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The WWE and Pro-Wrestling Thread


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Yeah, the whole pregnancy angle died out a long time ago. Don't be surprised if Lita gives birth to a hand. Or better yet, she gives birth to Kane's mask, which means Kane will wear it once again in order to resurrect his career.

ROFLMAO! :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, Chris Benoit proved to everyone that he won't step down to the boss' son-in-law...yet...

WWE Vengeance Results

Tajiri's Revenge

Tajiri and Rhyno def. Jonathan Coachman and Garrison Cade after the Japanese Buzzsaw sprayed green mist on Cade.

Batista Still Can't Wrestle

Batista powerbombed and pinned Chris Jericho, even though Y2J had his foot on the rope.

World Tag Team Championship

La Resistance def. Ric Flair and Eugene by DQ.

No DQ, No Count-Out

Matt Hardy ver. 1 def. Kane with a chairshot that floored the Big Red Machine and had the steel steps landing on him.

WWE Intercontinental Championship

Edge speared Randy Orton to win the I-C title.

#1 Contender for the Women's Championship

Victoria floored Molly Holly with a loud superkick to the face. Ouch!

World Heavyweight Championship

Chris Benoit rolled Triple-H for the pin after Eugene accidentally hit The Game with a steel chair.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yet another week of lameness continues to plague the WWE.

Last Thursday on SmackDown!:

- The hell I know! UPN13 pre-empted SmackDown! to air baseball. All I know is that Eddie Guerrero is out again with an injury and JBL is still champion. And it looks like we'll be seeing JBL vs. the Undertaker later this year.

Last night on RAW:

- Last week, Evolution bloodied up Eugene. As a reward, HHH was given a rematch against Benoit in a 1-hour Iron Man match for next week's RAW.

- I still don't see William Regal as a babyface. But it was fun seeing him legitimately punk out HHH. Watch the replays and you'll notice that Regal's punches actually connect.

- This Diva Search is a complete waste of time. And the whole angle where Y2J got them to ransack Bischoff's office was beyond lame.

- Seriously, what does WWE see in Batista? First, he gave Benoit a severe concussion with a boot to the face and a powerbomb. Then he interfered in the Y2J/Kane match by pummelling Jericho against a wall.

- Edge retained his I-C title by using the ropes while pinning Orton. Looks like the WWE is following the rumors of Edge turning heel and Orton turning face.

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Yet another week of lameness continues to plague the WWE.

Last Thursday on SmackDown!:

- The hell I know! UPN13 pre-empted SmackDown! to air baseball. All I know is that Eddie Guerrero is out again with an injury and JBL is still champion. And it looks like we'll be seeing JBL vs. the Undertaker later this year.

Angle also came out (sans wheelchair and leg cast) and interferred with Guerrero and Bradshaw's match. Does this mean they're setting up for an Angle vs. Guerrero match for a future WWE PPV?

I can't stand seeing Angle as a horrid Smackdown GM, it's too bad about his injuries becuase a wrestler like him deserves the spotlight. :(

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Showdown: Legends of Wrestling

Acclaim, 2004

For Sony PlayStation 2 and Microsoft XBOX

Rated T (Teen) for violence.

Three years ago, Acclaim attempted to compete with THQ's WWE games by introducing Legends of Wrestling, a wrestling game that lets you play as Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant and other legends from the old days of the squared circle. Unfortunately, the game bombed due to a weak graphics engine and sloppy gameplay. The second game was no better, despite having more wrestlers on its roster.

Well, third time's a charm and it looks like Acclaim has finally gotten it right. Showdown: Legends of Wrestling boasts an all-new gaming engine with improved controls and more options. But can it still go head-to-head with THQ's WWE SmackDown!: Here Comes the Pain (PS2) and WWE RAW 2 (XBOX)?

Gameplay: B

No wrestling game comes ready with as many wrestlers as Showdown has - over 73 with room for more to create. Choose from old-school greats like Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Diamond Dallas Page and Bret "Hitman" Hart. You can even play current favorites like Eddie Guerrero or managers like Mr. Fuji and The Grand Wizard. Hell, you can play as the late Andy Kaufman as well - if you want to simulate a rematch against Jerry "The King" Lawler.

The control system has been simplified to make it as easy to use as the SmackDown! games. Unfortunately, the Hardcore mode lacks depth and the Steel Cage mode suffers from having to tap buttons to get out through the door. Otherwise, Showdown has some remarkable gameplay.

Graphics: B+

While not the greatest in terms of character design, Showdown has better rendering than its predecessors. One cool feature is the ability to change the physical appearance of any wrestler - not just by outfit, but by everything else (hair, headgear, etc.). Here are some examples:


1. The Crow (apparently stuck with this gimmick forever)

2. nWo WolfPac

3. Blond hair, green tights

4. Blond hair, pink tights

"Macho Man" Randy Savage

1. Orange trunks ('80s WWF)

2. White/blue cowboy outfit ('90s WWF)

3. nWo Black & White

Scott Steiner

1. "Big Poppa Pump" - black tights

2. "Big Poppa Pump" - silver tights

3. Brown hair, blue tights (pre-nWo)

4. Brown hair, green tights (pre-nWo)

Hulk Hogan

1. Yellow trunks

2. Yellow/red tights

3. nWo Black & White

4. Black trunks, white boots ('80s AWA/New Japan)

Sound: B-

Aside from the cheesy MIDI renditions of each wrestler's entrance theme, Showdown features ring announcer Gary Michael Capetta (formerly from WCW Saturday Night) and commentary by former WCW Nitro hosts Tony Schiavone, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan (post-lymphoma, unfortunately) and Larry Zbyszko. Sure beats the lame commentary by Michael Cole and Tazz on SmackDown!: Just Bring It.

The Bottom Line

Despite not being anywhere as good as THQ's SmackDown! games, Showdown: Legends of Wrestling is actually a fun wrestling game on its own. It's also better than RAW when it comes to replay value. Rent it and see for yourself.


Official Showdown: Legends of Wrestling Homepage

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In another case of WTF happened to this wrestler...Chyna or Chyna Doll(as shes called now) was on Howard Stern this morning....oh boy...she is in really bad shape. Incoherent for most of the interview. Also she thinks she can sing too.....my ears...

She said that HHH just picked up X-pac out of rehab and might be headed back to the WWE....why?

Oh the best news...."She" might be releasing a sex tape of her and X-pac(her ex).

Where's my puke emoticon?

Edited by dejr8bud
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Last night on SmackDown!:

- Well, the SmackDown! side finally did something right. Due to his abuse of power, Kurt Angle was fired by Vinnie Mac as GM. However, Angle is still employed in the WWE - this time, as a wrestler once again as he faces Eddie Guerrero at SummerSlam.

- It's gonna be JBL vs. Undertaker next month at SummerSlam. If Taker doesn't win the belt, the WWE can go to hell.

Also, some good news and bad news concerning Rob Van Dam:

Good News: RVD has renewed his WWE contract.

Bad News: Due to the number of times he's been late on shows, RVD has been pulled out of SmackDown! and moved into Velocity.

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Today at the San Diego Comic Convention, former WWE Superstar Diamond Dallas Page made his appearance to sign autographs and promote his upcoming movie The Devil's Rejects (Rob Zombie's sequel to House of 1000 Corpses). He's actually pretty cool in person, shaking everyone's hands and having lighthearted conversations.

After the autograph session ended, the entire ReelMarks staff took photos with DDP. Here's one with me holding his genuine WCW title.


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Earlier tonight on RAW:

- A Battle Royal was held to determine the #1 contender for the World Championship at SummerSlam. As expected, Orton won it.

- No more of this RAW Diva Search crap! It was absolutely pointless to involve Kamala in it.

- And now for the main event...

World Heavyweight Championship - 60-Minute Iron Man Match

1. Benoit pinned HHH. Benoit: 1, HHH: 0

2. HHH Pedigreed Benoit. Benoit: 1, HHH: 1

3. Benoit was counted out. Benoit: 1, HHH: 2

4. HHH landed a spinebuster on Benoit. Benoit: 1, HHH: 3

5. Benoit made HHH tap out to the Sharpshooter. Benoit: 2, HHH: 3

6. Benoit trapped HHH in the Crossface. Benoit: 3, HHH: 3

7. The odds went to HHH when Flair and Batista appeared. HHH knocked out the ref, prompting a 3-on-1 gang-up on Benoit until Eugene ran in from the crowd, gave Flair the Stunner, landed the Rock Bottom on HHH and dropkicked Batista. After knocking out Bischoff, Eugene then clocked HHH with a chairshot and helped a barely conscious ref back in. A bloody Benoit covered HHH for the 1-2-3. Benoit: 4, HHH: 3

Winner and still World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Benoit

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Related WWE News.


Pioneer Press

Vikings coach Mike Tice said the team will sign former NCAA champion and pro wrestler Brock Lesnar to a contract and bring him to training camp, which begins Friday in Mankato, Minn.

Tice made the decision after putting Lesnar through strenuous 45-minute workout this morning. Tice said Lesnar, who hasn't played football since high school, would play the same defensive tackle position as veteran Chris Hovan.

"I'm excited. All I ask for is the opportunity, and he's given me that," said Lesnar, 6-foot-3, 286 pounds.

Tice said Lesnar will sign a contract after taking a physical later today.

I know he'll end up F5'ing a WR. :D

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Showdown: Legends of Wrestling

Acclaim, 2004

For Sony PlayStation 2 and Microsoft XBOX

Rated T (Teen) for violence.

Three years ago, Acclaim attempted to compete with THQ's WWE games by introducing Legends of Wrestling, a wrestling game that lets you play as Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant and other legends from the old days of the squared circle. Unfortunately, the game bombed due to a weak graphics engine and sloppy gameplay. The second game was no better, despite having more wrestlers on its roster.

Well, third time's a charm and it looks like Acclaim has finally gotten it right. Showdown: Legends of Wrestling boasts an all-new gaming engine with improved controls and more options. But can it still go head-to-head with THQ's WWE SmackDown!: Here Comes the Pain (PS2) and WWE RAW 2 (XBOX)?

Gameplay: B

No wrestling game comes ready with as many wrestlers as Showdown has - over 73 with room for more to create. Choose from old-school greats like Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Diamond Dallas Page and Bret "Hitman" Hart. You can even play current favorites like Eddie Guerrero or managers like Mr. Fuji and The Grand Wizard. Hell, you can play as the late Andy Kaufman as well - if you want to simulate a rematch against Jerry "The King" Lawler.

The control system has been simplified to make it as easy to use as the SmackDown! games. Unfortunately, the Hardcore mode lacks depth and the Steel Cage mode suffers from having to tap buttons to get out through the door. Otherwise, Showdown has some remarkable gameplay.

Graphics: B+

While not the greatest in terms of character design, Showdown has better rendering than its predecessors. One cool feature is the ability to change the physical appearance of any wrestler - not just by outfit, but by everything else (hair, headgear, etc.). Here are some examples:


1. The Crow (apparently stuck with this gimmick forever)

2. nWo WolfPac

3. Blond hair, green tights

4. Blond hair, pink tights

"Macho Man" Randy Savage

1. Orange trunks ('80s WWF)

2. White/blue cowboy outfit ('90s WWF)

3. nWo Black & White

Scott Steiner

1. "Big Poppa Pump" - black tights

2. "Big Poppa Pump" - silver tights

3. Brown hair, blue tights (pre-nWo)

4. Brown hair, green tights (pre-nWo)

Hulk Hogan

1. Yellow trunks

2. Yellow/red tights

3. nWo Black & White

4. Black trunks, white boots ('80s AWA/New Japan)

Sound: B-

Aside from the cheesy MIDI renditions of each wrestler's entrance theme, Showdown features ring announcer Gary Michael Capetta (formerly from WCW Saturday Night) and commentary by former WCW Nitro hosts Tony Schiavone, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan (post-lymphoma, unfortunately) and Larry Zbyszko. Sure beats the lame commentary by Michael Cole and Tazz on SmackDown!: Just Bring It.

The Bottom Line

Despite not being anywhere as good as THQ's SmackDown! games, Showdown: Legends of Wrestling is actually a fun wrestling game on its own. It's also better than RAW when it comes to replay value. Rent it and see for yourself.


Official Showdown: Legends of Wrestling Homepage

You were a lot more generous then EGM was... 3.5, 3.0, and 2.5 (out of ten). Ouch! :(

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You were a lot more generous then EGM was... 3.5, 3.0, and 2.5 (out of ten). Ouch! :(

Three possibilities:

1. EGM hated the first two games; thus, they didn't bother to actually play this game.

2. They're biased towards WWE's games.

3. Either WWE or THQ bribed them to give the game low ratings.

GameSpot thought it was okay (6.5 out of 10).

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Tonight's Smackdown results.

NEW Smackdown GM - Theodore Long

NEW Cruiserweight Champ - Spike Dudley (defeated Rey Mysterio)

NEW US Heavyweight Champ - Booker T (in an eight man match pinned Cena and then RVD to win the title)

Might I also add Stacy Keibler's OLYMPICS themed commercial was HOT. :p

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A best of 5 series match for the US title.

Not another one!

The last time when Booker T and Beniot did that type of match in WCW for the TV title it practically killed both there careers. Why oh why did I turn to smack down. :blink:

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A best of 5 series match for the US title.

Not another one!

The last time when Booker T and Beniot did that type of match in WCW for the TV title it practically killed both there careers. Why oh why did I turn to smack down. :blink:

Is this the first time we're seeing a NICE General Manager for a change?

Hehehehe. He's my kinda brotha. :D

One more hour and a half to go.

Hey A7. Do you plan on bidding on some of Kurt Angle's stuff?

Kurt Angle's Shadow Box

Angle’s Wheelchair

Angle’s Cast

Angle’s Picture

LAST EDIT: It's GREAT to see Angle back in action (against Charlie Haas.....what happened to Rico though).

Hahahaha. Can't go wrong when they bring out the midgets. Booker T.....now the Undertaker. :lol:

Edited by UN Spacy
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Wrap-up for this week.

Last Monday on RAW:

- For the most part, the show was as boring and predictable as usual. Did anyone catch the botched cue on the Lita/Kane segment?

- You know, instead of blowing $250,000 on an inane Diva search, how about using that money on real talent?

Earlier tonight on SmackDown!:

- Spike Dudley turned heel. Yawn.

- Someone tell the writers that the whole midget joke died out years ago.

- Now why would Orlando Jordan help out JBL?

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A best of 5 series match for the US title.

Not another one!

The last time when Booker T and Beniot did that type of match in WCW for the TV title it practically killed both there careers. Why oh why did I turn to smack down. :blink:

I think there trying to emulate the Magnum TA vs. Nikita Koloff matches for the US title back from the old NWA days. This launched both their careers and really made the US title into a stronger championship. Doubt it will work this time as the current audience couldn't care less. Hell I don't care.

Undertaker/JBL - garbage, JBL is not a main eventer.

DDP is awesome, always went the extra mile for the fans.

I wish WWE would kill the brand extension, get rid of the two big titles, and two tag titles, and fire about 20 garbage wrestlers - start first with Bob Holly, then JBL, then Kane, well this list could go on forever.

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Last night on RAW:

- More pointless crap involving the RAW Diva Search.

- More pointless crap involving Randy Orton behind the mic.

- More pointless crap involving the Matt Hardy/Lita/Kane love triangle.

- More pointless crap involving HHH beating William Regal to a bloody pulp again.

- Edge vs. Y2J is a great feud. Unfortunately, this probably means Batista will become I-C Champion this Sunday.

Will SmackDown! be better? Can't say until this Thursday.

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Here's a rumor that's been out for a while:

- Ted Turner is thinking of once again competing with Vinnie Mac by setting up a brand new wrestling promotion. He's close friends with Hogan and has considered signing Goldberg, DDP, Sting and - surprise - Stone Cold Steve Austin. In addition, he's considered signing former WCW commentator Scott Hudson and former ECW commentator Joey Styles.

- Furthermore, since many of the wrestlers in Jeff Jarrett's NWA-TNA promotion are not under contract, Turner might simply snag them from Jarrett. Maybe even buy NWA-TNA from Jarrett.

As far as I know, Turner should start a new promotion. Besides, the lack of competition has been killing WWE for the past three years, and Vinnie Mac needs a rival badly.

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Here's a rumor that's been out for a while:

- Ted Turner is thinking of once again competing with Vinnie Mac by setting up a brand new wrestling promotion. He's close friends with Hogan and has considered signing Goldberg, DDP, Sting and - surprise - Stone Cold Steve Austin. In addition, he's considered signing former WCW commentator Scott Hudson and former ECW commentator Joey Styles.

- Furthermore, since many of the wrestlers in Jeff Jarrett's NWA-TNA promotion are not under contract, Turner might simply snag them from Jarrett. Maybe even buy NWA-TNA from Jarrett.

As far as I know, Turner should start a new promotion. Besides, the lack of competition has been killing WWE for the past three years, and Vinnie Mac needs a rival badly.

I hope this happens, my interest in wrestling has dropped of the map in the past year. WWE needs competition, then maybe they'll bring some better writers or better ideas into wrestling. I'm tired of the same boring crap. I remember Raw use to be appointment TV for me, and was a topic for conversation at work, now nobody cares.

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I agree there really needs to be more competition. I miss the days when Raw was on Nitro was on. Going back between the two was nice. Personally there were at times when I liked WCW more then WWF. I'm all for hoping that rumor is true.

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WWE has been beyond awful this past summer. Nothing has been worth watching. Its all crap. Same ole boring junk every week. WWE needs an over haul. The wrestling industry needs to change. And Ted Turner bringing back washed up wrestlers no one likes ain't the answer.

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Wrestling needs a new star. Someone as compelling as Stone Cold or the Rock was. No one seems to be able to elevate themselves to that level. The WWE needs a storyline that the mainstream public can get behind. WWE's ratings were huge in the anti-establisment Austin days, people tuned in to see what would happen next or to hear one of the Rocks promos. Nobody is in that league anymore. All the major stars are gone. The last pay per view I got was Wrestlemania 18, when Raw or Smackdown came to my area it used to be sellout, the crowd was amped. Now the arena is full of blacktarps in the upper sections and people seem disinterested.

WWE needs a complete overhaul, dump the lame wrestlers who will never get over with the fans, get rid of the brand extension, make the titles mean more by not having so many - this is confusing to the noninformed fan who tunes in and finds two major champions, two sets of tag champions. They just don't understand the brand extension, to them its just the WWE.

They need to bring back the casual fan, right now the fans are the longterm type who wait for it to get better.

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They need to bring back the casual fan, right now the fans are the longterm type who wait for it to get better.

lol sad thing is I am a long time fan and I've lost interest. I've been a fan of wrestling since 1982. I went through this crap in the early-mid 90's. please not again lol

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Somebody tell Turner that he can have Triple H for free. Really, we won't mind in the least.

I swear, if his stupid match with Eugene is the main event at Summer Slam (instead of either of the title matches) then I'll just give up on WWE completely. Does Mr Levesque really thing that we're that interested in him fueding with anybody? Get cancer and die already, HHH!

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Last night on SmackDown!:

- The show was as flat as ever, with a boring relay match between Team Cena (John Cena/Charlie Haas/RVD) and Team Booker T. (Booker T./Luther Reigns/Rene Dupree).

So far, it's been a pretty poor buildup going to SummerSlam, and the only match worth watching is Benoit vs. Randy Orton. Oh, and RVD is not on the card. And HHH practically had nothing to do with that.

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WWE Summerslam results

Taker disqualified vs. JBL

Orton beat Benoit

Angle beat Guerrero

Triple H beat Eugene

Dudleys beat Kidman and London

Kane beat Hardy

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Here are the complete results.

WWE SummerSlam 2004

Sunday Night Heat Opener

Rob Van Dam destroyed Rene Dupree with the Five-Star Frog Splash.

The Dudleyz def. Rey Mysterio/Billy Kidman/Paul London after D-Von and Bubba Ray gave Kidman the 3-D.

Til Death Do Us Part

Kane decimated Matt Hardy ver. 1.0 with a chokeslam from the top rope.

Best 3 out of 5 Falls for the U.S. Championship - Round 1

John Cena landed the F-U on Booker T. Cena:1, Booker: 0

WWE Intercontinental Championship - Triple-Threat

Edge def. Chris Jericho and Batista after spearing Y2J.

Kurt Angle made Eddie Guerrero tap out.

Triple-H destroyed Eugene with the Pedigree.

Diva Dodgeball

The Diva Contestants eliminated all of the regular Divas. After the game, Trish Stratus had a fight with Victoria.

WWE Heavyweight Championship

John Bradshaw Layfield def. Undertaker by DQ when UT knocked JBL with the belt. After the match, JBL was chokeslammed through the paper roof of his limo.

World Heavyweight Championship

Randy Orton gave Chris Benoit the RKO to become the new World Champion.

After the match, Orton and Benoit shook hands. Don't know why the rest of Evolution didn't show up to celebrate, though.

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World Heavyweight Championship

Randy Orton gave Chris Benoit the RKO to become the new World Champion.

..the hell? That's it. I'm done with WWE. See ya guys around.

They are really trying hard to shove Randy Orton down our throats. They think he is the second coming of the Rock. News flash - he isn't. I thought they were going to give Benoit a long title reign - he deserved it. Remember when Hogan had the belt for that 4 year run - every time out you believed he was invincible, when he finally lost it, you couldn't believe it. That belt had become a fixture on him, they need to go back to long title reigns. I don't mean years, but some where in the neighborhood of 10 months. There are people who tune in every few months and don't even realize that the title might have changed hands 3 times in that span. Hell its probably back on the guy who had it before.

I know HHH had the title for a long time, but he was squashing people during that time, nobody could get over on him. Benoit was perfect, people respect his ability.

HHH will now feud with Orton, win the title and WWE can kiss more than bsu legato goodbye but me as well.

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While cursing Toynami I watched RAW....ugh HHH just beat the crap outta Orton. Notice how the crowd didn't care either way lol tonight's show was crap overall. Oh well NASCAR is heating up and NFL is around the corner see ya WWE.

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I caught the end as well.

Benoit seemed stronger in the match overall but Evolution enter came to the ring. Benoit sees them, is distracted and Norton does the RKO and wins the match.

Balistia (spelling) throws Benoit into the steps knocking him out and then Evolution starts clapping and praising Norton until they all decide to turn on him and beat the crap out of him.

Here the really funny part when triple H punches Norton in the head he adds his own vocal sound effects of the punches landing. :lol:

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