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Posted (edited)
  On 6/23/2012 at 4:13 AM, neptunesurvey said:

I like the paint job. I just recently picked one up myself. Any hints to pass along on the build?

just to expect loose-ish poly-joints, especially on the weight-bearing ankles and shoulders,

that can pose quite a frustration when attempting any fancy poses.

if you can figure out a better way of firming them up than i (electrician's tape around the top-half of the joint-balls) then please by all means share.

for the most part, engineering is largely on par with BANDAI's 1990's HG GUNDAM kits.

in other words, PLUM/PMOA are amateurs. most inspired amateurs, mind you, but indeed amateurs all the same...

Edited by Shaorin

Put in some time on my Cylon Raider this weekend. Ready to have this thing finished. It needs some weathering of some sort but I'm calling it quits on the painting. FYI--Starship Modeler NOW has vinyl painting masks for this kit. BUY THEM! I wish they would have been out before I started painting this...oh well..maybe I'll do another one someday.


Posted (edited)

Well, I finally finished the the P-51C and a kit that has been sitting on my desk for ages... the F3D Skynight.





The final part of the P-51C became a problem when I accidentally rubbed off some of the final coat, which I tinted to give the worn look. I finally settled on reapplying alclad overtop... which worked well by giving it more of a color difference.

Edited by Noyhauser

Finished the Raider up today. Not completely happy with it, but meehhhh....next! Snapped the neck off the clear stand while trying to put the model on it. :blink: LOL. oh well. Backup stand to the rescue!







Posted (edited)
  On 6/29/2012 at 7:26 PM, Lt. Z0mBe said:

Finally finished the canopy glazing on the Frazi:

Looking good, although - and this is not your issue, it's the designers - the canopy struts on that thing are huge.

Nice raider, Derex. Looks fresh out of Cylon Academy! ;)

Edited by PetarB
Posted (edited)
  On 7/4/2012 at 3:10 AM, PetarB said:

Looking good, although - and this is not your issue, it's the designers - the canopy struts on that thing are huge.

Thanks! Tell me about it. I am pretty sure the "real" one could also serve as an above ground atom bomb test bunker. You saw how thick I had to make the glazing just to get them flush with the surface. Grrr...

Finished scratchbuilding the cockpit stuff. Keeping the Narn "roots" while making it look a bit more late production or field modified for a human:





After the Aves dries I'll give it a bit of touchup sanding and begin painting. The pilot's below. The plastic bead was the perfect shape and I used the holes to allow me to set the sightline so I don't get off-track during construction. I removed the right arm and hands and sculpted a new ones over a copper armature, along with a bit of sprue for a control column (it matches the circle on the right side of the tub). He's still got a way's to go before he looks "Babylon 5-ish":


Comments and criticisms welcome as always.


Edited by Lt. Z0mBe

Looks great! I think the only thing the cockpit is missing is a flux capacitor :D - MT

  On 7/9/2012 at 11:17 AM, electric indigo said:

Getting there:



derex, looks like a good start.

I'm really impressed with the crispness of the lines where the body meets the wings. It looks fantastic.

  On 7/10/2012 at 1:46 AM, neptunesurvey said:

What colors are using on the Thunderbolt?

The colors were custom mixed with Tamiya acrylics. The light blue is white & medium blue in a 7:1 ratio, the darker tone is 2:1.

  On 5/22/2012 at 8:55 PM, MechTech said:

Awesome jobs - EVERYONE! It's always good to see your guys work when I don't have time to get to my workbench. - MT


  On 7/9/2012 at 11:06 AM, derex3592 said:
Falcon got a pre-shade and a base coat this weekend. I used a 50/50 mix of Model Master Light Grey and Camouflage Grey for the base.

Is it wrong that I kind of want to suggest putting a couch in the cockpit? :p You know.. Actually, if I ever did make a Falcon kit, I'd probably rig the hatch to be able to be opened, and rig a couch prop to hang out of it, with a tiny obese Han figure hanging off of it. :lol:

  On 7/10/2012 at 2:15 PM, electric indigo said:

The colors were custom mixed with Tamiya acrylics. The light blue is white & medium blue in a 7:1 ratio, the darker tone is 2:1.

Thank you. I was not certain of the colors. Going with the Flanker scheme?


Just completed the 1/72 VF-11B Thunderbolt with a light naval gray color scheme. The kit comes with landing gear down as the only choice. So some minor modifications to the landing gear doors were made so they can close flush with the body. Other than that, it was a simple build.




Posted (edited)
  On 7/13/2012 at 4:54 AM, ron5864 said:

Just completed the 1/72 VF-11B Thunderbolt with a light naval gray color scheme. The kit comes with landing gear down as the only choice. So some minor modifications to the landing gear doors were made so they can close flush with the body. Other than that, it was a simple build.




Ron that is a beautiful piece of work. Also, how did you paint your pilot?

Edited by Benson13
  On 7/13/2012 at 8:39 AM, Benson13 said:

Also, how did you paint your pilot?

Thanks Benson and MT. I assembled the pilot first as per instruction and then I started painting the blue flight suit. After that, I painted in the white gloves, chest piece, and helmet. The gloss black was applied next to the helmet area and chest piece. Flat black for the shoulder area. Finally, yellow highlights for the helmet and shoulder pads.

Now that I think about it, it would have been easier to glue the helmet on last since it gets in the way of the shoulder pads while painting.

I am really starting to warm up to the VF-11. Maybe I will pickup an 1/60 Yamato VF-11B sometime later when more $$ is available. :D


Lot of work for a little progress. Preshaded the cockpit with MM Schwarzgrau and misted Russian topside gray over it. Added some strip to the outside of the cockpit tub to make it mate with the canopy frame better (canopy's waaaay to wide):


Nearly finished my Earthforce pilot. I made the details from masking tape and sealed it all with CA glue. IT's all a bit washed out in the picture. Here's the best I've got:


Comments and criticisms welcome.


Posted (edited)

Ron that VF-11 is beautiful. Thanks for the pic. Hopefully I get to tackle one of these in 2012.

I can't wait to see the final of your VF-11 Roman. I want lots and LOT of pics! Your photography is fantastic, not to mention modeling.

I've been working on my own 1/72 Macross project for the past few weekends. Everytime I go to grab the camera for a WIP shot, I think 'I should spend this time modeling' since time is at such a premium for me at the moment. Can't wait to show the finished item soon. Maybe this weekend.

Edited by PetarB
  On 7/16/2012 at 6:02 PM, electric indigo said:

pew pew


Excuse my ignorance but what does that belong to?

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