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  On 5/15/2012 at 11:46 PM, Keith said:

I see where you're confused. You confuse Mumrah's ineptitude in doing anything "but" destroying one pocket galaxy, with and his s'posed masters being able to wreck just about anything. Fact: Mumrah is all bark & no bite, needs others to do just about everything for him (probably wrap him too), and can't even keep his ranks in check.

Basara on the otherhand defeated interdimensional energy beings with the capability to nuke you, vaporize you, fold just about anywhere they want, and (for the most part) can keep their crew together. So no, Basara clearly wins this one.

I know, right!

*Ryan Reynalds - Green Lantern

  On 5/16/2012 at 1:32 AM, Old_Nash said:

I know, right!

*Ryan Reynalds - Green Lantern

I do believe that's the most understandable thing you've ever said. Good job!

  On 5/15/2012 at 11:30 PM, mechaninac said:

Oh, come now, I posted that tongue-in-cheek. I thought the "sort of" and " :p " made that clear... :p:D

And all these designs are rip offs of those Egyptian burrial pointy thingies...

If I had to name a Thundercat to connect to Bassara it would be Snarf from the original series.

My apologies... :unsure:;)

But I disagree about Snarf, I think Basara is actually Snarf's bitch-cat. Or the moment he starts with one of his annoying songs, it's Roast Basara for Panthro's dinner. :lol:

Posted (edited)
  On 5/16/2012 at 7:12 AM, Keith said:

I do believe that's the most understandable thing you've ever said. Good job!

Have you seen the movie Green Lantern?

Around here We use that phrase as a laughingstock.

To accept something tottaly absurd how the right^^

For what is"Hal Jordan" in the movie is.

A nonsense comedian.

Edited by Old_Nash
  On 5/15/2012 at 11:03 PM, mechaninac said:

Ancient Spirits of Evil: Primordial demigods from the lower planes who posess the power, directly or through their spawn Mumm-Ra's Techno-magic, to completely destroy an entire spiral galaxy within seconds or...

Protodeviln: Left over bio weapons engineered by a, form all evidence, long dead race who look, for the most part, like a troupe of rejects from Cirque du Soleil...

I'll let others be the judge.

The Protodevlin origanlly were non-corporal beings of pure energy from sub-space though. The devilish bodies you see are the Protoculture's equalvanet of "Evangelions/Angels" that they got sucked into. If they could return to subspace I imagine they would probably be on par with the Spirits of Evil.

  On 5/15/2012 at 11:16 PM, Omegablue said:

So anything that slightly resembles a cube, it's automatically a rip off of the Einstein? That's very cheap... :blink:

If that's the case, then they all ripped off the Pyramid ship from the original Stargate movie, and it before ripped something else.

Then again Basara could be a Thundercat... erh, I mean a Pussy-Cat! :lol:

Both have antennas/mini runways stiking out of them in similar place and have a ship 'tugboating" the pyramid. Thats why I think Mumm-Ra's ship was influenced by the Einstein. While the black cradle that seems to holds the pyramid in place is probably from the pyramid ships Stargate series.

Come to think of it Basara does have yellow cat eyes...

  On 5/16/2012 at 4:21 PM, Old_Nash said:

Have you seen the movie Green Lantern?

Around here We use that phrase as a laughingstock.

To accept something tottaly absurd how the right^^

For what is"Hal Jordan" in the movie is.

A nonsense comedian.

And there you go again right back out the window.


Oh, be nice. It's not easy translating from one language into another without the result sometimes being a little disjointed. You try going from English to Portuguese with only Google or Bing or Babblefish translation and we'll see how that looks.


My thoughts on Mumm-Ra.

His main weakness (both series) is direct stellar light (there is no direct stellar light in his ship for the reboot version of Mumm-Ra, so he can stay in his true form indefinately).

This is a guess on my part, but I think all of his power is stored in his helmet (both series again), so the key to truly defeating him is to get him to transfrom and to wait for an opportuinty to remove the helmet. That's a tall order, though, since the only way to get him into his true form is at night when he's most powerful. I don't know of you can really battle him at dawn and twilight.

His generals (in the new series) are there to bolster his own formidable strength, as well as to do his dirty work in the daytime. I hate to say it, but Slythe is the most sane of them all in the new series. Atticus is the sadistic brute of the new series (evil for evil's sake), and the Jackalman one is a pure and unadulterated psychopath. It would be hard for Groon to escape the Astral Plane, so he's out.

It's nice to have a stumbling block thrown the Thundercat's way every once in a while (more like a kidney-shaking speed-bump this time), keeps them more driven.

I see Lion-O haveing a concubine in the near future :wub: , because Pumyria is really warming up to him. Hell, he saved her life at least 2 times last episode.

  On 5/17/2012 at 1:55 PM, Wanzerfan said:
I see Lion-O haveing a concubine in the near future :wub: , because Pumyria is really warming up to him. Hell, he saved her life at least 2 times last episode.

If Lion-O plays his cards right, Pumyra might show him her human. B))
Posted (edited)

Very entertaining "meanwhile at the..." episode this week, and a satisfying resolution to Kit and Kat's absconded goods.

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Edited by mechaninac
  On 5/19/2012 at 7:19 PM, mechaninac said:

Very entertaining "meanwhile at the..." episode this week, and a satisfying resolution to Kit and Kat's absconded goods.

  Reveal hidden contents

  Reveal hidden contents
Posted (edited)

Just watched the latest ep.

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Edited by GU-11

You just now figured out Tygra was an ass? That's pretty much why he got what he got this episode, he was acting like his usual a-hole self and it backfired on him. As for Pumyra, I'm not sure what's confusing to you there, that's a totally realistic depiction of an irrational woman. Hot for you one minute, cold the next. I'm not surprised at all that Lion-O's progress keeps resetting.

  On 5/29/2012 at 9:12 AM, Keith said:

You just now figured out Tygra was an ass? That's pretty much why he got what he got this episode, he was acting like his usual a-hole self and it backfired on him. As for Pumyra, I'm not sure what's confusing to you there, that's a totally realistic depiction of an irrational woman. Hot for you one minute, cold the next. I'm not surprised at all that Lion-O's progress keeps resetting.

I just thought maybe he might have started to change for the better after getting Cheetara and resolving his past. Apparently not.

As for Pumyra, she seems more defensive and jaded than irrational.

Posted (edited)

I am surprised no one mentioned the Itano Missile Circus.

Also was I the only that LMAO at the Sword of Omens upgrade scene? The way Lion-O and Pumya reacted made it seem like a Viagra commercial. :lol:

  On 5/29/2012 at 9:12 AM, Keith said:

As for Pumyra, I'm not sure what's confusing to you there, that's a totally realistic depiction of an irrational woman. Hot for you one minute, cold the next. I'm not surprised at all that Lion-O's progress keeps resetting.

She is very much like Marlene from Blue Gender IMO.

Edited by Freiflug88
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It's amazing how the folks at Thundercats.com really want to save this show, but it's gotten worse throughout the season. One slightly weird character per episode is too much IMO... but they should have solidified the core storyline and showed the bad asses before doing the quirky bits over and over.

I don't want to go back and read over but I don't know if I mentioned this, but I hated how Lion-O's attention quickly shifted to Pumyrra... It seems like he's just hard up for any tail that spends time with him and it really cheapens the triangle they tried to force on us just earlier this season. I'm not opposed to him hooking up with her, but it just seems so in-genuine.

If you tear it down to the basics, this show should have been really good but they just tacked on so much baggage that didn't fit together week after week, I really can't be behind the "Save the Thundercats" movement. It's kinda like Community... while I love to show, I rather they just cancelled it than wait for the disastrous season they're planning for.

I think once I saw how solid The Legend Of Korra was, it really made this show seem bad. Plus the toy line was ugly... not even interest in the toys could keep me as a fan.

  On 6/6/2012 at 6:47 AM, >EXO< said:

It's amazing how the folks at Thundercats.com really want to save this show, but it's gotten worse throughout the season. One slightly weird character per episode is too much IMO... but they should have solidified the core storyline and showed the bad asses before doing the quirky bits over and over.

I don't want to go back and read over but I don't know if I mentioned this, but I hated how Lion-O's attention quickly shifted to Pumyrra... It seems like he's just hard up for any tail that spends time with him and it really cheapens the triangle they tried to force on us just earlier this season. I'm not opposed to him hooking up with her, but it just seems so in-genuine.

If you tear it down to the basics, this show should have been really good but they just tacked on so much baggage that didn't fit together week after week, I really can't be behind the "Save the Thundercats" movement. It's kinda like Community... while I love to show, I rather they just cancelled it than wait for the disastrous season they're planning for.

I think once I saw how solid The Legend Of Korra was, it really made this show seem bad. Plus the toy line was ugly... not even interest in the toys could keep me as a fan.

I could not agree more, the show started out with a lot of potential but the last few episodes have taken a significant dive. It seems as if they're rotating writers because plot lines are contradicting each other and the character development has flat lined. I really wanted to hold on hope that the show would improve, but even the animation is taking a dive along with the writing. I probably wouldn't notice it as much but i DVR this and TLOK and watch them one after another, and it's hard to stay focused on Thundercats after watching TLOK.

The toy line was suppose to make dramatic improvements but both the 3.75 and the larger 6in figures are just crap, so there's really nothing left to save this show, and at this point i think that's probably a good thing.


The show lacks a coherent voice. One doesn't even have to compare it to TLOK, which is exclusivly written by the two creators, to notice it; just put it up against the rest of CN's Saturday morning fare and it is glaringly obvious: Ben Ten does not suffer from scatter-shot writing, Green Lantern was awesome with great writing and a clear narrative, and Young Justice's episodes build on previous ones to present a consistent story. Thundercats is just all over the place.


I just dont watch that much cartoons anymore. Everytime Thundercats ends and Green Lantern starts, I ask myself why I don't record that instead. lol.

Posted (edited)
  On 6/6/2012 at 6:47 AM, >EXO< said:

I don't want to go back and read over but I don't know if I mentioned this, but I hated how Lion-O's attention quickly shifted to Pumyrra... It seems like he's just hard up for any tail that spends time with him and it really cheapens the triangle they tried to force on us just earlier this season. I'm not opposed to him hooking up with her, but it just seems so in-genuine.

If you tear it down to the basics, this show should have been really good but they just tacked on so much baggage that didn't fit together week after week, I really can't be behind the "Save the Thundercats" movement. It's kinda like Community... while I love to show, I rather they just cancelled it than wait for the disastrous season they're planning for.

I think once I saw how solid The Legend Of Korra was, it really made this show seem bad. Plus the toy line was ugly... not even interest in the toys could keep me as a fan.

I think thats the macross talking. Cheetara made it known she wants tygra. So why pursue a love interest that will go no where.

Heck I think the TLOK pacing is too fast.

Edited by BeyondTheGrave

The next stone is probably in space orbit. I have a hunch Lion-O and Pumyra will have their first make-out session in space in a scene similar to their ancestors Leo and Panthera.

I for one hope we see a lot more of this Soul Server and what remains of his "alien" people in coming episodes. Perhaps this alien cyborg necromancer is the reboot's equivalent to Zaxx?


I still love the show. I like the weird characters, I like the random tangents that don't seem to have any direct connection to "The Story", and I like how they're taking their time fleshing out the world and getting to their goal. I'm still enjoying the toy line as well and looking forward to the cubs.

As for Korra, I personally can't stand the show. Tried watching a few episodes and found it too hard to care about any of the characters or what they were doing. Maybe because I never got into Avatar? *shrugs*


I'm also still enjoying Thundercats. As for Lion-O & Pumyra, don't forget how young Lion-O is, it's only natural for him to start chasing the next piece of tail that comes around. Not to mention he has a lineage to continue. Do you really think he wants to leave the throne to bitchass Tygra's offspring?

  On 6/7/2012 at 4:44 PM, Freiflug88 said:

The next stone is probably in space orbit. I have a hunch Lion-O and Pumyra will have their first make-out session in space in a scene similar to their ancestors Leo and Panthera.

I for one hope we see a lot more of this Soul Server and what remains of his "alien" people in coming episodes. Perhaps this alien cyborg necromancer is the reboot's equivalent to Zaxx?

Good Point.

I want to see Hashiman and Mandora.

If they appears XD


i DO want to see it going because I want to see the adventure play thru... I'm just saying I'm not surprised if it doesn't come back. They really need to tighten up the story a lot.

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