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  On 6/30/2011 at 9:18 AM, Warmaker said:

Heh, there was, it was called "Policenauts" in the mid 1990s but it never came across the Pacific. H.Kojima has left behind the Snatcher series long ago, unfortunately.

It's never too late. Besides, Policenauts was still a MG universe sidestory that took place before Snatcher, it wasn't in any way a sequel or directly related.


Since I've bought every Transformers game so far, I figured I'd give the new Dark of the Moon game a go. I have mixed feelings... it's much better than Transformers: The Game or Revenge of the Fallen, but not as good as War for Cybertron (or the awesome PS2 Transformers game). But my major gripe with it is that it's really short, maybe half the length of WfC. I bought it yesterday after work, and I'm already done with it.

Posted (edited)
  On 6/30/2011 at 9:51 PM, shiroikaze said:

People of Macross World.

You'll fartin' love this game:


Really awesome game. Thanks for the link.

It occurs to me that it would take surprisingly little to turn this into a Macross game...Gnerl or Regult = enemy planes, the boats/ships could be the zentraedi capital ships, pickets, etc.

Your Valkyrie would be in fighter mode when the boost/engine is on, but transform to battroid when you turn it off to allow for those tight turns.

Only thing missing then is the macross missile massacre. In order to keep the Atari-esque stylings, it would probably be a Defender/Geometry Wars-esque, screen-clearing super bomb. You would start with one or a few, and earn more after every so many points.

So...anyone know how to make flash games?

Edited by jwasko

When I get back to the US, I'm looking forward to BF3's release and intend to get Witcher 2. The last RPG I got was Dragon Age Origins (skipping DA2).

Also waiting for ARMA3 but that's later down the road. Was a huge fan of Operation Flashpoint and ARMA2. For a FPS, I loved the immense maps and open ended missions in them, especially ARMA2. The missions were great in that they simply weren't down to Success or Failure. There were additional side-objectives that you can try that may have immense consequences to the mission. I.e. finding out about a key informant and getting to him / her before the enemy agents do and getting info to make the mission easier. If not, the mission is harder without the info and the informant's death may bring a hit to the US force's reputation with a quasi-neutral group of rebels.

There's 2 hits with ARMA2, IMO.

a. Steeper learning curve - It's not a forgiving game (no hide behind cover to recover health) and learning all aspects of playing takes effort. Infantry combat being easiest but the rest requires practice. Remember, it says Military Simulator on ARMA2's box ^_^ Personally, I don't mind the learning curve because I get alot of fun once I "figured it out."

b. Bad, robotic sounding voice acting. It's because the voices in the game are dynamic, depending on what's going on. There's scripted voice work, i.e. standard mission narrative / voice over. The dynamic nature of the voices is great, but I do hope they make it sound more natural.


Just a rumor, from Magicbox :

RUMOR: Digitimes reported that Sony's Taiwanese partner Foxconn and Pegatron Technology will being production of PlayStation 4 in late 2011. The PS4 will have motion control similar to Kinect and will come to the market in 2012. At least 20 million PS4 will be delivered by the end of 2012.

  On 7/5/2011 at 1:33 PM, Black Valkyrie said:

Just a rumor, from Magicbox :

RUMOR: Digitimes reported that Sony's Taiwanese partner Foxconn and Pegatron Technology will being production of PlayStation 4 in late 2011. The PS4 will have motion control similar to Kinect and will come to the market in 2012. At least 20 million PS4 will be delivered by the end of 2012.

Maybe a new controller slapped onto the PS3 and called the PS4 - but if Sony had a new machine ready for lunch by 2012 they would have said so at E3...

  On 7/5/2011 at 4:01 PM, Dynaman said:

Maybe a new controller slapped onto the PS3 and called the PS4 - but if Sony had a new machine ready for lunch by 2012 they would have said so at E3...

Not necessarily. The Xbox 360 was officially unveiled just before E3 2005, and launched that November. If anyone, Sony or Microsoft, wanted to launch a new console for holiday 2012 they're likely to not officially announce it until E3 2012. They only have to announce it earlier if it's not having a worldwide launch or are going to release before holiday... hence the Wii U announcement this year.


I just don't see it being a wise move for anyone to release a new console right now, aside from Nintendo who's obviously playing hardware catch-up. The Vita? Sure, the PSP can definately handle an upgrade, but a PS4? There's absolutely no reason.


WTF?! I was just talking about Planetside with my brothers a couple of days ago and then THIS pops up? Man, that is too weird...

I loved Planetside, but I got into it just as most of my friends were starting to get bored of it. If it's one thing I loved about that game, it's that it was truly a massively-multiplayer WAR game. Some of the node battles were truly epic, raging on for at LEAST an hour before any progress was made. Literally, hundreds of people involved in the same battle. Two, sometimes THREE factions fighting over the same control node. I am really looking forward to seeing what's coming down the pipe with this game.

Oh, the war stories...


I was there:

Really really tempted to reroll and check out Incarna, not so much to check out the new avatar features, but the trailer reminded me of some really good times... I was there too. Taranis Interceptor <3 .

  On 7/5/2011 at 1:33 PM, Black Valkyrie said:

Just a rumor, from Magicbox :

RUMOR: Digitimes reported that Sony's Taiwanese partner Foxconn and Pegatron Technology will being production of PlayStation 4 in late 2011. The PS4 will have motion control similar to Kinect and will come to the market in 2012. At least 20 million PS4 will be delivered by the end of 2012.

Sony has said that they are making a new version of the slim that is supposed to use less power so I'm going to assume that is actually what is going to be built.

I just can't see them releasing a new console in 2012. The economy is terrible, they already have the vita coming at the end of this year and out of the 3 consoles they are in the best position to continue because of blu-ray's storage capacity. I would expect MS to announce something first since they are starting to realize dvds are no longer enough for the types of games being released.

I don't know how much of a threat they see the wii u as. Its basically a ps3/360 only released 6 years later.

  On 7/10/2011 at 1:54 AM, macross_fan99 said:

Sony has said that they are making a new version of the slim that is supposed to use less power so I'm going to assume that is actually what is going to be built.

I just can't see them releasing a new console in 2012. The economy is terrible, they already have the vita coming at the end of this year and out of the 3 consoles they are in the best position to continue because of blu-ray's storage capacity. I would expect MS to announce something first since they are starting to realize dvds are no longer enough for the types of games being released.

I don't know how much of a threat they see the wii u as. Its basically a ps3/360 only released 6 years later.

Microsoft's problem isn't DVD. If it was, you would be seeing more multi-disk 360 games. It's that the hard drive is OPTIONAL.

They can't guarantee it's there, so software cannot assume it will be able to cache data to it like it could on the XBox, or like it currently can on the PS3.

And while current DVD drives may read faster than current BluRay drives(hence why so many PS3 games have mandatory data installs), that doesn't mean they're even remotely as fast as a hard drive.


Bioshock Infinate, anybody check out the extended E3 trailer? Never had much interest in the first one, and be it a lot of my initial interest in this one has to do with the fanservice, but it actually looks like it'll be cool.

  On 7/12/2011 at 5:49 AM, Keith said:

Bioshock Infinate, anybody check out the extended E3 trailer? Never had much interest in the first one, and be it a lot of my initial interest in this one has to do with the fanservice, but it actually looks like it'll be cool.

This game looks like it is interesting, yes; Elizabeth seems to be an unusual character, and judging by the latest info I read onto her, the flying BigDaddy thing is related to her into a somewhat perverted way...

The flying city setting is inspiring too: for some reason, it reminds me of the Winsor McCay's Mars in his Little Nemo in Slumberland.


I'm looking forward to Bioshock Infinite more than any other game ever. I loved the first two.

Only thing I'm concerned about is that it looks like you'll only be allowed 2 weapons and possibly only 2 plasmids at any one time. still, I really want this game.

  On 7/13/2011 at 5:18 PM, Gui said:

This game looks like it is interesting, yes; Elizabeth seems to be an unusual character, and judging by the latest info I read onto her, the flying BigDaddy thing is related to her into a somewhat perverted way...

Hmm, now I'm even more intrigued.


Why is it that Namco Bandai only occasionally localizes a crappy Gundam game, and never the good ones (aside from maybe Dynasty Warriors Gundam, but doesn't Koei have some say in that one?)?

Case in point, the fantastic Gundam Battle series. Each one is a fantastic game. I often find myself replaying Gundam Battle Universe. Gundam Assault Survive was good and had some good ideas (like allowing access to Federation and Zeon missions with the same pilot and partners), but combining missions into single multi-map missions kind of killed it for me. Replaying GBU again got me thinking that it's been awhile since I've heard of a new Gundam Battle game.

Turns out, there is a new one, but Artdink switched systems on us. Gundam: The 3D Battle was released for Nintendo's new 3DS in Japan. Well, I figured I'd get a 3DS sooner or later, and a new Gundam Battle game would justify it (since I'm pretty sure I've spent more time on with the Gundam Battle series than every other game I've played on my PSP combined).

Except the 3DS is region locked. And there's no plans for a US release at this time.


Was the 3DS game as fully developed as GBU/GAS? There's also Gundam Memories, but I've yet to get any kind of comfirmation that it's an artdink game.

  On 7/15/2011 at 5:30 PM, Keith said:

Was the 3DS game as fully developed as GBU/GAS? There's also Gundam Memories, but I've yet to get any kind of comfirmation that it's an artdink game.

I'm not sure about gameplay or mission structure, but there's only maybe a third of the mobile suits, focused on the Gundam and Z Gundam movie trilogies plus Char's Counterattack. There's a few Unicorn MS in there too. It sounds a bit rushed, honestly.

As for Gundam Memories, I don't think it's an Artdink game. From what I've read, it's not supposed to be very good.

  On 7/15/2011 at 7:33 PM, mikeszekely said:

I'm not sure about gameplay or mission structure, but there's only maybe a third of the mobile suits, focused on the Gundam and Z Gundam movie trilogies plus Char's Counterattack. There's a few Unicorn MS in there too. It sounds a bit rushed, honestly.

As for Gundam Memories, I don't think it's an Artdink game. From what I've read, it's not supposed to be very good.

Yeah, I cancelled my pre-order as soon as I saw the first screens from Memories, it just looked too different. I get the feeling that there was some kind of studio break-up inside artdink. This is all pure theory, but I'm willing to bet team boredum with Gundam led to Ace Frontier, and the success from that got more money put behind Ultimate/Triangle. If you look at Assualt Survive, you'll notice a few things that are a little "too" backwards from the improvements that were made on the Macross side of things, and the overall awkwardness of some things leads me to believe that the leftover Gundam crew were stripped down.

So the real question is, is anyone left to give us a proper followup in the Gundam side of the Battle seires? Though to be honest, if not, I think the right choice was made in putting Macross first.

  On 7/15/2011 at 11:19 PM, Keith said:

Yeah, I cancelled my pre-order as soon as I saw the first screens from Memories, it just looked too different. I get the feeling that there was some kind of studio break-up inside artdink. This is all pure theory, but I'm willing to bet team boredum with Gundam led to Ace Frontier, and the success from that got more money put behind Ultimate/Triangle. If you look at Assualt Survive, you'll notice a few things that are a little "too" backwards from the improvements that were made on the Macross side of things, and the overall awkwardness of some things leads me to believe that the leftover Gundam crew were stripped down.

So the real question is, is anyone left to give us a proper followup in the Gundam side of the Battle seires? Though to be honest, if not, I think the right choice was made in putting Macross first.

I don't know. I thought that Ultimate Frontier was a major improvement from Ace, but from Ultimate to Triangle I was pretty minor. I'll give them credit for not recycling half a game like they did with the Gundams and serving up some new missions, but progression was pretty similar and some of the units I was hoping for were still missing.

As for Gundam, while I'd love for them to ditch the multi-map thing, I liked that they were still including more of Gundam and that you didn't have to create three pilots to play all the missions in Assault Survive. I think there's still plenty of material left to farm. They could still add campaigns for Unicorn and Victory... if they wanted to go all out, they could add campaigns for Wing, SEED Destiny, X, Turn A, and 00 Season 2, with the Extra missions mostly focused on manga and side story material.

And I'd love it on the NGP, if the thing stays region free. Or even a PS3 version would be great.


I actually think that the PS3/Vita had a little something to do with Triangle not being as complete as it should have been. You'll note that they put out an awesome, though incredibly limited PS3 demo while they were working on Triangle. My hope is that they've spent this past year working on turning that into a full PS3/PSV double pack game that shares the same save file.

I also don't doubt that there's more material that can go into another Gundam game, but the fact that they were still using as archaic an engine as they did in Assault Survive, coupled with the lack of announcement for a sequel game in almost two years doesn't bode well. Of course that could also be getting a PSV/PS3 release.


I never really said anything because I figured maybe I was just burned out on the Gundam Battle series (I've being playing them since the first installment) but I was pretty disappointed by assault survive and still am. GBU is just much more fun to play IMO. I'd certainly be up for a sequel if it was done better than AS but even more than that I'd like to see something in the vein of 0081 again. I think they really showed what Gundam could be on home console (without being rushed) again. Certainly the graphics were not as good as Crossfire/Target in SIght but basically everything else was better. It's great having a good Gundam game with an "original" narrative that's not on a defunct Sega system.

  On 7/16/2011 at 11:50 AM, bluemax151 said:

I never really said anything because I figured maybe I was just burned out on the Gundam Battle series (I've being playing them since the first installment) but I was pretty disappointed by assault survive and still am. GBU is just much more fun to play IMO. I'd certainly be up for a sequel if it was done better than AS but even more than that I'd like to see something in the vein of 0081 again. I think they really showed what Gundam could be on home console (without being rushed) again. Certainly the graphics were not as good as Crossfire/Target in SIght but basically everything else was better. It's great having a good Gundam game with an "original" narrative that's not on a defunct Sega system.

Assault Survive suffered for deviating too much from the basic formula and being TOO grindy. Like I said, I liked that you only needed to roll one pilot to play all the missions. And I didn't mind that you could buy mobile suits (it worked in the Frontier games) as an alternative to unlocking them. But as I said before, the multi-map missions sucked. It left you with fewer missions overall, and made some of them downright punishing. It sucked that you could be playing a mission for a half an hour only to die and basically have to start over... especially on a portable system! And while buying mobile suits was ok, buying parts and developing mobile suits by using crappy ones over and over (on a limited number of missions), only to have to buy the result (often at ridiculous prices) was a pain.

I hope Keith is right. I think a next-gen Vita or PS3 version with better graphics, more campaigns, and progression more like the Frontier games or GBU would be ideal. I just hope they don't pull a 3DS and give us a weak sauce version that has less content than GBU or AS.



PSB: With the commercial success of L.A. Noire, and the return of cyberpunk with Deus Ex: Human Revolution, do you believe that there is a market for a new Snatcher game?

Kojima: L.A. Noire is a game that I really like, but unfortunately I have not played it. I think it is coming out in Japan today, so when I return, I intend to play it. This idea of ​​an open world in 3D is very good, and I would love to do something like Snatcher, but I do not have the time or the means to do so. But if anyone else would like to develop it, I would love it.

NOTE: A few hours after this interview, Hideo Kojima, in collaboration with Suda 51 and Akira Yamaoka, announced a radio drama called “Sdatcher” based on Snatcher.

I hope someone takes the ball and runs with it, if that's not an open invitation, I don't know wha tis.


Speaking of giant robots, at least Armored Core V has the whole cinematic this going already...

Posted (edited)
  On 7/18/2011 at 5:30 PM, azrael said:

Speaking of giant robots, at least Armored Core V has the whole cinematic this going already...


I'll wait to see what the gameplay graphics look like.

Edited by BeyondTheGrave

Hasn't this been posted already, or is it a new trailer? A bit lazy to compare this one to the previous one to be sure...

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