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Gotta say---ZOE 1 and 2 remake is pointless when we've been asking for ZOE 3 forever. (and if they're re-releasing 1 and 2 to drum up enthusiasm for an upcoming 3---that just reiterates how long it's been, it's way over-due)

MGS 2 and 3 are fine--since we already have 4.

  On 6/4/2011 at 5:30 AM, David Hingtgen said:

Gotta say---ZOE 1 and 2 remake is pointless when we've been asking for ZOE 3 forever. (and if they're re-releasing 1 and 2 to drum up enthusiasm for an upcoming 3---that just reiterates how long it's been, it's way over-due)

MGS 2 and 3 are fine--since we already have 4.

Good way to intro some new fans...and I'll take a revamped ZOE2 in HD prior to ZOE3.

  On 6/4/2011 at 5:02 AM, Black Valkyrie said:

Care for some Poison,

This is a video game?

Posted (edited)
  On 6/4/2011 at 5:48 AM, Agent ONE said:

This is a video game?

Yep. Also she has a penis (in japan, in the US she's post-op).

Edited by anime52k8

Unitl now there is no 100% conformation, they always change sometimes this, somethis that. Anyway any chance that Capcom considers to release FF trilogy in one package and in HD with rearrange sound track, like the SEGA-CD, that one was the best conversion and second was the GBA (jap version of course).


well, as I just got done downloading the last of my PSP free games off of the welcome back listing, my feelings are a bit mixed. The only game that I was interested in and did not have already on disk was Dead Nation, so that was choice #1. The next choice was Little Big Planet for PS3 for my second choice. For the PSP, I let my son choose and he picked Killzone and Modnation racers. I have Killzone Liberation on UMD, but I wont let him touch my games because he is so careless with them. He has Modnation Racers and loves the hell out of it for PS3, so I suggested the PSP version so he can take it on the go. I have Infamous on Disk, and My son has Little Big Planet on disk, but as I mentioned before, he is careless with games, so I thought that my wife might like it on the HD on my PS3.

I am very excited by all the news about the PS3 HD remakes of the Metal Gear Solid games, as I am trying to play MGS:Peace Walker on my PSP and would like to try it on the PS3. I wish that they would remake all the MGS games in 2 different bundles. MGS 1,2, and 3 in one and then do a smaller, perhaps cheaper release of MGS Portable Ops and MGS Peace Walker.

I am a big D and D fan, and I am excited about Dungeons and Dragons Daggerdale, but dont know when it is supposed to be released on PSN. Does anyone have any knowledge?

Games Workshop seems to be rolling out the Warhammer 40000 games this year too, with the announcement of Warhammer 40000 Kill Team, and then in august the release of Warhammer 40000 Space Marine, my taste for the universe and reading the books with finally get brought to 3 dimensional view on my TV. I Cant Wait!



Hopefully they'll consider doing MG 1, 2 MGS & Portable Ops in a second HD bundle. Oh hell, who am I kidding, throw in Snatcher & Policenauts too! MG1, Solid Snake, & MGS would actually make a great combination, all 3 bieng Solid Snake stories.


All this talk and not one of you has mentioned the new trailer for The Old Republic? Shame on you all! :p

Also, I just saw the news that DUST514's 360 release has been canned and is now a PS3 exclusive. Between that and an HD ZOE rerelease, I just might have to pick up a PS3 finally. Might. No promises, though.


I'm on the fence about Dust 514. I'll probably at least check it out to show support for CCP. I just cant see it taking me away from EVE though.

  On 6/7/2011 at 3:40 AM, kaiotheforsaken said:

I'm on the fence about Dust 514. I'll probably at least check it out to show support for CCP. I just cant see it taking me away from EVE though.

See, I tried EVE once and couldn't make it out of the gate. The vertical learning cliff was too difficult for me to grok and it wasn't until after I gave up on it that I learned there were specific "quests" that could be done to help level up. I guess I'm just used to BioWare's usual RPG story of guiding the player onwards.

But the more I read about EVE, and this is where TVTropes really does help, the more I want to be a part of that universe. To have that sort of sandbox and player-controlled space where our actions do have an effect is what I dream of playing with. It looks like Dust will let me join in on that rather nicely.

  On 6/7/2011 at 3:59 AM, CoryHolmes said:

See, I tried EVE once and couldn't make it out of the gate. The vertical learning cliff was too difficult for me to grok and it wasn't until after I gave up on it that I learned there were specific "quests" that could be done to help level up. I guess I'm just used to BioWare's usual RPG story of guiding the player onwards.

But the more I read about EVE, and this is where TVTropes really does help, the more I want to be a part of that universe. To have that sort of sandbox and player-controlled space where our actions do have an effect is what I dream of playing with. It looks like Dust will let me join in on that rather nicely.

A valid point, EVE is not an easy experience to get into. Hopefully with Incarna finally starting to roll out this month, it will help ease some of the issues you encountered when you tried it. I like EVE in part because it is complex and takes time to learn. But the game can bludgeon you to death a bit in the beginning.


I dig EVE, but I am not sure I'm sold on DUST 514. I didn't see anything that convinces me I should buy it over BF3 (or MW3, for that matter).


The end of Nintendo's keynote was a real winner; I was thoroughly impressed. Unless this new controller is a bust, I have a hard time seeing anyone taking over the top spot from them in the next generation of consoles.

That said, I probably won't buy it.

  On 6/7/2011 at 5:17 PM, Duke Togo said:

The end of Nintendo's keynote was a real winner; I was thoroughly impressed. Unless this new controller is a bust, I have a hard time seeing anyone taking over the top spot from them in the next generation of consoles.

That said, I probably won't buy it.

Have you seen the new controller?

I have a soft spot for Nintendo. I figure I'll probably get a 3DS when they come down a little, or when there's something I really want to play. Because I grew up with Nintendo systems, and I like Nintendo's first-party franchises. But I didn't play with the N64 as much as the PlayStation. The Gamecube would have been totally unremarkable if not for the first-party stuff. And I've played with the Wii even less than the Gamecube.

I'm at a point in my life where my cash flow and free time don't really support three consoles, PC, and two handhelds (not counting smartphones or tablets). Unless the future of Xbox and PlayStation start to look crappy, it's the gimmicky consoles with the stupid names (Wii U? Seriously?) that are going to be the first to go.

  On 6/7/2011 at 6:52 PM, Jeremy007 said:

i cant seem to find any info on the software for the new psp. I assume sony is doing away with UMD's...will the games for the PSV be downloads?

thanks for any and all info.

Vita will use new proprietary flash-based media called NVG cards in addition to downloads.


Whoah, I gotta give Nintendo credit for taking another big risk. That's a pretty interesting controller they've got there.

At first glace, this controller is going to be great for football games, so that you can hide your plays from human opponents. And I guess this means that Nintendo is doubling-down on their action-party games, such as Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles and Zelda: The Four Swords. The only problem I see with that is, unless these controllers are sold cheap, I don't know how many people will be able to afford more than two. That, and most people can simply go online for their multiplayer fix.

I can also see Nintendo focusing on portable mini-games, ala Sony's PocketStation and Sega's VMU minigames. But unlike Sony's and Sega's offerings, these games won't be constrained by piss poor display screens and controls, so they might actually be fun. I can also see Nintendo selling more pick-up-and-play games through their online store and allowing customers to save them directly to the controller, ala smartphones and tablets. I think this is what Nintendo's really banking on. But we'll see if gamers will be looking to play these types of games on something other than their phone/tablet.

My biggest concern is ergonomics. I don't know my hands will handle a marathon gaming session with that controller.


So they went from the family gaming system to this. I don't know, I don't care for the new controller honestly. Too big and what happens when I get pissed and want to throw it? That and I have passed on every Nintendo system after the 64 let me down. The games that came out the year or so were amazing after that they were basically all rehashes of Super Mario 64. PSVita looks cool but I doubt i will get it since I got the PSP for Macross games primarily. Waiting to see if the 3DS does more though since I am interested in purchasing all my beloved 64 games again like Ocarina and Star Fox 64


thanks VT 1010.

sounds interesting. ill buy the PSV for sure.

one last question regarding the PSV: do you know if old PSP save data can be tranfered to the new flash based media or will it have a seperate slot for a memory card?

sorry...im at work so i cant really look this stuff up right now...


I like where the big N is headed with the new console, at least in part. The lack of a good size built in HD and the scattered reports that it doesn't out muscle the PS3 or 360 in terms of technical power concern me. The controller has a lot of potential, and all the videos I've seen about the new system so far have said the controller is comfortable and light.

I dunno, overall I'm excited about it and will likely buy it on or close to launch.

The new Devil May Cry...or DMC I guess, looks...ok, but that still isn't Dante and I really feel like after DMC3 that (another) origin story is totally pointless.

PSVita or w/e seems interesting, but my PSP has gotten such a small amount of use out of it compared to almost any other platform I own, I'm not sure I'll buy it.

Posted (edited)
  On 6/7/2011 at 8:58 PM, kanedaestes said:

what happens when I get pissed and want to throw it?

You go outside or find a new hobby. ^^

Edited by Chewie
Posted (edited)

So wait, is the new controller the system itself? :ph34r:

Or will there be a supplement TV attachement? Or is this controller an attachment to the old wii itself?

I is lost....

Back to all seriousness, I can't see this selling if its above $100.

Edited by Archer
  On 6/8/2011 at 3:21 AM, Archer said:

So wait, is the new controller the system itself? :ph34r:

Or will there be a supplement TV attachement? Or is this controller an attachment to the old wii itself?

I is lost....

Back to all seriousness, I can't see this selling if its above $100.

There's a box. It plugs into the TV, and discs go inside it. That thing you're looking at is just the controller.

Think of the Wii U as an HD DS, where the top screen is your TV, and the bottom screen is on the controller.

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