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The latest word is he strangled his wife, smothered their son, and then hung himself in his weight room. Roid Rage is being looked into as the reason he killed his family.

Whether it be steroids or something else, after he killed his wife and son, he probably spent the rest of the weekend in the house pondering what he had done and what kind of future he was going to have. Suicide was the only way out...


Maybe it's too early for me to say this, but I'm going to guess that the WWE is going to milk Benoit's murder-suicide for all it's worth. Over the next year, Chavo Guerrero and Rey Mysterio Jr. will be fueding on who was truly Chris Benoit's best friend (instead of shouts of "Eddie! Eddie!", it wil be "Benoit! Benoit!"). At some point in the future, the WWE (Vince) will come up with a storyline similar to what happened with Chris Benoit and his family.

For those who doubt it, check out the Wrestlecrap Gooker 2007 Award Winner which I posted on here a page back:




This is a substantially different situation from Eddies death...

They've already removed all product and mentions of Benoit from their website and product descriptions.

WMXX description is "HHH defends title against HBK"

  hutch said:

This is a substantially different situation from Eddies death...

Yes it is, but in Eddie's case, Eddie dying a truly tragic death, the WWE spent a whole year making a mockery of its deceased super star's memory.

The WWE has done plenty of tasteless and quistionable angles and story lines before, including involving the deaths of its employees and their families, so if they try to do something that makes light and focuses on what happened with Chris Benoit, I wouldn't be surprised.

Hopefully Vince and company will show some good taste and do the right thing this time.

Posted (edited)

Best thing for them to do is keep quiet and move on...

Human nature (and greed) to want to pay tribute to someone who had an impact in his sport BUT then a few more hours later more details pop up that totally sink the "tribute".

I was at work when the first and then later the latest announcements were made. You heard the term "murder-suicide" and then they played a clip of HHH talking about Benoit teaching a new wrestler about "RESPECT". Ironic, cause for whatever the true reason any respect he has earned in his lifetime is gone...

It;s my firm opinion that no matter who you are or your circumstances, unless YOUR life is in danger, you have NO RIGHT to take another's. If you want to kill yourself, then just F-ing DO IT ALREADY and leave innocent spouses.girlfriends and children along...

Everytime I turn on the tv now it's another report of "Murder-Suicide" (family found in Van dead) & (2 yo found alive but shot in van, family dead in house) WTF people!!!

Edited by Star Dragon
  Star Dragon said:

Best thing for them to do is keep quiet and move on...

Human nature (and greed) to want to pay tribute to someone who had an impact in his sport BUT then a few more hours later more details pop up that totally sink the "tribute".

I was at work when the first and then later the latest announcements were made. You heard the term "murder-suicide" and then they played a clip of HHH talking about Benoit teaching a new wrestler about "RESPECT". Ironic, cause for whatever the true reason any respect he has earned in his lifetime is gone...

It;s my firm opinion that no matter who you are or your circumstances, unless YOUR life is in danger, you have NO RIGHT to take another's. If you want to kill yourself, then just F-ing DO IT ALREADY and leave innocent spouses.girlfriends and children along...

Everytime I turn on the tv now it's another report of "Murder-Suicide" (family found in Van dead) & (2 yo found alive but shot in van, family dead in house) WTF people!!!

AMEN brother!!!


This is getting a ton of news coverage here in Edmonton cause Benoit grew up here, my brother and one of my best friends used to work at a the gas station that Benoit would come to fill up at, and my friend met Benoit on many other circumstances.

By all accounts he was a very good man, and very loving towards his family, so who knows what triggered this awful ending... it's hard to believe it could be steroids alone. Obviously what Benoit did was horrible, but who knows what led up to it.

Simply shocking.

The WWE by the way was going to come here to Edmonton next month, they are postponing this stop on their tour out of respect for Benoit's strong connection to Edmonton.

Best thing for them to do is keep quiet and move on...

Actually, with the way the media has latched onto this, and the general feel for the fact that it was definitely in poor taste for them to have the tribute show, they need to say something. And it could be as simple as "Hey, we made a mistake. We rushed forward with a tribute show for a comrade who had passed before details were available. In hindsight, considering the details of the situation, it was a poor decision. Sadly, there are no guide books for dealing with tragic situations of this nature. We will place this in the book of 'lessons learned' that we hopefully will never actually have to employ."

With the hatred that ESPN has for WWE and other news outlets too, they have to be careful how they deal with this.

Posted (edited)

This has been really hard me for since Benoit was one of my favorites...but all the news that has come out ugh god how horrible.

here's a list of dead wrestlers i got emailed to me...astounding

Famous Wrestlers That Have Died Since 1985 Before the Age of 65

Chris Von Erich - 21

Mike Von Erich - 23

Louie Spiccoli - 27

Art Barr - 28

Gino Hernandez - 29

Jay Youngblood - 30

Rick McGraw - 30

Joey Marella - 30

Ed Gatner - 31

Buzz Sawyer - 32

Crash Holly - 32

Kerry Von Erich - 33

D.J. Peterson - 33

Eddie Gilbert - 33

The Renegade - 33

Owen Hart - 33

Chris Candido - 33

Adrian Adonis - 34

Gary Albright - 34

Bobby Duncum Jr. - 34

Yokozuna - 34

Big Dick Dudley - 34

Brian Pillman - 35

Marianna Komlos - 35

Pitbull #2 - 36

The Wall/Malice - 36

Leroy Brown - 38

Mark Curtis - 38

Eddie Guerrero - 38

Davey Boy Smith - 39

Johnny Grunge - 39

Vivian Vachon - 40

Jeep Swenson - 40

Brady Boone - 40

Terry Gordy - 40

Bertha Faye - 40

Billy Joe Travis - 40

Chris Benoit - 40

Larry Cameron - 41

Rick Rude - 41

Randy Anderson - 41

Bruiser Brody - 42

Miss Elizabeth - 42

Big Boss Man - 42

Earthquake - 42

Mike Awesome - 42

Ray Candy - 43

Nancy Benoit (Woman) - 43

Dino Bravo - 44

Curt Hennig - 44

Bam Bam Bigelow - 45

Jerry Blackwell - 45

Junkyard Dog - 45

Hercules - 45

Andre the Giant - 46

Big John Studd - 46

Chris Adams - 46

Mike Davis - 46

Hawk - 46

Dick Murdoch - 49

Jumbo Tsuruta - 49

Rocco Rock - 49

Sherri Martel - 49

Moondog Spot - 51

Ken Timbs - 53

Uncle Elmer - 54

Pez Whatley - 54

Eddie Graham - 55

Tarzan Tyler - 55

Haystacks Calhoun- 55

Giant Haystacks - 55

The Spoiler - 56

Kurt Von Hess - 56

Moondog King - 56

Gene Anderson - 58

Dr. Jerry Graham - 58

Bulldog Brown - 58

Tony Parisi - 58

Rufus R. Jones - 60

Ray Stevens - 60

Stan Stasiak - 60

Terry Garvin - 60

Boris Malenko - 61

Little Beaver - 61

Sapphire - 61

Shohei Baba - 61

Dick the Bruiser - 62

Wilbur Snyder - 62

George Cannon - 62

Karl Krupp - 62

Dale Lewis - 62

Gorilla Monsoon - 62

Hiro Matsuda - 62

Bad News Brown - 63

Bulldog Brower - 63

Wahoo McDaniel - 63

Edited by dejr8bud

Crash Holly is dead??? Is "Sapphire" the Sapphire that was Dusty Rhodes sidekick?

Some of the above people died from totally accidental, freak, or natural cause deaths (Owen falling to his death, Adrian Adonis I think was a car accident, Earthquake was cancer), but for the most part these people show the damage that these wrestlers do to themselves via drugs. NFL players also have a very short life span.

Sad that we've had more involvement in this thread in about 36 hours then we've had in like 6 months. :(

Anway, here's the lastest AP release about this case.



I took the list that dejr8bud posted and broke it down to causes of death. I'll re-edit the Natural Causes section later on to separate those that were drug-related.

Natural Causes (Some may have been attributed to long-term drug use)

Gary Albright - 34

Bad News Allen/Brown - 63

Gene Anderson - 58

Randy Anderson - 41

Andre the Giant - 46

"Yokozuna" Rodney Anoa'i - 34

Shohei "Giant" Baba - 61

Bam Bam Bigelow - 45

Haystacks Calhoun- 55

Chris Candido - 33

Mark Curtis - 38

Dick the Bruiser - 62

Mike Davis - 46

Big Dick Dudley - 34

Giant Haystacks - 55

"Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert - 33

Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy - 40

Johnny Grunge - 39

Eddie Guerrero - 38

Hercules Hernandez - 46

Rufus R. Jones - 60

Marianna Komlos - 35

Little Beaver - 61

Hiro Matsuda - 62

Wahoo McDaniel - 63

Rick McGraw - 30

Boris Malenko - 61

Gorilla Monsoon - 62

Moondog Spot - 51

Dick Murdoch - 49

Tony Parisi - 58

Brian Pillman - 35

Road Warrior Hawk - 46

Rocco Rock - 49

"Ravishing" Rick Rude - 41

Sapphire - 61

Buzz Sawyer - 32

Jeep Swenson - 40

Davey Boy Smith - 39

The Spoiler - 56

Stan "The Man" Stasiak - 60

Ray Stevens - 60

Big John Studd - 46

John "Earthquake" Tenta - 42

Ken Timbs - 53

"Big Boss Man" Ray Traylor - 42

Jumbo Tsuruta - 49

Tarzan Tyler - 55

Uncle Elmer - 54

The Wall/Malice - 36

Pez Whatley - 54

Jay Youngblood - 30


"Adorable" Adrian Adonis - 34

Brady Boone - 40

Owen Hart - 32

Joey Marella (Referee) - 30

Moondog King - 56

David "D.J." Peterson - 33

"Junkyard Dog" Sylvester Ritter - 45

Vivian Vachon - 40

Drug Overdose

"Gentleman" Chris Adams - 46

Bertha Faye - 40

Bobby Duncum Jr. - 34

"Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig - 44

Gino Hernandez - 29

Crash Holly - 32

Pitbull #2 - 36

Louie Spiccoli - 27

Miss Elizabeth - 42

Mike Von Erich - 23


Nancy "Woman" Benoit - 43

Dino Bravo - 44

Bruiser Brody - 42


Mike Awesome - 42

Chris Benoit - 40

Eddie Graham - 55

The Renegade - 33

Chris Von Erich - 21

Kerry Von Erich - 33

Debatable Cause

Art Barr - 28 (did drugs, but supposedly died of natural causes)

"Sensational" Sherri Martel - 49 (natural causes ruled out; suspected drug overdose)

David Von Erich - 25 (acute gastroenteritis, but said to have overdosed)

Insufficient Information

Jerry Blackwell - 45

Bulldog Brower - 63

Bulldog Brown - 58

Leroy Brown - 38

Larry Cameron - 41

Ray Candy - 43

George Cannon - 62

Ed Gatner - 31

Terry Garvin - 60

Dr. Jerry Graham - 58

Karl Krupp - 62

Dale Lewis - 62

Wilbur Snyder - 62

Billy Joe Travis - 40

Kurt Von Hess - 56

Posted (edited)

Didn't see this posted. If it was sorry. Benoit was struggling with his sons condition.. farting tool :angry:

Benoit's son had fragile x syndrome

that is why his son had needlemarks on him I guess

In an interview with ESPN.com on Tuesday, Ballard indicated that the boy had needle marks in his arms. The district attorney said he believed that the boy had been given growth hormones for some time because the family considered him undersized.


timeline of events supposedly with Benoit's text messages. Hmm I wonder if they are all there?


Edited by dejr8bud
  hutch said:

Actually, with the way the media has latched onto this, and the general feel for the fact that it was definitely in poor taste for them to have the tribute show, they need to say something. And it could be as simple as "Hey, we made a mistake. We rushed forward with a tribute show for a comrade who had passed before details were available. In hindsight, considering the details of the situation, it was a poor decision. Sadly, there are no guide books for dealing with tragic situations of this nature. We will place this in the book of 'lessons learned' that we hopefully will never actually have to employ."

With the hatred that ESPN has for WWE and other news outlets too, they have to be careful how they deal with this.

I disagree.

Only the local media had anything to say about it, and I'm not even sure when that was first publicized. National Media didn't pick up on it until much later (possibly even the next day, although I cannot recall correctly).

WWE knew something had to have been fishy due to the text messages, yet decided to throw together a tribute show on very short notice. A smart move would've been to hold off until further notice. Now you have a bunch of wrestlers who cried, lamented and praised a man who we now know how serious enough issues that he felt he had to take the life of his wife, his son and then himself... and not in quick succession.

Monday night's Raw is akin to news outlets over-reporting election results, but with a terrible and tragic twist.

Man, if you're gonna take yourself out, don't take others with you. That's just pussy-ass.


You have a good point. The WWE may have known something. But I can't say that for sure, and those text messages alone don't lead me to the instant conclusion of "he murdered his family and killed himself".

National media is full on WWE right now. There was an article on CBS Sportsline right now talking about how WWE is culpable in the murders in a circuitous fashion.

Also, in defense of the wrestlers shown, I would conjecture that WWE did NOT release any information to them regarding the situation. At the time the show was probably taped (mid/late afternoon I would guess) there was no news coverage really whatsoever (first news I saw on a wrestling website was around 4 or so).

All I know is that pretty much every person I've talked to on the subject, both in person and online, has mentioned that it looks really bad for WWE having a tribute show for him, especially the pictures of Benoit, his wife, and child.

Hindsight is 20/20 though.

We'll see how it materializes.

And you're 100% right about taking others out with you. Weak.

  hutch said:

You have a good point. The WWE may have known something. But I can't say that for sure, and those text messages alone don't lead me to the instant conclusion of "he murdered his family and killed himself".

National media is full on WWE right now. There was an article on CBS Sportsline right now talking about how WWE is culpable in the murders in a circuitous fashion.

Also, in defense of the wrestlers shown, I would conjecture that WWE did NOT release any information to them regarding the situation. At the time the show was probably taped (mid/late afternoon I would guess) there was no news coverage really whatsoever (first news I saw on a wrestling website was around 4 or so).

All I know is that pretty much every person I've talked to on the subject, both in person and online, has mentioned that it looks really bad for WWE having a tribute show for him, especially the pictures of Benoit, his wife, and child.

Hindsight is 20/20 though.

We'll see how it materializes.

And you're 100% right about taking others out with you. Weak.

I agree that they might not have known something nefarious was up, but the circumstances were enough that one would expect them to hold off until further notice. If I were in charge of a major media franchise like WWE, I would've just cancelled Raw for the evening pending further information.

What's worse, I keep thinking of the wrestlers who glowingly spoke in memory of Benoit on Raw, and what they must think of themselves now, trying to equate the man they knew (and the kind words they said of him) with a murderer.


Obviously someone at the WWE was trying to quickly take some sort of a ratings advantage with the Benoit story basically a few minutes old and smoking hot. They should have just stuck with the original planned broadcast and updated viewers on the situation along the way. If it had turned out that the whole family was murdered by someone other then Benoit, it would have then been appropriate to have done a memorial episode on either Tuesday's ECW show, Smackdown, or the next Raw when more information was available.


Considering how tight a group all those wrestlers are (traveling on the road together and what-not), do you honestly believe a lot of them would be up to perform just hours after they were told that one of their own (and his family) were found dead?

Plus, they were supposed to have that whole dumb Mr. McMahon(sp?) memorial tribute that night.

If they had gone with that planned show instead, that would have been almost as offensive.

Look I rip on the WWE for a lot of the things they currently do or put on the air. But for airing the tribute show? I'll cut them a little bit of slack, given all the circumstances and the timing of things.

As for Benoit himself?

WTF........You don't kill those you're supposed to protect and provide for.

All I can do is shake my head at the whole thing (either in sadness, disgust, or disappointment).

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hulk Hogan's son Nick seriously injured in car wreck. :(

Nick Bollea okay. He was released from the hospital today so it turns out he wasn't seriously injured as reported, but his passenger is in critical condition.

BTW, does anyone have any comments about Summer Slam? I see that both HHH and Rey Mysterio were both back in action again.

Edited by Apollo Leader
  areaseven said:
Let's see...

1. Vince McMahon

2. Shane McMahon

3. Stephanie McMahon-Levesque

4. Triple-H

5. Jerry "The King" Lawler

6. Pat Patterson

7. Gerald Brisco

8. Jonathan Coachman

9. The Fabulous Moolah

10. Mae Young


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