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10 hours ago, RedWolf said:

There is a reason why the Protoculture chose to keep Zentradi education at elementary level. Give them proper education not only can they maintain their gear but build their own.

Partly, though it was also to deter them from pursuing any "creative" or "productive" lines of thought and keep them tractable.

Probably also to save resources, since the Protoculture seem to have considered the Zentradi extremely expendable and were shown to not be terribly concerned about the comfort or survivability of their hardware.  The Regult is noted to be a human factors nightmare scenario that's uncomfortable and exhausting to use because its level of automation is low and the pilot has to control a lot of it manually.  Even on the comparatively posh Queadluun series battle suits, they cheaped out on armoring the cockpit and putting redundancy into the control system.


6 hours ago, RaisingCane said:

Did Chlore and her forces end up joining the Macross 7 fleet?


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3 minutes ago, RaisingCane said:

Is the Zentradi battle suit in Macross Plus supposed to be some jury-rigged concoction or something manufactured by an automated factory that we just didn't see during Space War 1?

You mean this one ?

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6 minutes ago, RaisingCane said:

Is the Zentradi battle suit in Macross Plus supposed to be some jury-rigged concoction or something manufactured by an automated factory that we just didn't see during Space War 1?

There is very little information available on it, but it is indicated to be a design from the Protoculture's civil war... though they remain vague about whether it's a standard issue design that is now rare or whether it was an isolated development by some Protoculture colony or other and is only used by a small number of Zentradi fleets as a result.

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42 minutes ago, RaisingCane said:

Might that also be same situation with the Golg Gant Charts? 

On that score, your guess is as good as mine... there's nothing said about the Zentradi Heavy Attacker that would indicate it's in any way rare or obscure as a design.

It doesn't actually have a name though, it's only ever referred to as "Heavy Attacker" (重攻撃機) in official materials.


42 minutes ago, RaisingCane said:

Come to think of it, couldn't the battle suit be an SA design?

It's identified as Zentradi in official materials.

That said, I'm not sure there is such a thing as a "Supervision Army" design.  The Supervision Army was originally formed by the Protodeviln capturing and brainwashing Protoculture civilians and the Zentradi forces defending various Protoculture emigrant planets.  Their military forces would surely have been primarily, if not exclusively, made up of whatever they seized from the people they captured and dragooned into service.  Since the Protoculture were divided into two factions militarily opposed to each other at the time, there were very likely different designs used by the Zentradi forces of the two factions, but it's unlikely the Supervision Army came up with anything new on their own in the short time they were the dominant military power in the galaxy.

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2 minutes ago, RaisingCane said:

Is there any reason to assume that the SA wouldn't have invented new designs just like the Varauta did?

I'm not sure it could be said that the captured and brainwashed Varauta system New UN Forces developed any new weapons after being taken over by the Protodeviln.  The ships and weapons they used in Macross 7 are just modifications of the equipment they were using when they were captured.  The only thing they had that was constructed after the takeover of the system was a stretch version of their cruiser-scale carrier to serve as a dedicated aircraft carrier.

Most of the Supervision Army would naturally have been Zentradi forces defending the Protoculture emigrant planets that the Protodeviln attacked.  They lack the education and the mindset needed to modify existing weapons or create new ones.  The Protoculture who were dragooned into service didn't have enough time to develop new weapons if they were so inclined... the Protodeviln's whole rampage across the galaxy only lasted a bit over a year before they were sealed away and the Supervision Army was left directionless to fight against the now uncontrolled Zentradi.

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15 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

I'm not sure it could be said that the captured and brainwashed Varauta system New UN Forces developed any new weapons after being taken over by the Protodeviln.  The ships and weapons they used in Macross 7 are just modifications of the equipment they were using when they were captured.  The only thing they had that was constructed after the takeover of the system was a stretch version of their cruiser-scale carrier to serve as a dedicated aircraft carrier.

Most of the Supervision Army would naturally have been Zentradi forces defending the Protoculture emigrant planets that the Protodeviln attacked.  They lack the education and the mindset needed to modify existing weapons or create new ones.  The Protoculture who were dragooned into service didn't have enough time to develop new weapons if they were so inclined... the Protodeviln's whole rampage across the galaxy only lasted a bit over a year before they were sealed away and the Supervision Army was left directionless to fight against the now uncontrolled Zentradi.

So the war between the Zentraedi forces and the Supervision Army is pretty much pointless by now. Both sides' have no commanders past those leading their fleets, with the Zentraedi's Protoculture leaders long since dead, and the Supervision Army's Protodevlin having since been sealed away, then after being released, found a way to create Spiritua on their own and abandoning their war.

Two juggernauts locked in battle over a war long lost by both sides.

One could almost imagine the horror that would result if an enemy found one of the command centers for the Protoculture and issued coordinates and new orders to all the Zentraedi fleets to attack  Earth and her colonies...

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2 minutes ago, pengbuzz said:

So the war between the Zentraedi forces and the Supervision Army is pretty much pointless by now.

More or less, yeah.  The ancient Protoculture screwed up pretty epically.  Not only did their civil war spiral so far out of control that it resulted in the destruction of their civilization and their eventual extinction... they left the galaxy a Forever War between two inexhaustible armies of clone soldiers who can't even consider an end to the hostilities, let alone comprehend that the entire reason for the war faded into irrelevance hundreds of thousands of years ago.

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5 minutes ago, Bolt said:

So. Any remaining Protoculture have left the Galaxy? Surely some must exist somewhere..

The main/ongoing Macross continuity generally takes the view that the ancient Protoculture are extinct.

Their interstellar civilization was all but completely destroyed in the Supervision Army's initial rampage across the galaxy.  What was left after the Protodeviln were defeated and sealed by the anima spiritia apparently wasn't enough to sustain itself, and their remaining isolated population centers slowly died out over the next 22,000 years.  Macross Delta offered up a theory in-universe that the Brisingr globular cluster was the last enclave of the Protoculture where the species finally died out completely.

Macross II's parallel world continuity offers a different take where the Mardook are strongly implied to be the descendants of a surviving group of Protoculture refugees like the ones who settled on Earth and created humanity in DYRL?'s backstory, though their entire original civilization was obliterated by the out-of-control Zentradi and Meltrandi forces.

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It would not surprise me if surviving Protoculture left for another dimension. They have the technical capability to hide structures in Fold space.

Then there are the girls the Protoculture tend to leave in sleeping pods such as Mina Forte. I suspect Mayan and Windermerean folklore involving the pilot of the Bird Human, Roy Waka, and the Star Singer are either Protoculture or Biological Androids that married with the natives. Roy Waka is said to come from the neck of the Bird Human. My guess the head unit. The DYRL version of the Protoculture Civil War states the Protoculture resorted to cloning for reproduction. There may be a mix of truth there are all natural born Protoculture and artificially produced Protoculture. 

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2 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

More or less, yeah.  The ancient Protoculture screwed up pretty epically.  Not only did their civil war spiral so far out of control that it resulted in the destruction of their civilization and their eventual extinction... they left the galaxy a Forever War between two inexhaustible armies of clone soldiers who can't even consider an end to the hostilities, let alone comprehend that the entire reason for the war faded into irrelevance hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Hmm... you'd think that near their eventual end, they'd try to send someone back in time to try to fix that.

(yeah, we've all seen how well that one works, Kyle Reese!)

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Just now, pengbuzz said:

Hmm... you'd think that near their eventual end, they'd try to send someone back in time to try to fix that.

(yeah, we've all seen how well that one works, Kyle Reese!)

That they not only didn't make the attempt but sealed and buried the time travel-capable Fold Evil they built and set an army of self-replicating technorganic monsters to keep all and sundry away from it shows that, at least at the end, the Protoculture were starting to learn from their mistakes.

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14 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

That they not only didn't make the attempt but sealed and buried the time travel-capable Fold Evil they built and set an army of self-replicating technorganic monsters to keep all and sundry away from it shows that, at least at the end, the Protoculture were starting to learn from their mistakes.

In that case, I can imagine the following:

"We've made several horrific mistakes, ones that will not only consume us, but those yet to come. To then try to tamper with time itself, in an attempt to resolve this dilemma, may leave the rest of the galaxy unable to ever end the Zentraedi/ Supervision Army War. Perhaps one day, the races we seeded might find a way to do so. To that end we will seal away what weapons we can and prevent any more destruction and misery from being wrought.

As for ourselves: we do not know if we can ever be forgiven for bringing ceaseless war and unending death and destruction to this galaxy. For what have unleashed on the remaining life and civilizations to come, the least we can do is to rid them of our cursed presence.

We deserve this fate... may no others ever follow our mistakes."

Or am I reading too much nobility that I would like to see into their character?

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2 minutes ago, pengbuzz said:

Or am I reading too much nobility that I would like to see into their character?

I'm a cynic at heart, but I feel like that's probably way more noble than they actually were...

Knowing engineers as I do (being one) and given that the Protoculture kept building irresponsibly dangerous things and only deciding to bury them after completing them... I'm kind of inclined to suspect the conversation went more like this:

"You built what?"
"You said you wouldn't get mad at me..."
"You. Built. WHAT?"
"... a time-traveling Fold Evil."
*some Protoculture government official spends the next five minutes hyperventilating into a paper bag*
"Here's what we're gonna do.  We're gonna bury that thing somewhere nobody would ever look.  We're gonna build a Keep Out sign that literally murders trespassers to make sure nobody who tries to look there comes back alive.  Then we're gonna break spacetime around the entire planet to make sure nobody can go there to look.  Only then will I be able to sleep without fear that you idiots will screw this galaxy up even worse than we already have."

The conversation about the Delta Wave System was probably worse.  Can you imagine putting in the effort to build an interplanetary fold network, massive fold wave resonators, and a colossal tower shrine with a docking spaceship in a bid to end conflict in the galaxy and then having to explain to the authorities that it can't ever be used because it might kill all of the intelligent life in the galaxy by lethally overclocking their brains instead?

I get the distinct feeling their engineers could make even the most mundane home appliances distressingly lethal entirely by accident.

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There are different narratives given by Protoculture AI. The Bird Human which facilitated the experimentation and observation of Terrans would've destroyed them if they proved to be an aggressive species reaching space flight. This was even before the Protodevlin came to the scene. The conflict was just between Protoculture factions. The Survey Ship that brought the Bird Human was destroyed thus no record of Earth. The Ruins of Rax gives the narrative the Protoculture was at peace till they colonized space and they hoped the Subraces they created would come together in harmony. Especially the Zentradi. On Altira on the other hand states the Protoculture tried to rebuild their civilization but war always follows them. 

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7 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

I'm a cynic at heart, but I feel like that's probably way more noble than they actually were...

Knowing engineers as I do (being one) and given that the Protoculture kept building irresponsibly dangerous things and only deciding to bury them after completing them... I'm kind of inclined to suspect the conversation went more like this:

"You built what?"
"You said you wouldn't get mad at me..."
"You. Built. WHAT?"
"... a time-traveling Fold Evil."
*some Protoculture government official spends the next five minutes hyperventilating into a paper bag*
"Here's what we're gonna do.  We're gonna bury that thing somewhere nobody would ever look.  We're gonna build a Keep Out sign that literally murders trespassers to make sure nobody who tries to look there comes back alive.  Then we're gonna break spacetime around the entire planet to make sure nobody can go there to look.  Only then will I be able to sleep without fear that you idiots will screw this galaxy up even worse than we already have."

The conversation about the Delta Wave System was probably worse.  Can you imagine putting in the effort to build an interplanetary fold network, massive fold wave resonators, and a colossal tower shrine with a docking spaceship in a bid to end conflict in the galaxy and then having to explain to the authorities that it can't ever be used because it might kill all of the intelligent life in the galaxy by lethally overclocking their brains instead?

I get the distinct feeling their engineers could make even the most mundane home appliances distressingly lethal entirely by accident.

So more like "The Office" if it were sci-fi anime, right?

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39 minutes ago, JB0 said:

I love how the protoculture went from "let's build a time machine, what could go wrong?" to "hide the time machine under a pile of gray goo nanomachines to ensure no one ever uses it!"

Because self-replicating murdermachines NEVER go wrong!

Why didn't they just program the nanomachines to eat the time machine? Problem solved!

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1 hour ago, pengbuzz said:

Why didn't they just program the nanomachines to eat the time machine? Problem solved!

I mean, there's a lot of modern Macross problems that seem like they could've been solved by the protoculture going "Hey, instead of burying this horrible doomsday device under ice/dirt/fold space/a different horrible doomsday device, why don't we drop it straight into a black hole and reduce it to subatomic particles? Or set off some dimension eater bombs? We can do that. Just turn the entire goddamn planet into a black hole, don't even have to take the trash out. A planet is a small price to pay."


But noooooooooooo, they just hid them in a cave instead, like a kid about to get caught with the cookie box.

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36 minutes ago, JB0 said:

I mean, there's a lot of modern Macross problems that seem like they could've been solved by the protoculture going "Hey, instead of burying this horrible doomsday device under ice/dirt/fold space/a different horrible doomsday device, why don't we drop it straight into a black hole and reduce it to subatomic particles? Or set off some dimension eater bombs? We can do that. Just turn the entire goddamn planet into a black hole, don't even have to take the trash out. A planet is a small price to pay."


But noooooooooooo, they just hid them in a cave instead, like a kid about to get caught with the cookie box.

Why do I get the impression that when Macross finaly shows what the Protoculture looked like, it will simply be Dennis the Menace in a funky space outfit? O.O

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1 hour ago, JB0 said:

I mean, there's a lot of modern Macross problems that seem like they could've been solved by the protoculture going "Hey, instead of burying this horrible doomsday device under ice/dirt/fold space/a different horrible doomsday device, why don't we drop it straight into a black hole and reduce it to subatomic particles? Or set off some dimension eater bombs? We can do that. Just turn the entire goddamn planet into a black hole, don't even have to take the trash out. A planet is a small price to pay."

But noooooooooooo, they just hid them in a cave instead, like a kid about to get caught with the cookie box.

These are the same people who decided to create a class of bioweapons to deal with growing internal conflicts ala Halo's Spartans at the same time they thought it was a good idea draw power from a different dimension with those bioweapons without taking a look around in that said differnt dimension to see if there was anyone around that...I don't know...might wonder what the heck was going on and cross into our universe.

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1 hour ago, azrael said:

These are the same people who decided to create a class of bioweapons to deal with growing internal conflicts ala Halo's Spartans at the same time they thought it was a good idea draw power from a different dimension with those bioweapons without taking a look around in that said differnt dimension to see if there was anyone around that...I don't know...might wonder what the heck was going on and cross into our universe.

okay, let me revise that then...just before we meet the Protoculture, we hear banjos playing...

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12 hours ago, RedWolf said:

There are different narratives given by Protoculture AI. The Bird Human which facilitated the experimentation and observation of Terrans would've destroyed them if they proved to be an aggressive species reaching space flight. This was even before the Protodevlin came to the scene.

There's a bit of a problem with the order of events there...

Namely, the Evil-series bio-weapons that became the Protodeviln were powered by the prototype fold dimensional energy converters.  That's why they ended up possessed by the extradimensional energy beings who became their respective consciousnesses.  The Birdhuman is powered by a production version of that same technology, which suggests it'd have to have been built after the Protodeviln emerged.  The Protoculture also weren't super-opposed to internal conflict until after their cold war went hot with the the Protodeviln attacking both sides.  Given that the Fold Evil sealed on Uroboros is a more advanced, piloted Evil-series... it's likely the Birdhuman is a derivative of the Evil-series bioweapons to begin with... so it could only have been placed on Earth after the Protoculture were nearly wiped out.


12 hours ago, RedWolf said:

The Ruins of Rax gives the narrative the Protoculture was at peace till they colonized space

Quite the opposite... the murals in the Protoculture ruins on Lux contain a narrative that claims the Protoculture had been a divided people from an incredibly early point in their development.  It literally asserts that by the time they made the switch from being hunter-gatherers to inventing agriculture and metal tools they were already divided, and that divide only got worse as they ventured into space and created the Zentradi to fight their wars for them.


12 hours ago, RedWolf said:

On Altira on the other hand states the Protoculture tried to rebuild their civilization but war always follows them. 

In the sense that the war... the war they'd created the Zentradi and Meltrandi for... was ongoing and they were forced to continually abandon their settlements and flee from it when the Zentradi and/or Meltrandi began to move into the region of space they'd tried to settle in.



10 hours ago, JB0 said:

I love how the protoculture went from "let's build a time machine, what could go wrong?" to "hide the time machine under a pile of gray goo nanomachines to ensure no one ever uses it!"

Because self-replicating murdermachines NEVER go wrong!

Not nanomachines... they predictably decided to build giant biotechnological murder machines, because that's basically their go-to solution for everything.

The Protoculture who sealed and buried the Fold Evil on Uroboros constructed a self-replicating race of giant biotechnological insects to inhabit and guard what remained of their civilization on Uroboros, and to act as a very clear and very proactive Keep Out sign to anyone who might investigate the facilities maintaining the fold fault around the planet and the seal on the Fold Evil.  It's not clear whether humanity came up with the name or they found it in the ruins, but they're called the Dyaus.  The small ones are about the size of a Valkyrie or Battle Pod.  The big ones are easily ten times the size of a Valkyrie.  The really big ones, the ones humanity called Mother Dyaus, are easily larger than a stealth frigate and durable enough to repeatedly tank reaction weapon strikes.  They're biotechnological, but they reproduce biologically... their nests are frequent fixtures in Protoculture ruins there.


8 hours ago, JB0 said:

I mean, there's a lot of modern Macross problems that seem like they could've been solved by the protoculture going "Hey, instead of burying this horrible doomsday device under ice/dirt/fold space/a different horrible doomsday device, why don't we drop it straight into a black hole and reduce it to subatomic particles? Or set off some dimension eater bombs? We can do that. Just turn the entire goddamn planet into a black hole, don't even have to take the trash out. A planet is a small price to pay."


But noooooooooooo, they just hid them in a cave instead, like a kid about to get caught with the cookie box.

A lot of the Protoculture's problems could've been avoided if they'd just not built such stupidly dangerous things in the first place... though some of what they sealed was beyond their ability to destroy, like the Protodeviln.

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1 hour ago, Seto Kaiba said:


1 hour ago, Seto Kaiba said:

There's a bit of a problem with the order of events there...



It can actually fit given the breakthrough was before the Evil Series was at its final test when they were possessed. The Bird Human was likely made concurrent with the Evil Series. Besides the the technology behind  Fold Quartz was likely distributed.



From Macross Compendium

PC 2868
On the [aforementioned] scientifically advanced planet, the existence of a sub-universe is confirmed. According to survey results, this sub-universe is abound with super high levels of extra-dimensional energy, and this energy is discovered to have the potential for application.The trial production of super dimension energy gates which can supply energy from the sub-universe is begun, and genetically engineered biological super dimension organs are developed. These biological super dimension organs are extremely compact, and they are expected to supply enormous amounts of energy.
Because of power problems, the trial production begins implementing the technology from the terminated "Evil Series." No problems are uncovered in simulations.
The internal conflicts within the Stellar Republic revives the development of the "Evil Series."
PC 2870
A Protoculture survey ship stops temporarily on "Earth." By genetically reconstructing the native life, it plots the emergence of a sub-Protoculture adapted to the planetary environment, "Humankind," to prepare for future colonization. During its return to its home planet, the survey ship is destroyed by military ships opposed to the Stellar Republic. Records of Earth and Humankind are eventually lost. [PC 2900]
PC 2871
On the [aforementioned] scientifically advanced planet, trial production of the "Evil Series" for final tests is begun. Seven Evil Series weapons of seven types including a highly mobile, humanoid "Sivil" for search-and-destroy functions and a super-scale, high-powered "Glavil" for fleet warfare are completed. The Evil Series tests are begun, but at the same time biological super dimension organs overload and extradimensional energy is released. The Evil Series' bodies are occupied by the spiritual energy life form from the sub-universe and thus creating, from the massive fighting capability of the Evil Series and the enormous potential of the spiritial energy, beings with extraordinary fighting ability and a coveting for life energy, "Spiritia." They covet Spiritia in order to continue existing as extra-dimensional beings in this universe. They begin invading the surrounding planets and systems using spaceships and weapons of people from the scientifically advanced planet that they brainwashed. (They later become known as the Supervision Army).


As for the murals on Rax it tells the Protoculture were initially from two different regions that started interacting with each other. Outright war broke out with space colonization. The Protoculture were like herding cats especially when the Stellar Republic began. It only lasted some 70 years. 

It is safe to say that the Protoculture had multiple weapons projects. At New Asia UN Spacy was messing with tech left behind and made Giant Bugs... That fires beams. That sounds familiar! And it was 18 years before they made First Contact with the Vajra in 2040. Considering the Protoculture were Vajra fanboys yeah...




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Where I come from, if you hear banjos, you start running as fast as you can. :p

It seems as if the Protoculture just pursued science, engineering, and technology, for the sake of science, engineering, and technology.  You make things just to prove that you can and to show that you have mastery of the knowledge. :unknw:

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11 minutes ago, RaisingCane said:

Would it be accurate to say that the galaxy in Macross qualifies as a so-called "dark forest" scenario?

An interesting idea... though it doesn't seem like any of the surviving Protoculture-created humanoid species were far enough along to even consider a scenario like that when they were found by the New UN Government's emigrant fleets.

Humanity was, as far as we know, the only sub-Protoculture species yet depicted to have actually begun space exploration at the time it had a first contact scenario.  The Zolans were the next farthest along, but they'd only achieved a level of technological advancement equivalent to the first half of the 20th century when an emigrant fleet found them.  In Macross Delta, the Brisingr cluster's native sub-Protoculture species don't seem to have been even that far.  Windermere IV was still living in the age of mounted cavalry when the Megaroad-04 blundered into the fold fault surrounding the planet and was knocked back into realspace.

The New UN Government has a pretty good idea what's out there, but that's their reason for spreading out as far as they can... so no one planet being attacked could result in human extinction.

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In terms of the setting it seems much of it is not at the Orion arm but the Sagittarius arm of the Milky Way. Vajra territory was around the Vilos cluster corewards. Elysium in Macross VF-X was at the Sagittarius arm as well. It had buried Mobile Fortress. The Brisingr Globular Cluster was rimward of the the Sagittarius arm. 

Sephira and the Laramis system has been mentioned several times. Macross VF-X2, Macross Frontier side story had Isamu stop by before going to Eden. Sephira and Laramis system may be in the way of Ouroboros and Brisingr Globular Cluster. Basically the Sephira and Laramis system which it is in the Macross equivalent of Anchorage, Alaska as a stop over.

Edited by RedWolf
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Sorry; quick question guys; I've been trying to find a site with a complete or at least comprehensive list of VFs, Mecha, ships, etc for a few weeks now and can't seem to find one; is there one and if so it would be greatly appreciated if someone could point me in that direction.

I assume since this is a one and done answer I've posted in the right spot (haven't been here in awhile) As always if this the wrong thread; let me know and I'll move this to a different one; thanks.

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Just now, briscojr84 said:

Sorry; quick question guys; I've been trying to find a site with a complete or at least comprehensive list of VFs, Mecha, ships, etc for a few weeks now and can't seem to find one; is there one and if so it would be greatly appreciated if someone could point me in that direction.

I assume since this is a one and done answer I've posted in the right spot (haven't been here in awhile) As always if this the wrong thread; let me know and I'll move this to a different one; thanks.

... woah, now there's a name I haven't seen in a long time.  How you doin'?

As for your question, the Macross Compendium Wiki is probably as close as you'll get in English right now... I don't think anyone has a complete listing, partly bceause some stuff doesn't actually have names and partly because definitions of "complete" vary a bit depending on whether one wants to count material outside the official setting like Master File.

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