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Posted (edited)

I don't watch these shows much, but there have been hints, such the chopper which might have been seen in Atlanta, plus the military chopper that crashed during the Governor dust up, that maybe some sections of the military and Government are still in operation, but in guarded and enclosed areas. They may have hunkered down and are playing 'dead,' knowing they would be swamped with survivors who would then lead the walkers straight to them. Maybe, FTWD is going to be one of those enclosures and seeing not only if it survives, but in what form...

What would someone rather, to be out on your own, surviving day to day not knowing where you're going to sleep or eat - or in a Government Reserve Site, protected from the walkers, but not your fellow humans..?

Edited by Thom

The enclosure in FTWD is within visual distance of LA, once a zombie swarm starts (and it will probably start when/if the military try to retake the city) they are getting to get swamped.

In Sunday's episode - did anyone see if the non-infected were shot in the head? I looked for a bullet hole in the guy with the pistol but only saw them on the body. Seems like a continuity error to me so far - unless I missed the head shot or they come to 'life' later or it gets explained.

In the first episode it seemed like the Hospital knew about the potential for those who died to end up being Zombies, when they QUICKLY rushed the dead guy to the basement. The problem is that if they knew the paramedics SHOULD have known as well...

Between that and nobody paying attention before it became a major outbreak the show has some problems - in the real world we had a handful of Ebola cases in the US and it was front page news for weeks on end...


I hadn't watched last Sunday's episode yet but I am liking it so far. The tension of the impending doom is something we don't see in TWD plus the pro/anti-gun contrast between the California and Georgia survivors is very cool.

  • 3 weeks later...

I get that Rick is a "take action" kinda guy, but that plan seemed a little half backed and ripe with chances for failure, seems like the other guys idea to fortify the embankments would have been a somewhat easier temporary fix while they came up with something a little more concrete....

But as they say, Cest la Vie next week should be pretty interesting :)


I had to miss it last night. I was spending all night at the hospital with my Mom and Uncle.

Everything ok?


I'm not sure what the plan was.

The threat for the moment was contained. It is true that things wouldn't be contained forever. I don't see why they did take action to destroy the threat where it was. Spray it gasoline and set the threat on fire while it was still contained.


I'm not sure what the plan was.

The threat for the moment was contained. It is true that things wouldn't be contained forever. I don't see why they did take action to destroy the threat where it was. Spray it gasoline and set the threat on fire while it was still contained.

While I enjoyed last nights episode, all I kept thinking was "Are there still working Flame Throwers and will the group ever find some... or make their own?"


The plan was pure crap, it really did take a lot of suspension of disbelief but everything around it was great. First of all, why set loose a billion ( :p) walkers that can wipe out any remaining humanity in its path?

But everything else was good tv. Everything depended on the plan going 100% without fail so all the trust had to be there, but then the show revealed all the conflicts between the character, so the whole time you're just wondering who the hell is gonna muck it up or sabotage it. All the little interactions in the flashbacks really made this episode that at the end you just had to go with Rick's plan, no matter how ridiculous it was just to see it play out.

Honestly, I would have sent those walkers on the roundabout off the cliff within the quarry where those walkers in the beginning fell. There was no reason to spread them out in the wilderness like that.


Heck, Rick wanted a chance to train and toughen up the people in the town, that set up with the tiny split in the tractor trailers was perfect. Reinforce the barricade, let a few out for the newbies to learn to kill them, weed out the ones who just were never going to have the stomach for it, zombie target practice for his gun classes. Set them all loose immediately, whut? The only thing I may have misunderstood due to the CG longshot was if that tractor trailer that fell in the back ground was already letting them loose from the back side and they felt imminent doom. It didn't look like it to me, but maybe the blurry distance CG implied something I didn't read from it.


The plan was pure crap, it really did take a lot of suspension of disbelief but everything around it was great. First of all, why set loose a billion ( :p) walkers that can wipe out any remaining humanity in its path?

But everything else was good tv. Everything depended on the plan going 100% without fail so all the trust had to be there, but then the show revealed all the conflicts between the character, so the whole time you're just wondering who the hell is gonna muck it up or sabotage it. All the little interactions in the flashbacks really made this episode that at the end you just had to go with Rick's plan, no matter how ridiculous it was just to see it play out.

Honestly, I would have sent those walkers on the roundabout off the cliff within the quarry where those walkers in the beginning fell. There was no reason to spread them out in the wilderness like that.

Right? Either you deal with stray walkers who make it out of the gully or a mass of them wandering around aimlessly where people might be. Did Rick forget what happened at Herschel's farm?

Everyone is alive, but by comparison the Zombie's are getting far more living done than my Mom is capable of at the moment.

I'm sorry to hear that brother. Stay strong for your family and hang in there...


Heck, Rick wanted a chance to train and toughen up the people in the town, that set up with the tiny split in the tractor trailers was perfect. Reinforce the barricade, let a few out for the newbies to learn to kill them, weed out the ones who just were never going to have the stomach for it, zombie target practice for his gun classes. Set them all loose immediately, whut? The only thing I may have misunderstood due to the CG longshot was if that tractor trailer that fell in the back ground was already letting them loose from the back side and they felt imminent doom. It didn't look like it to me, but maybe the blurry distance CG implied something I didn't read from it.

Yes the tractor falling off the cliff opened up the other side, so they had to take immediate action. But, they were pretty much already set up to do it the next day. I feel it would have been better to burn them all. I'm sure they could find flammable chemicals and not have to waste gasoline.


Good first episode. We also enjoyed Fear The Walking Dead too. The contrast between east & west coast makes each very interesting. Travis who is your typical anti-gun liberal looks like he will be the most dynamic as he learns what must be done to protect his family.


Good first episode. We also enjoyed Fear The Walking Dead too. The contrast between east & west coast makes each very interesting. Travis who is your typical anti-gun liberal looks like he will be the most dynamic as he learns what must be done to protect his family.

Yeah, eventually he'll turn into something not too dissimilar from Shane or the Governor if he wants to be strong and protect his interests; just like Rick has pretty much turned into. The irony, right?


I'm interested in who blew the Horn, was it the wolves, or the kid of the guy Rick killed.

Rick is full blown Shane now. It's one of the best ironies of the show.

I almost wish they would have bannished Shane, so he could reappear later down the road when Rick

knows Shane was more like what he is now.


Great episode, but Morgan is an f'ing idiot that is going to get them all killed. I'm starting to really dislike him even though I think he's a really good character in the show.


Great episode, but Morgan is an f'ing idiot that is going to get them all killed. I'm starting to really dislike him even though I think he's a really good character in the show.

Felt the same way with Morgan, but maybe he's just seen to much death, every person has a limit. Carol on the other hand went into Berserker Mode during the attack. And Jessie went Mama Bear defending her cubs with scissors, wickedly brutal! Eugene's line "You do want to live like a coward" was deep.


Team Carol!

Feel the same about Morgan...

Wasted time tying that guy up while other people are getting killed. Didn't make sense to me.

Posted (edited)

Great episode, but Morgan is an f'ing idiot that is going to get them all killed. I'm starting to really dislike him even though I think he's a really good character in the show.

Every season has a character that is the group's moral compass. First it was Dale, then Hershel, Gabriel (sort of), and now its Morgan.


Edited by TangledThorns

Morgan knows that the human race is dying; he's trying to preserve what few lives are left, including the ones that mean to kill him. I understand what Morgan is trying to do and the belief he's pursuing, but I still disagree with him...


What makes you say that? My money's on Glenn...


What makes you say that? My money's on Glenn...

They are focusing on her character WAY too much. If your character is not named Rick, Daryl, the kid, or Rishone and the stories seem to start focusing on you, better call the agent!


Carol brings in the female viewing audience that's too old to care about Daryl.

They won't kill her off. Ratings always win potential deaths.

As a coworker told me "There's way too many black people on the show" which while edgy is pretty true to this show.

Three means one is going to go soon. Probably going to be the Pastor, even though I think he is a redeemable character. Since it seems Tyrese's Sister has finally calmed down. Michonne is safe, because they like ratings.

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