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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, derex3592 said:

Yes!..  it definitely does have an effect on plastic, didn't notice it on the Star Destroyer, as I used it sparingly. You can't just brush this stuff on everything like you can with Flory's.  Back to the drawing board... which is a shame because my streaking and weathering was actually beginning to look quite nice.... :-(  Im depressed now and going to go hide somewhere away from the model bench. 


I applied it over bare plastic, was yours applied over a painted surface?

Edited by anubis20

Yes, primered with Tamiya primer, and 3 different layers of Tamiya paint, and sealed with Tamiya clear coat. I think the issue is the plastic Bandai used for the joint parts is slightly softer than the rest to allow movement, and the wash crept into the joints and attacked the softer plastic. 


That sucks Derex. You know what they say, "When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade---errr a diorama where the Rebels are kicking butt over the AT ATs>" -MT

4 minutes ago, derex3592 said:


Soooo... I'm pretty pissed off right now.... WARNING!!! DO NOT USE TAMIYA PANEL ACCENT LINE LIQUID  on PARTS WITH MOVING JOINTS.... it freakin dissolved the plastic in the joint in less than 30 minutes.


The enamel must have melted it. What was the material... Soft stuff like an o-ring?


There are a lot of new finished projects! They all came nice. And the paintings skills are always bluffing. 

Derex i feel sorry for your atat, looks like it can be used for a diorama without second thoughts. Perhaps a Rogue One theme?

david you are lucky! Anubis are the red bits canon near the exhaust canon? 

50 minutes ago, derex3592 said:

no, just some kind of plastic.

That sucks. Live and learn I guess.

Maybe you can recast a piece?

Posted (edited)

not possible All leg joints are affected. Fallen AT AT diorama addition eventually along side an upright walking one in the snow..eventually...

something along these lines... 


Edited by derex3592
6 hours ago, derex3592 said:

aaaaaand this kit and all the money and work is now going in the trash. frakk this crap sometimes . sorry for the language. 


Bro, that sucks!!! I'm trying to think of a way to salvage this for you; I had a similar incident with a solvent and a transformable model. Is it possible to clean where the joints joined with isopropyl alcohol and use soemthing like Devcon plastic welder to rebuild the joints?



I'm feeling pretty sad for you. I've never heard of problems like that with the panel accents. Now I'm paranoid about using it.

Any chance of doing a battle damaged diorama to rescue the work you already did?

and also what's a good source for florys. It's not at the local hobby shop and Amazon doesn't seem to have it.

5 hours ago, derex3592 said:

I'm just gonna buy another kit...it's just easier...

I'm so sorry bro... if I lived near you, I'd just rebuild the joints for you and give you a second chance on this.

Posted (edited)

Okay...it's HERE:


I just got this one in today from Kelsain (awesome Macrossworld member to do business with!) with some money I was finally able to scrape together. It's the Arii 1/5000 scale Macross. The model has some issues (Kelsain received it in that condition, as did I) with size of some parts, missing details, lacking elbow articulation on the arms, and some parts that were glued together wrong.


I removed the chest thrusters and placed them into the correct position; unfortunately, a few bits from the chest broke off, but I'm planning on gluing in some styrene to correct this issue.

As for the elbows...


I have a couple of joints here that should suffice quite nicely. Meantime, I'm working on a transform for this one that will allow for cruiser mode and storm attacker mode. These are the plans I was working with, but they don't seem to square up with cruiser mode:



Stay tuned folks... the storm is here....

Edited by pengbuzz
Posted (edited)

Very cool PengBuzz. From what I hear, getting this to transform can by tricky. I'll be watching and good luck!

Edited by Thom
On 6/2/2017 at 11:14 PM, Lt. Z0mBe said:

Finally finished this one!  I am going to bed so I can take it to WF in the morning.






Comments and criticisms welcome.  (Yes, I know I need a photo booth :) )


And congrats on your win!


Lots of great work from everyone as usual.

Anyway I was talking to one of the guys at the local hobby shop and he said that he thinks the issue with the tamiya panel accents may happen on softer plastics due to the oils in enamels and thinner breaking the plastic down. After he said that I do remember years ago trying to paint an action figure with testors enamels and the plastic turned a bit gooey and the paint never dried after sitting a few years.

Posted (edited)

UPDATE: some pics-

Well, for one thing: I cut out the openings in the main engines on the feet. I wanted to do my own, not the dubious detail on there:



I also decided Prometheus needed a smooth surface, as the engraved lines were enormous!



I also began work on the body and the Bridge; I plan on doing a clear bridge when I get the materials:


Shins needed some work:



I had everything together overall, and for a moment thought maybe to leave the thing in Storm Attacker mode. But y'know...those booms do look kinda thin. When I did the comparison to cruiser mode, NOTHING matched up on the booms...



And try as I might: the temptation to make a transform finally got me:


(Including new booms carved from wood. Guess I shoulda gotten a 1/5000 cruiser as well, but I only had enough money from a recent gig I did to get this).

Stay tuned folks...

Edited by pengbuzz

Yeah, the booms were one of my big disappointments with this kit. While they do match the line art pretty well, it almost feels like they built in some forced perspective into the design & model. As it was, I then looked at my overly ambitious plans for other models, and the Mecha Colle Elysion, and decided to downsize to the 1/8000 kits. 

Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Kylwell said:

And congrats on your win!

You too!  Was worried you would have a hernia or slipped a disc with all of those awards you were carrying back to your seat, lol.

Also, what was the name of that Labor?  That was my favorite of yours.


Edited by Lt. Z0mBe
1 hour ago, Lt. Z0mBe said:

Also, what was the name of that Labor?  That was my favorite of yours.

Do show us.


Regarding the AT-AT, were the joint parts made from ABS or similar plastic? Because that's known to react badly to enamel-based paints and fluids... :( also some other thinners can turn it brittle (IIRC, lighter fluid among others).


Let's just say from here on out, if I'm gonna do any full on washes they are gonna be Flory's or possibly super thinned down acrylic Tamiya black paint thinned with acrylic thinner.

8 hours ago, Kelsain said:

Yeah, the booms were one of my big disappointments with this kit. While they do match the line art pretty well, it almost feels like they built in some forced perspective into the design & model. As it was, I then looked at my overly ambitious plans for other models, and the Mecha Colle Elysion, and decided to downsize to the 1/8000 kits. 

Yeah; it matches up on the storm attacker but not on the cruiser mode. Like the valkyrie, it seems to change proportions when transforming! So, I'm just going ahead and scratching two new booms here, so that they match up and scale to cruiser mode. That should also relieve the "bottom heavy" look of attacker mode.

To achieve the transform, I'm doing a "frame" that the legs and shoulders/ chest attaches to, like the 1/3000 Yammie version. That way, only the center part has to rotate and it should keep everything stable for the booms to transform.



Well, I have a transform going for the Macross. it's still a bit rough, but I'm working out some stuff:


I need to get the arms to where the Daedalus and Prometheus are alongside the fortress and closer in. Also, waiting on materials to manufacture new booms. Once the structural issues are addressed, then I'll get into correcting some details and making everything match up a bit better.


Stay tuned...


Derex, be careful with the tamiya thinner. It's a bit harsher than some enamel thinners. Even their acrylic thinner is pretty strong. I haven't had any problems using thinners like mineral spirits on many bandai kits of various plastic, but after what happened maybe use the water based stuff on those softer plastics. Or if you still have the sprue that those parts came from, you could do some testing and see what's safe.

Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, Big s said:

Derex, be careful with the tamiya thinner. It's a bit harsher than some enamel thinners. Even their acrylic thinner is pretty strong. I haven't had any problems using thinners like mineral spirits on many bandai kits of various plastic, but after what happened maybe use the water based stuff on those softer plastics. Or if you still have the sprue that those parts came from, you could do some testing and see what's safe. (emphasis pengbuzz)

Good idea Big s; for some time, I had considered trying out Tamiya's paints. Now, I'm not so sure about some of their stuff. It doesn't mean I won't ever try their products, but this has given me some real pause.

Derex: I really don't blame you on your caution here. I can only imagine what you're feeling with all this. :(



Continuing to work out the transform. So far, I have the booms roughed in and am beginning basic shaping and sizing on them:



The ship thus far:


I managed to get Daedalus and Prometheus closer to the main hull by modifying the shoulders a bit. i also removed the "two-part" plastic pin on then and simply drilled a hole in the outer shoulder that will allow for a single pin to be pushed straight through and glued into place. The mid arms are a bit long, undecided on modifying them again or just leaving them that way. The torso or legs should slide and compact somehow to bring the legs to the chest thrusters, but I don't want to over-stress the frame I built to handle the main torso rotation. Also: I have ABSOLUTELY NO FRICKIN' CLUE how I would do the "slide transform" on the head halves. And I'm not sure I should even try. I don't want to add too many moving pats at this scale, as I ran into a LOT of issues in that scheme with the VF-1S Strke Valk, and I'm fortunate to have the Macross even this much transformable.

We'll see how it progresses. Stay tuned folks...


Edited by pengbuzz
On 6/6/2017 at 11:30 PM, pengbuzz said:

Yeah; it matches up on the storm attacker but not on the cruiser mode.

the line arts are by no means anywhere near accurate, the booms on attacker mode line art are too slim, which then

creates all the wrong perspective and sizes we see in earlier storm attacker models<_<


btw keep up the good work...^_^

it'll be interesting to se its transformation when you're doneB))


Waiting for the end of this project, Pengbuzz's projects always end with a surprise !

In the mean time, I rushed a bit this to complete the head since I already have an order to print so I plan to save on shipping, and test the new HP nylon print material!





That's amazing SketchUp work Xigfrid!  I work in SketchUp too, how did you do the double-curved surfaces so well?


I use Fredo6 addons to help drawing curved surfaces, if you don't know these, I highly recommend! 

They are buggy with some settings and parameters but once you got a working setting, it becomes really handy. And never forget to save before !

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