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First of all, this thing is HUGE, it WILL eat your 1/48, it WILL eat your pets, and it WILL eat your children, that said, onto the review:

Sculpt: 9.5 the sculpt is dead on, and even at this massive scale they still maintain lots of tiny detail, there are 3 types of claws, open, closed, and articulated, there are 4 open, 6 closed, and 4 articulated, for a grand total of 14 human shredding claws, only gripe is that the articulated claws seem kind of pointless to me as i will be keeping them all in the open or closed position anyway, personally i would have made 14 open and 14 closed claws that could be interchangeable, BTW this thing is HUGE.

Paint: 9 the paint job is extremely good, no overspray, all the panel lining and weathering is is excellent, especially for something so HUGE, my only question is i dont remmeber the sentinels being as brown, but you never really see them in good lighitng conditions in the mvoies so i dont know

Articulation: 10 every single tentacle is HUGE and fully articulated and unlike many other toys that wire-in-rubber poseable, these tentacles will take any pose and hold it, also the small arms under the head have ball joints at the base

QC: 9 this area woul have got a 10 except for the one claw that was broken and it seems a few of the claws and small arms suffer from gashapon disease, altho its notihng a heatgun cant cure

Packaging: 5 oh i didnt not like that packaging, especially since it was problably responsible for the gashapon disease, it comes packes with the sentinel tied in a giant knot and held tight with zip ties and twisties ties, it also isnt a very good display package as the sentinel is all knotted up and u cant really see how HUGE it is when its in a knot

Value: 11! literally a bargain at twice the price, something this HUGE and of this quality i would expect to go for at least $60 but it was a mere $25, AMAZING!

Overal: 9.8 there is not much you could do to make this toy any better, this is quite possible the greatest thing mcfarlane has ever made, IMHO, DID I MENTION IT'S HUGE?


even the bulky SP alpha doesnt stand a chance


can you believe something like this is only $25?


out of witty comments :(





Nice. Does it have the little radar dish thingys for a hand or two?

What scale is this thing in anyways?

  Uxi said:
Nice. Does it have the little radar dish thingys for a hand or two?

What scale is this thing in anyways?

no it does not have the radar dishes, i was gonna mention that but i forgot, fromt what i can see that are to scale with the human figures mcfarlane makes, which idont know the scale of but i tihnk is 1/10? 1/12?


I ordered mine from towerrecords.com since I can't find one in the stores and they offer free shipping. Can't wait to get that bad boy.


:o That looks really crazy and its massive!

And when you mention it will eat your pets and children

thats crazier x 3...i'm scared.


OH yea, great fun at work, if you can find the room! I love mine, but not without complaints, you can see one of the claws came with a tip missing, and the paint got worn off in the box. All in all worth every penny! Now where is my APU for it to kill!




Yipes! I picked up this bad boy last night, and I must say, "Impressive, Snake."

Wow, he's fraking huge, and loveable! The bendable claws got me hooked. I'm going to hang this bad boy up in my hobby room :)



I knew it would just be a matter of time before the bendy arms got to the dark side in us...

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