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  On 6/2/2011 at 10:26 PM, CoryHolmes said:

What does she say at the end of trailer #2? Also, I'm still on the fence about this film. It looks... I 'unno. Maybe not worth the prices movie theatres charge these days.

Something about the women of America, IIRC.

  • 4 weeks later...
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Posted (edited)

Currently at 69% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. Word is avoid seeing it in 3-D.

Edited by Duke Togo

Slight Avengers news...

The modern suit is on display at the Marvel/Avengers booth at CCI:


Another shot:


And some of the reviews coming out of CCI sound like the 3D is more of a distraction than feature.

  On 7/22/2011 at 6:43 PM, CoryHolmes said:

What's RT?

Robotech, HG hates all things Cap. Or maybe they're talking about Rotten Tomatoes...


It wasn't a bad movie, it was your typical summer marvel comic movie adventure and nothing more. I can see how the 3D could be distracting as even 2D tended to be that way from time to time.

The Avengers trailer at the end was good though!


This was a basic summer flick, nothing more or less. It didn't have Iron Mans charm or Thors shakesperean themes, but it wasnt terrible. Chris Evans owned the role and brought some humanity to the superhero.

That being said, I'd sooner rewarch Thor than this. Joe Johnston is a graduate of the George Lucas directors academy and it showed.

7/10 soley on Evans and Tommy Lee Jones


Saw it, liked it. Didn't like it as much as Thor or X-Men. Thought the did a pretty good job with it, especially considering I was never much of a Captain America fan to begin with.

  On 7/23/2011 at 5:55 AM, mrhillz said:

I liked it, a bit more than I did Thor. Did anyone else get a Spider Man teaser trailer in the front of it?

Agree with this assessment and yes I did see the Spider-man trailer. It looked better on the big screen than it did on my computer.

I was disappointed...there were only TWO trailers before my showing of Cap. I almost asked for my money back!


  On 7/23/2011 at 12:20 PM, hutch said:

Agree with this assessment and yes I did see the Spider-man trailer. It looked better on the big screen than it did on my computer.

I was disappointed...there were only TWO trailers before my showing of Cap. I almost asked for my money back!


There seemed liked 50 trailers before my showing of Cap. It got to the point where I was getting annoyed at the movie not starting. I was a little disappointed with the Spider-man trailer, but we'll see.

I thought Cap was good. Most people consider it to be about as good Thor was and I agree. Neither were as great as Iron Man, but neither were as bad as I think a lot of people thought (feared) they would be. I was very satisfied with Chris Evans' performance. I'd thought they made a mistake casting him as Cap, but I'm glad to say he proved me wrong. He really did help make the movie....him and Tommy Lee Jones. I liked the guy who played Howard Stark, he had some good moments.

The Avengers teaser was awesome! Very excited about that movie!


So I'm reading the bad reviews for Captain America on RT and I relized something the critics that said it sucked either...

1.never liked comics to begin with

2.are tired of comic book movie overall

3.see this as nothing but a set up for next years avengers movie and show nothing but contempt

4.feel america is the great satan and go off on a political tirade

Most of them hardly touch apon the actual movie itself so its no surprise to me that critics say 72% and audiences rate it higher at 87% currently.

Posted (edited)

Saw it, liked it. By far and away the best live-action adaption of the character. I kinda expected a little Johnny Storm in the performance, but Evans surprised me by really playing the character straight. If I have any complaint, it's that the German characters didn't speak German (I'd prefer to hear them speak in German and read the subtitles for authenticity and feel...plus they seem more evil :lol: ). Stanley Tucci had the accent down. Hugo Weaving and Toby Jones, sadly, did not. Tucci's Dr Erskine was my favorite character.

The Howard Stark character was well played. Tommy Lee Jones excels in stereotypical hard-ass military roles, and he delivers here as well.

Overall, it was good, but not great. There were really no stand-out moments or characters, no wow-moments. I dug the German bomber; nice nod to the Horten brothers' designs.

I probably would have enjoyed the movie more if the people behind me had reigned in their two little kids who obviously had zero interest in the movie, talked and moved around incessantly, spilling drinks, dropping candy, and kicking seats throughout the entire show. We went to a matinee just to avoid this situation. Bad parents suck. <_<

Edited by M'Kyuun

Great film, love the teaser trailer at the end. Awesome way to include all the nods, like the original shield, and the comic costume, and Dum Dum Doogan!! I really hope in Avengers they focus on Cap constantly comparing Tony to his dad.

  On 7/25/2011 at 2:30 AM, kanedaestes said:

Great film, love the teaser trailer at the end. Awesome way to include all the nods, like the original shield, and the comic costume, and Dum Dum Doogan!! I really hope in Avengers they focus on Cap constantly comparing Tony to his dad.

Agreed. Was pleasantly surprised when I saw this today, it exceeded all of my expectations, which were not lowered in any way.

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All-in-all the movie was pretty good and I can't wait for The Avengers.



Better than Thor IMHO, and I liked Thor. Really, if you liked Thor, you should like Cap. Also, Tommy Lee Jones deserves special mention, for being even more awesome than he usually is.

And you MUST stay for the after-credit scenes. If you, you know, like the Avengers etc.

Posted (edited)
  On 7/25/2011 at 3:16 AM, David Hingtgen said:

Better than Thor IMHO, and I liked Thor. Really, if you liked Thor, you should like Cap.

How about people like myself who didn't like Thor... (It wasn't atrocious, like the latest Pirates movie though)

My problem with Thor, like many movies these days, is that it consisted of yelling, screaming, running, and people hitting things for no discernable reason. Or maybe it was the big bad mechanical thing that couldn't kill three guys standing around in the open, it had shades of sharks with laser beams on their fricken heads...

Edited by Dynaman

I noticed a lack of the American flag. You'd think it would be in every scene I think that for the international crowd. Watched the Non 3D version pretty easy to spot the 3D scenes. I really wished they do anyway with 3D.

It Looks Gooood!

  On 7/25/2011 at 2:12 PM, Roy Focker said:

I noticed a lack of the American flag. You'd think it would be in every scene I think that for the international crowd. Watched the Non 3D version pretty easy to spot the 3D scenes. I really wished they do anyway with 3D.

It Looks Gooood!

"It Looks Gooood!"

Yeah, 3D needs to stop. As for the American Flag, you didn't exactly see that in every scene of Private Ryan, Tora Tora Tora, or many actual WWII era movies either, so I wouldn't necessarily take that as a knock against.

Posted (edited)

I really liked the movie. The only thing that I disliked was the over-technology. I can deal with the portable submarines and even the flying fortress thing... but the blue laser-blast energy weapons.... I mean, really? For a movie that was supposed to be during WW2, Hydra was more technologically advanced than anything we have almost a century later.

I was waiting for Red Skull to yell

at some point.... Edited by Limbo
  On 7/26/2011 at 7:35 PM, David Hingtgen said:

Yeah, but it's literally the power of the Gods. (Odin, specifically, AFAIK)

And that was the only reason I didn't immediatly exit the film, stage-left. But it does become the centre of my statment that Joe Johnston is a graduate of the George Lucas Directing School.

  On 7/26/2011 at 8:44 PM, CoryHolmes said:

And that was the only reason I didn't immediatly exit the film, stage-left. But it does become the centre of my statment that Joe Johnston is a graduate of the George Lucas Directing School.

Wouldn't be surprised if that particular plot point ties into The Avengers...and even if it doesn't it was one of Marvel's way of connecting the universe together, or at least Thor and Cap.


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