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  On 3/4/2015 at 5:46 AM, renegadeleader1 said:

You could always finish those T61 tanks from the land war set. :p

Oh, they're done and in the detolf. One's lounging in front of a GM Sniper II, the other is aiming at the Gundam Mk II's butt.


Still have to do all the decals, but I couldn't resist getting that shot on the shelf. Seeing the Sazabi next to it's rival the Nu really makes it all worth it



  On 3/4/2015 at 6:07 AM, davidwhangchoi said:

are those real grade?

CG for Cuteness Grade. it's how you get the nerd chicks.

HLJ has more gunpla for preorder.

Origins Guntank, Denial Gundam and Hyaku-Shiki 2.0 are all up. really surprised by the Hyaku-shiki price point. everything I was seeing online states it was going to be just about 70 dollars list. HLJ has it for just under 50 list.

Guest davidwhangchoi
  On 3/4/2015 at 3:47 PM, Hikuro said:

CG for Cuteness Grade.



^_^ well, I'm on my way to building my GM II. Just a neat thing, but when you got the right tools to do brush work, you can do a pretty decent job of coverage in tight spaces with fine tipped brushes if you spend a little money. All in all, I like how my paint job came out on my GM II. if I really wanted too I could finish this sucker tonight but nah.

  On 3/5/2015 at 3:50 AM, Hikuro said:

^_^ well, I'm on my way to building my GM II. Just a neat thing, but when you got the right tools to do brush work, you can do a pretty decent job of coverage in tight spaces with fine tipped brushes if you spend a little money. All in all, I like how my paint job came out on my GM II. if I really wanted too I could finish this sucker tonight but nah.

I just finished a GMII myself last week. Its definately a superior tooled kit to the previous GM's like the cold district type I built before it. If there was any complaint it was that the sensor stickers are tiny, and the nooks you need to fit them in even smaller.


Maybe I should look into getting a GM II. Especially since the kits that I want seem to be in short supply from Amazon.

Guest davidwhangchoi
  On 3/5/2015 at 4:02 AM, mikeszekely said:

Maybe I should look into getting a GM II. Especially since the kits that I want seem to be in short supply from Amazon.

what kits are you looking at for your next build?

  On 3/5/2015 at 4:15 AM, davidwhangchoi said:

what kits are you looking at for your next build?

RG Wing Zero and HGBF Hi-Nu V-Rabe.

Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)
  On 3/5/2015 at 4:18 AM, mikeszekely said:

RG Wing Zero and HGBF Hi-Nu V-Rabe.

you should get this months (march 2015) issue of gundam ace, extra issue edition, it has weapon parts for the hi-nu v-rabe. some cool looking bird like laserbeak.

Edited by davidwhangchoi

I'm not sold on the bird thing. I haven't watched Try yet, either. I'm only interested because the Hi-Nu is one of my favorite UC mobile suits, and the Vrabe looks like a neat take on it.

Guest davidwhangchoi
  On 3/4/2015 at 12:17 PM, Doublepush said:

Still have to do all the decals, but I couldn't resist getting that shot on the shelf. Seeing the Sazabi next to it's rival the Nu really makes it all worth it

nice kit, how long did that take you to do?

  On 3/6/2015 at 2:22 AM, mog_kupo said:

Almost finished!!


looks good, looking at these inspires me to get started on another rg kit :)

Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)

Hi, i learned from a gundam tutorial video to wash the parts with soap :)


opened the parts for aile strike and washed with dish washing soap. now i'm letting them dry in the dishwasher rack.

Edited by davidwhangchoi
  On 3/6/2015 at 7:26 AM, davidwhangchoi said:

Hi, i learned from a gundam tutorial video to wash the parts with soap :)

opened the parts for aile strike and washed with dish washing soap. now i'm letting them dry in the dishwasher rack.

I'm curious what folks' experience with this is. As I've mentioned, I don't do much painting on Gundam models, but I've been building fully-painted military models off-and-on my whole life, and I've never noticed mold release agent on the parts or had issues with paint adhering to unwashed plastic (even on fairly janky eastern European kits). Personally, I think the parts-washing advice may come from an earlier time when kit makers used more/different mold release, or didn't clean parts themselves. I don't feel it's necessary (although there's little harm aside form wasted time and maybe some soap or hard water residue if you don't do it thoroughly), especially if you aren't planning to paint your kit.

What I am careful about is body oils, food grease, lotions, etc. Those can mess with paint or stickers if they get on parts. I frequently wash my hands while building, and keep an eye out for any oils on the parts I'm handling.


I always wash my plastic bits before painting them but that is because I need to thoroughly remove all residue of oil from hands because of numerous handling (snap fitting + disassembly) and dust from sanding the nubs and other works.


I typically will cut, trim off runner bits then carefully wash with dawn dishwashing soap and leave them to dry over night or longer.

It's kind of a pain, so far my best time for a complete repaint was 3 weekends. Not fun at all. Mentally draining and it wasn't like I was doing anything elaborate like some modelers try.

Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)

i watched this and just mindlessly following the tutorial to wash it :p. didn't know if i had to wash it or not.

  Reveal hidden contents

out of the dishwasher i thought to take the advice to begin panel lining on the runners since i'm just staring at the parts and too lazy to start building.


Edited by davidwhangchoi


that is a good video, he was able to show the basics of straight build. Though washing the parts for straight build is still questionable :p

Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)
  On 3/6/2015 at 10:10 PM, mikeszekely said:

Hey David, what pen are you using for your panel lining?

I'm using this pencil as well as a grey gundam marker

it's a 0.3 uni KURU TOGA.


a year or two ago, MW member Lolicon showed me a amzing weathering job on a vf-1s. so i asked him how did he do that bc i tried with a gundam grey marker and it came out so crappy.

so he gave me some pointers and told me to try weathering but i chickened out. fast forward a few years, now, i'm trying to do a gundam kit and dug out his old instructions. i found that the pencil came out better than the gundam marker for objects too small for gundam marker to fit in, esp. in very tiny areas of the skygrasper. i'm not sure how it will turn out for the aile strike so i have both handy.

Edited by davidwhangchoi

I've been using just a Gundam marker, and it's been mostly good, but there are spots where it seems like after applying the whole thing wipes off. I never even thought to use a pencil. How do you keep the pencil from coming off?

Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)
  On 3/6/2015 at 10:32 PM, mikeszekely said:

I've been using just a Gundam marker, and it's been mostly good, but there are spots where it seems like after applying the whole thing wipes off. I never even thought to use a pencil. How do you keep the pencil from coming off?

i haven't touched it but it'd prob come off much as a gundam marker. I think Lolicon told me after panel lining and weathering to use a flat coat (i think?) he told me to get this flat coat called "Mr. Hobby" i'm too lazy to go buy anything so i didn't get it.

but usually i'm using it in areas that's hard to reach so it's prob wont wipe off easily. there are tiny places on this that would've been messy w a gundam marker tip bc it's too wide:

Edited by davidwhangchoi

I'll second this motion concerning using a pencil.

I use 'em all the time for small bits that even my smallest pens have a hard time with. They leave a nice fine line, can be easily erased if you mess up, and seem to be pretty well permanent after a decent dull/gloss coat.

I thought it was one of my secrets...


i attached an enlarged photo of the nose section of skygrasper. there are tiny places on this that would've been messy w a gundam marker tip bc it's too wide

I thought that was kind of the idea. When I do panel lining, I run the Gundam Marker along the line, then I use a q-tip to wipe off the excess. It cleans the surface, but the ink from the marker gets down in the crevices where the q-tip can't wipe it.

Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)
  On 3/7/2015 at 12:33 AM, mikeszekely said:

I thought that was kind of the idea. When I do panel lining, I run the Gundam Marker along the line, then I use a q-tip to wipe off the excess. It cleans the surface, but the ink from the marker gets down in the crevices where the q-tip can't wipe it.

there's some crevices where you want to shade only a side.

i highlighted the small areas with yellow:


with a gundam marker the rectangle boxes are too small to maneuver very well.

still a beginner, this took me 1.5 hours to decal and panel line :unsure:

edite: added some more details.


i kept looking at the box and instuction booklet but the shots are so small for the panel line pattern..

so i spent most of my time staring at the box and instruction booklet.

Edited by davidwhangchoi

David, I bought the Sazabi last Christmas actually (my mom 'bought' it as my gift but has no idea how to order that stuff nor does she care enough to learn). I've had a bit of a busy year (divorce, financial issues, deployments overseas) so I'm just really getting around to it now. I still have the decals left to do to finish it completely. Also as a little tip, if you use a fine tip gundam marker for panel lining then you can use a q-tip to clean up the excess. You have to clean it right away after drawing the line before it has a chance to dry at all, and the wooden toothpick will absorb the paint leaving only a subtle line.


The way I handle excess gundam marker, especially when the lines are too thick, is to gently scrape it off with a toothpick that won't scratch the plastic.

A funny coincidence is that I just picked up a 0.3mm pencil for panel lines right before David started posting his nice work with one. I'm excited to try it out.

Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)
  On 3/7/2015 at 12:51 PM, Doublepush said:

David, I bought the Sazabi last Christmas actually (my mom 'bought' it as my gift but has no idea how to order that stuff nor does she care enough to learn). I've had a bit of a busy year (divorce, financial issues, deployments overseas) so I'm just really getting around to it now. I still have the decals left to do to finish it completely. Also as a little tip, if you use a fine tip gundam marker for panel lining then you can use a q-tip to clean up the excess. You have to clean it right away after drawing the line before it has a chance to dry at all, and the wooden toothpick will absorb the paint leaving only a subtle line.

  On 3/7/2015 at 12:55 PM, Nekko Basara said:

The way I handle excess gundam marker, especially when the lines are too thick, is to gently scrape it off with a toothpick that won't scratch the plastic.

A funny coincidence is that I just picked up a 0.3mm pencil for panel lines right before David started posting his nice work with one. I'm excited to try it out.

thanks for the tip guys. i'll keep the toothpick in mind..

Nekko, what's the next kit you're working on?

Edited by davidwhangchoi

On tight areas where the marker uses up the entire panel space leaving you a black or gray glob, I use my thumb or finger and wipe away the excess area. Works about 99% of the time just fine. You'll stain your finger for a little while but it's no big deal. That's what I did in the past. Today though? I'm mainly doing the enamel washes instead. They're a bit faster and the lines are thinner and they'll follow the edge details much nicer than a marker can. But once in a while I still like doing a marker for certain details.

I met up with a friend and her son who adores me, pretty sure I've made mention of this a few times hah. It was Kifa's birthday a couple weeks ago but I got slammed with work so I couldn't drop off a HG Strike Full Package until last night. We met at the hobby town in portland oregon and they must of just restocked cause I was shocked at what I saw.

I ended up kinda caving in and picked up the Thunderbolt Full Armor for 24 dollars, I couldn't argue with that when another store last I saw wanted 45!

Saw a Titanium Sazabi and did a double take on that, almost a hundred bucks for that mother!

But I managed to pick up a few paint supplies and new detail brushes I need for my HG's, and we decided it was time to upgrade Kifa from HG to RG since it was still in the price range. We also got him hobby snippers cause he'd been using a knife and I warned him of the potential dangers to plastic bits flying off or cutting into his parts by accident.

What was really neat though someone must of donated to the store cause their ceiling was littered with super old Gunpla. Whoever did it though wasn't very good as their detail lines were massively thick and wobbly like they couldn't handle the marker direction or used a felt tip pin.

  On 3/7/2015 at 4:50 PM, davidwhangchoi said:

Nekko, what's the next kit you're working on?

I am in the middle of the MG Infinite Justice (the newer mold), but I've had an embarrassing mishap where a small sprue containing some of the flight pack parts got too close to the room heater and got warped. So I'll be finishing that without the flight pack until I manage to replace the parts. Luckily, none of the MS or weapon parts were affected.

I also have a 1/72 Bandai VF-1S that is 90% complete, but it annoyed me so much that I set it aside. I really ought to finish that.

After those, some of the kits "on deck" are the RG Strike Freedom and Destiny, and "The Fool" from Kawamori's Nobunaga series.


^_^ my weekend is going splendid! After doing some house chores, mowing 80% of the lawn before the mower went "Naw I'm done for today" I built my GMII and I love it! It's coming out fantastic, wash is done, assembly was very simple and clean....didn't even really need the instructions other than knowing which PVC is where.

Guest davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)
  On 3/7/2015 at 10:26 PM, Hikuro said:

^_^ my weekend is going splendid! After doing some house chores, mowing 80% of the lawn before the mower went "Naw I'm done for today" I built my GMII and I love it! It's coming out fantastic, wash is done, assembly was very simple and clean....didn't even really need the instructions other than knowing which PVC is where.

put up some pictures of the GMII when you get a chance.

here's my slow progress :

finished building legs and began panel lining foot and knee area:



Edited by davidwhangchoi
Posted (edited)

I'm all finished!

GMII Before Weathering and Decal Application.


GMII After weathering and decal application.


GMII ready for close quarters combat.


GMII thought it could take on my EZ-Blue Destiny....bless it's heart!


Edited by Hikuro

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