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Found some additional photos of both the RG Wing Zero and EZ-SR. I'm really just waiting for preorders to pop up. I can almost see doing a Blue-Destiny custom to the EZ-SR it's that cool looking of a design.



Posted (edited)

I'm glad we're getting all five EW Gundams in the RG, especially Deathscythe Hell. I just hope they're not spaced as far apart as most of the other RGs, otherwise that's at least half of 2015's releases. Meanwhile, I'm still wanting the blue Z'Gok, and I'll second renegadeleader1's call for a GM (Gelgoog, Alex, GP02, and Hyaku Shiki are high on my list of RG wants, too).

EDIT: Oh yeah, I hope they give us an RG Tallgeese III before they move on from Wing.

Edited by mikeszekely
  On 9/26/2014 at 3:24 AM, David Hingtgen said:

RG Tallgeese *I*.

No, III. I mean, I won't say no to Tallgeese I, as the Tallgeese design is the best thing to come out of Gundam W, but the Tallgeese III get's Epyon's shield. That's win right there.

Side note... I've been re-watching Gundam. Like, all of it. Some of it held up pretty good (War in the Pocket), some of it is better than I remember (00), and some of it is as bad as I remember it (SEED). But Gundam W... it's a miracle that it ever got me into this franchise! I mean, it's just awful... 10 episodes of the Gundam pilots attacking random OZ Alliance bases, followed by 30 episodes of the Gundam pilots basically doing an angsty "Now what?" through two coups and a lot of other politicking.


at lest we're getting proper EW Gundam types, not concepts like the MG series line.

But god, PG Unicorn? That just makes my day. I will have to pull every stop I can to get this ordered. I'm sure it's going to be a hot hot model kit.


PG Unicorn has a whole lot of unknowns right now. Basically, I want everything---transformable, internal lighting, still posable with wiring installed, etc. That's a heck of an engineering feat, and it may not be possible---or, Bandai's had years to figure it out, and has done it.

But I won't buy it unless it's got all of that. No transfomation? Pass. No true* internal lighting? Pass. Can't move if wired up? Pass.

*I want something like fiberoptics, to truly light up channels/pathways. Not just a bunch of LED's making "dots" of color here and there. I want every square mm evenly lit. For how much they're asking, it better be a whole lot more than 2 dozen red LED's...


I was going to pre-order the Arcadia VF-0D, but PG Unicorn has always taken precedence, so there goes that idea.

I NEED a PG Unicorn. I hardly even care if it lights up or not. It's a given that it's going to have perfect transformation (even the MG has that) and lots of psychoframe detail. And I think at that scale, they can make it so it's not so finnicky when transformed. (Owners of either MG version know what I mean)

Given the cost on that LED kit, I expect pretty even and consistent lighting. I don't know how they plan on doing it, but knowing Bandai it'll likely be numerous localized LEDs dispersing light through specific areas. That's fine by me- they've done this generally well so far. I do hope the stock kit will at least have light-up main camera like all the other PGs before it.

But yeah, I guess the money I was saving for the VF-0D, and probably for a few other projects, just found a new target. I just need this in my life, so much.

  On 9/26/2014 at 4:18 AM, David Hingtgen said:

PG Unicorn has a whole lot of unknowns right now. Basically, I want everything---transformable, internal lighting, still posable with wiring installed, etc. That's a heck of an engineering feat, and it may not be possible---or, Bandai's had years to figure it out, and has done it.

But I won't buy it unless it's got all of that. No transfomation? Pass. No true* internal lighting? Pass. Can't move if wired up? Pass.

*I want something like fiberoptics, to truly light up channels/pathways. Not just a bunch of LED's making "dots" of color here and there. I want every square mm evenly lit. For how much they're asking, it better be a whole lot more than 2 dozen red LED's...

My body is ready :) I wonder if they'll take the 00 raiser route (with the premade GN drives), and just deliver a prebuilt frame with LEDs placed throughout (I can't imagine that we'll just be getting some wires and LEDs for that crazy price).

While I like customization as much as the next guy, I honestly would love it if Bandai takes this route. Would make things a whole lot easier for a noob builder like myself.

And yes, good posability and easy transformation would be awesome.

It's been what, 5 years since the last PG? Let's hope bandai has something awesome up their sleeves :D


Fact: red-green bi-color LED's have been around for decades. It's VERY easy to do. A simple three-way switch is all it'd take. Off-red-green. Though it would require "clear" psycoframe, and thus would look pretty bland when "off". (vs, un-lit clear-red plastic, etc)

  On 9/26/2014 at 5:25 AM, SchizophrenicMC said:

But yeah, I guess the money I was saving for the VF-0D, and probably for a few other projects, just found a new target. I just need this in my life, so much.

let's see which gets hype better. I am saving money for VF-0D as well but the complete PG kit (with lighting) will probably cost the same.

As for the transformation gimmick, I really doubt this will be left behind. They were able to do it in 1/100 (MG and Metal build) and 1/144 (Super HCM) scale so there is really no reason to have no Transformation gimmick in a 1/60 scale.

As for lighting package, I hope it is a regular release so that people with tight budget can get the base kit and upgrades later on.

Posted (edited)
Grabbed this translation of the PG Unicorn brochure from GundamGuy

PG Unicorn
  • Fully transformable (Face guard "expansion" included)
  • "Third form" realized
  • Red psychoframe in special glow plastic
  • "Transformation" uses magnet in antenna; Interior of the antenna is gold color
  • Articulation of the elbow and knee joints able to perform a wide range of movements
  • 1 Beam Magnum
  • 1 Shield
  • 1 Hyper Bazooka
  • 1 Display Stand
  • 2 Beam Gattling Guns
  • 4 Beam Sabers
  • Ammo Packs for Beam Magnum.
  • *Weapons can be mounted onto Display base.
PG Unicorn LED Set
  • For use with Psychoframe with 29 LED units, and one for the eyes, making the total 30 LED units
  • LED light up sequences: camera eyes light up, psychoframe light up from low light to full light on
  • There is an auto mode for LED light up sequence
Edited by joppewo
Posted (edited)

I wonder what they meant with the third form realized

edit: i got ninja'd

anyway, i am reading the optional part. Is this regular release or P-bandai exclusive?

Edited by chyll2
Posted (edited)

It'll be really funny if the third mode is like the SD's (put it on all fours, stick the beam saber up in the bum and call it a day!)


Edited by close313
  On 9/26/2014 at 3:29 PM, close313 said:

It'll be really funny if the third mode is like the SD's (put it on all fours, stick the beam saber up in the bum and call it a day!)



Hm has the MG Tallgeese III already been posted?



I like the idea with the PG Unicorn but I will wait for reviews and builds to see if I will go for it. The LED kit sounds terrible flimsy.

The RG Gundam Wing EW on the other hand look great. I probably will build one of every variant. :)


Happy for those that wanted a PG Unicorn Gundam.

I guess that means no more new MG anouncements for this year. This probably explains why there was no MGs to coincide with OVA #7 release.

Still waiting for a regular release OVA bare bones green Psycoframe Unicorn and Banshee Norn.


Bandai spent too much time & effort on the show to not have Unicorn in PG, it was pretty much inevitable. They made PG's for series that had less time to mature.

Its great that it'll have the Beam Gatling Guns as standard weapons, I just hope the the (inevitable) additional weapons set will be easy to get.

If it turns out better than PG Strike, it'll probably be the 1st & last PG I'll spend for. :D


For all you guys who are theorizing on the PG Unicorn, here's what's announced (Taken from Gundam buy blog post)


PG Unicorn
>Fully transformable (Face guard "expansion" included)

>"Third form" realized
>Red psychoframe in special glow plastic
>"Transformation" uses magnet in antenna; Interior of the antenna is gold color
>Articulation of the elbow and knee joints able to perform a wide range of movements

1 Beam Magnum
1 Shield
1 Hyper Bazooka
1 Display Stand
2 Beam Gattling Guns
4 Beam Sabers
Ammo Packs for Beam Magnum.
*Weapons can be mounted onto Display base.

PG Unicorn LED Set
>For use with Psychoframe with 29 LED units, and one for the eyes, making the total 30 LED units
>LED light up sequences: camera eyes light up, psychoframe light up from low light to full light on

>There is an auto mode for LED light up sequence

WOW! 30, THIRTY LED units.


To be honest, I was kind of hoping for a dull clear psychoframe with red-green LEDs, for awesome inactive poses.

As long as they fix the stupid floppy knee armor in Destroy Mode for the PG version, I'm sold. At that scale and price, there should be no problems having a stable knee armor.

  On 9/27/2014 at 1:41 AM, SchizophrenicMC said:

To be honest, I was kind of hoping for a dull clear psychoframe with red-green LEDs, for awesome inactive poses.

As long as they fix the stupid floppy knee armor in Destroy Mode for the PG version, I'm sold. At that scale and price, there should be no problems having a stable knee armor.

floppy knee armor, snap off crotch plate, and snap off upper shoulder armor. I miss anything else?

I can understand them choosing a special kind of plastic to get the red glow to be more noticeable. You'd want a nice even brightness thru all the physco frame parts and that makes sense. I wouldn't want a clear plastic and only get the brightness of the LED itself and a dull look to locations where the LED couldn't fully express.

  On 9/27/2014 at 2:14 AM, Hikuro said:

floppy knee armor, snap off crotch plate, and snap off upper shoulder armor. I miss anything else?

If you're listing the faults of the MG, I'd add weak ankle joints, armor bits that constantly pop off the sides of the feet and forearms, and "locking" mechanisms on the pelvis and waist extensions that come loose if you look at them funny.

But, ye gods, I still love that thing.


The thing that makes or breaks the PG Unicorn will be the color/opaqueness of the red pieces. I love the color of them on my RD Destroy Mode Unicorn but I hate the translucent parts on the MG. They look to washed out in color especially with no silver background. For the PG I hope that the red parts are covered on one side with silver parts with the led sitting on the edge of the piece so it lights the whole panel without a intense spot for the light on it.

  On 9/27/2014 at 2:14 AM, Hikuro said:

floppy knee armor, snap off crotch plate, and snap off upper shoulder armor. I miss anything else?

I can understand them choosing a special kind of plastic to get the red glow to be more noticeable. You'd want a nice even brightness thru all the physco frame parts and that makes sense. I wouldn't want a clear plastic and only get the brightness of the LED itself and a dull look to locations where the LED couldn't fully express.

I meant an opaque clear white, so it can diffuse whatever light the LED is. (Or be dull for poses like when the Banshee first appears) Red psychoframe parts means red psychoframe effect, regardless of LEDs.

But yeah, a generally more stable Unicorn would be nice. I got my MG an action base because it has to sit very still, not supporting its own weight, for everything to stay put. Fortunately, I have a red lightning base, so I can make it do this:


  On 9/27/2014 at 9:43 AM, Scyla said:

The thing that makes or breaks the PG Unicorn will be the color/opaqueness of the red pieces. I love the color of them on my RD Destroy Mode Unicorn but I hate the translucent parts on the MG. They look to washed out in color especially with no silver background. For the PG I hope that the red parts are covered on one side with silver parts with the led sitting on the edge of the piece so it lights the whole panel without a intense spot for the light on it.

I can't think of a way that the PG could have silver-backed translucent red pieces and still have a working LED feature. Unless perhaps the silver stickers are an alternative to using the optional LED kit?

Personally, I was pleasantly surprised by the translucent parts on the MG. In sunlight or (I presume) blacklight, they have a really noticeable UV glow. They don't look as bright installed in the kit as the bare sprues did, but I'm pretty happy with them. I expected there to be a jarring contrast between the MG with its translucent parts, the Armor Girls Unicorn which (mostly) uses metalllic red paint, and the SD Unicorn which has a mix of translucent parts and parts I painted metallic red. To my eyes, they all actually look fine together.

  On 9/27/2014 at 7:38 PM, Nekko Basara said:

I can't think of a way that the PG could have silver-backed translucent red pieces and still have a working LED feature. Unless perhaps the silver stickers are an alternative to using the optional LED kit?

Personally, I was pleasantly surprised by the translucent parts on the MG. In sunlight or (I presume) blacklight, they have a really noticeable UV glow. They don't look as bright installed in the kit as the bare sprues did, but I'm pretty happy with them. I expected there to be a jarring contrast between the MG with its translucent parts, the Armor Girls Unicorn which (mostly) uses metalllic red paint, and the SD Unicorn which has a mix of translucent parts and parts I painted metallic red. To my eyes, they all actually look fine together.

So this was my idea:


I don't know if this would work since I've never done lighting on a model kit. I think indirect lighting would work best because you don't see the focal point of the LED bulb.

I really would prefer the look of the RD without any light-up gimmick. However I really dig the look of the Psycho Frame on my MG Nu Gundam so I guess if the PG Unicorn would look that good with the light up gimmick it would be the best of two worlds (for me at least).

  On 9/26/2014 at 12:34 AM, chyll2 said:

PG unicorn Confirmed!

21600 yen for the kit

12960 for the LED unit


This is really the best year of gunpla releases IMHO!

  On 9/26/2014 at 2:57 PM, Archer said:

I wonder what that "third" form is?

I hope it's the "crystal-encrusted" look from the final battle (ep 7)! XD

  On 9/26/2014 at 3:29 PM, close313 said:

It'll be really funny if the third mode is like the SD's (put it on all fours, stick the beam saber up in the bum and call it a day!)

Bwahaha! That is just so wrong...

  On 9/27/2014 at 2:14 AM, Hikuro said:

floppy knee armor, snap off crotch plate, and snap off upper shoulder armor. I miss anything?.

Lol yeah, that psycho-frame sliding into the destroy-mode knee armor gimmick hopefully gets improved!

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