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@Chronocidal the angle is the same as the original supers, I made the upper leg portion almost 100% just like the original so the bare legs would have exactly the same angle. It looks more angled though because the supers are sleeker (more like a cone) than classical super parts. 

Actually the strength of WSF was welcome here because I modeled the inner spring mechanism to lock the VF-1 tabs so I use both friction and flex that only plastic / nylon can give, not resin. 

@wmkjr followed your recommendations but I couldn't find the white in the shop so I will have to order it. BUT I almost like the red cap look of it now. And also removed the white paint one the legs and in light grey they look canon too! 

I can call it Hikaru's VF-1X++ until i change it again




Sorry meant to say playing with plamo, but I must have deleted the playing. Anyway there were a few minor mods like the ears, tail and claws on the shield. I also smoothed the shoulders and added a mono eye that fit perfectly out of a bandai lense set.

  On 5/25/2017 at 11:52 AM, derex3592 said:

very cool! i know what that is! 


I'm working on the pair of them. One wings down and in flight, the other Wings up being hooked up to a catapult

  On 5/18/2017 at 8:12 PM, Cesar Enrique said:

Thank you.


My custom Scout is almost done. I started this project almost 2 years ago and finally it's almost ready to be painted.


Here is a test fitting of all sensors, they're not glued, just pinned, so some of those might look misaligned. What do you guys think? Should I add, adjust or change something? All critics are welcome.










Great looking pod!

  On 5/2/2017 at 8:16 AM, pengbuzz said:

Well, it still needs some mods (gotta redo part of the top "gun turret" as mickeyg suggested, as well as add/ modify a few other details), but here it is in paints:



Not bad for a ball of masking tape and Styrofoam on a couple of pieces of PVC pipe, huh?


Stay tuned folks...


Most impressive.

Posted (edited)

A little airbrush practice with my daughters Beargal.

Just beginning to get the hang of it. 


Edited by arbit
  On 5/25/2017 at 11:52 AM, derex3592 said:

very cool! i know what that is! 


Well, it is an Elint, but other than that I dont know.

  On 5/25/2017 at 12:44 PM, NZEOD said:

I'm working on the pair of them. One wings down and in flight, the other Wings up being hooked up to a catapult


Nice work. What's the scheme called? 

  On 5/25/2017 at 5:31 PM, arbit said:

Well, it is an Elint, but other than that I dont know.

Nice work. What's the scheme called? 


No name except maybe "German Girl Decided It Looked Ok" scheme


Not so much an actual model work day, but a massive cleaning and reorganization of the model build area today! Looks much better and waaaaaay more organized with the addition of the small stack of drawers... that were sitting in a closet empty! 







Wow!!! Congrats.  Soooo clean.  My workbench is like Oscar's trash can, piles of stuff on top and layers of dust from non-use.  It just gets worst to the point where if I move something, I won't know where it is again, its a "layered" filing system in my mind (to discourage thieves of course!).  My worst enemy is when I airbrush I blow around all this dust and debris - I really should clean up, but if I had a minute or any time off, I would get to building instead of cleaning.  You should have seen my Millennium Falcon build a few months ago, if you squint, you couldn't tell where the Falcon ended and where my supplies and wads of used towels started! :p



I know this bad feeling when you find a dust just in the middle of a flat fresh paint...!

derex, so many TS blue cans there, I would love to know which one was used for which model!

For my VF-1X++, I had some time to put some red accents, cut the tail fins before painting.  I also began to work on the chest plates. The one in the pictures are not final of course, I plan to make longer ones. 






Love that thing!!



Xigfrid, you have the rarest customs.

This makes me want to do a motorized valk. Dorobou used the same gear idea from the Nautilus and applied it to the Tomcat.

Any of you guys know if this might fit in the 1/48 or 1/72 VF-1 Hasegawa?


Derex, you have all the paint I need to go out an buy! All of mine is like 20 years old now!

That looks great Xigfrid! It came out great along with your customs.

Arbit, if anyone can make that fit into a tiny Valk, you can after seeing your Yamato with all that gear in it.

I keep going for the "Biggest Model on Macross World" contest. If the six foot Daeadalus and then the Space Shuttle model refurbish wasn't big enough, now it's a Tomahawk cruise missile! The photos are of a 1/1 scale model of a block IV Tomahawk cruise missile (over 20 feet long). It was made in 2004 for trade shows and then I suspect sat outside in a non-sealed crate for about ten years. After we vacuumed out the 2 dead mice and gave it a wash, there was still several cracks, one of which is about 5 feet long. The hatch to connect the wings was even broken on two corners. Next I'll have photos of it painted. It should be done, but my airbrush and paint both gave me serious issues this week. - MT










Posted (edited)
  On 5/28/2017 at 7:39 PM, MechTech said:

Derex, you have all the paint I need to go out an buy! All of mine is like 20 years old now!

That looks great Xigfrid! It came out great along with your customs.

Arbit, if anyone can make that fit into a tiny Valk, you can after seeing your Yamato with all that gear in it.

I keep going for the "Biggest Model on Macross World" contest. If the six foot Daeadalus and then the Space Shuttle model refurbish wasn't big enough, now it's a Tomahawk cruise missile! The photos are of a 1/1 scale model of a block IV Tomahawk cruise missile (over 20 feet long). It was made in 2004 for trade shows and then I suspect sat outside in a non-sealed crate for about ten years. After we vacuumed out the 2 dead mice and gave it a wash, there was still several cracks, one of which is about 5 feet long. The hatch to connect the wings was even broken on two corners. Next I'll have photos of it painted. It should be done, but my airbrush and paint both gave me serious issues this week. - MT


Understood MT: My computer has been giving me serious issues as of late. First, my hard drive is dying; a friend of mine owed me a favor so he loaned me his copy of Norton Ghost to clone my old drive. Then, my computer would not boot from it; come to find out that a capacitor on the motherboard died and was keeping my PC from reading the disk. So, I scraped together what money I had a new capacitor (2 bucks) and tried to solder it in (yes, so much can go wrong with it). Well, it didn't work and the computer doesn't start at all now (two words: "new motherboard", for which I have no idea where cash is going to come from). To make matters worse: I have Photoshop CS5 extended on that hard drive, but my disk for that as well as Windows 7 Ultimate is missing (I suspect someone filched them on me a while back when I was moving). So, trying to install that on an new hard drive for my computer is going to be impossible even without the other 2 issue.

To add injury to insult: I accidentally dropped  on old power supply on my foot while cleaning up from my botched repair attempt. O.O

Starting to wonder if my computer and that missile model were related! :lol: Meantime, I'm going to go have a root beer float with Mr. Bill.




Edited by pengbuzz

Yesterday I started a new project. Since my Macross collection is 1/100 scale, it was missing a TV VF-1A Kakizaki. That's why I decided to get a Standard VF-1A kit for customizing, and I found this one:


I liked this kit because I suck at painting, and its pieces are cast in light brown and dark gray plastic, so it would just need some white painting, and I could keep the base colors for the rest of the kit. 

So yesterday I started the process of masking and painting using a can of white spray paint, and it was working just fine.


So today I was looking for some pieces to paint next, but then I started looking at the gray pieces, and noticed this:


The damn antenna was cast gray!!!! (piece #24)

No I'll be forced to paint the rest of the kit with some brownish color. So I'd like to ask the experts here: is there a spray color that may look like Kakizaki's right out of the can? I considering Tamiya's TS46 may work.

Any thoughts, advise?


Sorry, but I don't get it.

Because the gun on the head is cast in gray you now have to paint the whole kit?

Why not just buy a few bottles of cheap craft paint and try to mix up a match to paint the head-gun?

It's so small you could probably get away with just dipping it.

Try painting it white first and then trial and error til you get a colour you are happy with. Seems to me that would be the path of least resistance in this situation.

  On 5/29/2017 at 4:30 PM, Chas said:

Sorry, but I don't get it.

Because the gun on the head is cast in gray you now have to paint the whole kit?

Why not just buy a few bottles of cheap craft paint and try to mix up a match to paint the head-gun?

It's so small you could probably get away with just dipping it.

Try painting it white first and then trial and error til you get a colour you are happy with. Seems to me that would be the path of least resistance in this situation.


It's just because I'd like a uniform color for all the brownish parts. I'll see if I can find some color to mix so I can resemble the rest of the body

  On 5/29/2017 at 3:10 PM, derex3592 said:

TS-46 might be a little to dark of tan for Kaki --- He's not as dark tan as a cannon fodder. 


I saw on this link the colors used for the Bandai 1/72 VF-1A/S kit, and they had paint instructions:


I saw that one called for Aqueous Hobby Color "Cream Yellow" (H34) and a "pinch of Orange Yellow" (H24). I wonder if this could work, with a slight amount of white to correct to the final hue?

Posted (edited)
  On 5/29/2017 at 9:58 PM, pengbuzz said:

I saw on this link the colors used for the Bandai 1/72 VF-1A/S kit, and they had paint instructions:


I saw that one called for Aqueous Hobby Color "Cream Yellow" (H34) and a "pinch of Orange Yellow" (H24). I wonder if this could work, with a slight amount of white to correct to the final hue?


Thanks. I'll have a look at that. I was also considering Tamiya's TS-3

Edited by Convectuoso
Posted (edited)

Well, if we can fit a motor in the valk, it would have to fit here in this 1/72.

Seems the  Hasegawa 1/72 and 1/48 have the same structure. But I've never built one.

If anyone knows, I need 6mm clearance for the motor and the gear; More would be better. I would rather do a 1/72 than 1/48 if there is space.

I also wonder if the circled part can be dremmeled away. Not sure what function it serves.



Edited by arbit
Posted (edited)
  On 5/30/2017 at 11:05 PM, arbit said:

Well, if we can fit a motor in the valk, it would have to fit here in this 1/72.

Seems the  Hasegawa 1/72 and 1/48 have the same structure. But I've never built one.

If anyone knows, I need 6mm clearance for the motor and the gear; More would be better. I would rather do a 1/72 than 1/48 if there is space.

I also wonder if the circled part can be dremmeled away. Not sure what function it serves.




That's where the head sits.  If you dremel it out there would be no where to mount the head or the head would end up being lower than the gun pod.

Edited by vincemoto7

While I'm waiting for my next project to get here (and hopefully for a chance to get my own pc fixed), I got the chance to get my hands on some rare earth magnets. So, after popping off the backpack for my "Starfighters" Strike Valk, I glued them in via hot melt glue and put some on the boom end of my launch arm dio. I hope to have pis as soon as the glue dries and I can test it out.


Stay tuned...

Posted (edited)
  On 5/30/2017 at 11:35 PM, vincemoto7 said:

That's where the head sits.  If you dremel it out there would be no where to mount the head or the head would end up being lower than the gun pod.


If it's non-transforming that shouldn't pose a problem. You can dremel that square mounting area out as well as the 'bottom' of the head, leaving the head hollow and still use that space for the motor. It only needs to 'look' like the head is in one piece...

Edited by Thom

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