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April Fools around the web


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A bit off topic...

I'm hoping to see some sort of good large scale PC interface in the next few years. I've noticed a pretty strong correlation between my back & shoulder pains and computer use after years of working in Software & IT (yea... IT is hell). Although it's meant to be a joke the comment about people not being designed to sit and troll on a keyboard all day long is very true.

Something akin to a whiteboard, where I can work standing would be awesome. The tablets are a good first step, but typing just doesn't feel quite right to me yet. But I hear holo-keyboards are right around the corner as well.

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Been fiddling around with the game Vindictus recently, sort of a mashup of dynasty warriors with an mmo, built on the source engine. Mostly it's just eye candy hack and slash (plenty of fanservice items/outfits etc) but for April 1st they randomly had GlaDOS and the Companion Cube drop in and recruit you as a test subject (to collect some metal ore from somewhere, really just a hunt/fetch quest), then the heavy from TF2 showed up with a similar quest for an easily found item.

The actual quest content was negligible, but the dialogue from both GlaDOS and the Heavy were absolutely hilarious. They flat out lampshaded the game's style (GlaDOS pointed out that there were far too many pointy objects and not enough clothing to protect from injury, while they Heavy just stated he would stand around and watch all the pretty girls running around in very little clothing while you found the items he needed), but they even made fun of the way the game works in general, poking fun at the token system they use in game. It was basically a string of in-jokes, but it's nice to see the people running the game have a good sense of humor about it.

The quest rewards are pretty much joke items in the game, but having a knight in full plate armor running around beating things up with a crowbar is pretty awesome (even a magic crowbar staff for the mage characters). The head crab and City 17 Police gasmask helmets are pretty amusing too.

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Think Geek always has some good ones. A couple years ago, they had a TaunTaun sleeping bag - which ended up licensed from Lucasfilm & produced. Another time it was a pair of Portal t-shirts with cameras wirelessly linked to each other - the oval on the orange shirt would show what was behind the blue shirt & vice versa.

My favorite from this year:

Playmobil Apple Store Playset

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