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HG and Robotech Debates


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Is that genuine or are they associating Sheryl as similar to another character in Robotech? Or at least as a potential descendant to one of them? Can't be Minmei, since everyone in the fandom and Carl Macek hates her. :lol:

Nah, I just pulled the Stephen Colbert trick: "Sheryl Nome: a GREAT character or THE GREATEST character?"

As such, "Great" and "Greatest" are the only two choices. Memo, for example, says he doesn't like her, so that gets marked down as "Great."

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Dude - it's a stated fact that Northern Cross is a Robotech reference. I mean - come on - the TITLE states it. "Northern Cross" - how much more explicit can it be. "Southern Cross" / "Northern Cross" - how can you not see it? It's totally not about people seeing what they "want" to see. Do you think I woke up in the morning thinking "I really want to see Northern Cross" ? No. But then I saw it and hey - it's there. So what are you talking about?

As for EX-Gear - it's clearly a rip off of cyclones because Robotech was the first anime to feature variable body armor and then all the TV shows started to do it. That's just a fact of history. As for SDFM being a rip-off of Space Battleship Yamato - you know - prior to Robotech, all Japanse anime was just a rip off of that Yamato thing, which wasn't very good anyways - until John Wayne made it into a live action movie.


What's next, your gonna tell us that "What About My Star" is a reference to "My Time To Be A Star"? And that the SMS logo ripped off the UEEF logo? :p:lol:

Is that genuine or are they associating Sheryl as similar to another character in Robotech? Or at least as a potential descendant to one of them? Can't be Minmei, since everyone in the fandom and Carl Macek hates her. :lol:

It's fun to speculate which character in Robotech draws parallel to a Macross character. :)

Here's a comparison of the UEEF and SMS logos:



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What's next, your gonna tell us that "What About My Star" is a reference to "My Time To Be A Star"? And that the SMS logo ripped off the UEEF logo? :p:lol:

I would - except first you'd have to tell me what My Time to Be a Sat is? (Sounds like a Justin Timberlake Star...It's my time to be a star! No matter where you are! I'm gonna be your shining star! Like a love heart from afar! OOOooohhh baby watch - as I shine away - night and day, rain or sun - I will be there having fun! It's...My Time to Be a Star!!" .... And...UEEF? United European Europeans' Federation? Union of Eternal Etherial Frenchmen?

It's fun to speculate which character in Robotech draws parallel to a Macross character. :)

I have always had a sneaking suspicion that the Macross character Hickroo Ichy-Joe was pretty much a knock off of Rick Hunter. I don't know what the basis for this presumption is - but there's something eerily similar about the two of them...


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I have always had a sneaking suspicion that the Macross character Hickroo Ichy-Joe was pretty much a knock off of Rick Hunter. I don't know what the basis for this presumption is - but there's something eerily similar about the two of them...

No way, Rick Hunter was more hardcore. He was going to nuke the Earth if they failed to save it, again. War crimes? Those are civvies' problems.

Edited by Einherjar
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That UEEF logo looks like something I could fart out in MS Paint.

's Tommy's weak-ass attempt to underline the fact that the only two parts of Robotech that matter to the fans and to the ongoing story are Macross and Mospeada. When you look at it, it's just a trio of slightly modified U.N. Spacy logos from Macross with the white bits painted black so that it also forms the upside-down equilateral triangle that was Mars Colony's logo in Mospeada... just without the superimposed white M.

Tommy probably thinks what he did is really clever, instead of just being really ugly. In the new comics, his design for Space Station Liberty is seems to have been shaped more by a desire to make it look like a massive version of that logo from a top-down perspective than any actual aesthetic considerations.

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Speaking of rip off ideas a couple times I was told that the SMS emblem was stolen from Shadow Chronicles but I can't see how because it is yellow and somewhere I read that Frontier Nana is a copy of Shadow Chronicles Maia Sterling (purple hair and eyes) but that turned out to be silly because I am sure one was finished before the other.

But I will admit and go on a limb and say there was a background charecter that resembled Alex Romero from SC,,when Sheryl came in a limo for her first day in school the kid that the limo almost ran over looks almost alot like Alex Romero.

Speaking of Shadow Chronicles,could it be possible HG held off on the release until 2007 to try to compete with Macross Frontier? because they planned SC for the 20th anniversary.

Edited by Pizza the Hutt
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Speaking of rip off ideas a couple times I was told that the SMS emblem was stolen from Shadow Chronicles but I can't see how because it is yellow and somewhere I read that Frontier Nana is a copy of Shadow Chronicles Maia Sterling (purple hair and eyes) but that turned out to be silly because I am sure one was finished before the other.

But I will admit and go on a limb and say there was a background charecter that resembled Alex Romero from SC,,when Sheryl came in a limo for her first day in school the kid that the limo almost ran over looks almost alot like Alex Romero.

I think you're overvaluing Shadow Chronicles if you think the Frontier staff even knew of its existence. And you're really overvaluing Shadow Chronicles if you think the Frontier staff saw it. And you're REALLY REALLY overvaluing Shadow Chronicles if you think the Frontier staff found anything worth stealing in it.

It sucks, pure and simple.

Speaking of Shadow Chronicles,could it be possible HG held off on the release until 2007 to try to compete with Macross Frontier? because they planned SC for the 20th anniversary.

No, I'm sure it was just simple incompetence on HG's part.

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No, I'm sure it was just simple incompetence on HG's part.

It took them till 2007 to get it out on home video. They were parading it around back in late 2005 thru 2006 until Funimation picked it up in mid-late 2006 for home release in mid-2007.

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Speaking of Shadow Chronicles,could it be possible HG held off on the release until 2007 to try to compete with Macross Frontier? because they planned SC for the 20th anniversary.

Shadow Chronicles was delayed due to them trying to "catch the big fish" with a large distributor. When the contracts came in, there was some sort of clause in there that would basically put RTSC on a shelf. That's what happened more or less from Kevin's explanation a couple years ago, and verified with a couple people. There were also other tactical reasons, but I really doubt they wanted to even try to compete with Frontier. They know it would've come up short from the get go. I know they wanted to do it by the 20th anniversary, but that didn't happen. It didn't happen in 2006 for several reasons, of course, none ever being HG's fault (although some of it indirectly wasn't).

As for the "rip-offs" that people are gonna claim, seems like some people want to make those correlations. If Macross ever copied or was inspired from Robotech, I'm sure many people would feel that robotech has some validation, not that it needs it. Gubaba hit it on the head.

BTW, I see Zen72 on, I'm listening to ep.17 right now. Thanks for putting that and a random cast up. Good stuff.

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Tom Bateman wasn't fired for leaking anything. That stupid treatment got leaked sometime after Tom was gone, and by someone who probably visited Tommy and Steve at HG from time to time. I did find it strange that to the day that drama started, Someone not even in this country supposedly knew who did it, and was quick to place blame on either Tom, or one of his friends. This is a guy who I believe lives in where? South America. Now, how would someone know enough to create such a story like that, unless it came from someone who talks to Tommy, Steve, and Kevin all the time, and also has ties to South American RT fans?

Adding more to this, the whole thing that got me involved on the licensing debate was this thread over at robotech.com

On this thread, this same person that Jason C is talking about gave some "inside" information to the bloke that started the thread. Supposedly, this information come originally from Tommy with his ok for this information to be released.

The thread focuses mainly on the distribution and the spanish dub of shadow chronicles in Latin America but towards the end of the first post, the focus moves to the licensing issue of Macross.

According to this character, HG owns all rights of Macross and DYRL outside of Japan, he then states that Kawamori and Mikimoto are very happy about WB using their designs on the Robotech live action movie. He also mentions something about a contract not allowing them going outside of Japan and that all the rumors about them being mad (at Robotech) are just fan rumors.

On a personal level, I do not like this kind of misinformation, so eventually I called this character out on some of his BS and obviously, this landed me on the ban list on the website.

What I find funny about this situation is the distance that some of this people will go in order to keep the integrity of their presence in the fandom.

One thing is when you work for the company and another thing is when you kiss so much butt with the hopes that maybe, one day, the master will look your way and throw you a bone.

At the end of the day, is just a freaking cartoon that was very successful (within the context of it's own production) and sparked the interests of those who saw it, but outside of this, as a Robotech fan, I fail to see how Robotech is this franchise of epic proportions with hundreds of thousands of fans through the world.

I normally don't like to rant for some like this, but I just happened to remember that thread at robotech.com and decided to share my experience with you guys.


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Waters7 thread link info:


Translate: No company is interested in a spanish dub

I find this very sad and strange since Harmony Gold said they want to please and listen to all their fans and then say no one wants to really do a spanish sub because of the vast piracy.

I don't understand why Memo and HG went to a spanish speaking Robotech convention to revive the spanish speaking fandom and then suddenly cut them off from Robotech! Absurd!!

Kawamory y Mikimoto no les importa que WB haga una live action basandose en conceptos y personajes de la saga de Macross?-


That seems weird,BW/SN is very (super) happy that WB using Macross elements in Robotech LAM but mad that restricted to Japan?

I never thot my spanish would come in handy like this.

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I don't understand why Memo and HG went to a spanish speaking Robotech convention to revive the spanish speaking fandom and then suddenly cut them off from Robotech! Absurd!!

Pizza, HG did not go to this convention under the same terms that they go on other conventions within the US.

When I first met MEMO, he told me that his intention was to create a US anime convention (it is my believe that MEMO got acquainted with the current HG staff when he worked on a convention as security). After he gained MOD status at robotech.com, he became more involved with the spanish forums. Late 2004 and well into 2005, he convinced some people in Argentina that he had the funds to sponsor a convention with Robotech (and the staff at HG) as the main attraction. It turned out that MEMO could not afford to sponsor the whole event and this plan was scratched.

Eventually, MEMO met this person from Chile that happened to be involved in the consortium that organizes anime related conventions in Chile. The people from Chile was able to pull the whole event together and MEMO used his association with Tommy and Co to convince them to go with him to Chile for this convention (I know that he also paid for two spanish voice actors from the 1987 dub to go out as well)

According to a very close source to the whole ordeal, MEMO was unable to recover the money invested on this trip and ever since then, he has been making empty promises of more conventions like this.

I know this info falls more into the gossip/drama department but is very entertaining....

I noticed that Doug is reading this thread... he might be looking for new topics to discuss on his 900+ lessoners podcast :lol:

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I almost forgot:

so eventually I called this character out on some of his BS and obviously, this landed me on the ban list on the website.

Sorry to mention this,but I was told that you were either Seto Kaiba too or you were writing what Seto told you to and that is what got you banned and I remember Memo making another big example by boasting why he banned you like everyone else.

Well if my memory is correct I never took a potshot against you for being a "spanish Seto" and I was shocked that a Robotech fan wanted to beat up you and Seto.

Lo siento que yo estaba un parte de este locura de Robotech fans que piensen con la orgulla y egoisma de Harmony Gold y yo no puedo creer que yo estaba un parte necio y pendejo que soy de siguir los locuras de HG fans.

Estoy tan menso,

Lo que vale,disculpa si yo porte necio contigo

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So today in one of my classes the topic was corporate social responsibility. Then, this happens.


Honestly, how did anyone NOT see this coming?




Also, how many people was MEMO able to motivate to actually buy this POS?


What an a-hole.

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I doubt those people were waiting on memo to say that it's fixed to buy it. I waited on the first one,,,wait, I didn't plan on ever buying the first Maia with the ugly @ss colors. I thought maybe they'd work out the problems and even some of the previous problems, but I think the issue is, is that Toynami is realizing that Robotech has exhausted it's ability to stir up enough business to get the franchise's merchandise off of life support. So, the Vinyl Battlepod is all that's left after another disaserous Maia MPC? I take it with there being no Shadow Beta, and the fallout from this MPC, there will be no Marcus Rush alpha.

You know, for supposedly doing so much and always being busy, HG seems more like they're closing up shop than trying to keep things going. It's kinda sad for true Robotech fans. all they have are these crappy Macross toys left from companies like Yamato. I think they stole that name from Space Battleship Yamato. :lol:

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What are you talking about. There are plenty of robotech toy opportunities left. They can make a Mark Hammil's character custom alpha, and that other dude who got blowed up good custom alpha. And a floating eye with a cape!

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You know, for supposedly doing so much and always being busy, HG seems more like they're closing up shop than trying to keep things going.

According to the last 2 replies from Memo on the link below,"HG is working on it"


One thing that suddenly made me question Memo's stand on Robotech's fandom is that he forgot to mention "Robotech Shadow Chronicles Blu-ray edition"

As far as "HG working on it" the only thing they can do for the next 3 years is to reissue the Shadow Chronicles with a different "Special Features" where they take out the hype of "birth of a sequel" and add alot of babble of why HG let Robotech become a dry mummy because of a LAM that is due around the year 2915! because any fan (new or old) who sees those special features will be asking "WTH?" the hype in the special features is gone,3 years and nothing.

I still fail to see how a LAM can cause Robotech to go on hiatus.

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According to the last 2 replies from Memo on the link below,"HG is working on it"


One thing that suddenly made me question Memo's stand on Robotech's fandom is that he forgot to mention "Robotech Shadow Chronicles Blu-ray edition"

As far as "HG working on it" the only thing they can do for the next 3 years is to reissue the Shadow Chronicles with a different "Special Features" where they take out the hype of "birth of a sequel" and add alot of babble of why HG let Robotech become a dry mummy because of a LAM that is due around the year 2915! because any fan (new or old) who sees those special features will be asking "WTH?" the hype in the special features is gone,3 years and nothing.

I still fail to see how a LAM can cause Robotech to go on hiatus.

Let it go on hiatus for however long it wants to. Who cares? Anything new they might come out with will stink anyways, so it's not like you'll be missing anything worthwhile.

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According to the last 2 replies from Memo on the link below,"HG is working on it"

Which is, to anyone familiar with Harmony Gold's business practices, almost as good as admitting that they've been sitting on their hands and waiting for someone competent to save their asses for them. In all honesty, knowing Harmony Gold's "creative team" as well as we do, that seems like a winning proposition for them. All they have to do is rest on imaginary laurels for a while until Warner Bros either produces success, which they'll no doubt claim at least some credit for, or the live action movie goes under and Warner takes all the blame from the fans, leaving Tommy and company free and clear once they deny any involvement in it.

I'd wager that their projections for the live action movie spin an optimistic tale of a glorious revival for Robotech that ultimately leads to a massive influx of new fans. If they're working under that assumption, they have no real reason to try and appease the handful of long-time fans and newbies who populate Robotech.com and attend their convention panels. If everything goes to plan, those people won't be necessary anymore, so they likely feel they don't need to put in the effort necessary to keep them interested anymore.

I still fail to see how a LAM can cause Robotech to go on hiatus.

Long story short... according to Tommy, the reason the live-action movie caused the animated Robotech continuity to grind to a halt again was that Harmony Gold saw the live action movie's potential success as a golden opportunity to obtain better sponsorship deals and thus a bigger budget for Robotech: Shadow Rising. Unfortunately, it seems this long-term approach was probably unwise, as it just means awkward stalling and backpedaling to explain why the movie that was "coming soon" is now "coming in the foreseeable future... maybe".

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hey robotech fans in this thread

can you stop supporting it and forget about the vague promise of some sooooooper epic space opera sci-fi cartoon

It's a safe bet that any Robotech fan who's posting here and isn't complaining bitterly that we shouldn't criticize the show itself or the fans who support it has long since given up on waiting for Harmony Gold to fulfill their empty promises of a future Robotech sequel that will go down in history as the mind-blowing, genre-redefining, epic masterpiece of science fiction that silenced all the doubters and nay-sayers forever and conferred upon Robotech the status of the most popular and successful mecha anime of all time.

Honestly, the sad part is that I'm barely exaggerating the content of Harmony Gold's promises at all... and there are a fair few Robotech fans out there who honestly believe that one day soon the next Robotech sequel will shut Macross down forever and make Robotech equal to (if not superior to) the great American sci-fi franchises of Star Trek and Star Wars.

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Honestly, the sad part is that I'm barely exaggerating the content of Harmony Gold's promises at all... and there are a fair few Robotech fans out there who honestly believe that one day soon the next Robotech sequel will shut Macross down forever and make Robotech equal to (if not superior to) the great American sci-fi franchises of Star Trek and Star Wars.

Sounds like you've been reading Maverick's posts again or getting messages from him. What always got me was the fact that even with the small push to revive the franchise, the line of merchandise they had was so small, and obscure. Then the product they do come out with is riddled with QC issues (not all of it, but the bigger items). You'd think part of creating a successful franchise would be to not just make a dollar or two on the show, series, or whatnot, but to have continual revenue in merchandise. They overthought where to spend money on this franchise, and in turn, forgot to put it where they'd get it back. Now, with news of no Shadow Beta, Maia's MPC going to crap, and only a vinyl Battlepod, do people really think this is the capable company to do anything? Did anyone ever think that, cause you need to check your head if so. They've passed their shelf life, and aside from maybe decent sales of RTSC (most of it bought for nostalgia it seems), there's nothing to even keep that in people's minds, if that was what they wanted to do.

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Sounds like you've been reading Maverick's posts again or getting messages from him.

Not really, no... but Harmony Gold has always had a problem with promising far more than they can deliver. It's not at all uncommon for them to hype up their latest project like it's going to lead the fans to the promised land. Just look at all the effort they put into trying to make it appear that Shadow Chronicles took the film festivals by storm when in truth it won a few minor awards at insignificant festivals, frequently by having little or no competition in its category.

They overthought where to spend money on this franchise, and in turn, forgot to put it where they'd get it back. Now, with news of no Shadow Beta, Maia's MPC going to crap, and only a vinyl Battlepod, do people really think this is the capable company to do anything? Did anyone ever think that, cause you need to check your head if so.

To say nothing of the fact that it appears they've botched the Maia MPC twice in a row now...

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Sounds like you've been reading Maverick's posts again or getting messages from him. What always got me was the fact that even with the small push to revive the franchise, the line of merchandise they had was so small, and obscure. Then the product they do come out with is riddled with QC issues (not all of it, but the bigger items). You'd think part of creating a successful franchise would be to not just make a dollar or two on the show, series, or whatnot, but to have continual revenue in merchandise. They overthought where to spend money on this franchise, and in turn, forgot to put it where they'd get it back. Now, with news of no Shadow Beta, Maia's MPC going to crap, and only a vinyl Battlepod, do people really think this is the capable company to do anything? Did anyone ever think that, cause you need to check your head if so. They've passed their shelf life, and aside from maybe decent sales of RTSC (most of it bought for nostalgia it seems), there's nothing to even keep that in people's minds, if that was what they wanted to do.

Well, it looks like they're coming out with another Vinyl Battlepod, this time with the missile pod. I guess this means they're going back to Macross Saga toys?



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Well, it looks like they're coming out with another Vinyl Battlepod, this time with the missile pod. I guess this means they're going back to Macross Saga toys?

Looks like they want to get back to producing toys that're guaranteed to sell now that they've successfully dragged their Masterpiece Collection line through the mud by having the reissued Maia MPC be just as bad as the recalled version.

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Looks like they want to get back to producing toys that're guaranteed to sell now that they've successfully dragged their Masterpiece Collection line through the mud by having the reissued Maia MPC be just as bad as the recalled version.

The question now is how reliable is vinyl, or in this case Toynami vinyl.

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hey robotech fans in this thread

can you stop supporting it and forget about the vague promise of some sooooooper epic space opera sci-fi cartoon

you can join us watching some old, unrelated animes

k bye thnx

As a long time Robotech fan, I realize that as long as HG is involved in some way with the Robotech franchise, we (the general public) will not see any production worth mentioning it.

Sure, we will have productions like Shadow Chronicles but let's be honest, Shadow Chronicles did not bring in nothing new to the franchise (or new fans for that matter).

I don't think that Robotech is epic. Also, I don't believe that Macek is some kind of genius. Sure, I recognize the fact that the original 85 had a large following, that it was popular (thanks in big part to the OSM) and I also realize that some of the changes made to the original shows by HG probably helped to it's acceptance among the TV stations at the time...

I fail to understand how some of the fans can go nuts when the show is criticized or mentioned on the same paragraph with Macross. It's funny how they feel that by elevating Robotech status to "epic" or by creating debates of "my show is better than yours" will validate somehow their fanaticism of the show. But even with all this drama, at the end of the day I still want to put together a nice spanish language website that will provide information about all the real information behind each production and product to the my fellow peers in latin america. The only thing I have to be very careful thou is to not become another puppet of HG

On the LAM topic... I went to California to visit my family a couple of weeks ago (and to watch my NY Rangers play the LA Kings). During this trip, I happened to meet some one that works with Akiva Goldsman (one of the listed producers of the Robotech LAM). According to this person, this "Robotech project" is not an immediate priority to the produces involved and that outside of the standard treatment that all franchises receive when they are licensed for a movie adaptation (basically identifying a theme for the movie and the script drafting), there are no current plans to move this project forward. As a matter of fact, Akiva G. is more interested in moving of the direction of producing a movie with the Teen Titans brand.

In regards to HG's involvement in the LAM project, this person mentioned IF the movie is produced, outside of a executive producer credit, HG will not be involved in the actual production (so much for having a "say" in the project).

I wonder if Carl Macek was brought in to assist Tommy with writing new leases for that property in Beverly Hills.

Anyhow, back to Macross 7


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On the LAM topic... I went to California to visit my family a couple of weeks ago (and to watch my NY Rangers play the LA Kings). During this trip, I happened to meet some one that works with Akiva Goldsman (one of the listed producers of the Robotech LAM). According to this person, this "Robotech project" is not an immediate priority to the produces involved and that outside of the standard treatment that all franchises receive when they are licensed for a movie adaptation (basically identifying a theme for the movie and the script drafting), there are no current plans to move this project forward. As a matter of fact, Akiva G. is more interested in moving of the direction of producing a movie with the Teen Titans brand.

In regards to HG's involvement in the LAM project, this person mentioned IF the movie is produced, outside of a executive producer credit, HG will not be involved in the actual production (so much for having a "say" in the project).

Was any of this ever told on rt.com??? Reason I ask is that if so, I wonder what the reaction was/would've been? Would they take that type of info seriously, be concerned, or simply say that you're only causing trouble? I will say that this info isn't too surprising. So much for those who "know how Hollywood work" and their predictions.

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On the LAM topic... ...*snip for length*

Considering WB seems more interested in moving forward with DC Entertainment, I'm not surprised. Frankly, Fox sat on the Watchmen license for 15 years before they realized they still had distribution rights to it so I won't be surprised if WB sat on the Robotech license for that long.

As I've said, until I hear or see a script being done, people can say all they want. No script? No director? No movie. Come back and talk when they get those 2 items.

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Was any of this ever told on rt.com??? Reason I ask is that if so, I wonder what the reaction was/would've been? Would they take that type of info seriously, be concerned, or simply say that you're only causing trouble? I will say that this info isn't too surprising. So much for those who "know how Hollywood work" and their predictions.

I had my posting privileges at robotech.com revoked by MEMO because according to Pizza I was either Seto or I was writing stuff on his behalf.

I'm sure that there are some people that will say that i'm just trying to stir the pot however, the information provided and the current state of the LAM production point to the same direction.

Like Azrael, until I hear from anybody within WB or any of the production companies involved that the LAM is under production, I will take all the hype from HG about this project with a grain of salt.

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I had my posting privileges at robotech.com revoked by MEMO because according to Pizza I was either Seto or I was writing stuff on his behalf.

I'm sure that there are some people that will say that i'm just trying to stir the pot however, the information provided and the current state of the LAM production point to the same direction.

Ok, that is just too creepy for me. I'll just go out and say it; I, Einherjar, have never had an account on rt.com or rtx.com, and I never intend to. I get all my information from just observing other people, and honestly, you do not even need to interact with anyone in those places to get a sense of what's happening there at all. The ones really doing the damage for that franchise are those non-official "in the know" people desperately trying to save it.

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Ok, that is just too creepy for me. I'll just go out and say it; I, Einherjar, have never had an account on rt.com or rtx.com, and I never intend to. I get all my information from just observing other people, and honestly, you do not even need to interact with anyone in those places to get a sense of what's happening there at all. The ones really doing the damage for that franchise are those non-official "in the know" people desperately trying to save it.

Well, I'm sure RT.com is a somewhat saner place now that the Deputy Witch Hunter "got served" by being banned, but yeah...most of the conversations over there really make me want to tear my hair out. RTX seems much more chill, and (most of) the people there seem to be a little more...savvy? Knowledgeable? Something like that.

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