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Macross F Official Creators Magazine


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I don't like Klan, but man, that's a hot picture.

Anyhow, I spotted a used one in their Grand Chaos store last week, and the resale price was brutally high. If any of our MW members are visiting Japan in the near future and are interested in one, skip the used stores, and buy it first run!

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Ah, so the first two vols I saw at Akiba are basically "official" doujin by staff members? Guess I should go pick them up today then (I had no idea what they were before and so hesitated from buying) - too bad I won't be around anymore on next sunday...

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Well I am in a pub in Shinjuku after waiting in line and hour and a half to buy this book and I have to say it was totally worth it for the bonus it came with.... Shaking Kawamoris hand!!!! Omg I am never washing my hand again!

WoW!! Kawamori-san himself was there..

When the excitement/adrenaline rush has died down a bit please tell us more about the experience...

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WoW!! Kawamori-san himself was there..

When the excitement/adrenaline rush has died down a bit please tell us more about the experience...

Nicely put Marzan. Its Monday and Im at work, so if anything could be said to kill excitement... lol.

Anyways, Save and I headed over to Ikebukuro yesterday to check out the charity shop that Satellite was holding. It was the last day of the Sunshine 60 Macross F Jack! event, and from 1pm-5pm they were selling all 3 issues of the Nyankuretto creators magazine and a special set of charity postcards drawn by various Macross staff. I didnt think that this would be enough to cause much of a crowd - until I got a message saying that some people were lining up from 10am.

I found out later that some fans had, in fact, turned up from 7AM! For postcards?!?!?!

Anyways, Save and I turned up just before 2PM, to be greeted by a 90min+ line and staff warning that some items were likely to be sold out. About 45mins into the line there was a bit of a commotion down the line - Kawamori had appeared with Tenjin close behind him.

From what I was told afterwards, Kawamori had been hanging out at the charity shop for a while but hadnt really been doing much - he said hello to a few people but wasnt really approachable.

Then, when leaving, he randomly decided to go up the line of people waiting outside and shake everyones hand! Very much in character for the man - the random autographs on posters in the street below from the day Wings of Farewell was released area testament to him doing these things on a whim.

Save and I were just at the end of the row where Kawamori stopped shaking hands with everyone - so we just made it. Most people just said a quick thank you - the line was pretty huge after all. I managed to say 'Thank you for a wonderfull movie' (The event was all about Wings of Farewell after all). Save was hyperventilating in a nerdgasm attack so Im not sure if he actually managed to voice any words ;-)

Once we got into the shop itself, Vol. 2 of the Creators magazine had sold out (strange considering Vol. 3 was the new one) but I managed to get Vol 3 and some postcards. (Vol. 3 will probably pop up at animate before too long if Vol. 1 and 2 are anything to go by). Tenjin, meanwhile, had actually returned and had a whiteboard set up at the back of the room where he was showing how to draw a YF-29 to a crowd of maybe 50 or so onlookers.

And here all I was expecting was a quick visit to buy some postcards! It quite randomly turned into a unforgettable experience - I've now shaken hands with Kawamori, Mikimoto and Megumi. If I was a super-Skrull I couldve combined all their powers into one by now.

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From what I was told afterwards, Kawamori had been hanging out at the charity shop for a while but hadnt really been doing much - he said hello to a few people but wasnt really approachable. Then, when leaving, he randomly decided to go up the line of people waiting outside and shake everyones hand! Very much in character for the man - the random autographs on posters in the street below from the day Wings of Farewell was released area testament to him doing these things on a whim.Save and I were just at the end of the row where Kawamori stopped shaking hands with everyone - so we just made it. Most people just said a quick thank you - the line was pretty huge after all. I managed to say 'Thank you for a wonderfull movie' (The event was all about Wings of Farewell after all). Save was hyperventilating in a nerdgasm attack so Im not sure if he actually managed to voice any words ;-)

This is so awesome. Damn. :mellow:

It quite randomly turned into a unforgettable experience - I've now shaken hands with Kawamori, Mikimoto and Megumi. If I was a super-Skrull I couldve combined all their powers into one by now.

With Mikimoto and Megumi too? Gaaahhh *insanely jealous*

How did that happen?


it's really too bad I had booked the return flight for last Friday. If I had known of this I would've definetly stayed for a little longer. The first two creator files I picked up from Animate were awesome... is there any hope of some webstore carrying vol. 3 in future? :(

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dang! i wish i had known about this... I just got back from Tokyo, been there since Friday... stayed at Shinjuku... :(

although i'm not sure if i would line up for a magazine release if i didn't know that SK would be there. At least i now know that I was just a few miles from him at the time, lol.

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With Mikimoto and Megumi too? Gaaahhh *insanely jealous*

How did that happen?

Actually the list is a little longer, come to think of it:

Mikimoto - art exhibition/signing (where Renato had his childhood dreams crushed ;-)

Megumi - Meet & Greet after one of her concerts in Harajuku just over a year ago.

Tenjin - at book launch events (friendliest guy around, I swear)

Kawamori - see above

Chie Kajiura - have been mentioned in a live stream event and also met her (am working on my post about that particular event at the moment)

Aya Endo - while I didnt meet her I was a few meters away from her in a bar of sorts.

Damn... its been a busy year lol.

Edited by Tochiro
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  • 2 weeks later...

can anyone tell me how much art is in these magazines and if they're mostly original as i have all the other macross books printed. i'm thinking buying volume 2 on ebay so is $28 shipped a good deal?

Think of them as "official doujinshi". Thus, although I don't have any of them, I do believe that all the art and articles are original and unique to these publications.

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Think of them as "official doujinshi". Thus, although I don't have any of them, I do believe that all the art and articles are original and unique to these publications.

Correction: there are no articles, just art. But, as you say, all of the art in original. None of it, however, is in color.

Basically, each person on the staff of the show (for Vol. 1) or the first movie (for Vol. 2) drew a picture, and the book collects them all in a nice, squarebound edition. Most of it is gags, in-jokes, and the like, although there are a couple of preliminary or unused designs that show up here and there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you guys are really desperate you can get it on ebay for murderous 79,99 dollars price (ditto for other two). Only positive is that they're completely new and the shipping is free...

You can also buy previous two creator files from there. For the same price. Ouch.

Me, the fact I narrowly missed release of that book while in Japan bugged me enough to make me pay the sum. It's a ripoff, but if you're big fan enough I guess it's worth it (at least for me it was...still hurt to pay that much).

If you can get it for more decent/reasonable price (I think they cost 2000 yen or so in Japan) it's definetly worth getting.

Anyway, lots of lovely art in there. I always look up the most for whatever insanity Kawamori has come up with (certainly didn't disappoint :p ) and May'n and Nakajima's take on their characters. Singing aside, I think it's pretty easy to tell which one of the girls is better at drawing... Nakajima draws really lovely Rankas while May'n's Sheryls are...interesting to say the least :lol:

I hope Tenjin's great Alto picture gets proper colour treatment somewhere soon enough. And the retro-Macross artwork makes me wish next Macross would be steampunk, heh.

For those who have the File:

Anyone else feel extremely trolled by the delicious yuri manga? :D<_<

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If you guys are really desperate you can get it on ebay for murderous 79,99 dollars price (ditto for other two). Only positive is that they're completely new and the shipping is free...

You can also buy previous two creator files from there. For the same price. Ouch.

WTF?!? volume 2 was up for about $30 less than a month ago! :angry:

BTW, is it a bad thing that I would have seriously considered grabbing it for that price if the listing hadn't already ended? :unsure:

Anyone else feel extremely trolled by the delicious yuri manga? :D<_<

I feel extremely trolled knowing there's delicious yuri manga out there that I want but don't have. <_<

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WTF?!? volume 2 was up for about $30 less than a month ago! :angry:

BTW, is it a bad thing that I would have seriously considered grabbing it for that price if the listing hadn't already ended? :unsure:

yeah, I don't know if the seller changed or if he/she just upped the price from $30 to $79,99...

I bought my copy some time ago already and the listing ended yesterday. With any luck he'll stack up more soon enough...but who knows, really, given how rare they are

I feel extremely trolled knowing there's delicious yuri manga out there that I want but don't have. <_<

well don't get your hopes up... :p

for a moment I thought some staff member had seen the truth and beauty hidden in Ranka/Sheryl OTP...

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You can order file 1&3 or pre-order all three issues online at retail price. Pre-order ends on the 7th in Japan.

If anyone in the US wants me to middle for you, it will be 3450JPY shipped for one issue, 5950jpy for two issues, and 8450jpy for all three issues.

Need payment upfront this time. Because every group buy I've hosted for MWF ended up with someone not paying. :angry:

Please PM me if interested.

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You can order file 1&3 or pre-order all three issues online at retail price. Pre-order ends on the 7th in Japan.

If anyone in the US wants me to middle for you, it will be 3450JPY shipped for one issue, 5950jpy for two issues, and 8450jpy for all three issues.

Need payment upfront this time. Because every group buy I've hosted for MWF ended up with someone not paying. :angry:

Please PM me if interested.

What site has the preorder?

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