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Yamato 1/60 Britai Softbi Figure Coming 2010

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If Yamato plans to produce life-like characters and man dolls, they should turn the project over to Hot Toys. I would easily drop $100 plus for each detailed and highly articulated figures.

  ruskiiVFaussie said:
hmmm, not poseable much? atleast make him able to punch, with elbow joints an knees lol come on yamato. :p this is the badass Britai!

To my knowledge, most soft-vinyl figures are fixed-pose. They'll probably have to switch to a different material if you want more articulation.


For $20 or $30 I'd be all over this. Not $80.00. There's no way on god's green earth that they can justify $80 for what looks to be an non posable chunk of vinyl when they sell a fully transformable Valkyrie for just north of $100.

But as that $80 price tag is as yet unconfirmed, I'm optimistic......for now..... :ph34r:


I have to see the actual prototype before I get excited about it. Hmmm...I'll just wait until then before judging.

  >EXO< said:
So I was thinking... basically, we're getting another CMs figure right? I mean limited poseability, static figure...

That would be fine with me. I love the CMs figures. Especially the Milia set. If they do it like that I will be happy. Also want LAPLAMIZ and KHAMJIN !!!

  crasis said:
Man, some of the apathy in this thread is absolutely shocking to me. This news is more exciting than most recent product announcments. We're getting BRITAI, for f's sake! Macross is more than just pretty transforming planes. I've been wanting figures of the Zentradi for ages. How cool would it be to display the giants near the valkyries?! You know, the REASON variable fighters were created in the first place?!

Well, there goes any chances of this line taking off. When even Graham is passing, future enemy soldiers look more and more like a distant dream. I know I'm being a bit dramatic, but if fans don't speak with their wallets, this line is history...and the lame stereotype of Macross fans only being in it for the valks grows more weight.

I am very excited but I want articulated figures like the zentran soldier from T-Rex, not a static pose vinyl figure :mellow:

Make articulated 1/60 soldiers and I'll buy dozens, and I mean it!!!!!!


What they really ought to do is package these vinyl toys in giftsets with other mecha... but then hella people would complain that they had to buy a toy just to get the softbi they wanted so maybe not.

  Ignacio Ocamica said:
I am very excited but I want articulated figures like the zentran soldier from T-Rex, not a static pose vinyl figure :mellow:

Make articulated 1/60 soldiers and I'll buy dozens, and I mean it!!!!!!

Hey buddy... I'm gonna take you up on that... lol! ;)


can we just merge this with the cracked shoulder thread and call it the "Official Yamato FAIL" thread. I mean really, excluding a bunch of repaints that should have been out last year, the only thing we can expect from Yamato are an ugly, Overpriced, lump of cheap vinyl and a homosexual clown valk...

well fuck you too Yamato. <_<

  anime52k8 said:
wow, less than 4 hours after we find out about something and we're already bitching and RAAAGE! about it.

golf claps all around MW ;)

  anime52k8 said:
can we just merge this with the cracked shoulder thread and call it the "Official Yamato FAIL" thread. I mean really, excluding a bunch of repaints that should have been out last year, the only thing we can expect from Yamato are an ugly, Overpriced, lump of cheap vinyl and a homosexual clown valk...

well fuck you too Yamato. <_<

What's your problem... you don't like other people posting their opinion or you just want a thread that jerks Yamato off? Either way, you need a long time out.

It's funny that the guy that doesn't like the bitching is the most belligerent.

  anime52k8 said:
can we just merge this with the cracked shoulder thread and call it the "Official Yamato FAIL" thread. I mean really, excluding a bunch of repaints that should have been out last year, the only thing we can expect from Yamato are an ugly, Overpriced, lump of cheap vinyl and a homosexual clown valk...

well fuck you too Yamato. <_<

Dood chill out broseph.

Posted (edited)
  >EXO< said:
Awesome!!! Now I REALLY can't read that gibberish...

haha... :p

Here you go and this is not from Babble(gibberish)fish either. Words in ( ) is what they are actually referring too, but I'm sure most of you already know that much.

Mr. K’s words.

BURITAI-SAN has started.

This time Yamato is announcing the item of ‘BURITAI・KURIDANIKU.’

We have released and are selling lots of Macross ‘HENKEI-MECHA’ prior to this,

but the majority of products have been ‘TOGO-GUN (integrated army / UN Spacy)’.

Now It’s finally time and we are releasing the opposing ‘TEKIGATA (enemy / Zentradi)’ army.

The full details can not be revealed yet since the project is still in the early process.

We will be most pleased for it to be a known fact that ‘YAMATO will produce a BURITAI’

of this size and be one of the biggest impacts among this event (Wonder Festival),

also just think that YAMATO is doing weird stuff as usual (aikawarazu).

OH and I almost forgot it will be made of H.D.P.(Heavy Duty Polyurethane)..................... I kid, I kid. Just kidding don't get your panties in a bunch it's going to be made of Softbi.

Edited by Save

Yeah, sounds to me from that translation like maybe we're looking at more than a one shot thing...which is just plain awesome.

Thanks for the translation Save.

  Agent-GHQ said:
If Yamato plans to produce life-like characters and man dolls, they should turn the project over to Hot Toys. I would easily drop $100 plus for each detailed and highly articulated figures.
Yeah, change that $100 to $200 but they're excellent quality of course.

I've never bought anything sofubi before but I'm not totally opposed to the idea depending on how it turns out.

  • 2 months later...

Milia only comes up to Britai's crotch? (no jokes please...)

For some reason, I thought she was much taller than she is, but if the Q-Rau is indeed 1/60 scale, then Meltran pilots are tiny in comparison to their male counterparts.

  Cyclone Trooper said:
Milia only comes up to Britai's crotch? (no jokes please...)

For some reason, I thought she was much taller than she is, but if the Q-Rau is indeed 1/60 scale, then Meltran pilots are tiny in comparison to their male counterparts.

That Miria is undersized. In fact, is closer to 1/72.


A-ha! I always though CM's Miria was a little on the undersized side.

There's no way she's that much smaller compared to Britai.

Posted (edited)

Okay, that's what I thought. Her height being more in line with Britai's chest seems more accurate. On an unrelated note, watch Yamato do a bait-and-switch on us and this figure ends up being yet another DYRL incarnation instead of the TV version pictured...not that I'd complain if they did!

Edited by Cyclone Trooper

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