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So in the continuing saga of "retro consoles that aren't lazy garbage and shameless cash grabs"... these guys are trying to resurrect the last great Commodore, the unreleased C-65.  



Built on FPGAs, none of this ARM+emulator nonsense. REAL IRON!

C64-compatible, C65-compatible(where they got the chance to do the necessary hardware tests on one of the prototypes I will never know), and offering a more modern mode that is still recognizably retro.  Built-in SD card reader along with the normal hardware interfaces for cartridges and peripherals. 


And just to secure the title as baddest 8-bit home computer on the market, it can run its 6502-ish at 50 MHz! 

(Obviously, compatibility requires it to be speed-selectable for the C64's 1MHz or C65's 3.5 MHz. )


They're also trying to get the license to release this as an ACTUAL Commodore product instead of just a compatible look-alike.


Oh, hey, Nintendo is remaking Metroid 2. I remember when I actually WANTED them to do that.


At least it's hard for Sakamoto to shoehorn a plot about Samus being a delicate emotional flower into a game where she is literally committing genocide for money on a planet full of monsters. We already have a plus here!



Honestly, it doesn't look awful, and I like what they did with the zeta metroid there. Found a good way to balance the feral creature concept with the humanoid design.

I hope it is as atmospheric as Metroid 2 is.  Return of Samus does a very good job at telling a story without any words, and I truly hope to see a remake that does it justice.

I don't EXPECT great things, but I HOPE for them.


It's almost like all the fan remakes they keep trying to destroy gave them the hint that people want a remake. I'm hopeful as well, there was no talking in the trailer just Samus kicking ass.

  On 6/14/2017 at 8:05 PM, dizman said:

It's almost like all the fan remakes they keep trying to destroy gave them the hint that people want a remake. I'm hopeful as well, there was no talking in the trailer just Samus kicking ass.


They only destroyed one fangame. All the other Metroid 2 remakes died of natural causes.


And the way it was handled really makes me think it was amateur hour in the legal department. DMCA takedown requests are for flat-out piracy, not the more nebwlous situation of a fan remake. AM2R should've gotten a formal cease&desist letter, unless their legal team mistook it for an actual Nintendo product.


After the news from E3, it feels like I picked the right time to wax nostalgic.

I've been having a blast with the 3DS's virtual console library... I'd quite forgotten how hard true old-school Nintendo Hard was.  They had a sale not too long ago, so I grabbed a bunch of old Legend of Zelda games that I never finished including the original Legend of Zelda and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.  They're every bit as frustrating as I remember.

(Also took a whack at Bravely Default, which is almost like a rebranded remake of Final Fantasy III... damn if the gameplay didn't age like milk.)

  On 6/15/2017 at 12:12 PM, Valkyrie23 said:

It was mentioned that Metroid Samus Returns was already in development  2 years ago. That might have been before the AM2R takedown.


Honestly, The Right Way would've been to send DoctorM64 a formal cease & desist letter sometime before the game was completed. They had FOREVER to send him a formal notice that "this isn't cool and we would quite like it if you didn't release a game full of our legal trademarks. BTW we'll sue your ass if you don't knock it off. So seriously, knock it off." Rough paraphrase, but... that's what a C&D letter paraphrases to.

The WRONG way is to wait LITERALLY A DECADE until the game is finished and released, and then immediately issue a series of fraudulent DMCA takedown requests to try and erase it from the internet.


Two years ago IS before the fraudulent DMCA takedown requests of August 2016. It doesn't actually excuse them, though.


Yes, I am going to keep referring to them as fraudulent takedown requests, because that is what they were. That was not pirated software, Nintendo did not own the copyright to that game. (They own numerous trademarks, but DMCA takedown requests are not actually applicable to trademark infringement. They are only valid for straight-up piracy. )




DoctorM64 doesn't seem particularly bitter, though. He apparently just put this on Twitter:

"N won E3 for me, #SamusReturns looks like the Metroid 2 I always wanted to play. Looks like the ANOTHER part of #am2r still makes sense now."

  On 6/23/2017 at 2:46 AM, davidwhangchoi said:

has  aanyone ever beat ninja gaiden III on nes? i'm tempted to get the famicom version bc it's easier difficulty.




Me. But I'm old school. Those games were difficult though. I love the series. I considered getting the vinyl records but I was hoping for new artwork and a bit more. I'll just get the CD set in the coming months when it's released.


I beat all those ninja gaiden games when I was much younger, but I don't know if I could still do it today. That frustration about losing and starting the whole thing over after losing those lives.

  On 6/23/2017 at 10:05 PM, Big s said:

I beat all those ninja gaiden games when I was much younger, but I don't know if I could still do it today. That frustration about losing and starting the whole thing over after losing those lives.


I think every gamer in the world hates that repeating bird from the first one near the final stage.

  On 6/23/2017 at 9:36 PM, JetJockey said:

Me. But I'm old school. Those games were difficult though. I love the series. I considered getting the vinyl records but I was hoping for new artwork and a bit more. I'll just get the CD set in the coming months when it's released.


damn. you're a good gamer. i just beat II and brought one bc i could never beat it in 1987.

  On 6/23/2017 at 10:05 PM, Big s said:

I beat all those ninja gaiden games when I was much younger, but I don't know if I could still do it today. That frustration about losing and starting the whole thing over after losing those lives.


yeah, i thought so too but it's pretty fun.

  On 6/24/2017 at 7:46 PM, JetJockey said:

I think every gamer in the world hates that repeating bird from the first one near the final stage.


oh man... yes!


So, I'm just discovering this thread, and glad I did. About a year or two ago I started a process of gradually re-buying most of the games I once enjoyed but had long since sold off, and several that I never had back in the day. It's been great experiencing them again, and sharing with my kids.


  On 6/23/2017 at 10:05 PM, Big s said:

I beat all those ninja gaiden games when I was much younger, but I don't know if I could still do it today. That frustration about losing and starting the whole thing over after losing those lives.


I only ever had (and beat) the first one. I actually still have my original boxed copy, along with a few other boxed NES games that somehow were tucked away in a closet at my parents house until just last year. The original Ninja Gaiden was hard, but not as bad as something like Castlevania III -- that is a whole 'nother level of hair-pulling. Though it both games, it's totally a matter of having (and not losing) just the right sub-weapon.


@davidwhangchoi How are you enjoying Scrambled Valkyrie for SFC? I picked that one up a while back, and since getting in Macross more recently, have been wanting to play through it again, now that I actually know who Hikaru is! :lol:  

I also have Macross 2036 for the PC Engine, though it's my initial impression that it's not as good in gameplay as SV. Seems like some here think it's better, perhaps because it's got more of a storyline?


I won't deny I prefer the presentation of 2036, but it also feels better as a shooter than Scrambled Valkyrie. SV can be a very sluggish game as it plods along at its own relaxed pace, and few of the weapons actually feel like they have any stopping power.

2036's biggest issue in my mind is the lack of free transformation(which is a notable downside given the franchise), but it does a much better job making me fell like I'm in a deadly fighter robot-plane.

  On 6/25/2017 at 2:39 AM, ScrambledValkyrie said:

So, I'm just discovering this thread, and glad I did. About a year or two ago I started a process of gradually re-buying most of the games I once enjoyed but had long since sold off, and several that I never had back in the day. It's been great experiencing them again, and sharing with my kids.


I only ever had (and beat) the first one. I actually still have my original boxed copy, along with a few other boxed NES games that somehow were tucked away in a closet at my parents house until just last year. The original Ninja Gaiden was hard, but not as bad as something like Castlevania III -- that is a whole 'nother level of hair-pulling. Though it both games, it's totally a matter of having (and not losing) just the right sub-weapon.


@davidwhangchoi How are you enjoying Scrambled Valkyrie for SFC? I picked that one up a while back, and since getting in Macross more recently, have been wanting to play through it again, now that I actually know who Hikaru is! :lol:  

I also have Macross 2036 for the PC Engine, though it's my initial impression that it's not as good in gameplay as SV. Seems like some here think it's better, perhaps because it's got more of a storyline?


not yet, i've been playing a lot of ninja gaiden. i'm part of a club of the month and we pick a nes title to clear each month. trying to beat it before it hits july. but i'll definitely get to scrambled valk after! btw, user nice name!!!!  it is perfect for retrogames

Posted (edited)
  On 6/26/2017 at 5:36 PM, mikeszekely said:

Oh look, another Nintendo console you'll never be able to buy...


I think you're missing the important thing here. Duke Nukem just lost his crown as most-delayed game everto be released.

Edited by JB0

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