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Posted (edited)

I just got my VF-0S from the hobby store today, and a few things about it had me wondering if it's just old stock that Yamato simply recycled, fixing the shoulders before selling them.

First off, the toy itself is slightly off-white/grayish instead of bright white like in the promo pics, although it could be the fluorescent lights I use at home. Secondly, the metal rod on the gunpod is either black or rusted, instead of chromed. Also, there are no pegs on the hands for the gunpod.

On the other hand, there's no soap bubble/anti-glare effect on the canopy, which suggests that this might be new, although I'm not sure if the VF-0S was released before Yamato started implementing anti-glare on its VF's canopies.

The original VF-0's have been long since sold out at my local hobby shop, so they can't be selling me old stock even if they wanted to.

Can anyone verify if this is normal for a VF-0S fig, or is this old stock re-released by Yamato?

Edited by GU-11

In all honesty I think it's new stock, the VF-0 has been sold out across all stores for possibly almost 2 years now. The glare was never implemented on the canopies until the V2 1/60 VF-1 line. Also, the toy was also off white(or bone white), it was never bright white say, like the VF-1J Hikaru in the V2 1/60 line.


I don't have the reissue, but I bought one of the last round of the VF-0S from last time, when it was reissued by itself.. the ones that had the bubble wrap around the tail in the box and the screw through the upper arm. My VF-0S is off-white, does not have the bubble effect on the canopy and the gun-pod rail is a dark greyish color. I also have no peg on the hand for the gunpod. I don't know if this helps you, but my 0S is absolutely perfect, no flaws at all. All joints nice and tight and no issues w/ the shoulders.

Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0: In all honesty I think it's new stock, the VF-0 has been sold out across all stores for possibly almost 2 years now. The glare was never implemented on the canopies until the V2 1/60 VF-1 line. Also, the toy was also off white(or bone white), it was never bright white say, like the VF-1J Hikaru in the V2 1/60 line.

So the VF-0S is really off white? Phew! I was actually worried that the one I got was starting to yellow. I never owned or saw a -0S in person before, and actually thought it was supposed to be glaringly white like in the promo pics.

I guess that confirms this to be new stock. That's a major relief. Thanks for the info.

Britai 7018: I don't have the reissue, but I bought one of the last round of the VF-0S from last time, when it was reissued by itself.. the ones that had the bubble wrap around the tail in the box and the screw through the upper arm. My VF-0S is off-white, does not have the bubble effect on the canopy and the gun-pod rail is a dark greyish color. I also have no peg on the hand for the gunpod. I don't know if this helps you, but my 0S is absolutely perfect, no flaws at all. All joints nice and tight and no issues w/ the shoulders.

Thanks for the info, man. Good to know that even the earlier reissues had fixed shoulders. Mine didn't have bubble wrap around the tail, but the tailfins were wrapped in the usual protective "sticky plastic". Also the foot thruster "covers" weren't as tight as they could be, and the rear right thruster wasn't glued on--a drop of cyanoacrylate fixed it up, but still...I guess that's Yamato QC for you.

Thankfully, the rest of the fig was in perfect condition like yours; tight joints and all.

Posted (edited)

I just got my first ever VF-0S today and I wanted to throw it against the wall and smash it to pieces. As soon as I took it out I noticed that the area around the head had something loose. The 2 panels were out so I snapped them back in. Than I realized that the intake area wasn't aligned with the nose/cockpit area where it should fit. It's the yellow area on the sides. Than I picked it up and noticed that the the entire nose/cockpit area was down by a degree and was not aligned with the whole fuselage. In the black area where the Skull logo is painted there is a gap. Than I tried to remove the intake covers. The first one came out OK but the next one almost broke my damn nail. At this point I was holding the dame thing upside down by the cockpit area in hopes it will ease into place with the whole body. It didn't. Than I just let out a few curse words and put it back in the case and back in the closet.

Does this sound like a reissue? If it is than please tell me that all this is normal on the reissues VF-0S. I spent almost two hundred HARD EARNED bucks on this damn thing and this happened. I have never been so pissed of at any of my valks before.

Just want to hurt the persons responsible that made my VF-0S. ARGH!

Edited by Muzaffar
  On 6/13/2010 at 12:31 AM, Muzaffar said:

I just got my first ever VF-0S today and I wanted to throw it against the wall and smash it to pieces. As soon as I took it out I noticed that the area around the head had something loose. The 2 panels were out so I snapped them back in. Than I realized that the intake area wasn't aligned with the nose/cockpit area where it should fit. It's the yellow area on the sides. Than I picked it up and noticed that the the entire nose/cockpit area was down by a degree and was not aligned with the whole fuselage. In the black area where the Skull logo is painted there is a gap. Than I tried to remove the intake covers. The first one came out OK but the next one almost broke my damn nail. At this point I was holding the dame thing upside down by the cockpit area in hopes it will ease into place with the whole body. It didn't. Than I just let out a few curse words and put it back in the case and back in the closet.

Does this sound like a reissue? If it is than please tell me that all this is normal on the reissues VF-0S. I spent almost two hundred HARD EARNED bucks on this damn thing and this happened. I have never been so pissed of at any of my valks before.

Just want to hurt the persons responsible that made my VF-0S. ARGH!

Where and when did you order it?

Posted (edited)
  On 6/13/2010 at 1:25 AM, Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:

Where and when did you order it?

Got it from ebay last week. It was a "buy it now" from a seller in Hong Kong. That seller had sold 1 already and got no complaints in the feedback thus I got one.

Edited by Muzaffar
  On 6/13/2010 at 1:54 AM, Muzaffar said:

Got it from ebay last week. It was a "buy it now" from a seller in Hong Kong. That seller had sold 1 already and got no complaints in the feedback thus I got one.

Hard to say if it's a reissue. Did it have clear plastic on the edges of the tail fins and do the ankles lock into place? I've heard that the reissues are tight all around.

  On 6/13/2010 at 2:34 AM, Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:

Hard to say if it's a reissue. Did it have clear plastic on the edges of the tail fins and do the ankles lock into place? I've heard that the reissues are tight all around.

Yeah it had the plastic on the tail fins and on the entire cockpit/nose area. I don't know about the ankles cause I haven't transformed it in anyway. i'll post some pics of it tomorrow to clarify what I mean.

  On 6/13/2010 at 3:09 AM, Muzaffar said:

Yeah it had the plastic on the tail fins and on the entire cockpit/nose area. I don't know about the ankles cause I haven't transformed it in anyway. i'll post some pics of it tomorrow to clarify what I mean.

Just try to pull the thrusters/feet out from the legs, and see if you can feel or hear anything click into place. V.1's have non-locking feet.


Regardless of what version you got, it sounds like you got a real lemon. Even my v1 VF-0S was put together properly in the packaging.

Posted (edited)
  On 6/13/2010 at 8:21 AM, GU-11 said:

Just try to pull the thrusters/feet out from the legs, and see if you can feel or hear anything click into place. V.1's have non-locking feet.

Yeah I tried it this morning and they click when I move then up or down and when I open em up. Also here are some pics of what I was talking about.






Edited by Muzaffar

The gap there between the fuselage and the lerx is intended i think. Its only a small gap. In battroid, it'll slide down and if its any closer, it'll scrape the fuselage bare (and destroy whatever decal you have there).

The hips (intakes) not matching flush to the body is a V1 problem, I heard that it was resolved in V2. Same thing with the heatshield gap. That happens because of the weight of the nose causes the front half (forward of the backplate) to droop downwards some.

  On 6/13/2010 at 7:06 PM, Cent said:

The gap there between the fuselage and the lerx is intended i think. Its only a small gap. In battroid, it'll slide down and if its any closer, it'll scrape the fuselage bare (and destroy whatever decal you have there).

The hips (intakes) not matching flush to the body is a V1 problem, I heard that it was resolved in V2. Same thing with the heatshield gap. That happens because of the weight of the nose causes the front half (forward of the backplate) to droop downwards some.

So I have a reissue with v1 intake/hips problems and v2 thrusters? Well that's just prime.

  On 6/13/2010 at 6:35 PM, Muzaffar said:

Yeah I tried it this morning and they click when I move then up or down and when I open em up. Also here are some pics of what I was talking about.

I think there's been a slight case of miscommunication here. The thrusters/feet are ratcheted, and therefore will click if you move them up and down, or when you part the thruster covers. What I meant was, for you to PULL THE THRUSTERS OUT AND AWAY FROM THE LEGS (AS IF YOU WERE TRYING TO LENGTHEN THEM) and see if they will click into place. Otherwise, you can also transform it into battroid mode and stand it up, and see if the weight of the fig will make the feet sink into the legs, because they will if they're not locked.

I hate to break this to you, but there's a very good chance that you might have been sold a V1, as according to the Scorched Earth reviews, the V2 Ghost Bundle and even the V1.5 no longer have these problems with structural integrity...or at least they have far less of these problems.

You can check them out in these links:

My link

My link

Hope this helps some.

  On 6/14/2010 at 12:23 AM, GU-11 said:

I think there's been a slight case of miscommunication here. The thrusters/feet are ratcheted, and therefore will click if you move them up and down, or when you part the thruster covers. What I meant was, for you to PULL THE THRUSTERS OUT AND AWAY FROM THE LEGS (AS IF YOU WERE TRYING TO LENGTHEN THEM) and see if they will click into place. Otherwise, you can also transform it into battroid mode and stand it up, and see if the weight of the fig will make the feet sink into the legs, because they will if they're not locked.

I hate to break this to you, but there's a very good chance that you might have been sold a V1, as according to the Scorched Earth reviews, the V2 Ghost Bundle and even the V1.5 no longer have these problems with structural integrity...or at least they have far less of these problems.

You can check them out in these links:

My link

My link

Hope this helps some.

Yes the feet pull out and click into place. I put the fighter vertical on em and they are nice and tight and don't sink into the legs.

  On 6/14/2010 at 8:10 PM, dreadpyrat said:

Slightly off topic but do you guys think they will reish the VF-0A as well? Or did I already miss that boat?

The VF-0A was just reissued two weeks ago, so you should still be able to find one. Check the usual places, HLJ, AmiAmi, etc. In case you missed the other thread, the reissue 0A has no box flap/window.

  On 6/14/2010 at 6:56 PM, Muzaffar said:

Yes the feet pull out and click into place. I put the fighter vertical on em and they are nice and tight and don't sink into the legs.

In that case, it might be an earlier re-release; I've heard that shortly after the VF-0S Ghost Bundle, another standalone -0S was reissued just before the MacZero line was stopped. Yours could be one of those. AFAIK, any reissue that predates this latest 2010 release emphasized on fixing the shoulders, while the other issues that you mentioned on yours were only mildly addressed.

Then again, I don't remember Yamato making any promises to fix the rest of the issues in THIS re-release either.

  On 6/15/2010 at 1:39 AM, GU-11 said:

In that case, it might be an earlier re-release; I've heard that shortly after the VF-0S Ghost Bundle, another standalone -0S was reissued just before the MacZero line was stopped. Yours could be one of those. AFAIK, any reissue that predates this latest 2010 release emphasized on fixing the shoulders, while the other issues that you mentioned on yours were only mildly addressed.

Then again, I don't remember Yamato making any promises to fix the rest of the issues in THIS re-release either.

Well I guess I'll just leave it in the box as a display piece or something cause I can't stand to display it due to the nose drooping down and that damn intake area gap. You know what the worst part is? I wanted this thing so bad and I saved for this piece of crap for 6 months and now I can't even enjoy it like the rest. Anyways, thanks for your help and all the info. ^_^

  On 6/15/2010 at 2:56 PM, charger69 said:

Is there a word about a reissue of VF-0A Shin for upcoming months?

Yeah it's already out. Check the usual places like HLJ, AMiAMi etc.

  On 6/15/2010 at 9:37 PM, Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:

Nah the Shin version has lighter gray trim and has white trim on the chestplate; never sold solo only bundled with a ghost drone. No word on a rerelease yet.

Never knew that but now I know. And knowing is half the well you know.

Posted (edited)

I'm actually quite torn between the VF-0A CF (AKA Unknown Soldier) and the Shin.

While the Shin Custom is a hero-Valk through and through, I'm seriously not feeling the lighter gray and stripes on the chest area.

Guess I'll have plenty of time to decide whether to buy it or not, if it does come out at all...knowing Yamato's penchant for repaints, the answer's almost definitely "yes".

Edited by GU-11
  On 6/16/2010 at 12:18 AM, GU-11 said:

I'm actually quite torn between the VF-0A CF (AKA Unknown Soldier) and the Shin.

While the Shin Custom is a hero-Valk through and through, I'm seriously not feeling the lighter gray and stripes on the chest area.

Guess I'll have plenty of time to decide whether to buy it or not, if it does come out at all...knowing Yamato's penchant for repaints, the answer's almost definitely "yes".

I wouldn't mind seeing one but since we are talking Shin, I'd LOVE to see his VF-0D. More heroic looking IMHO than his VF-0A.


I know Shin is the hero valk, but man, that guy is the least heroic of all the main characters in the Macross realm... picks up a broom to fight a girl, crashes more than anyone. And ends up riding a big piece of wood at the end...

Posted (edited)

Uh... Roy was still the hero in Zero. Shin was only good at wooing lolis and crashing a lot while telling people not to tell him what to do. >_> He ruined Zero for me. If there wasnt Roy doing his GBP tackle on a carrier, I probably wouldn't have even bought any of the Zero toys.

Edited by Cent

LOL! Well Shin was only 18, I'm sure he had to cut loose after so much time spent fighting war. Funny thing is I didn't see anybody as a hero in Zero now that I think about it, to me it's hero-less.


Heheh, no love for Shin around here, and I can see why. He's just about the worst VF pilot in Macross history, and the way he acts throughout the show....

They should have made Roy the main character. If he's not the hero, then at least he's the anti-hero.

SHIN DENSETSU KAI: I wouldn't mind seeing one but since we are talking Shin, I'd LOVE to see his VF-0D. More heroic looking IMHO than his VF-0A.

Amen to that. All the better if it came with an Edgar LaSalle backseat pilot fig.

Posted (edited)
I know Shin is the hero valk, but man, that guy is the least heroic of all the main characters in the Macross realm... picks up a broom to fight a girl, crashes more than anyone. And ends up riding a big piece of wood at the end...

Heheh what a looser! :lol:

f off, Shin almost nails Nora twice, with hardly any variable training. {sp) f off.

That is also correct... :huh:

Edited by charger69

I like Shin. He seems more human to me than a lot of Macross protagonists and I find characters who aren't perfect and "AWESOMES!" are more interesting. When I was younger I really loved Roy, but now he comes off kinda douchey. :p

Posted (edited)

I didn't think Shin was that bad. He just seemed more reserved than other Macross protagonists. Reminds me, it's 2010 and still no VF-0D. I know it'd be expensive but I would still buy one. That's a VERY unique valk design. For a design derivative of a design derived from the VF-1(VF-0) it looks very unique. Maybe it's just me but I was thinking that Yamato's rerelease of the VF-0A/S this year was to warm fans up to more Macross Zero merchandise later this year, like an upcoming 1/60 VF-0D.

Edited by Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0

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