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I really want one. This guy NEEDS to send this in to Hasbro/Takara. It even looks so official that seibertron.com mistook it for a potential hasbro/3rd party releease:


Pretty Cool!

It's impressive, although the fact it's held up entirely by action bases should be a bit of a giveaway that this is a custom job.


It's impressive, although the fact it's held up entirely by action bases should be a bit of a giveaway that this is a custom job.

Are you sure those are action bases? I could have sworn (from the pics themselves too) that those "legs" holding it up are actually a part of the trailer as well (i.e. they transform and are contained within the trailer, they are not an external part). Don't know, maybe I missed something?


Are you sure those are action bases? I could have sworn (from the pics themselves too) that those "legs" holding it up are actually a part of the trailer as well (i.e. they transform and are contained within the trailer, they are not an external part). Don't know, maybe I missed something?

They definitely look like action bases to me...but that doesn't mean they aren't integrated into the trailer.


Very cool and practical utilization/transformation of Prime's trailer. I always thought the original repair bay mode was a bit underwhelming and that more could be done with the trailer as far as transformation. Prime's Ring of Kickass would make a great toy.


Very cool and practical utilization/transformation of Prime's trailer. I always thought the original repair bay mode was a bit underwhelming and that more could be done with the trailer as far as transformation. Prime's Ring of Kickass would make a great toy.

This quote is made of WIN

Posted (edited)



I promise to add lots more,that are large, taken with a good camera and against an appropriate background. I just had to share.

Edited by kaiotheforsaken


I promise to add lots more,that are large, taken with a good camera and against an appropriate background. I just had to share.

are the arms at all articulated or is it seriously stuck in that pose. :huh:

Posted (edited)

That is his pose, no articulation. I get where you're coming from with the question, that was kind my reaction when I saw the initial unveil. It's grown on me over the year and a half+ since his reveal. Swapping out the fist for a gun or sword in his left arm makes the position look a little less odd.

Edited by kaiotheforsaken

The Sideshow Optimus is just as awesome and breathtaking as I thought it to be, but that picture really goes to show everyone really how impressive the ROTF Leader Prime actually is. The accuracy of the sideshow collectible is pretty well translated (reasonably) to the Leader class, apparent in the photo.

Congrats on your new masterpiece btw!


The Sideshow Optimus is just as awesome and breathtaking as I thought it to be, but that picture really goes to show everyone really how impressive the ROTF Leader Prime actually is. The accuracy of the sideshow collectible is pretty well translated (reasonably) to the Leader class, apparent in the photo.

Congrats on your new masterpiece btw!

Haha thank you :D

And yes, he is awesome. No pictures I take will do justice to the piece, it's even better in person. I would also agree about leader Prime, especially with the upgrades they've done for the DotM release. I'm not sure you'll ever get a better transforming movie Optimus unless they decide to do a full MP redesign. That toy is really great and they did a fantastic job with him.


Kinda forgot about it. Is Hasbro Rodimus still available at TRU or long gone?


Nope; it's yet another suckle at the teat that is Optimus Prime. A new version that'll be in-scale with MP Rodimus Prime.

welcome to like three months ago :v


I'm sorta on the fence about the new MP Prime. On one hand I really want it because hey...it's Optimus. On the other hand it's like...it's 250 bucks and it comes with a trailer I could care less about (and frankly am running out of room atm for anyways). Maybe I'll just hold out for one of the 487 re-releases oh him and hope one doesn't have a trailer.

On the movie Prime front, an MP movie Prime would have to be pretty damned awesome for me to really consider it. With sideshow Optimus now my collection centerpiece and Buster Prime being a close second, I'd have to seriously think about how many more movie Optimus figures I wanted to add.


Picked up Target HA Leadfoot. He's a love or hate figure but seeing as how you can mistransform him to make him look better he's not that bad as a display piece, arm articulation sucks though. But as I mostly collect the HA line from the movie-verse and they fit will with Leader Prime and Ironhide I am happy with him. Kind of wish I could get a Leader Ratchet for the whole crew lol.


Haven't heard much on that at all.

Well, I heard some rumors regarding how a guy, who got his voyager shockwave before anybody else because of connections to a manufacturer, heard from said manufacturer that a leader Megs was already in the pipeline, and that a leader ratchet would be the one to follow it to finish up the DOTM line.

I wouldn't take any of that as concrete though, just some things I've heard floating around.


Has anybody picked up the Revoltech DOTM Optimus Prime yet? And if so care to share any thoughts on it...?


I just got it today, and I'm quite pleased with it, for the 3000 yen it was.

Some joints (shoulders) are tight and some are not (feet). I think all the weapons are ridiculous if you put them all together like they suggest you do. I would much rather have two blades and two guns than the five guns and the single blade you do get. There's no alternate "mouth" face, either, but I wouldn't have used it anyway.

Overall, nice figure, shame about the lack of useful extras. Though one blade is better than none.

I like it -- Not sure how people who pay more than I did would rate it, though.


I just got it today, and I'm quite pleased with it, for the 3000 yen it was.

Some joints (shoulders) are tight and some are not (feet). I think all the weapons are ridiculous if you put them all together like they suggest you do. I would much rather have two blades and two guns than the five guns and the single blade you do get. There's no alternate "mouth" face, either, but I wouldn't have used it anyway.

Overall, nice figure, shame about the lack of useful extras. Though one blade is better than none.

I like it -- Not sure how people who pay more than I did would rate it, though.

Very cool, thank you. I have a couple on order from AmiAmi that I need to pay for. I'll be sure to share my .02 when I get my hands on them



Anyone still looking for hotrod?

He's up at Toysrus.com

I talked to a guy at a tru store and he looked up the stock. Said there was about 450 of them.

F' scalpers.

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