" is the best Bond movie ever. Possible exception of Goldfinger of course.

  On 6/3/2011 at 3:39 PM, Agent ONE said:

(not that there was anything wrong with Moore himself but he got the worst scripts)

He did have a lot of stinkers, "Golden Gun" being a dreadfully boring mess, not to mention the abomination that was his final outing...


That's really selective... And no human could throw a hat that chops up statues or bite through steal cables, on and on. They're action movies not primers on what actual spies do

Posted (edited)
  On 6/3/2011 at 6:37 PM, eugimon said:

That's really selective... And no human could throw a hat that chops up statues or bite through steal cables, on and on. They're action movies not primers on what actual spies do

Here is the difference, the bowler hat was a signature bit of weirdness, it was shown in such a way as to make it stand out and scream "this is how it works in Bond's world, it's not real but it's silly and interesting". Contrast that to the opening chase scene where it was not something setup to be out of the ordinary, it was just Bond going after a routine suspect. If it had been saved for the final chase scene of the movie it might have been different. For me it ended up being as silly as the 2 Uzis at 3 feet scene from Dead Heat. Is it Selective, of course it is - that first scene of CR completely wrecked Suspension of Disbelief for the rest of the movie, for me that is.

To finish up, Hollywood is going overboard with digital effects. Movie A has a great scene where someone jumps 10 feet, movie B has to top that with a 20 foot jump, then movie C has to go for 30, and it never seems to end.

Edited by Dynaman
  On 6/3/2011 at 8:27 PM, Dynaman said:

Here is the difference, the bowler hat was a signature bit of weirdness, it was shown in such a way as to make it stand out and scream "this is how it works in Bond's world, it's not real but it's silly and interesting". Contrast that to the opening chase scene where it was not something setup to be out of the ordinary, it was just Bond going after a routine suspect. If it had been saved for the final chase scene of the movie it might have been different. For me it ended up being as silly as the 2 Uzis at 3 feet scene from Dead Heat. Is it Selective, of course it is - that first scene of CR completely wrecked Suspension of Disbelief for the rest of the movie, for me that is.

To finish up, Hollywood is going overboard with digital effects. Movie A has a great scene where someone jumps 10 feet, movie B has to top that with a 20 foot jump, then movie C has to go for 30, and it never seems to end.

Well, having a spectacular opening action sequence is a part of the Bond formula and that fight isn't inconsequential at all. How Bond handles it and botches the job turns out to be a major part of the character's motivation throughout the movie.

And that free run sequence is widly regarded as one of the best chase sequences in all of cinema... so I'm not going to lose sleep over the fact that they used a deceleration rig off of the crane jump when so much of the sequence was done for real, on set and not in front of a green screen.

But whatever, your mileage will very. I loved CR and while I agree with the popular sentiment that Solace wasn't as good, I still say Solace is better than 90% of previous Bond movies and that opening car chase sequence is spectacular.

  On 6/3/2011 at 3:39 PM, Agent ONE said:

No kidding, ppl around here seem to have no memory. I think the last two bond movies were epic. ESP compared to the Moore ones (not that there was anything wrong with Moore himself but he got the worst scripts)

In all fairness, The Spy Who Loved Me and For Your Eyes Only were Moore's epic achievements during his career as Bond. Octopussy was okay. The problem with the rest of his films is that they lack replay value in comparison to the Connery era films - especially Moonraker and A View to a Kill (which is only saved by the Duran Duran song). Still, they're better than the Dalton era and Brosnan's last two Bond films.


License to Kill, GoldenEye, and Tomorrow Never Dies are my favourite Bond films. I really like Timothy Dalton's take-crap-from-no one approach, and I think the first two Brosnan films were outstanding. He brought the right amount of charm, boyish glee, and downright psycopathy to the role. Much improved over Moore's take.

  On 6/3/2011 at 10:05 PM, eugimon said:

And that free run sequence is widly regarded as one of the best chase sequences in all of cinema... so I'm not going to lose sleep over the fact that they used a deceleration rig off of the crane jump when so much of the sequence was done for real, on set and not in front of a green screen.


seriously, check out The behind the scenes on CR, that chase scene is like 80%~90% them actually jumping off buildings and crazy crap. So yeah, Casino Royale was best bond movie in decades, more Daniel Craig please. ^_^

  On 6/4/2011 at 3:16 AM, CoryHolmes said:

... I really like Timothy Dalton's take-crap-from-no one approach,...

Other than the low budget-ness of Dalton's films, I liked em both as well.

  On 6/4/2011 at 4:37 AM, Agent ONE said:

Other than the low budget-ness of Dalton's films, I liked em both as well.

Actually, I think that helped rather than hindered them. Forced the producers to stay on target more than other films, with all the spiny shiney goodness.

Also? Carey Lowell is my favourite Bond Girl, stemming from when she walks into the bankers office all dressed up as Bond's "executive secretary". That, or the smoking evening gown she wore to his casino trip.


  On 6/4/2011 at 10:20 PM, Ghost Train said:

Moonraker is the epitomy of scientific realism.

It tried, in the space battle scene at least they had (or tried to show) zero gravity - and the lasers were useful since they had no recoil. Doesn't help the fact that it was a shoddy film though. What they did to Jaws was unforgivable.

Posted (edited)
  On 6/4/2011 at 4:09 PM, CoryHolmes said:

Actually, I think that helped rather than hindered them. Forced the producers to stay on target more than other films, with all the spiny shiney goodness.

Also? Carey Lowell is my favourite Bond Girl, stemming from when she walks into the bankers office all dressed up as Bond's "executive secretary". That, or the smoking evening gown she wore to his casino trip.

she was indeed stunning in that dress. that just edged her ahead of claudine auguer from thunderball.

both dalton films rank pretty well on my list. something my friends could never understand

Edited by Major Focker
Posted (edited)

Since we talking about Bond I'd like to share a pic of one of my most treasured possesions, the Omega Seamaster 300m Chronometer, which was the official Bond timepiece of the Brosnan Bonds. I think Daniel Craig Bond went with the Seamaster Planet Ocean instead. It's an entry-level luxury watch. I got mine in 2005, as 1300.00 USD.

Nope, mine does not have an integrated laser :p.


Of course, I think the Submariner is the classic representative Bond watch, but Omegas have a certain low key luxury air to them that I really like.

Edited by Ghost Train
  On 6/3/2011 at 12:02 AM, areaseven said:

New James Bond 007 Film Confirmed

who cares? QUANTUM OF SOLACE sucked total @$$, so why shouldn't this one as well?

the early-2000s BOND films were the last half way decent ones, IMO...

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