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  On 10/24/2011 at 8:37 AM, Einherjar said:

And, I admit I don't know much about the terminology regarding the animation business, but when you're caught saying things like "We've ordered more minutes of animation beyond the initial order," that's not very encouraging.

It's most likely that the person making the statement is trying to hype how much more "new" animation fans will be getting.

Of course, it doesn't bode well, given that they've made repeated claims over the past half a year and they've yet to indicate a release date for the finished product...


Maybe we're being unfair of the reusage of LLA. The whole thing is 50 minutes, with like 90% of that being TV footage. so 10 minutes of LLA original footage (which I think is a fair estimate) could maybe be part of one montage, or maybe bridge new animation bits. I'm being really generous here giving HG the benefit of the doubt....really generaous. Assuming they toss out the camping scene since there's no way in hell that would fit in with TSC without a valid excuse of why Stik (scott) & Aisha (ariel) ditched their shiny new spandex outfits, that's even less new footage for them to choose from. All they're really left with is Yellow riding up past some Inbit wrechage & trash, a couple interviews,a couple conert scenes (incomplete since they're mixed with stock TV footage), and Yellow's cabin. So either one of two things are going to happen. This will be mostly new animation with some bridging LLA footage. Or it will be mostly LLA including the stock Mospeada footage in which case they should just close up shop now and tell their fanbase Robotech has been over for 20 years, sorry for wasting their time :).

  On 10/24/2011 at 8:41 AM, sketchley said:

It's most likely that the person making the statement is trying to hype how much more "new" animation fans will be getting.

Of course, it doesn't bode well, given that they've made repeated claims over the past half a year and they've yet to indicate a release date for the finished product...

Well, apparently it was supposed to be done or out back in June, but this is HG, so...



Speaking of the "New Generation" of RT, why was Jim's name changed to Lunk? I realize that most of the names were changed to anglicize them, but Jim is about as western a name as you can get...

  On 10/24/2011 at 10:37 AM, Dynaman said:

Speaking of the "New Generation" of RT, why was Jim's name changed to Lunk? I realize that most of the names were changed to anglicize them, but Jim is about as western a name as you can get...

It was too Western.

  On 10/24/2011 at 10:37 AM, Dynaman said:

Speaking of the "New Generation" of RT, why was Jim's name changed to Lunk? I realize that most of the names were changed to anglicize them, but Jim is about as western a name as you can get...

Dunno... IIRC, the official position is that "Lunk" is just an unflattering nickname for him, and his real name is Jim.


Something interesting I just noticed going back to actual "licensing" debates - all of the Macross footage has been removed from the new "remastered" version of The Sentinels on the A&E DVDs. This includes the flashbacks, as well as the brief shot of the Valkyries flying in space for Max and Miriya's wedding that was re-used. Apparently HG wants to wash their hands entirely of any old Macross footage in anything that could be considered "new."

  On 10/24/2011 at 3:46 PM, Darkwater said:

Something interesting I just noticed going back to actual "licensing" debates - all of the Macross footage has been removed from the new "remastered" version of The Sentinels on the A&E DVDs. This includes the flashbacks, as well as the brief shot of the Valkyries flying in space for Max and Miriya's wedding that was re-used. Apparently HG wants to wash their hands entirely of any old Macross footage in anything that could be considered "new."

Huh... score one for me, I predicted they'd eventually do something like this way back in '07.

Over the years since Shadow Chronicles, it's been getting progressively more obvious that "the powers that be" at Harmony Gold are determined to avoid anything that might provide Macross's owners with even a flimsy reason to take them to court. It almost feels like they're afraid Big West is keeping an eye on them and just waiting for them to slip-up, though it's a safe bet they're worried that a legal battle over Macross could destroy the Robotech franchise... either by costing so much that the higher-ups pull the plug on Robotech, or by further limiting their rights to the most only profitable segment of Robotech. Their avoidance of anything which might invite unwanted attention from Macross's owners has been pretty blatant ever since Prelude, when Tommy took every Macross holdover who wasn't critical to the plot and either killed them or put them on a bus.

  On 10/24/2011 at 12:56 PM, Seto Kaiba said:

Dunno... IIRC, the official position is that "Lunk" is just an unflattering nickname for him, and his real name is Jim.

Further to my last, I checked... this is in fact the case.

As far as Robotech's swiss cheese-canon is concerned, "Lunk" is only his nickname. His real name is listed as "Jim Austin" on his Infopedia page.

  On 10/24/2011 at 4:17 PM, Seto Kaiba said:
Their avoidance of anything which might invite unwanted attention from Macross's owners has been pretty blatant ever since Prelude, when Tommy took every Macross holdover who wasn't critical to the plot and either killed them or put them on a bus.

Which brings me back to my point. If they would just reboot their damned franchise, they won't need to rely on 30-year old cartoons. But what do I know, I'm just one of their "critics".

  On 10/24/2011 at 4:59 PM, azrael said:
Which brings me back to my point. If they would just reboot their damned franchise, they won't need to rely on 30-year old cartoons. But what do I know, I'm just one of their "critics".

Rebooting would get them a larger budget?

  On 10/24/2011 at 5:02 PM, Dynaman said:

Rebooting would get them a larger budget?

Unlikely... the management at Harmony Gold is unwilling to invest more than a pittance in a title that has guaranteed sales to the gullible fanboys, and by their own admission outside investors in Robotech are hard to come by. Rebooting the series sounds like a good idea right up to the point where you realize that they'd end up doing it on an even smaller budget than what they're already working with, there being essentially no reason to expect a return on investment from people who can and frequently do screw up what ought to be a sure thing.

  On 10/24/2011 at 5:06 PM, Seto Kaiba said:

Unlikely... the management at Harmony Gold is unwilling to invest more than a pittance in a title that has guaranteed sales to the gullible fanboys, and by their own admission outside investors in Robotech are hard to come by. Rebooting the series sounds like a good idea right up to the point where you realize that they'd end up doing it on an even smaller budget than what they're already working with, there being essentially no reason to expect a return on investment from people who can and frequently do screw up what ought to be a sure thing.

Don't they have a single mind in the building that realizes that their franchise as it stands is at a dead end?

No one willing to take a gamble on if it would be better to reboot and take advantage of newer forms of media that are cheaper than a tv series or OVA? Maybe even bring in new talent to move into videogames or the like and then really create something new, instead of endlessly breaking up, retelling and repackaging content that's over 25 years old.

  On 10/24/2011 at 5:06 PM, Seto Kaiba said:

Rebooting the series sounds like a good idea right up to the point where you realize that they'd end up doing it on an even smaller budget than what they're already working with

Or, they could just license the franchise to another studio/production company that actually pumps out animation on a regular basis, reboot the franchise, get rid of their current structure, and just sit back and collect royalties.

The downside to that is that you'd have professionals with experience handling the franchise.

  On 10/24/2011 at 6:42 PM, Darkwater said:

Or, they could just license the franchise to another studio/production company that actually pumps out animation on a regular basis, reboot the franchise, get rid of their current structure, and just sit back and collect royalties.

The downside to that is that you'd have professionals with experience handling the franchise.

But then that would make certain people's positions obsolete. People who are in charge and who's sole duty is trying to keep themselves relevant to the franchise. What needs to happen is for the guy that actually paid for the license from Tatsanuko needs to wake up and realize that the people he put in place have no idea what they're doing and are only trying to look busy when he's around. If these guys are so good then why aren't they out making other shows? I mean the guy that voiced Rick Hunter has more projects than these people, maybe they should give him the franchise.


I still think that the legal problems with Macross will still be enough to ultimately kill the Live-Action Movie anyway.

Posted (edited)
  On 10/24/2011 at 6:55 PM, >EXO< said:

But then that would make certain people's positions obsolete. People who are in charge and who's sole duty is trying to keep themselves relevant to the franchise. What needs to happen is for the guy that actually paid for the license from Tatsanuko needs to wake up and realize that the people he put in place have no idea what they're doing and are only trying to look busy when he's around. If these guys are so good then why aren't they our making other shows? I mean the guy that voiced Rick Hunter has more projects that these people, maybe they should give him the franchise.

That is not true. Tommy Yune, the creative director, somehow found time in his busy schedule working on Robotech Love Live Alive to get involved in a new Speed Racer comic book.


Priorities, dood.

Edited by Einherjar
  On 10/24/2011 at 5:06 PM, Seto Kaiba said:


I was being sarcastic, no need to answer my question...

> Or, they could just license the franchise to another studio/production company that actually pumps out animation on a regular basis

Nobody who pumps out animation on a regular basis is going to license the robotech rights - there is nothing in it for them unless HG signed over the merchandising rights, and we know the likelyhood of that happening.

  On 10/24/2011 at 8:03 PM, Einherjar said:

That is not true. Tommy Yune, the creative director, somehow found time in his busy schedule working on Robotech Love Live Alive to get involved in a new Speed Racer comic book.


Priorities, dood.

One comic shared with 4 other people does not constitute a show.

Here... let's just look up and compare these 2 guys... and to be fair, ignore everything before 2002 when Tommy Yune got involved with Robotech

Tommy Yune

Tony Oliver

  On 10/24/2011 at 9:06 PM, Dynaman said:

Nobody who pumps out animation on a regular basis is going to license the robotech rights - there is nothing in it for them unless HG signed over the merchandising rights, and we know the likelyhood of that happening.

Not even merchandising, there'd be a ton of money to be made in cable sales, DVD sales, international TV sales, and internet streaming rights. You'd just need a lot of money upfront to get it done.

Kevin keeps saying on Robotech.com that the reason they're not on TV is because it requires a network to order a certain amount of episodes, but that's not really the case. If you have the money upfront to produce what you want, you can later sell that to other outlets. That's how Clone Wars was done, as well as that one show Wolverine & The X-Men was done (also produced by the producer of The Shadow Chronicles).

And since Robotech is SOOOO huge and successful as HG likes to point out every two seconds, I can't see why they're not doing that.

Posted (edited)

Well, it looks like I've finally met the RT.com ban hammer.

I guess listing a bunch of anime series that were brought to the US and aired before Robotech and without Carl Macek's help was too much for them. They even deleted my post. The only thing left of it is the list being quoted by MEMO where he says he remembers all those shows. I guess the real straw that broke the camel's back was me minimalizing Carl's importance in bringing anime into the US.

The truth really does hurt, doesn't!

The only disappointment I have is not knowing who did actually banned me. I'm putting my money on McKeever!

Edited by Beltane70
Posted (edited)

You're not the only one....I typed this-

"Honestly I am growing more and more disenfranchised with RT. While I may watch the new LLA, truth is aside from announcing it and feeding con audiences, HG has done nothing to get those of us who are not con-goers' attention. A trailer or something would be nice..."

And I also mentioned how animation with different "animation" (i.e. old footage/new footage") can be jarring for new viewers. The best attempt is the Zeta Trilogy and still the differences were obvious....

I put my money on Memo since he and I got into it at RTX.

Truth is, stupid poo like that just pushes people away from liking Robotech. I used to like, quite a bit in fact, but after this stupidity, screw it.

Edited by Richardmvela

If HG were to reboot RT, they should just use Astro Plan 9 from Outer Space. That would save them tons of cash, as the animation and merchandise are ready. Hell, it's more entertaining than Shadow Chronicles.

Posted (edited)
The only disappointment I have is not knowing who did actually banned me. I'm putting my money on McKeever!

I've got my money it's that pesky 'webmaster' of theirs :wacko:

Edited by chrisk

I hope you guys realize that by getting yourselves banned from the robotech.com forums, you've ensured that you'll never see the new robotech movie. It will only be sold to the elite members in good standing of robotech.com directly from harmony gold through the robotech..com store. Each copy will be personally burned in a DVD-R by kevin mckeever & steve yun, with each cover sleeve being personally laser printed in black & white by tommy yune. This will be a limited edition item.

Posted (edited)
  On 10/25/2011 at 5:53 AM, Beltane70 said:

So a whole two people will be seeing the new robotech movie? Oh, how I envy them!

Well see, that's the thing. for security reasons, in order to protect the exclusivity of the feature it will be scrambled like 80's cable porn channels, and any who purchase may luck out and be able to see the top secret whereabouts of Rick Hunter!! If he's not scrambled that is...

Edited by Keith
  On 10/25/2011 at 5:58 AM, Keith said:

scrambled like 80's cable porn channels,

I don' t know about you, but all I ever needed to know about sex in the 80's was taught to me by Minmei's Miss Macross performance.

  On 10/24/2011 at 6:40 PM, Marzan said:

Don't they have a single mind in the building that realizes that their franchise as it stands is at a dead end?

No, why would there be? Harmony Gold's Robotech "creative team" is more or less just a collection of ethically and intellectually bankrupt fanboys who, like their idol Carl Macek, haven't a clue that the industry has moved on in the past 25+ years and looks back at shows like Robotech as examples of bad, obsolete business practices. As >EXO< noted, if the people in charge of the Robotech franchise acknowledged how dire things are, it'd be tantamount to telling their bosses that there's no reason to keep any of them on payroll anymore.

  On 10/24/2011 at 6:40 PM, Marzan said:

No one willing to take a gamble on if it would be better to reboot and take advantage of newer forms of media that are cheaper than a tv series or OVA? Maybe even bring in new talent to move into videogames or the like and then really create something new, instead of endlessly breaking up, retelling and repackaging content that's over 25 years old.

Really, who would? I mean, why would any sane investor want to sink his or her money into a project run by people who have going on thirty years of nothing but abject failure to their names? Robotech has virtually zero name recognition and a frankly lousy reputation, so making a surprise comeback isn't exactly a likely prospect. Just on that basis, it's already not exactly the most tempting prospect for a prospective investor... and the mother of all red flags goes up once you've noted that even the Robotech franchise's owners are unwilling put more than the bare minimum amount of money behind it.

  On 10/24/2011 at 6:42 PM, Darkwater said:

Or, they could just license the franchise to another studio/production company that actually pumps out animation on a regular basis, reboot the franchise, get rid of their current structure, and just sit back and collect royalties.

Who would want it?

  On 10/24/2011 at 6:55 PM, >EXO< said:

What needs to happen is for the guy that actually paid for the license from Tatsanuko needs to wake up and realize that the people he put in place have no idea what they're doing and are only trying to look busy when he's around.

It'd be a nice change of pace, but that's assuming he actually cares. He's kept a non-performing asset like Robotech around for decades now... I'd call that a pretty serious case of "couldn't be arsed". Robotech's owners seem to be content with the current status quo and the feeble trickle of revenue that Robotech generates by preying on the nostalgia-blinded. Agrama is probably rather more interested in his properties that actually make decent bank, which pretty well means that Robotech isn't even on the fiscal radar.

  On 10/25/2011 at 12:56 AM, Richardmvela said:

I put my money on Memo since he and I got into it at RTX.

Very likely... either him or Maverick_LSC. Near as I can tell, Steve doesn't actually give a damn about the day-to-day running of Robotech.com. He only gets involved when someone (usually a mod) forcibly redirects his attention to the ever-increasingly dismal activities on the boards. MEMO and Maverick are both keen to suck up to their respective heroes (Tommy and Kevin respectively) in the hopes of getting insider status, so they're the most likely candidates... seeking favor by eliminating fans in the community who have misgivings about the way things are run.

  On 10/25/2011 at 12:56 AM, Richardmvela said:

Truth is, stupid poo like that just pushes people away from liking Robotech. I used to like, quite a bit in fact, but after this stupidity, screw it.

I think every sane Robotech fan reaches that point eventually... being a fan just isn't worth the frustration, since the Harmony Gold company line dictates everything and admits no realistic viewpoints, and the absence of actual releases means that the fanbase has nothing to do but bicker and turn on itself.

  On 10/25/2011 at 7:03 AM, Darkwater said:

I don' t know about you, but all I ever needed to know about sex in the 80's was taught to me by Minmei's Miss Macross performance.

Lies! We all know that you learned everything you ever needed to know about sex in the 80's was taught to you by the Waltrip Sentinels series and the Swimsuit Spectacular! :p

Posted (edited)
  On 10/25/2011 at 2:49 PM, VF5SS said:

Can you summarize that. I don't want to taint my ears, which are listening to Fire Bomber right now.

Part 1: Mav waxes orgasmic about the A&E box set and Robotech Love Live Alive.

Part 2: Juan rains on his parade.

Part 3: Memo tells about Zeta Gundam: A New Translation, but wants to wait for Bendo (now apparently a "Gundam Expert") to talk about it.

Part 4: Bendo talks about stuff and gets his facts all wrong.

Part 5: Tommy shows up and tells everybody what's what.

But back to important things...which Fire Bomber track are you listening to?

Edited by Gubaba
Posted (edited)

The bannings and the podcast all sound pretty normal in Robotech's case.

  On 10/24/2011 at 9:38 PM, >EXO< said:

One comic shared with 4 other people does not constitute a show.

I was being sarcastic.

Edited by Einherjar
  On 10/25/2011 at 9:03 AM, Seto Kaiba said:

Lies! We all know that you learned everything you ever needed to know about sex in the 80's was taught to you by the Waltrip Sentinels series and the Swimsuit Spectacular! :p

Nope, that was where I learned everything I needed to know about sex in the 90's.

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