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Posted (edited)

Just caught a glimpse of the new Robocop's pic at ign, taken during filming. Damn, looks like some bad hybrid between Cyborg Raiden and generic armor from a scifi shooter game. Me no likey.

Edited by GU-11

I wonder if this new suit isn't more of a relfection of us/society than just a suit.

I mean, Robocop's design is pure 80s mentality: big, burly, mechanical and completely non-organic. Much like buildings and structures designed during that time, it has no interest in "blending in" with its surroundings. Modern-day designs are much rounder, "organic" and designed to blend in with the environment.

Is this new suit a facet of that philosophy? Smaller and slimmer and not as "in your face" as the original suit?

Posted (edited)
  On 9/17/2012 at 3:21 AM, CoryHolmes said:

I wonder if this new suit isn't more of a relfection of us/society than just a suit.

I mean, Robocop's design is pure 80s mentality: big, burly, mechanical and completely non-organic. Much like buildings and structures designed during that time, it has no interest in "blending in" with its surroundings. Modern-day designs are much rounder, "organic" and designed to blend in with the environment.

Is this new suit a facet of that philosophy? Smaller and slimmer and not as "in your face" as the original suit?

I kinda get the point you're trying to make, but comparing it to architectural styles isn't a good comparison. There are plenty of rounded building designs constructed during and even before the '80's (for organic/rounded: the Sydney Opera House's design dates from 1957, and for blending in: Fallingwater dates from 1935). If memory serves, the main reasons that there weren't as many until after the 80's is due to construction costs (partially connected to increases in materials technologies) and changing trends in what clients (in this case, the people who commission buildings) want.

Regarding current movie design trends - there's been a shift away from engineering/science based designs toward Southern California graphic design school methodologies - in short, the setting images that are commissioned in preproduction are more geared toward atmosphere and mood than the actual mechanics of a prop.

I fear that is where this new Robocop suit design is coming from: the atmosphere and mood of the suit rather than the man-made-into-a-machine feel of the original.

Does the design reflect us/society? Have we/society changed (or are changing) to one where image is more important than substance?

Edited by sketchley

I agree with what most of you are saying about the suit, it looks more like a suit of armor from Mass Effect than Robocop. But, I will reserve final judgement until we see production stills or video, they are probably going to go in in post and make some changes to the texture/color/etc... I also think they were probably trying to shy away from the look of the original and Iron Man based designs to try and create something more unique, unfortunately that gave us this design. Who knows this suit they are using here may even be a special effect specific suit for when he is changing his camo pattern or something. I am holding out hope, but not much after seeing this.


I don't dislike it, except that being all black seems to make it look flat. Some silver highlights could have really made it pop, while also being more of a nod to the original. We'll see. I'm actually kinda relieved after some of the talk about the design and the fake concept art.

Posted (edited)
  On 9/26/2012 at 3:08 AM, David Hingtgen said:

Or instead of pure blackest black, why not a navy blue, as is the traditional US police uniform in many(all?) US cities.

Can find too much on the subject but i did find is that each color is a different class of uniform. Source.

And having light blue uniforms myself it is a pain to get various stains out.

also i think everyone gives the original suit too much credit.

Edited by BeyondTheGrave
  On 9/26/2012 at 5:18 AM, BeyondTheGrave said:
also i think everyone gives the original suit too much credit.

To me, the original suit looks more mechanical. This Robocop looks too much like a Batsuit, i.e., a guy in a form-fitting rubber/neoprene/foam latex-suit. The original Robocop (or even the Iron Man suits) felt more movement restrictive, so the actor ends up making more mechanical-like movements to give off that appearance that it's a mechanical. Yes, these are cellphone pictures and probably will look different in post-production, but it just looks too much like a human in a suit of armor and not robot (hence "Robo"cop).


I hope they make Murphy look a LOT creepier without his mask. I mean, part of what made the first movie so good to me was that he kinda looked tortured/pathetic without his visor. I am not down with the new designs.

I'm withholding judgement, but I do agree that he looks more like Batman than Robocop.


I suspect that a lot of the "mechanical-ness" will be sold or unsold by his movements. If they've hired a decent mime artist and put some effort into making him a machine with a man's brain, then the design, however un-Robocopy it may be, will match that. If they just stumbles around like a moron, then no amount of visual effects will cover it up.

  On 9/26/2012 at 3:08 AM, David Hingtgen said:

Or instead of pure blackest black, why not a navy blue, as is the traditional US police uniform in many(all?) US cities.

Thank you...


Some new shots:

ROBOCOP Set Photos Offer New Look At Suit, Michael Keaton & More

Comments (hidden for those that don't wish to be tainted by comments before looking at the pics first):

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I’m starting to accept the design. It still looks like a rubber suit, instead of metal armor made of plates. :/ Here’s hoping they add all the mechanical sound effects like in the original movie, or in Iron Man, to really sell the robotic aspect of his character better, and that the actor received some mime training to move more like a machine than a guy in a rubber suit.

(It would be really sad if Iron Man turned out to be more robotic in look, design and sound, than the RoboCop reboot…)

The one exposed hand just shouts “SHOOT HERE”.


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  On 10/7/2012 at 9:47 AM, OmegaD3k said:

The one exposed hand just shouts “SHOOT HERE”.

It's so he can still lovingly touch his wife's face after his humanity/lost self returns.

If it's true, it totally negates a lot of the pathos in the original...


There is a link somewhere in this thread that had a spoilerific plot description of the movie. If said description is accurate, then the hand thing is explainable.

Without giving to much away:

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Posted (edited)

I'm just going to take this at face value and not compare it to the original. All the X-Men movies and other remakes have been ruined for me because I made the comparisons to the original material. The new look isn't horrible even if it isn't original. ED-209 looks like a Decepticon from the Bay movies though.

Edited by Benson13

More set pics.

ROBOCOP Set Photos Capture Close-Up Look At The Armor


Again, comments hidden to avoid tainting opinions

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They're gonna fix up he whole suit in post to make it look more like fiberglass. Hand might be due to use of gun.

Still meh on the design. It just doesn't have that awe inspiring first impression. That might be due to the internet, but when I saw the Iron Man suit it just felt right immediately, just like the first Robocop suit.


Maybe keeping one real arm is a callback to the original movie where they joke about being able to save one of his arms while rebuilding Murphy into Robocop.

They should do some freaky cyberpunk thing like that one episode of AD Police where a cyborg only has his original tongue and he needs to bite it to feel alive.


Though my thought is speculation at its finest you wonder if this new version will be any where near as violent as the original? I still can't watch the ED209 demonstration scene (without cringing) where the business guy is shot apart at the beginning.


I wonder if the bare hand is for tactile ability, especially for gun-handling since the sensation of touch is still difficult to replicate with machines.

  On 10/8/2012 at 8:46 PM, 505thAirborne said:

Though my thought is speculation at its finest you wonder if this new version will be any where near as violent as the original? I still can't watch the ED209 demonstration scene (without cringing) where the business guy is shot apart at the beginning.

It took me years to understand the cynical nature of that scene. Guy gets blown apart and only Johnson is tangentially concerned with Kenny's death. The Old Man is more concerned with the delay to Delta City's construction and the interest payments incurred. Dick Jones wants to save the ED-209 program for military use, and Bob Morton sees his opening for his own program.

So much cynicism in one violent, gory scene.

  On 10/8/2012 at 5:11 PM, azrael said:

More set pics.

The Omnicorp is filming sign is a nice touch. Like the helmet, but the suit still looks rubber... but that's probably due to lighting.


More pics:

New Set Photos Of ROBOCOP In Action

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Just read this somewhere from that link:

RoboCop (1987)

Director - Paul Verhoeven

When antagonist Clarence Boddicker (Kurtwood Smith) is taken to the police precinct after receiving a solid whooping by RoboCop (Peter Weller), Boddicker spits a bloody glob onto the paperwork of the desk sergeant, followed by the line "Give me my f*ckin' phone call!"

Smith and Verhoeven briefly had discussed the unscripted moment before filming the scene but neglected to inform the extras - which was evident by their real and disgusted surprise as the scene unfolded.

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