Dynaman Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 Liquid Sky (Don't look for it, just take my word on it). Runner up is Battlefield Earth (at least Liquid Sky didn't have any budget to speak of)
taksraven Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 areaseven said: I take it you didn't like the first Jurassic Park film, then. Meh, I would put Jurassic in the worst film category easily. If you want to see some well-filmed Crichton, watch the original 70's Andromeda Strain. (a great little film, but probably too dull for many action freaks) Taksraven
DarrinG Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 I thought Independence Day was a crime. My friend had to pull me back into my seat and make me stay for the rest of the movie. My reasons to put this one so high is the potential wasted. The great effects on the previews made me believe it was going to answer soooo many of my 'alien invasion finally done right' desire on the big screen. The memory of Randy Quaid flying an F-16 at the alien ship (or whatever it was) yelling 'yahoo' still makes me cringe.
007-vf1 Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 I agree that most of the Hollywood academy award winner flicks are a pile of rubbish. They are kitsch, which means they have the right amount of drama, action and plot just to make people believe they are great movies when in the end they lack substance. In defense of Starship troopers; If it is seen plainly as an action movie it truly sucks. But, it was meant to be a Satirical representation How most military powers convince and recruits soldiers as simple cannon fodder and how society shadows the reality of how gross and stupid war actually is.
Gubaba Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 areaseven said: I take it you didn't like the first Jurassic Park film, then. Not really. Special effects marvel, very suspenseful...but ultimately pretty hollow and empty. I like movies that stick to my ribs, as it were. It makes a good Universal Studios ride, however. Dynaman said: Liquid Sky (Don't look for it, just take my word on it). What??? Liquid Sky is up there with Repo Man and The Hidden for me...very cool and artsy. Granted, I haven't seen it in a long time...
areaseven Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 DarrinG said: I thought Independence Day was a crime. My friend had to pull me back into my seat and make me stay for the rest of the movie. My reasons to put this one so high is the potential wasted. The great effects on the previews made me believe it was going to answer soooo many of my 'alien invasion finally done right' desire on the big screen. The memory of Randy Quaid flying an F-16 at the alien ship (or whatever it was) yelling 'yahoo' still makes me cringe. I enjoyed ID4 simply for what it is: an over-the-top popcorn flick. Despite its cheesy dialogue and simple plot, it sure beats any film adaptation of War of the Worlds - even the old 1953 version. BTW, Randy Quaid piloted an F/A-18 Hornet, not an F-16. Reveal hidden contents On a deleted scene, he piloted his crop duster on his Kamikaze run on the alien carrier.
reddsun1 Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 There's also the plethora of War of the Worlds adaptations that were foisted upon hapless viewers the same year as Spielberg's blockbuster hit. War of the Worlds, aka "H.G. Wells' 'The War of the Worlds'" (2005): this one is touted as a much more literal translation of the original story. IIRC, it's also been touted [on MW and elsewhere] as one of the most awful pieces of shite to ever grace a television screen. It's rumored to be so bad it's good, kinda like worthy of cult status or something. I passed up a chance to pick up a copy on DVD at a CVS once for about $9 bucks. Sometimes, I regret it; sometimes I think I should be thankful. Anybody here ever suffered through it? Can the rumors be verified? War of the Worlds, also aka "H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds" (2005): starring C. Thomas Howell. Another straight-to-video crap-fest. Like Spielberg's ver, this one also uses a contemporary setting as the backdrop. I even seem to remember this one airing on the Sci-Fi Channel--I couldn't bear more than 5-minutes of it before clutching for the remote. Apparently, someone thought it was good--or bad--enough to warrant a sequel War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave (2008): it seems C. Thomas Howell reprises his role and comes back for more viewing torture. Who the hell does this guy think he is? Doug FU**IN McClure?!?
areaseven Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 Ready for another stinker? The Time Machine (2002). Guy Pearce was an awesome actor. He and Russell Crowe made L.A. Confidential a crime thriller classic. His performance as an amnesiac in Memento was completely unforgettable. So how did it all go wrong for him? He starred in this overbudgeted, underscripted box office flop that was directed by Simon Wells (great grandson of H.G. Wells). After years of storyboarding and directing animated features such as An American Tail II: Fievel Goes West, Balto and The Prince of Egypt, Wells wanted a crack on directing a live-action feature. Of course, it all went terribly wrong. The storyline was crap, the acting was crap and even at 96 minutes, it felt like three dragging hours. Since this film's release, Wells returned to doing storyboards for animated features such as Shrek 2 and Madagascar. Pearce, on the other hand, hadn't done much other than his acclaimed performances in The Count of Monte Cristo and The Proposition. If there's one reason to build a time machine, it's to go back and erase this movie from existence.
kaiotheforsaken Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 Bri said: I'm not going to name some obscure B-movies. From the A-list: Worst of all: Star Trek 5 The Final Frontier: the less said the better. Worst Sequel: Matrix Revolutions: Only time in the cinema I have seen the audience get really angry at the crappiness of a film. No way is any of the Matrix movies bad enough to be on this list. Revolutions was great...there I said it. STV is pretty crap, I'd also toss up Alien Resurrection, and Battlefield Earth. Actually Resurrection only really started sucking at like the last 30 minutes, but it pretty much killed anything worthy that had come before it. AVP2 is also pretty lame.
shiroikaze Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 Read some posts from 2003 and I have to say... I liked the Lost in Space remake, sure it wasn't great but it wasn't bad... Am I the only one who liked that movie? kaiotheforsaken said: No way is any of the Matrix movies bad enough to be on this list. Revolutions was great...there I said it. STV is pretty crap, I'd also toss up Alien Resurrection, and Battlefield Earth. Actually Resurrection only really started sucking at like the last 30 minutes, but it pretty much killed anything worthy that had come before it. AVP2 is also pretty lame. I actually liked Alien Resurrection, the references to the prior movies they threw into the film were pretty neat. Although I have to agree about AVP2, it's all about being a shockfest and even it fails at that...
areaseven Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 Here's another sci-fi atrocity no one's bothered to talk about: Jason X (2002). While Freddy vs. Jason was in development hell, the producers decided to send Jason Voorhees to space. Surprisingly, he didn't bump into the Leprechaun on his way.
anime52k8 Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 Gubaba said: I don't really think of Star as being SF, though. It's more like fantasy with SF trappings. this is why I never really liked SW, to me it always felt like every cliche Fantasy ever written, only this time in space. taksraven said: Meh, I would put Jurassic in the worst film category easily. If you want to see some well-filmed Crichton, watch the original 70's Andromeda Strain. (a great little film, but probably too dull for many action freaks) Taksraven It wasn't THAT bad. as a kid I loved it and I still find it fun to watch. the movie was shallow and lacking all the philosophical/technical banter that made the book good, but the action sequences and quality of special effects still make it fun to watch when you just want to be entertained. Jurassic park is the epitome of Spielberg films; such an exciting, flashy ride that you don't notice how stupid it was until it's over. and the original Andromeda strain movie was good, very true to the book (which is my favorite Crichton novel) reddsun1 said: War of the Worlds, aka "H.G. Wells' 'The War of the Worlds'" (2005): this one is touted as a much more literal translation of the original story. IIRC, it's also been touted [on MW and elsewhere] as one of the most awful pieces of shite to ever grace a television screen. It's rumored to be so bad it's good, kinda like worthy of cult status or something. I passed up a chance to pick up a copy on DVD at a CVS once for about $9 bucks. Sometimes, I regret it; sometimes I think I should be thankful. Anybody here ever suffered through it? Can the rumors be verified? War of the Worlds, also aka "H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds" (2005): starring C. Thomas Howell. Another straight-to-video crap-fest. Like Spielberg's ver, this one also uses a contemporary setting as the backdrop. I even seem to remember this one airing on the Sci-Fi Channel--I couldn't bear more than 5-minutes of it before clutching for the remote. Apparently, someone thought it was good--or bad--enough to warrant a sequel War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave (2008): it seems C. Thomas Howell reprises his role and comes back for more viewing torture. Who the hell does this guy think he is? Doug FU**IN McClure?!? I never watched the first one you mentioned, but at first I thought that you were talking about the Tom cruise version. I have a hard time finding words to describe how much I hate that film. rarely have I ever wanted to see every member of a films cast die as much as I did while watching that movie. f**k you Steven Spielberg, F**k you. I actually have sat through the C. Thomas Howell version more times than the Spielberg version. although the Howell version was absolute crap. the squeal was even worse. areaseven said: Ready for another stinker? The Time Machine (2002). Guy Pearce was an awesome actor. He and Russell Crowe made L.A. Confidential a crime thriller classic. His performance as an amnesiac in Memento was completely unforgettable. So how did it all go wrong for him? He starred in this overbudgeted, underscripted box office flop that was directed by Simon Wells (great grandson of H.G. Wells). After years of storyboarding and directing animated features such as An American Tail II: Fievel Goes West, Balto and The Prince of Egypt, Wells wanted a crack on directing a live-action feature. Of course, it all went terribly wrong. The storyline was crap, the acting was crap and even at 96 minutes, it felt like three dragging hours. Since this film's release, Wells returned to doing storyboards for animated features such as Shrek 2 and Madagascar. Pearce, on the other hand, hadn't done much other than his acclaimed performances in The Count of Monte Cristo and The Proposition. If there's one reason to build a time machine, it's to go back and erase this movie from existence. It was bad. Actually the 1960's George Pal film was better, cheesy late 50's/early 60's special effects and all. I did like the scene with Orlando Jones as the holographic librarian, but that's it. kaiotheforsaken said: No way is any of the Matrix movies bad enough to be on this list. Revolutions was great...there I said it. STV is pretty crap, I'd also toss up Alien Resurrection, and Battlefield Earth. Actually Resurrection only really started sucking at like the last 30 minutes, but it pretty much killed anything worthy that had come before it. AVP2 is also pretty lame. Alien 3 was worse than Resurrection, only the end of Resurrection sucked, 3 was that level of bad throughout. of course that's all hypothetically speaking as everone knows there were no sequels after James Cameron made Aliens, the 3rd and 4th films are just a myth >/denial< I'd also like to throw this out: while I love blade runner, I nominate it for worst directors cut ever. The original was perfect the way it was; the directors cut is too long, needlessly confusing, and doesn't even have Harrison Ford's awesome narration which was the best part of the whole movie.
Gubaba Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 Gubaba said: God...that means Hellblazer IV, Leprechaun 4, and Jason X are all science fiction, too, doesn't it? Y'know what? There are WAAAAAAY too many bad movies set in space. areaseven said: Here's another sci-fi atrocity no one's bothered to talk about: Jason X (2002). While Freddy vs. Jason was in development hell, the producers decided to send Jason Voorhees to space. Surprisingly, he didn't bump into the Leprechaun on his way. I'm beginning to think you're doing this on purpose... What can you really say about Jason X? It's an Alien rip-off, with Jason instead of the alien, and liquid nitrogen standing in for the chest-burster. Unnecessary and lame. The main girl was cute, though.
areaseven Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 Gubaba said: What can you really say about Jason X? It's an Alien rip-off, with Jason instead of the alien, and liquid nitrogen standing in for the chest-burster. Unnecessary and lame. The main girl was cute, though. There were a lot of hot chicks in that film - even the one who got her head in a vat of liquid nitrogen. But that's about it. Suffice to say, that was the only Friday the 13th movie I've ever seen, and it wasn't by choice (I got dragged into it by a group of friends).
Gubaba Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 areaseven said: There were a lot of hot chicks in that film - even the one who got her head in a vat of liquid nitrogen. But that's about it. Suffice to say, that was the only Friday the 13th movie I've ever seen, and it wasn't by choice (I got dragged into it by a group of friends). I saw all of them (and every other major slasher movie I could find) for a project I was working on a couple of years ago. You have missed absolutely nothing by not seeing them. Unless, of course, you have a burning desire to see Corey Feldman and Crispin Glover in the same movie. Then you should check out "The FInal Chapter."
anime52k8 Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 Gubaba said: I saw all of them (and every other major slasher movie I could find) for a project I was working on a couple of years ago. You have missed absolutely nothing by not seeing them. Unless, of course, you have a burning desire to see Corey Feldman and Crispin Glover in the same movie. Then you should check out "The FInal Chapter." actually I think seeing Kevin Bacon getting stabbed through the neck with an arrow was worth seeing
kaiotheforsaken Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 anime52k8 said: Alien 3 was worse than Resurrection, only the end of Resurrection sucked, 3 was that level of bad throughout. of course that's all hypothetically speaking as everone knows there were no sequels after James Cameron made Aliens, the 3rd and 4th films are just a myth >/denial< I cant buy into 3 being worse all around than Resurrection, but it's true the end is the only really bad part of Resurrection. I just think it kinda kills the movie. I actually like 3, especially the director's cut quite a bit. I think in the scheme of the franchise the one tough as nails almost impossible to kill monster stalking and killing people works better than say....thousands of easily killed monsters killing people. On that note I'd nominate Aliens for most over rated sequel or at least over rated in that franchise. It was a good movie, but to me it was just an action flick and wasn't as gripping as Alien.
DJ Loe Kee Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 areaseven said: There were a lot of hot chicks in that film - even the one who got her head in a vat of liquid nitrogen. But that's about it. Suffice to say, that was the only Friday the 13th movie I've ever seen, and it wasn't by choice (I got dragged into it by a group of friends). Gubaba said: I saw all of them (and every other major slasher movie I could find) for a project I was working on a couple of years ago. You have missed absolutely nothing by not seeing them. Unless, of course, you have a burning desire to see Corey Feldman and Crispin Glover in the same movie. Then you should check out "The FInal Chapter." the early jason (and freddy and halloween) movies were actually good, that is if you like horror movies (a.k.a. we have no money for a big budget film so lets go out in the woods/small town and make a horror movie). they weren't great movies but they are entertaining. they aren't scary anymore, maybe horror movies are only scary when you are 10 ten years old. areaseven said: Here's another sci-fi atrocity no one's bothered to talk about: Jason X (2002). While Freddy vs. Jason was in development hell, the producers decided to send Jason Voorhees to space. Surprisingly, he didn't bump into the Leprechaun on his way. i never saw aliens vs predator... now in development. aliens vs. predator vs. freddy vs. jason vs. hellraiser vs. leprechaun vs. critters in space. then, that movie would be listed in this thread as worst science fiction movie of all time. hopefully, hollywood is reading this thread and decides to make this movie a reality.
VT 1010 Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 Quote Alien 3 was worse than Resurrection, only the end of Resurrection sucked, 3 was that level of bad throughout. of course that's all hypothetically speaking as everone knows there were no sequels after James Cameron made Aliens, the 3rd and 4th films are just a myth unsure.gif >/denial< Get the Quadriliogy and watch the special edition. Although it still doesn't compare to the first two, it is a much better film than the theatrical version. You should also watch the documentary on it; it gave me a lot more respect for it. I still think it was way better than Resurrection. It certainly could have been worse (wood planet anyone?). As for the worst of all time, I wonder what's playing on the Sci Fi channel right now...
kaiotheforsaken Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 Sci Fi had War of the Worlds 2 advertised the other day. Another movie gem from that network.
areaseven Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 DJ Loe Kee said: now in development. aliens vs. predator vs. freddy vs. jason vs. hellraiser vs. leprechaun vs. critters in space. then, that movie would be listed in this thread as worst science fiction movie of all time. hopefully, hollywood is reading this thread and decides to make this movie a reality. Yeah, and Uwe Boll should be hired to direct it.
DJ Loe Kee Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 VT 1010 said: Get the Quadriliogy and watch the special edition. Although it still doesn't compare to the first two, it is a much better film than the theatrical version. You should also watch the documentary on it; it gave me a lot more respect for it. I still think it was way better than Resurrection. It certainly could have been worse (wood planet anyone?). As for the worst of all time, I wonder what's playing on the Sci Fi channel right now... kaiotheforsaken said: Sci Fi had War of the Worlds 2 advertised the other day. Another movie gem from that network. when they first started the sci fi network i had high hopes for it. but it turned out to be nothing more than a C, D, E, F & Z movie/tv show channel. at least they play anime on there, but that was before i switched to subbed anime only.
anime52k8 Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 (edited) kaiotheforsaken said: I cant buy into 3 being worse all around than Resurrection, but it's true the end is the only really bad part of Resurrection. I just think it kinda kills the movie. I actually like 3, especially the director's cut quite a bit. I think in the scheme of the franchise the one tough as nails almost impossible to kill monster stalking and killing people works better than say....thousands of easily killed monsters killing people. On that note I'd nominate Aliens for most over rated sequel or at least over rated in that franchise. It was a good movie, but to me it was just an action flick and wasn't as gripping as Alien. VT 1010 said: Get the Quadriliogy and watch the special edition. Although it still doesn't compare to the first two, it is a much better film than the theatrical version. You should also watch the documentary on it; it gave me a lot more respect for it. I still think it was way better than Resurrection. It certainly could have been worse (wood planet anyone?). I've seen the directors cut, seen the documentary, still hate it the most out of all the films. the CG of the alien in 3 was just pitiful and destroying the Suraco and killing off Hicks and Newt before the movie even starts was a cheap cop out to use a weak plot that tries too hard to do what the first movie did and fails heavily. setting the film in a Prison with no guards was stupid (I always thought the wood planet would have actually been better, it would have been nice to introduce a new look other than 'Greasy mechanic in space' and 'Geiger painting', even though I love Geiger. also the idea of setting the film in a monastery would have worked better in my mind than a prison.) as was having her impregnated with a Queen with no explanation as to how or why. and most of all the stupid maternal connection between ripply and the aliens crap started with 3 and while not as blatant and screwed up as in 4, it was still bad. And I love the second film. the First one was obviously the best, but the second was really good and far better than 3,4 and both the AVP movies. As great as the first movie is, after you've seen both the original and director's cut 30+ times each and know the whole film by heart, the creepiness and suspense kind of wear off a little. Aliens on the other hand never gets old, the characters are still compelling, the dialog still classic, the action still intense and the special effects still good. Edited April 21, 2009 by anime52k8
kaiotheforsaken Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 (edited) The director's cut of 3 helps with some if not all of the complaints, save the CG. But hell it was the early 90s (93 I believe) CG sucked ass in general, and still many of the Alien shots were guy in suit/model work. Obviously not all, and you can tell when they try and use it. I think some of Resurrection's CG stands out just as badly, especially the water chase with the swimming aliens. I agree Aliens is awesome, I would never dispute it. I just think many people hold it as this kind of crown jewel of the series (not that you said that) and I think it gets hyped up a bit. Still I see your point, Alien gets less scary when you know when things are gonna happen. Aliens never stops having a squad of ultimate bad asses killing aliens with everything from nukes to sharp sticks. edit: your edit kills my first sentence, so nevermind on that one. Edited April 21, 2009 by kaiotheforsaken
taksraven Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 areaseven said: Ready for another stinker? The Time Machine (2002). Guy Pearce was an awesome actor. He and Russell Crowe made L.A. Confidential a crime thriller classic. His performance as an amnesiac in Memento was completely unforgettable. So how did it all go wrong for him? He starred in this overbudgeted, underscripted box office flop that was directed by Simon Wells (great grandson of H.G. Wells). After years of storyboarding and directing animated features such as An American Tail II: Fievel Goes West, Balto and The Prince of Egypt, Wells wanted a crack on directing a live-action feature. Of course, it all went terribly wrong. The storyline was crap, the acting was crap and even at 96 minutes, it felt like three dragging hours. That Time Machine WAS a horrible adaptation. (NOT a contender for worst film ever, though) I hate the fact that Wells stories NEVER seem to get the good film adaptations that they deserve. Some hack always comes along and decides that they know better and can do better. (Yes, I am looking at you, Mr Spielberg) With CG effects, most of HG Wells material could be filmed really well now, but it looks like it is never going to happen. Taksraven
red2alpha Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 (edited) Let's see, my list... Battlefield Earth ( a movie that has been beaten to death but its the correct thing to do. If you are going to star, produce, fund, ect the founder of your religions magnus opus, the work he his best know for, maybe, just maybe, you might want to make suck less then a root canal without pain killers. I have a friend of mine that makes his kids watch BF E if they behave badly.) AI, WTF went on in that 3 hour snore fest? Then there is the 1980's era movie Metal Storm : The Destruction of Jared Sin... Yeah... The title says it all. Edited April 21, 2009 by red2alpha
areaseven Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 red2alpha said: I have a friend of mine that makes his kids watch BF E if they behave badly. Okay, that's just downright cruel. Let's hope no one calls social welfare services on him for that. He should have them watch Steel instead.
Lindem Herz Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 areaseven said: Okay, that's just downright cruel. Let's hope no one calls social welfare services on him for that. He should have them watch Steel instead. Could backfire, my brother and me actually liked Steel when we were young, and true to be told, we still enjoy it now, but for totally different reasons. Battlefield Earth, on the other hand... damn. Dr. Mengele, The Spanish Inquisition, Guantanamo Bay, that dad... I think my faith in humanity just died a little more today.
anime52k8 Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 red2alpha said: AI, WTF went on in that 3 hour snore fest? wow, I'd totally forgotten about that mess. 3+ of watching an annoying kid and a Rubber Jude Law sex doll wonder around looking for a F**king Coney Island attraction, and they F**king ALIENS show up. once again, F**k you Steven Spielberg
Hikuro Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 Quote Erm, you had time to care about editing with Mila Jovovich around? happy.gif Didn't even have to care about the editing, you just see it, it's right there. And I don't even care about Mila Jovovich, she's a horrible actress and that's apparent cause she's picked in crappy sci/fi titles. Every movie she's in sucks, Fifth Element, all the RE movies, UltraViolet, I mean k'mon...she has some bad luck.
Sir Galahad® Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 How about Johnny Mnemonic.... That was a weird movie....
shiroikaze Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 Sir Galahad® said: How about Johnny Mnemonic.... That was a weird movie.... I thought Johnny Mnemonic was pretty good. A not-so-distant-cyberpunk-future where megacorporations rule, an epidemic run rampant througout the technological world. The only way to get the cure is to fish it out of someone's head. I really like the premise.
Agent ONE Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 yellowlightman said: The Matrix Incredibly overrate, and pretty much ruined fight choreography for the past 7 years. The first Matrix was cool, and a little over rated, but it TOTALLY ruined hand to hand combat in most action movies for, I think, even more than 7 years. I just saw Transporter 3 and that crap is all over it.
shiroikaze Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 (edited) Agent ONE said: The first Matrix was cool, and a little over rated, but it TOTALLY ruined hand to hand combat in most action movies for, I think, even more than 7 years. I just saw Transporter 3 and that crap is all over it. I agree, even thought the Matrix didn't create bullet-time, it is its fault that bullet-time gets plastered and overused for the most insiginicant things. Hell, why did they add bullet time to the first fight in Watchmen? That fight didn't really need it. Oh, it's not just hand-to-hand combat, but anyaction scene now has to have bullet-time injected into it. > Surprisingly though, the Matrix did really have some good fistfights. That's Yuen wo Ping for ya. Edited April 21, 2009 by shiroikaze
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