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  On 12/21/2010 at 7:23 AM, Jasonc said:

So, if you wipe your @$$ with the TP, does that count as a custom, and will Robotech conventions later on have said customs contest? :wacko:

For the love of god, I sure hope not. :(

  On 12/21/2010 at 5:29 AM, SkullLeaderVF-X said:

I'm no longer a RT fan, but I'd buy the 24 pack if they made it, knowing HG, it'll be a rough 1 ply. :o

Rough 1-ply nothing... if they handle it the way they handled the Maia Sterling MPC, it'll be a roll of 40 grit sandpaper.


Love, Live, Alive exists as a DVD supplement in my Robotech world. There's not alot of story in it to squeeze into 85 min. feature. I think HG should dub it because RT fans haven't seen it except a few and it's good send off for the New Generation cast.

  On 12/21/2010 at 2:12 PM, terry the lone wolf said:

Love, Live, Alive exists as a DVD supplement in my Robotech world. There's not alot of story in it to squeeze into 85 min. feature. I think HG should dub it because RT fans haven't seen it except a few and it's good send off for the New Generation cast.

I think they should leave it as Mospeada. It doesn't fit with New Generation, anyway. Scott flew off to search for Admiral Hunter; he didn't hang around going to Yellow Dancer concerts.

I do support an official HG release for Robotech III: Not Necessarily the Sentinels, however. Even The Scentinels would be a welcome addition.

Posted (edited)
  On 12/21/2010 at 2:18 PM, Gubaba said:

I think they should leave it as Mospeada. It doesn't fit with New Generation, anyway. Scott flew off to search for Admiral Hunter; he didn't hang around going to Yellow Dancer concerts.

I do support an official HG release for Robotech III: Not Necessarily the Sentinels, however. Even The Scentinels would be a welcome addition.

How Drugs Won The War, So Glad You Could Stop By For A Sip Of Sherry, slurm, and You Lying Hussy, I Thought You Were A Man

coming 2011 from Harmony Gold

Edited by Legioss
  On 12/21/2010 at 1:01 AM, Robelwell202 said:

Okay... Seeing as I've forcibly withdrawn myself from the RT fanbase (with a good dose of help from MEMO and Mav), this thread'd been about the only news feed I've had on the subject. While I mostly read it for <AHEM>s and giggles, there's been one question that's grown from a passing query to a nagging, burning, gotta-know thing:

The practices exhibited by HG (Sloppy marketing practices, the ridiculous actions by the RT.com staffers and mods, and even the crappy toys)... are these the actions taken by somoene working with actual forthought, or does this just lead to the conclusion that these people have actually no idea what they're doing?

Or, to put it in simpler terms, are these guys doing all this on purpose, or are they simply certified idiots running amok?

The answer to all these questions is "Yes."

It's important to differentiate HG from Team Yune: Tommy, Steve and Kevin. The day to day stuff on rt.com is pretty much left up to those three. The other parts of HG are concerned with more important things. There's a conscious effort on the part of Team Yune to suppress dissent and censor any critical opinion or to mock them and publicly "correct" them, which Kevin likes to do.

  On 12/22/2010 at 4:57 AM, Tom Bateman said:

It's important to differentiate HG from Team Yune: Tommy, Steve and Kevin. The day to day stuff on rt.com is pretty much left up to those three. The other parts of HG are concerned with more important things. There's a conscious effort on the part of Team Yune to suppress dissent and censor any critical opinion or to mock them and publicly "correct" them, which Kevin likes to do.

Wow....Is it me or does that sound sorta like totalitarianism. :ph34r:


If I am not mistaken, RT is only a small part of HG's overall business. Are they not in real estate? Also they have other shows and movies in their catalog however I never hear mention of them, How is HG a financially viable company?

  On 12/22/2010 at 5:05 AM, SkullLeaderVF-X said:

Wow....Is it me or does that sound sorta like totalitarianism. :ph34r:

That's going a little too far, I think. It's their website, and they can run it however they see fit. If people don't like it, they're free to leave. I may think it's a poor way to run the site, but it's not totalitarianism. :)

Posted (edited)
  On 12/22/2010 at 5:24 AM, Gubaba said:

That's going a little too far, I think. It's their website, and they can run it however they see fit. If people don't like it, they're free to leave. I may think it's a poor way to run the site, but it's not totalitarianism. :)

I did say "sorta". :p But, yeah your right. I guess I'm just spoiled with all the freedom I have here. B))

Edited by SkullLeaderVF-X
  On 12/21/2010 at 8:56 AM, Seto Kaiba said:

Rough 1-ply nothing... if they handle it the way they handled the Maia Sterling MPC, it'll be a roll of 40 grit sandpaper.

That all of the sand has fallen off of in the box :)

  On 12/22/2010 at 5:09 AM, Richardmvela said:

If I am not mistaken, RT is only a small part of HG's overall business. Are they not in real estate? Also they have other shows and movies in their catalog however I never hear mention of them, How is HG a financially viable company?

The problems with RT are unrelated to HG's other business, which have always been just fine.

Robotech's problems rest at the feet of those most directly involved in it.


With that being the case then, how involved is HG's staff with overseeing it, or is it a case of out of site out of mind with regards to the 3 stooges as far as RT is concerned?

  On 12/22/2010 at 5:24 AM, Gubaba said:

That's going a little too far, I think. It's their website, and they can run it however they see fit. If people don't like it, they're free to leave. I may think it's a poor way to run the site, but it's not totalitarianism. :)

Gubaba is right, however they run their site is totally up to them, even if it runs fans out of the franchise. The only time it became a problem is when Steve or Tommy (sometimes one in the same) would ban someone or blacklist someone based on comments they made on their own sites, different sites, or on blogs. I think that backfired and most of what they do now is spy on the other sites...why, I don't know. It's not like they can do much if opinion outside their backyard is going downhill.

In other news, someone gave me a recap of the conspiracy theories I knew would pop up. So far, I'm some other user on another board, we're all trying to put "a hit" on Memo (really??? WTF does that mean, are we in the mafia?) and Memo didn't know how to use a computer or scanner a number of years ago, so how could he send me images? I swear, I laughed so hard, it was like a workout. Of course, none of that is even remotely true, but don't leave it to me to interrupt their fantasies about me. The person who wrote to me with the recap asked that last question, and I found it a good catch. Memo was a moderator at that time, so to say you didn't know how to use a computer...well, problem solved. For the last part, when did I ever say that the images were scanned? Hell, for all I know, they couldn't been sent as files in an email from Tommy, given on a disc, etc. Never said anything about him scanning them.

On the business of HG, they seem to make enough money with the buying and selling of films, and with their rental property stuff, all of which can be found on their website and doing a little internet searching. What was also pointed out to me was that HG's business structure doesn't seem to be built to run a franchise product. They're geared for the other 2, but not to run a franchise. Robotech seemed to be a venture they took a chance on with films they purchased, and when it became such a hit in 85, they kept it. But, as time went on, they had failure after failure of sequels and movies, that it just kinda fell by the wayside (It doesn't help when you're trying to sell ugly toys and you stop marketing the product). Now they're busy trying to get the product moving again, and it has, but with things like what Tom said, and with events like I said in the first paragraph of this, at what cost? The reputation of the franchise is a joke, and many, many people I know who were once into the franchise for the fun of it, now don't even check to see the news they put out every 6 months.

Posted (edited)
  On 12/22/2010 at 5:29 PM, Jasonc said:

The only time it became a problem is when Steve or Tommy (sometimes one in the same) would ban someone or blacklist someone based on comments they made on their own sites, different sites, or on blogs.

yep, that's exactly what happened over at AUDIOKARMA.COM (AK) the very first forum i ever joined,

back in late 2007/early'08.

an audio tape (OPEN REEL, COMPACT CASSETTE, etc.) enthusiast was unhappy about how the forum handled

audio tape fans. he discussed the problem with the Admin, which eventually led to arguments, and his banishment

from AUDIOKARMA(AK). he immediately proceeded to open his own forum, TAPEHEADS.COM (TH) and like-minded AK members

started joining it. it wasn't long before AK's Admin found out, and began banning AK members who had also joined up with TH,

one of them being myself. we were all quite unhappy, as we all enjoyed our AK memberships, a thought it quite unfair.

we were voicing our displeasure with the situation in a thread, and several AK members of good standing and long membership

even joined in. soon after, even they were banned from AK, almost certainly as a result of spy work by the AK Admin

or one of his toadies...

as far as i'm aware, the situation never worked itself out. now, if that isn't a GRADE A case of "Forum Totalitarianism"

than i'm the Emperor of Bangkok...

Edited by Shaorin
  On 12/22/2010 at 6:43 PM, Shaorin said:

yep, that's exactly what happened over at AUDIOKARMA.COM (AK) the very first forum i ever joined, back in late 2007/early'08.

Woah... now that is a new experience, hearing about another site's online drama on MacrossWorld that I'd first heard about ages ago from my father of all people. :blink:

  On 12/23/2010 at 6:32 PM, Jasonc said:

Don't know if you guys follow this site, but for a good laugh and wild conspiracies, to get an idea of what some of the loonies think [...] The good, the bad, and the ugly all in one thread.

To be honest, I wasn't aware there was still anything like activity on that site. The few old time Robotech fans I still talk to nowadays usually described RDF HQ as a ghost town, and I see it's not without cause. Looks like that one isolated drama thread is about the only sign that the place hasn't completely dried up and died. There's too much concentrated stupid in that thread for me to consider giving it a thorough read-through though.

  On 12/23/2010 at 6:32 PM, Jasonc said:

Don't know if you guys follow this site, but for a good laugh and wild conspiracies, to get an idea of what some of the loonies think, go here: http://disciplesofzor.com/topic/2776/t/Robotech-Fan-Podcast-show-on-Talkshoe.html?page=14 :lol: The good, the bad, and the ugly all in one thread.

I just had a quick glance over that site - that Bendo guy is a proper bellend :)

The way he rants about "you can't even support your own robotech" - he makes it sound like a heroin addiction or something.

  On 12/23/2010 at 7:19 PM, Nicaragua said:

I just had a quick glance over that site - that Bendo guy is a proper bellend :)

You ain't seen nothin' yet. Believe it or not, what you're reading is Bendo on his best behavior and at his most balanced.

  On 12/23/2010 at 7:19 PM, Nicaragua said:

The way he rants about "you can't even support your own robotech" - he makes it sound like a heroin addiction or something.

To him, it probably is... mind you, he's probably spending a substantial percentage of his own income on his Robotech-related activities. I understand he's pushing 30, lives at home with his mother, and works full time as a "sales floor associate" at a BestBuy in Ohio.

Posted (edited)
  On 12/23/2010 at 6:32 PM, Jasonc said:

Don't know if you guys follow this site, but for a good laugh and wild conspiracies, to get an idea of what some of the loonies think, go here: http://disciplesofzor.com/topic/2776/t/Robotech-Fan-Podcast-show-on-Talkshoe.html?page=14 :lol: The good, the bad, and the ugly all in one thread.

When i read your post the first thought that came to my mind was dougbendo. The first post in the link... dougbendo.

I think i need help. :ph34r:


Never thought it was possible to misspell soap.

Edited by BeyondTheGrave
  On 12/23/2010 at 7:23 PM, Seto Kaiba said:

You ain't seen nothin' yet. Believe it or not, what you're reading is Bendo on his best behavior and at his most balanced.

To him, it probably is... mind you, he's probably spending a substantial percentage of his own income on his Robotech-related activities. I understand he's pushing 30, lives at home with his mother, and works full time as a "sales floor associate" at a BestBuy in Ohio.

:D That explains allot!!!

I think that dude needs to take a deep breath, pull the pin and hold. Jeeze, here we are hunting for islamic extremists while back at home we have idiots like that guy thrashing English grammar and worrying so much for zealots of a lost cause.

Waaah waaah, I'm a bigger RT fan then you!!! Waaah waah, Steve and Tommy love me! Waaah waaah Memo is innocent of these accusations its all Tom and Jason...I never want to hear another word that Macross purists are extreme again. That dude takes the cake. Talking tough online to people, yeah...real winner there.

  On 12/23/2010 at 9:58 PM, Zor Primus said:

:D That explains allot!!!

I think that dude needs to take a deep breath, pull the pin and hold. Jeeze, here we are hunting for islamic extremists while back at home we have idiots like that guy thrashing English grammar and worrying so much for zealots of a lost cause.

Waaah waaah, I'm a bigger RT fan then you!!! Waaah waah, Steve and Tommy love me! Waaah waaah Memo is innocent of these accusations its all Tom and Jason...I never want to hear another word that Macross purists are extreme again. That dude takes the cake. Talking tough online to people, yeah...real winner there.

Hahaha, yeah, I hear ya on that. I might give a $h!t if anything those guys made accusations about were true, but it's so far off base, and so far off from what the real event was, that it's not even worth caring about, and that's what's probably bothers them. The fact that none of us care enough about their conspiracies probably pisses them off. I like what Darkwater has said in that thread about how they throw out some almost random theory, then solidify it as truth, then continue to build more theories off that, solidify that, and so on and so forth. It's quite funny and intriguing to see the effect it has, as truth to them only last for about a month before it is revised and changed, then a "new truth" comes out, only to be changed again at a later time. There is some serious delusional thought processes going on there. Anybody with a degree in Psycology wanna take a look at all that online behavior?

  On 12/23/2010 at 9:58 PM, Zor Primus said:

I think that dude needs to take a deep breath, pull the pin and hold. Jeeze, here we are hunting for islamic extremists while back at home we have idiots like that guy thrashing English grammar and worrying so much for zealots of a lost cause.

Yeah... but unlike the problem children we're "at war" with overseas, this nutjob's grip on reality is so tenuous that he actually thinks his views are that of the majority and that he's a respected and admired spokesman for the entire Robotech fandom. I'd say he just can't tell the difference between "laughing with" and "laughing at", but his problems are deeper than that. I'm no clinical psychologist, but you don't need a Psy.D to see that he's got a massive inferiority complex, that he's trying to compensate for his humiliating minimum wage job and lack of a future by being an internet tough guy, and that he has a penis fixation so pronounced that even Sigmund Freud would've found it excessive. As I see it, his tendency to ignore niceties like spelling and grammar to the winds and typing like someone in dire need of a copy of "English for Dummies" is the least of his problems.

  On 12/23/2010 at 11:57 PM, Jasonc said:

but it's so far off base, and so far off from what the real event was, that it's not even worth caring about, and that's what's probably bothers them.

Totally... if half the stuff they said about me were true, Robotech wouldn't be in the state it's in today. If I had the kind of clout they say I do, I wouldn't be wasting my time using it to get Harmony Gold's lawyers to put the kibosh on fan films. I'd have long since scuttled the whole worthless franchise and sold the rights to the three original shows off to someone with a working brain. Of course, I'd also have to worry about the upkeep costs and landscaping for my suburban volcano doom fortress and legion of witless minions.

  On 12/23/2010 at 11:57 PM, Jasonc said:

There is some serious delusional thought processes going on there. Anybody with a degree in Psycology wanna take a look at all that online behavior?

If you're really serious about having their behavior examined, I know a guy who could help... he doesn't have his degree yet, but he's a senior level student in a good clinical psychology program.

Posted (edited)
  On 12/24/2010 at 12:27 AM, Richardmvela said:

Looks like Kevin McKeever made a mistake which I am sure will annoy more RT fans. I find it funny as he mentions in an earlier page that the Documentary had pictures released because they had actual materials such as photos and screenshots, yet when it comes to the animation they do not...


Robotech will always have a special place in my heart, but I am officially done with the fandom. All this drama, all these empty promises to see anything new at all is a waste of time. There are better fandoms than RT. It's okay to be a fan, but don't get your hopes up anymore. All you're doing is waiting, and waiting and waiting. Waiting for what? Something you're never going to see? Or something that's going to turn out as absolute crap? Screw that!

All they keep telling fans is the same crap, wait what am I saying........ah correction, they won't tell the fans anything. At least not the truth about what's going on with their projects. Fans keep getting the reach-around from HG, and it's not worth it. Like I said Robotech is still special and I like talking about it, but I am done with the fandom. It's become nothing but a crap fest, and it's just not worth the trouble anymore.

  On 12/23/2010 at 6:32 PM, Jasonc said:

Don't know if you guys follow this site, but for a good laugh and wild conspiracies, to get an idea of what some of the loonies think, go here: http://disciplesofzor.com/topic/2776/t/Robotech-Fan-Podcast-show-on-Talkshoe.html?page=14 :lol: The good, the bad, and the ugly all in one thread.

LOL! There are so many walls of text with spelling and grammar errors that would make a Dictionary cry. Spell Check is thy friend =]

Edited by HappyPenguins
  On 12/23/2010 at 6:32 PM, Jasonc said:

Don't know if you guys follow this site, but for a good laugh and wild conspiracies, to get an idea of what some of the loonies think, go here: http://disciplesofzor.com/topic/2776/t/Robotech-Fan-Podcast-show-on-Talkshoe.html?page=14 :lol: The good, the bad, and the ugly all in one thread.

Man, remember when all of this was supposed to be about Rick Hunter and not Internet gossipers/pundit wannabees defending the establishment (or in this case, the '"establishment"' that replaced the old "establishment") while embarrassing themselves for a cartoon show? :mellow:

Posted (edited)

The most pathetic flame I've ever seen is in that thread by Doug Bendo:

Dude give it up..your out of your legue on this one.

If this is the main defender of Robotech, then even the rats have deserted that ship.

Edited by Noyhauser

Apparently because I'm going to school, I'm not qualified to make any comments about Robotech. :lol: Never mind that all I get out of it nowadays is I like the old soundtrack and I occasionally write fanfic, both of which cost almost nothing. My OSM needs are mostly covered. I've got valks sitting around in and out of their boxes. Last thing I bought was a Mospeada artbook. I just found that Bartley I've been looking for. Is that what he's talking about? He thinks I need all the MPCs (Major Pieces of Crap) to show loyalty to MEMO? Who knows. Like I told him before, if he wanted to be somebody too, he can get a degree or join the armed forces. I'm getting mine in May. I wish him luck in becoming a professional broadcaster and in shooting himself without missing.


ok i know i missed 'yesterday's' news but when was HG active legally in harrassing fanfilm makers? is this fananime or like life-action not-for-profit deals (like the many Star Trek fanfilm makers)? links please?

  On 12/24/2010 at 4:34 AM, pensives_wetness said:

ok i know i missed 'yesterday's' news but when was HG active legally in harrassing fanfilm makers?

Not sure when they started.


is this fananime or like life-action not-for-profit deals (like the many Star Trek fanfilm makers)? links please?

Both. In short if it has the potenial to be better than the actual Rt franchise a c&d gets sent. And rumor has it that Seto has the ability to have a fan project canned.

Sift through the forums of various rt fan sites and you'll find it ( alternatively look through the HG & RT debate threads). Not really worth it imo.

Posted (edited)
  On 12/23/2010 at 9:58 PM, Zor Primus said:

:D That explains allot!!!

I think that dude needs to take a deep breath, pull the pin and hold. Jeeze, here we are hunting for islamic extremists while back at home we have idiots like that guy thrashing English grammar and worrying so much for zealots of a lost cause.

Waaah waaah, I'm a bigger RT fan then you!!! Waaah waah, Steve and Tommy love me! Waaah waaah Memo is innocent of these accusations its all Tom and Jason...I never want to hear another word that Macross purists are extreme again. That dude takes the cake. Talking tough online to people, yeah...real winner there.

It's even lamer than that, actually. You'll notice that Doug talks a lot about how massively popular he is, with more than 6000 lessoners. 6000 is a lot, especially for something like a Robotech podcast, and it would certainly mean that his opinion, in one way or another, mattered.

But yeah, it ain't true.

Here's a simple game that anyone with the iTunes music store can play. Go to the store, and type in "dougbendo" in the search box. You'll end up with a screen that looks like this:


Notice anything? Perhaps the fact that the podcasts are listed by popularity, and all but #9 in his top ten are Macross Frontier songs?

Yes, a bit over a year ago, Bendo uploaded some Macross Frontier songs to his podcast. Illegally, of course. So people download the Macross Frontier songs, this adds to his download count, and he gets to claim 6000 lessoners.

I'll go further:



Notice that of the 301 podcast episodes on iTunes for bendo, only 28 have actually been downloaded by anyone. Of those 28, only seven are actually Doug Bendo podcasts. The others are the 21 Macross Frontier songs he uploaded. So anyone thinking that Bendo's got a big fanbase is...pretty gullible, I gotta say. I found this information out in a matter of minutes, and anyone with iTunes could do the same.

So yeah...bashing Frontier while illegally riding on its coattails. He's a crackpot, yes, but a really small-time crackpot. If we're gonna bash someone, we shouldn't waste our efforts on the weak and tiny. Forget Bendo, and find someone who actually matters instead.

Edited by Gubaba
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