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I just love the way everyone is always screaming their heads off.



"LAUNCH THE muh....CROSSSSSSS!!" :lol:

  >EXO< said:
Yikes.... Who ever picks these voices need to get fired. As bad as Gachaman...

Christ, I have not seen the Macross dub but the Gatchaman one was truly awful. Watched it subbed instead.

  Roy Focker said:
You can watch it with the Mute on.

I feel like the guys that did this dub were intentionally trying to screw it up so you'd watch Robotech instead.

You guys remember a year before this crap came out and I predicted the soft swear works!?

I CALLED THAT!!!! It was either my Jedi powers, or these chumps are totally predictable.


I just watched a few episodes back to back and you know what, bad dubs make me feel nostalgic almost? I'm going to go throw Clash of the Bionoids in now and really relive my childhood.


Just caught a few episodes a couple days ago...

I don't understand why Minmei needed an accent. Hikaru was probably the worst offender, his voice actor just puts him in a whole different light. The whiny brat acting actually made me dislike him.

At least it put my question to rest, they didn't dub over any of the songs.

  ChrisG said:
It shouldn't really be any surprise, given that Egan Loo is an editor at ANN.

i wasn't aware of that. Though that begs the question of why the "Answerman" constantly gives ADV the credit for the restoration (twice!).

  Mercurial Morpheus said:
i wasn't aware of that. Though that begs the question of why the "Answerman" constantly gives ADV the credit for the restoration (twice!).

Just because Egan works at ANN doesn't mean he has influence over that sort of thing. He's listed as a news editor, whereas Answerman would be classified as a feature. As a reporter I can tell you that there's always a separation between news and editorial/opinion. This means sometimes that facts asserted in an opinion piece can directly contradict facts reported in the news of that same publication. Anyway, just an aside that I hope takes care of that question.

Posted (edited)

I liked the dub with the exception of some of the character voices and the Zentran not having their echo. Misa was ok, Roy, Claudia, Millia and Minmay of course were my favorites (especially with Mari voicing her again) Hikaru thought could have been better. Not to impugn Vic's work, but I saw Kurz Weber more than I did Hikaru Ichijo. The sounds effects were meh but to me it was Macross, I still love watching both the dub and the original Japanese equally even though you cannot top Exedol's dance in Japanese :p

Edited by YajimaTakashi
  YajimaTakashi said:
I liked the dub with the exception of some of the character voices and the Zentran not having their echo. Misa was ok, Roy, Claudia, Millia and Minmay of course were my favorites (especially with Mari voicing her again) Hikaru thought could have been better. Not to impugn Vic's work, but I saw Kurz Weber more than I did Hikaru Ichijo. The sounds effects were meh but to me it was Macross, I still love watching both the dub and the original Japanese equally even though you cannot top Exedol's dance in Japanese :p

Nice avatar! ^_^

I haven't checked Hulu recently...has the moronic flaming by Robotech fans stopped yet?

  Chronocidal said:
The voices weren't too bad.. I just kept expecting Hikaru to clap his hands together and shoot lasers or something. <_<

Yeah, I just finished watching the original last week, so this is.. weird. Everyone's FAR too excited with their voices. Not to mention, the sound pretty much blows. Music's the same, but the sound effects just don't cut it.

Yeah I did recognize Vic Mignogna's voice I finally get to hear Mari's voice in english not bad at all.


When "Misa" was not trying to sound bossy she was fine, when she was trying to sound bossy it sounded more like chalk scrapping across a chalckboard to me (and she has to sound bossy most of the time).

The VA that played her had a pleasing enough voice when doing the commentary on DVD, she just seems to have tried too hard.

I much preferred the subtitled dialog versus the dubbed dialog too. (even more so then normal in this case)


Like most here prefer the sub, but after watching the dub on Hulu with Mari's voice was a bit strange at first, but she so completely made the Minmei character so much more enjoyable that it was on Robotech. I had a misconception of Minmei in the past as an annoying childish character and not so sexy, but Mari's voice made me understand why the Japanase like Minmei so much. She really gave the character a lot of sex appeal and maturity that was totally changed in Robotech. I also think Hikaru being Japanese, should have also had an accent also and not have been so close to the Robotech Rick. It would of evened it about a bit and no left Mari as the only one with strong accent.

Posted (edited)

Vic gave a good performance, but his voice really isn't deep enough. Neither was Max's. Minmay's voice, on the other hand, was too deep- they should of played with Mari's voice to make her sound like she did 28 years ago.

Gawd, has it been that long? :wacko:

Edited by MastaEgg

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