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For War Machine/Iron Patriot it i thought it was an eject, or safety feature. The suit detected the internal temperature rising and ejected Rhodes.

Regarding how those modified w Extremis could destroy or go toe-to-toe w the Iron Man suits I would really recommend reading the Extremis graphic novel (have to state again that it was a really good read). But basically it turned them into super soldiers that could, and one did beat Tony Stark to a bloody pulp.

There are certainly some things (plot, action, etc.) that could have been done differently, but one of the reasons I really enjoyed IM:3 was because it did have just enough of a departure from the first two to make it fresh and interesting.



Extremis was better explained in the comic where it originated. The writer, Warren Ellis, likes to use theories that have some grounding in science in his stories (the guy is very into things related to transhumanism and the social implications related to them). The extremis mojo hacks the part of the brain that knows how to repair the body to make it super effective. The process is supposed to be very long and painful and involves getting reworked or completely new organs to make the body super efficient.

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I saw it. I liked it but I did not like it as much as Avengers or Iron Man 2. I did like how they "split" the story with the antagonist.


Just saw it tonight. Liked it better than 2 for sure. Really liked what they did with The Mandarin, though the Extremis arc was sort of blah overall. Still not as good as 1 though.


Interesting and fun movie, science was definitely not as grounded. I saw the twist coming very early on. Did Extermis in the comics have the whole heat thing too? The biggest issue I had is that, on the whole, the armors seemed much weaker this time around. Was that just to show how powerful extermis made people, or to show that Tony was not making the armors to the same quality? Also what freaking mach number were the parts of the MK42 moving at to get from TN to FL in like 5 minutes time?

  On 5/17/2013 at 5:51 PM, Knight26 said:

Interesting and fun movie, science was definitely not as grounded. I saw the twist coming very early on. Did Extermis in the comics have the whole heat thing too?

They could breathe fire. :unsure:

I would suggest looking for the graphic novel as it would probably help explaining what Extremis is.



I enjoyed it a lot...might even be my fave of the three.

Helps when you never read many comic books I suppose.


I'm thinking I enjoy part 2 the most. I increasingly hate origin stories and Terrence Howard crying in every movie he's in also bugs, which diminishes the original (though the Mk II remains one of my favorite suits). War Machine rocks, of course. 3 just didn't.... leave me wanting to immediately see it again like I did with 1 and 2... I'll definitely be betting the blu-ray, don't get me wrong, and doing a marathon when it's in...

  On 5/17/2013 at 7:25 PM, azrael said:

I would suggest looking for the graphic novel as it would probably help explaining what Extremis is.


Was that article machine-translated from another language? It hurt my brain trying to actually read it.

"The Extremis uses, also at this stage, all the nutrients and body mass to reshape the existing body, creating new agencies stronger, powerful and resilient"

"Once the modification is made Cerebral closed, this same body system evaluates the entire human body as erroneous and injured, then sending the information to the brain that all the body, externally and internally, is wrong, completely transforming it into a wound open to be healed and changed the standards that the Extremis recently rewritten"

Yeah, everything makes way more sense now...


saw it last week with the minions. it wasnt the best but it did the job (the deal with mandrin, especially awesome when things came to light). 8 out of 10 halflings.

  On 5/21/2013 at 3:48 AM, David Hingtgen said:

Was that article machine-translated from another language? It hurt my brain trying to actually read it.

Like I said, read the comic. It will explain it a lot better.
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
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Okay, that was cute beyond words. I think my favourite part was the opening screen and the character select :) Though the midi Iron Man at the end will stick with me for some time.

As an aside, the image in the post above of Gwenyth Paltrow... :o:wub::o


Hot Toys' Silver Centurion somehow looks chunkier than their other Iron Man figures. Nonetheless, it's everything you'd expect from a Hot Toys figure when it comes to attention to detail. Accessories include open helmet with Tony Stark head, detachable combat blades and battle-damaged chest plate. Selected markets will also receive a battle-damaged Mk. 42 helmet as a bonus item.









Iron Man (Mk XXXIII) Silver Centurion


Here's Tony Stark, as seen in more than half of the film. Hot Toys' Tony Stark: The Mechanic comes with all the homemade weapons he built to sneak into The Mandarin's Miami hideout, including stun glove, nail gun and Christmas grenade. The figure also comes with the battle-damaged Mark 42 right forearm and left boot armor parts, as well as the Augmented Cognition Headset with holographic effects and a limited-edition Dora the Explorer watch. Selected markets will also receive a homemade Wrist Repulsor as a bonus item.







Tony Stark: The Mechanic

  • 2 weeks later...
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Love those ending credits...


Speaking of the ending credits, who is "Fan Bing-Bing?"

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...


He's arriving.

This is a difficult operation, gonna take 30 odd hours to complete. Very experimental, never done it before. LMK if you need to use the ladies room during this time. blah blah

But what if we fail, the whole world is watching. This operation can affect the whole world.

But what if we succeed? We'll be known as the doctors who saved him. blah blah blah

I couldn't sleep after the operation.

Hows the patient doing? Will he listen to your (doctors) order? Of course.

Are you worried? This is what we do.


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