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Anyone one here interested in the Warhammer 40000 Kill Team PSN game that is a tie in with Warhammer 40000 Space Marine that is due out in September? Does anyone know when Dungeons and Dragons Daggerdale is due out on PSN?


Posted (edited)

Just got inFAMOUS 2. Pure Awesome! Totally improves on the first game and adds a lot more to boot. The controls and Cole's movements are much more fluid and precise, and you get a sense of continuity in his movement, like real parkour. Beyond that, DLC includes a katana, and thats good enough for me B))

Btw, Hero = Ice Powers, Infamous = Fire Powers.

^Cool system that almost forces you to play through the game twice to get all the goodies!

Edited by Archer

If anyone's still playing MGO, I just updated our clan emblem, mind you this is double size & it looks better in game, but at the very least, it's much more accurate than the previous verison.


  • 2 weeks later...
  On 6/27/2011 at 6:15 AM, Einherjar said:

I got the yellow light of death on my system after two years of operation. Tried using the blow dryer fix from the Internet with no change. I still don't understand how that's supposed to work anyway. At least the hard drive is okay. Also:

Report: PS3 Hacker George Hotz Lands Job at Facebook

What model PS3? I've been giving mine a pretty thorough workout for the better part of 4 years, also try to vac it out periodically. As for the HDD, just note that you can't move that directly to another system, as the PS3 is designed to automatically format whenever it detects a new HDD. Best bet there would be to hope you can get it running long enough to backup to an external.

  On 6/15/2011 at 7:11 PM, Keith said:

If anyone's still playing MGO, I just updated our clan emblem, mind you this is double size & it looks better in game, but at the very least, it's much more accurate than the previous verison.


The ability to create your own logo from scratchin that game is brilliant, im surprised more games didnt follow suit. MGO is probably one of my favourite multiplayer games but the glitches and cheaters killed it for me, shame.

  On 6/27/2011 at 2:07 PM, TheLoneWolf said:

I'm pretty sure that most developers don't allow players to create their own emblems because they're afraid everyone will draw a bunch of d*cks and other offensive imagery.

Probably, but a few pixelated cocks and boobs are probably the least shocking thing you are going to see in a game were the primary theme is shooting people in the face. Also any game that is rated Mature should be able to account for whatever images its userbase might create, and if anyone does manage to come up with anything truly shocking then they could be reported just as racist/rude usernames are.

  On 6/27/2011 at 1:53 PM, Nicaragua said:

The ability to create your own logo from scratchin that game is brilliant, im surprised more games didnt follow suit. MGO is probably one of my favourite multiplayer games but the glitches and cheaters killed it for me, shame.

It's actually not anywhere near as bad as it was since the recent update (1.36), mind you it still happens, just not as much.


Keith you need to give MGO up man, your obsession is just not healthy. I loved MGO too but the lack of care and moderation from konami slowly pushed me away.

  On 6/27/2011 at 7:09 AM, Keith said:

What model PS3? I've been giving mine a pretty thorough workout for the better part of 4 years, also try to vac it out periodically. As for the HDD, just note that you can't move that directly to another system, as the PS3 is designed to automatically format whenever it detects a new HDD. Best bet there would be to hope you can get it running long enough to backup to an external.

Fat 80 GB PS3 from 2007, repaired once.

  On 6/27/2011 at 6:16 PM, dizman said:

Keith you need to give MGO up man, your obsession is just not healthy. I loved MGO too but the lack of care and moderation from konami slowly pushed me away.

Never. Tried black ops, online was full of suck & randomness. MGO FOREVER!

  On 6/27/2011 at 8:07 PM, Keith said:

Never. Tried black ops, online was full of suck & randomness. MGO FOREVER!

Well to go from MGO to Blops is like going from the finest meal to eating your own turd but there are plenty of other decent games out there, Killzone 2 or Bad Comapny 2 are better FPS than COD.

I must admit though its hard these days to find a gme that grips me as much as MGO did. It wasnt just the gameplay its the full package of clan features with tournaments and survival mode, it seems that most games these days are dumbing down these features that build communities and i cannot understand why.

I might give it another whirl to see if the patch has made MGO playable again.


I just hope they decide to to a more PSN integraded MGO3, it'd be a nice surprise to include with the HD collection.

Posted (edited)


Looks like a 30th anniversary Gundam game was released for the PS3 in Japan.

Is there going to be an English/North American release or did the poor sales of Gundam Crossfire diminish our chances?

Edit: Here is the Japanese home page.


Edited by Fly4victory
  On 6/29/2011 at 6:11 AM, Fly4victory said:


Looks like a 30th anniversary Gundam game was released for the PS3 in Japan.

Is there going to be an English/North American release or did the poor sales of Gundam Crossfire diminish our chances?

Psst, this game is 2 years old already, so no, it's not likely it'll get released here. On the brightside, Dynasty Warriors Gundam just came out domestically today.

  On 6/29/2011 at 6:54 AM, Fly4victory said:

Thanks. DW Gundam 3. Wow my head has been in the sand. Sad that the price of DW Gundam 2 never can down.

From what I hear, 3 is much better than 1 & 2, so that's not necessarily a bad thing. Plus the Japanese dialogue is finally selectable.


The Japanese dialogue was selectable on 1, even though I couldn't understand it that is how I played.

I am waiting for the price of Lego Clone Wars to drop so any new Gundam game purchases will be well in the future. Plus always try to get the free amazon shipping.

Since the Gundam games are in Japanese perhaps I can convince the wife they would be educational.

  On 6/29/2011 at 7:17 AM, Fly4victory said:

The Japanese dialogue was selectable on 1, even though I couldn't understand it that is how I played.

I am waiting for the price of Lego Clone Wars to drop so any new Gundam game purchases will be well in the future. Plus always try to get the free amazon shipping.

Since the Gundam games are in Japanese perhaps I can convince the wife they would be educational.

Convince her of what now? That game was "always there." That's right, you're just replaying DWG in the off chance she asks, which she likely won't, since women don't care about Gundam!


Did Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 actually come out? I was at Best Buy yesterday since they sent me a coupon. I was gonna pick up DWG3 and the new Transformers game, but there wasn't a copy of DWG3 to be had, for either PS3 or Xbox 360.


Yup, it's out, I've been playing it. I knew it was going to be hard to find, so I pre-ordered at a local game store. I think I got the only copy they got in. I think it's basically game stores only, not Target/WalMart or even BestBuy.

PS---it's fairly clear that Unicorn is the best suit, but it's available right from the start. Kind of takes away some of the fun, since even 00 Raiser can't quite compete. There's little incentive to upgrade/acquire, since nothing will beat it. Maybe Epyon in Melee or Wing Zero in shot, but Unicorn is just so good in both with insane Thrust it'll be purely for fun to use anything else.

IIRC, Epyon has like 195 melee and Zero is 195 shot, but Unicorn is 191 in both. And more thrust than even GP01Fb.


Oh hell yeah Unicorn is exactly the level of "the sh!t" that it should be. As for using anything else, this is a Gundam game. The only reason to use any mobile suit would be for the novelty of it. As for the game itself, they finally got the in game texture's looking perfect. It's a light handed cell shaded style, and it works perfectly.


Definitely looking to pick that up. Though I've never gotten to play 2 online. Anyone want to trophy run? I'm finally back online to do so.

  On 7/2/2011 at 3:49 AM, David Hingtgen said:

Yup, it's out, I've been playing it. I knew it was going to be hard to find, so I pre-ordered at a local game store. I think I got the only copy they got in. I think it's basically game stores only, not Target/WalMart or even BestBuy.

PS---it's fairly clear that Unicorn is the best suit, but it's available right from the start. Kind of takes away some of the fun, since even 00 Raiser can't quite compete. There's little incentive to upgrade/acquire, since nothing will beat it. Maybe Epyon in Melee or Wing Zero in shot, but Unicorn is just so good in both with insane Thrust it'll be purely for fun to use anything else.

IIRC, Epyon has like 195 melee and Zero is 195 shot, but Unicorn is 191 in both. And more thrust than even GP01Fb.

Are the Mobile Armor's still in it? I played the first one a ton, but I was pretty disappointed with the second one. The campaign missions required too many bullcrap "so-and-so must live while you fight a Mobile Armor hell-bent on murdering said ally" win conditions.

I HATE the Gamestops around here, but I have to go to the mall today anyway, so maybe I'll swing by and see if they have any. If not, there's always the internet.


I've taken down Big Zam, and I'm pretty sure Psyco Gundam Mk II is in it. I haven't seen any "escort" missions yet--Big Zam was simply to kill it, no other rules.


Well, I bought the last copy the mall Gamestop had. For Xbox, though, so it's a little weird talking about it in the PS3 section (guess we never got around to moving all the individual console thread discussions into the general video game thread).

It's a lot better than DWG2 so far. Same repetitive gameplay, sure, but the story mode seems to work better, and I dig that the game has Japanese voices now. I also like how the maps have zones of strategic importance.

I haven't encountered a single Mobile Armor yet. I'm sure they're there, but DWG3 doesn't shove one into every other map and flaunt them as a big feature anymore.


I have now fought (and beaten) Psyco Gundam, so they definitely pop up once in a while. I was surprised Dozle Zabi was in a Gelgoog, not piloting Big Zam.

::edit:: Rank 2 really starts showing more differences between suits. While Unicorn's stats all increase fairly evenly, Epyon's melee shoots way up. Rank 2 Epyon blows away a Rank 2 Unicorn when it comes to melee power. Still, Unicorn's SP attack (and subsequent NT-D mode usage which tends to let you mostly refill the SP gauge) still probably makes it overall better.

Still, while Bandai didn't give us the "slicing Barge in half" beam saber for Epyon in the MG kit, they did give it to us in the game. :) Most of Epyon's saber attacks are the BIG saber with serious range and power. "Melee" is actually the heat whip. Pressing the "shot" button is the saber.

Gundam F91 is an awesome partner, especially for Epyon. Kinda sucks to actually pilot it though, IMHO.


I've only done Story missions, and I think you need to do Memorial missions to unlock higher ranked units. And I haven't used Epyon or F91, so I can't comment on them, either. But I do see what you mean about Unicorn being a beast. Even with a Rank 1 Unicorn (with four upgrade slots), I was able to get melee up to 266 (could have gone higher, but I only used two upgrades for melee, the other two for defense). Combine that with the fact that Unicorn's SP attack his excellent. The move itself is great for chewing through a crowd, but what really sets it apart is the time you get to spend in Destroy mode after. I bought the license so that anyone can use Unicorn, and have been using it whenever a pilot's default suit kind of sucks. Or, in Garroad's case, because he doesn't do all his irritating yelling unless he's piloting Double X.

Do you know how many times you have to use a suit before you unlock the license for purchase? Also, do you have to develop a new version of a suit after you have the license before anyone can use it? Unicorn's showing up, but even though I have the license for Nu it's not showing up.


I haven't bought any licenses (they're expensive, and I like having people only pilot "their" suits)

BTW, the "history" missions will get you Dozle in Big Zam. Also, Char's Gelgoog is a VERY tough opponent, by far the toughest I've fought yet.

I wonder if there's a raw "number destroyed by a single suit" achievement. If there is, original Gundam is going to get it. The history missions give you 500+ for EACH mission, fairly easily. I've taken out zillions of Zakus, Goufs, and Doms now... (original Gundam is just built for crowd-control, weapons-wise)


Just picked this up and started playing through a few missions today. When do the history missions start to appear? So far, unless I'm missing something, my menu just has story and online. How similar are they to the ones from the first two games? I still get shudders recalling the seemingly endless run of Zeta missions in the first. :p


History is within Story, in the same choice/grouping as you'll see Tutorial, Memorial, Commemorative, and other types of missions. There's a good 8 types of missions within Story.

I'm guessing History opens up just by using Amuro a bit.

Also, Zeta seems to be the last to appear. Emma's not even on the "friendship" list yet, and Kamille is a lvl 1. It'll be a while before you can pilot Zeta with Kamille.

ZZ is much more "developed" than Z right now. (having focused on the "Doubt" and "Understand" paths of story mode) I think most of the cast of ZZ has appeared, about half the pilots/suits now selectable.

  On 7/6/2011 at 3:13 AM, David Hingtgen said:

Got Kamille/Zeta usable, but most of the Titans are still "not even on the list" for friendship level. Same for Duo/Deathscythe.

Don't know about most of the Titans, but I got Duo up to a level 4 friend by playing through the "Those Who Fight" story with Frontal.


Yeah, I just started that line for "something different" and found Treize and Duo seem to be main characters in that line. Don't have Duo yet, but expect him soon. Tallgeese II is as good as was reported online. It's not the stats, it's the moves. It does better melee than anything, and the hyper (combo?) SP is better than Unicorn's against a single target. It is basically a boss-killer. I swear I one-shotted a 95% health Deathscythe with it.

"Those who pass through" hasn't lead to anything really---just more Turn-A stuff mostly.

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