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Just when you thought Evangelion may be safe from the hands of Hollywood, or whatever, this news surfaces:

ANN Exclusive: On Thursday's ANNCast podcast, producer Joseph Chou (Halo Legends, Appleseed: Ex Machina) said that the proposed live-action film adaptation of the Neon Genesis Evangelion anime is still "very active." Chou is listed as a producer on the project. Chou mentioned that there is a lot of paperwork to clear, but "once that's resolved, I think it would be on the fast track, so we're hoping that it'll start moving even next year."

Chou discussed the difficulties of selling the concept of the film to studios in Hollywood, due to the complexity of the story. However, Chou said that "right now we're with a producer and a studio that really understands beyond the whole mecha impact." Chou added, "They're really looking beyond that, and really looking at drama, human elements, even to those elements that appeal to otaku."

Chou also said the reason the movie stopped moving forward was due to the anime market crash. Chou said "the reason it stopped in its tracks was not because [John Ledford, co-founder of A.D. Vision and ADV Films] wasn't paying attention to it … he actually amassed a considerable amount of money, financing, for the film … but then I think he just needed to stop, because the whole market was falling apart at that time," and as a result the movie "fell on the wayside." At that time Chou took over the task of presenting the film to Hollywood producers and studios. Chou mentioned that Ledford is still a part of the project.

Here's the link: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2010-...ct-still-active

  Ghost Train said:
Then I hope there is another catastrophic animu-market crash .... Better dead than Hollywoodized!!!1!!!! :p

Why? I thought the first Matrix was a very good ripoff adaptation of Ghost in the Shell.

Posted (edited)

I'll give it a chance. Even if it's bad it's not like it will retroactively make me dislike the series.

Edited by eriku
  eugimon said:
Why? I thought the first Matrix was a very good ripoff adaptation of Ghost in the Shell.

Speaking of which, isn't Ghost in the Shell being worked on now?

  eugimon said:
Why? I thought the first Matrix was a very good ripoff adaptation of Ghost in the Shell.

GitS? Only visually, it was actually a ripoff of Megazone 23.

  shiroikaze said:
Speaking of which, isn't Ghost in the Shell being worked on now?

That's what I heard too. Spielberg. So Spielberg goes for GITS, Cameron for Battle Angel Alita, and Peter Jackson (?) for Evangelion. The Big three of directing will create the anime era of hollywood (yes, let's put dragonball and speed racer aside, please).

Actually, I wouldn't mind at all. Nothing hollywood will do can lessen my perception of Eva. Me loving the original Eva is a certainty, like death and taxes. So even if hollywood messes it up, i won't cry "rape" or anything like that. And besides, WETA seems to be committed to do the visuals for Eva, so I got to at least see that. :)


I've slowly come to the conclusion that the real problem with these holywood adaptations is that they focus too heavily of making things visually interesting rather than on the story.

I mean - come on - one of the MOST appealing things about Neon Genesis Evangelion is not just the story, but actually the fact that as the series went on, budget constraints forced it to become more and more avante garde.

Besides - as I've said numerous times - I prefer anime art to live action - particulary since, let's be very clear here: it's never REALLY live action. It's almost ALWAYS a CGI projection.

So the "live action vs. anime" debate is flawed from the opening.

I wonder how many people would be excited to hear that there will be a CGI version of their favorite anime? Not many. Most anime fans are also fans of hand-drawn art, and while computer graphics and the use of computers to build backgrounds, mecha, and help with visualizations, "camera movements" etc etc is becoming more and more accepted and raising the bar - ultimately people like artistic visualizations which are just NOT the same as CGI.

And all these "live action" flicks are are actually just CGI - not "live action" - ALL of the scenes where anything remotely "action" oriented happens - the mecha AND the human/organic characters are rendered in CG anyways.

So really - to me -



Posted (edited)

How can you compress Eva's plot into 2 hours without COMPLETELY MISSING THE POINT?

They should just give the money to Gainax so they can actually finish their rebuild movies.

Edited by MastaEgg
  Max Jenius said:
Which is just a ripoff of Plato's Cave Allegory. We all know there's nothing new under the sun.

And you're ripping off Ecclesiastes now... :p

  MastaEgg said:
How can you compress Eva's plot into 2 hours without COMPLETELY MISSING THE POINT?

They should just give the money to Gainax so they can actually finish their rebuild movies.

I know the earlier plan was to do a trilogy for the LAEM.

(First, Studio Khara's doing the Rebuild movies, not Gainax. :) ) And they ARE finishing them. Eva 2.0 came out last year, the DVD's coming out in spring, and I've heard that 3.0 is coming out this summer. Yeah, it's slower than they originally announced, but I think that's due to the workload, not money issues.

  azrael said:
I'll believe it when I hear they've greenlit a script. Till then, they can keep talking.

Even that can mean nothing at times. I'll believe it when filming starts and we get the first production pics.

  VFTF1 said:
I mean - come on - one of the MOST appealing things about Neon Genesis Evangelion is not just the story, but actually the fact that as the series went on, budget constraints forced it to become more and more avante garde.

Well thats the most interesting description I have heard of the shambles that were the last few Eva episodes. As soon as they started using production pics as previews for the next episode, it was clear that they were really in trouble.


  Gubaba said:
Yeah, it's slower than they originally announced, but I think that's due to the workload, not money issues.

Always thought that the production schedule looked a bit ambitious. Does that mean that the last two films are not coming out at the same time anymore??

  VenomMacbeth said:
Hmm...I'm questioning how well they can do a live-action EVA. It isn't like an Imperial Walker from Star Wars; it has dynamic, human motion that would be hard to translate into a giant, live-action mecha.

Weta did Avatar. Specifically, the Navi and Avatars themselves. If given enough money, I don't think there is something they cannot do.


I do not doubt that Weta can do something that's visually magnificent. But then again I question the necessity to make a live action version of something that worked perfectly well as an anime.

And I agree with those who doubt that such a complex story can be stripped down for a 2 hour movie. I mean they'd really have to dumb it down....

  Einherjar said:
Wouldn't Rebuild of Evangelion interfere with this film?

Oh, Rebuild will be done WAY before this thing gets off the ground, even if production started on it today.

Posted (edited)

This movie wouldn't have to be 2 hours would it?

They can make it 3 just like peterjackson did with king kong and LOTR.

Evangelion will probably have all the characters changed around so it will be unrecognisable from the original anime.

Shinji will be renamed Sparky, his robot will have 5 sets of eyeballs and claws in place of where his hands are, and there will be lots of jokes about masturbation and having a female walk in while the main character is caught in the act doing it and the girl blackmails him to reveal footage of it if the main character doesn't do humiliating things that makes him look like an idiot.

The robot will be completely redesigned or if it goes with the original you will be constantly reminded that "it looks foreign" by the characters.

Didn't live action Voltron completely go against the cartoon and instead of be this legendary robot it was just a pile of junk that was put together? Then it was cancelled?

They should just make a tv series and have power rangers -style fights with a guy wearing a rubber suit and model cities and save money, then use the money on something that might have been inspired by these animes but is original in its own way.

Even if it has good effects, best to keep expectations really low. :p

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
  1/1 LowViz Lurker said:
Even if it has good effects, best to keep expectations really low. :p

I think that statement could be applied to most modern Hollywood films.......



Seeing how the general audience cant understand Evangelions storyline,you know that this is going to be heavily watered down with eva battles taking more focus then the storywork. Ill see it ,but i know it wont be great.

  VFTF1 said:
I mean - come on - one of the MOST appealing things about Neon Genesis Evangelion is not just the story, but actually the fact that as the series went on, budget constraints forced it to become more and more avante garde.

So you're saying the brilliance of Eva was just a mere unintended accident? Blasphemer!!! :p

  dreamweaver13 said:
So you're saying the brilliance of Eva was just a mere unintended accident? Blasphemer!!! :p

Not an accident by any means. More like brave creative decisions in the face of serious financial difficulties.

And EVA was going to be brilliant anyway. Even from the very first episode it was something special. It challenged the viewer and forced one to think through what was going on.

Hence my reservations about seeing made Hollywood blockbuster style (We'll tell you everything from the get go and take away the WTF factor!)

  Max Jenius said:
Which is just a ripoff of Plato's Cave Allegory. We all know there's nothing new under the sun.

I'm talking about plot structure, not just basic story.

Posted (edited)
  electric indigo said:

Again, I'm referring to the "specific" way in which both stories play out.

Megazone 23 Part 1

The Matrix

Admittedly, there is a big difference admittedly here, while Neo trounces Smith, Shogo gets his ass handed to him by D.D. But the final sceens show both hereos defiantly going back into the ciites to fight another day.

Megazone 23 Part 2

The Matrix Reloaded

Both heroes are now part of underground resistence groups that live in ruins. Both get attacked by enemies that rip them to shreds with tentacles (Dezalg/Sentinels) Both have sex scenes with their female love interests. Both meet the "Architects" of their worlds, Both have their love interests die, then be ressurected.

Megazone 23 Part 3 Parts 1 & 2

The Matrix Revolutions

These stories play out somewhat backwards from each other, and yet still very simlarly Megazone has a Yahagi Shogo who has been defeated by "the system," and in turn, has become part of it (Wong Dai). With his replacement becoming he new "Neo" fighting the old. Neo on the other hand is pitted up against a viral "Smith," who shares his system breaking powers, and in the end after defeating Smith, becomes part of "The System." Part 3 also introduces the aspect of recruiting the hero based on a game (Hard On indeed!), has the betrayal of a major resistence member that was in the first Matrix, and overall, the main lead in this character fills the role of the final "One," with Shogo playing the role as the previous "one" who failed.

Eve in general serves a combo Morpheus/Oracle role, while ADAM would be the human hating "system" that is barely convinced to let them co-exist. D.D. & the Dezalg are combined into the bigger badder "Smith" enemy, with the destruction of the Megazoen in Part 2 being saved for the near destruction of the Matrix in Revolutions.

Seriously, look at the two closely, you'll find a lot in common with both stories, so much so that I really am surprised the Wachowski's didn't credit it amongst their anime influences. I'm not saying that these are 100% original story aspects, but the combination of a lot of the same ones is very suspect.

Edited by Keith

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