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Part of me really wants this because 303E is amazing, but the rest of me would rather pick up the pg exia.



Gonna wait for the official Bandai product shots before deciding if I want to get this.

Leaked photos thus far (if real) looks underwhelming for an MG 


Wait wait---Pearl coating HIRM Wing Zero?!?

Anyone interested in my 99.5% unstarted HIRM Wing Zero?  (I painted the chest jewel, as it's so very dark out-of-box----but every sprue is still sealed in bag)



Well.  That's what I get for not going back exactly ONE PAGE.  Thanks!


Want is rather high, but at almost 200 CDN...  Might have to wait a tiny bit.

Posted (edited)

I will wait till it hits stateside shops. The shipping direct from JPN will be a killer.

Also at that price point I kinda hope it comes with parts for the S Gundam as well, much like the GUndam Fix figure hehehe

Edited by Duymon

Hmm I dunno about parts for all of the S Gundam but there may be enough parts there to make a S Bst, that was only available as a P-Bandai exclusive a few years ago.


There's also

- MG F91 2.0

- HGUC Gouf Flight Type (probably based on Gouf Custom?)

- HGUC Revive Ground Gundam (unexpected but unsurprising, but also dubious that they'll be able to one-up the original release)

- HG Pixy Gundam

- and of course the Deep Striker

(will get pics later, on phone now)


TBH, the only one's I was interested in enough to post about (besides 303E which is already covered) were the Wing kits. Wing will always be my jam so any love for the series is appreciated.

Posted (edited)

- Deep Striker
I'm not a big fan, so it's a wash. The most insightful commentary I've seen was when @electric indigo noted its phallic design.

- MG F91 2.0
People seem to have mixed reaction to this. Me, I don't care too much for the design, so it's a wash.

- RE/100 Vigna-Ghina
More interesting design-wise than the F91, but still meh to me because the movie(?) it's in never caught my interest.

- HGUC Gouf Flight Type
Definitely looks to be based on Gouf Custom instead of a brand new mold. Not a bad decision at all; the newer kits have all had some really terrible design choices, whereas the older kits all hold up really well. Leading to...

- HGUC Revive Ground Gundam
Copy-pasta my response at GE:

It's almost definitely reusing Blue Destiny parts, which itself used Ground GM parts... which ITSELF used parts from the HGBF Leopard Da Vinci (from what I hear, anyway; haven't looked at any of those kits myself).

- The chest triangle appears to be molded on. I don't think that was present on the original HGUC.
- I wonder if it'll include alternate shoulder parts similar to the MG. The ones in the pic appears to be the same as the Ground GM's which have rounded corners on the tie-down bar; the alternate depiction (used on the earlier HGUC) have more trapezoidal sides.
- Elbow joints are probably Leopard parts.
- Hands look like hot garbage. Old HGUC easily wins in this department.
- Shield seems to have the same prop-up gimmick as the old HGUC, dunno if its design/parts has changed since 2007.
- Gets rid of the old ball-joint thigh-to-crotch joint of the old HGUC, probably uses the same swiveling peg as the Ground GM.
- Feet likely reuse Ground GM parts. A shame, too; the older HGUC is a major step up from this (though this is itself a major step up from the Ez8. Shudder.)
- It better come with the machine gun, rocket launcher, and missile launcher as well to make it at all worthwhile.

- HGUC Efreet Nacht
Looks good. I really enjoyed the RE/100 Custom, and this looks just as good if not a little better. Shame it's only HGUC, though. (EDIT: Confirmed to be P-Bandai.)

- HGUC Byarlant
Looks good. I still don't know what the differences are because I don't pay enough attention; will need a side by side comparison and/or someone's detailed observations.

- HG Pixy Gundam
- I know nothing about it, but it looks like a decent, no fuss no muss Gundam design and kit. I'm reminded of the 0 Gundam. I dug that, and I'm almost certain I'll dig this, too.


Invision really needs to fix their tagging software or whatever it is. Its convenience features screw up my posts as often as they help them.

Edited by kajnrig

Byarlant vs Custom design differences are the head, arms, feet and boosters. There's a lot of little differences while the overall shape stays the same. I hope it gets a regular release since it's one of Jerid's main MS but I wont hold my breath. With all the P-Bandai releases of different Byarlant designs they have all the parts already cast, they just need to release them together. Hopefully we get a Baund Doc soon but that's a very strange design so....

Front vs Front

Posted (edited)
  On 1/1/2018 at 8:57 PM, dizman said:

Byarlant vs Custom design differences are the head, arms, feet and boosters. There's a lot of little differences while the overall shape stays the same. I hope it gets a regular release since it's one of Jerid's main MS but I wont hold my breath. With all the P-Bandai releases of different Byarlant designs they have all the parts already cast, they just need to release them together. Hopefully we get a Baund Doc soon but that's a very strange design so....

Front vs Front



Aren't all of these recently-revealed designs general release items? Or are some of them P-Bandai?


Nvm. Seems the Efreet Nacht has been confirmed to be P-Bandai exclusive, so... Well, then again, the regular Byarlant IS a bit more mainstream than the other Byarlant variants and the Efreet variants, so perhaps it will see a general release.

Edited by kajnrig

RG Tallgeese---if it has the TV show coloring, insta-buy.  If it's colored like the MG, insta-pass.   Seriously, how hard is BLACK AND WHITE to get right?   No yellow accents all over and minimizing the constrast by using lots of greys..


Lots of my favorites are finally getting made this year. Gouf flight type is high on my list along with that leo and galbaldy. I hope we get the zaku and dom variants from 08th ms team.

  On 1/1/2018 at 9:02 PM, kajnrig said:


Aren't all of these recently-revealed designs general release items? Or are some of them P-Bandai?


Nvm. Seems the Efreet Nacht has been confirmed to be P-Bandai exclusive, so... Well, then again, the regular Byarlant IS a bit more mainstream than the other Byarlant variants and the Efreet variants, so perhaps it will see a general release.


From what I've been hearing most of these aren't even confirmed for production yet, it's just a new thing Bandai has been doing where they show off some new prototype designs at gunpla expo each month to gauge interest.

  On 1/1/2018 at 9:34 PM, David Hingtgen said:

RG Tallgeese---if it has the TV show coloring, insta-buy.  If it's colored like the MG, insta-pass.   Seriously, how hard is BLACK AND WHITE to get right?   No yellow accents all over and minimizing the constrast by using lots of greys..


I'm expecting it to be more like the MG since it has the MG's booster backpack instead of proper shoulder boosters, but who knows with RG coloring.

Posted (edited)

Yeah in the Advert it said they improved the S-Gundam frame proportions by changing up the Shoulder, Chest parts and also giving the special deep-striker head that doesn't have the Incom.

Still on the fence if I really want this.

YOu can nab it at USAGUNDAMSTORE for like 175-ish. With the usual 10% they always have that'll be 157.5 then + $20 flat shipping in US will be $177.5, which is the best deal I've seen thus far.

The question is, how many years will it sit in my backlog lol.

I opened the box of my EX-S MG and I was like "F-- dat" . I can't imagine how I'll react to 39 runners lol

Edited by Duymon

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