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Dang, the review did not give a very favourable view of the Fastpack giftset....makes me wonder if I should spring for it still... That box is nifty though.

The box is very nice! The main reason as i stated of why i didn't like the Fast pack that came with the VF-1J is that the color difference is very minimal, the strike cannon is not included and they only give you 5% discount!

I'd rather buy a Super Strike 1/48 Fast Pack so that i'll have 2 VF-1S 1/48s equipped with Strike fast packs!

If the fast pack was green color just like the prototypes shown, it would be more justifiable reason to buy the VF-1J Super set :p

Dang, the review did not give a very favourable view of the Fastpack giftset....makes me wonder if I should spring for it still... That box is nifty though.

The reason for the poor grade is the color and the lack of a strike cannon. We all know why there isn't a strike cannon and the greenish tint could have been from the flash, as far as what he wrote...(wasn't it right in front of him?) Anyway that's just preference... it's not for the lack of quality or any defects. A very undeserved grade for the FPs if you ask me, but a great review otherwise.

I understand what he's saying about the price. No Strike cannon should be a bigger break, but we still get a couple of extra hands and a new pilot sculpt, so the price should be just about right.

Also, it's very considerate of him to note where he got some of the pics. Some people would link those pics without creditting the original site.

ADD: Better plastic? Is that possible? That's is important news in my terms.

The extra hands and new pilot is included in both the 1/48 VF-1J (regular) and 1/48 VF-1J (Super), so it should an even bigger break!

I felt the plastics of the VF-1J to be of better quality... another friend of mine has the same feeling!

He seems mainly to be bitching about the FAST pack color and the lack of a strike cannon.

I wouldn't call his comments "bitching"

It's a legitimate complaint on his part, that the colors of the packs are a far cry from the grayish color presented in the Wonderfest (or was it some other convention?) prototype. Thus he included the link to the prototype, along with his review. :D

On the other question, if I am not mistaken, Malvin sells his 1/48's for about US$110.00, more or less, depending on the current Dollar Versus Peso exchange rate.

Cheap huh?

yap, my price is around US$110, the same goes with most of the 1/48 valks when they were in stock. The fast packs for 1/48 is around US$56 dollars.

I would have liked it to be the right color. I was looking forward to green fastpacks.

me too! i would grab the Super VF-1J if it was green color!

Posted (edited)

I think that spot in the eye is intentional. The Hasegawa Battroid has one just like it, in the same spot. It's not necessary as a peg, either, the eye would fit fine without it.

As for the valk overall, I think it looks pretty good. The pics actually make me more eager to get mine.

Edited by Commander McBride

Hmm... Looks very nice but I have one nitpick.

Around the cockpit there's this black outline, which I assume is the anti-glare paint. I've been looking at some pics of the VF-1J and there's no black outline...

Is this a mistake? Or is it me being picky? Either way it looks a bit weird having the heatshield outlined like that in battroid mode...

Is it just the pics or are the chest stripes a little fuzzy. :(

Hmm... I see it too. I think its the pics. If you look the gunpod is in crisp focus, and since it's out in front of the 1J, then that means that is what the camera is focusing on.

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