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  Gubaba said:
Carl Macek says: My comment about this is that it's too bad that people have to demonize concepts and personalities. There was no malice inherent in Harmony Gold's decision to make Robotech. Both of the concepts are viable. Macross is not Robotech and Robotech is not Macross.

The way to look at the situation is to recognize Robotech as an original work. As such it has spawned books, role-playing games, school curriculums and a legion of fans. The original series are still intact. They exist on their own. They should not take away from the story of Robotech and Robotech should not take away for their story.

You have to look at the big picture - The success of Robotech allowed Macross, Mospeada and Southern Cross a worldwide audience - Mospeada and Southern Cross were "failures" in Japan - they were truncated due to poor ratings. Robotech brought these works to a hugh audience - even the management at Tatsunoko recognizes the value of Robotech.

That said, there is no need to take anything away from the original programs. Robotech should be seen as an original project which utilizes footage from various Tatsunoko programs - there was no intent to lessen the native programs.

My theory about all this is that there is no reason why all these elements can not exist In harmony (no pun intended) - there is no need to create adversarial situations. Enjoy each for what it is.[/i]

"A truth that's told with bad intent, beats all the lies you can invent." :lol:


I don't know about you guys, but I prayed to Carl Macek for this day to go buy quickly, and he put the Robotech soundtrack on my ipod. It made my drive go by quickly on my way into work. You should pay homage to those that bring life to forever dead franchises, like Macross. What the hell were they thinking with this love triangle, and music that can change the hearts of aliens garbage? It's obvious that it doesn't work. Their franchise has only been around for about 28 years, hardly a blink in time. :wacko:


I suppose mass delusion can effect the strongest minds?

Oh well, Ill be waiting for the next Macross movie , while Shadow Rising is indefinitely in production.

  Gubaba said:
Gubaba asks: Mr. Macek, your creation of Robotech is a joy forever, and every single second of it is like an apple of gold, but some Lying Macross Purists like Pete say that Robotech is like a bootleg, and that, far from improving the story through the awesome, mind-blowing decision to mash it up with two inferior series, you mangled it almost beyond recognition. In fact, he even says he's sick of hearing you "rant" about how you "created" Robotech!!! How do you respond to Macross nazis like that?

Carl Macek says: My comment about this is that it's too bad that people have to demonize concepts and personalities. There was no malice inherent in Harmony Gold's decision to make Robotech. Both of the concepts are viable. Macross is not Robotech and Robotech is not Macross.

The way to look at the situation is to recognize Robotech as an original work. As such it has spawned books, role-playing games, school curriculums and a legion of fans. The original series are still intact. They exist on their own. They should not take away from the story of Robotech and Robotech should not take away for their story.

You have to look at the big picture - The success of Robotech allowed Macross, Mospeada and Southern Cross a worldwide audience - Mospeada and Southern Cross were "failures" in Japan - they were truncated due to poor ratings. Robotech brought these works to a hugh audience - even the management at Tatsunoko recognizes the value of Robotech.

That said, there is no need to take anything away from the original programs. Robotech should be seen as an original project which utilizes footage from various Tatsunoko programs - there was no intent to lessen the native programs.

My theory about all this is that there is no reason why all these elements can not exist In harmony (no pun intended) - there is no need to create adversarial situations. Enjoy each for what it is.

And there you have it, Pete! Take a chill pill, relax, and enjoy Robotech, which has no flaws and is not a failure!


I mean, it would be great to pin him down when he makes some derogatory comment about the original Macross and then when he does, press him on the question REALLY hard again and again until he caves in and admits what a loser he is (unlikely) or until he hangs up the phone or walks out on the interview. (much more likely) You would have to start the interview nice of course, and BS him with a few "typical" questions, but eventually you would ask the question that would trap him.

It gets back to what I was talking about that before, that nobody ever seems to call him on his bullshit and he seems to get away with it all the time.

Is there any interviews on record with Macek where he has done it tough against hard probing questions? I would love to know if there is one. Has anybody ever jumped up at an RT panel at a con and given Yune and his wankers a hard time about Macross. I'm sure that if one of us was quick enough and eloquent enough we could get these wankers on the back foot easily enough. It would rattle the cage of the RT nutjobs too, possibly. Does anybody have "connections" that might allow one of us to get a Macek interview. Or Yune or one of the other wankers.


  taksraven said:
Is there any interviews on record with Macek where he has done it tough against hard probing questions? I would love to know if there is one. Has anybody ever jumped up at an RT panel at a con and given Yune and his wankers a hard time about Macross. I'm sure that if one of us was quick enough and eloquent enough we could get these wankers on the back foot easily enough. It would rattle the cage of the RT nutjobs too, possibly. Does anybody have "connections" that might allow one of us to get a Macek interview. Or Yune or one of the other wankers.

My thoughts exactly.

Apparently, every HG/Robotech/Yune/Macek interview out there has been done by an interviewer who's drinking the HG/RT kool aid, while wearing the nostalgia glasses, high on protoculture & blinded by celebrity light.

There doesn't seem to be an interview where the interviewer is actually knowledgeable about the whole Macross thing.

I'm thinking it's either HG only accepts interviews from people completely in the dark about "Robotech's dirty little secret" or HG is bribing/paying for those "Robotech is bestest & Carl Macek is genius" interviews.

You'd think that the very people that host a web show/podcast would know more about these things <_<

I guess they have their ignorance switch set to high.

Posted (edited)
  UN_MARINE said:
My thoughts exactly.

Apparently, every HG/Robotech/Yune/Macek interview out there has been done by an interviewer who's drinking the HG/RT kool aid, while wearing the nostalgia glasses, high on protoculture & blinded by celebrity light.

Don't forget that they wear tinfoil "thinking caps". :lol: :lol:

Edit: I know that when a lot of celebs are interviewed that their minders hand the interviewer a list of "no-go" topics that they are not to be questioned about, and if the interviewer breaches this as a condition, the interview is over. I don't know if the likes of Macek or Yune would be soooooo arrogant as to have such lists of no-go questions. (They probably are that arrogant)


Edited by taksraven
  UN_MARINE said:
Apparently, every HG/Robotech/Yune/Macek interview out there has been done by an interviewer who's drinking the HG/RT kool aid, while wearing the nostalgia glasses, high on protoculture & blinded by celebrity light.

There doesn't seem to be an interview where the interviewer is actually knowledgeable about the whole Macross thing.

Don't tell me you're naive enough to think it's by coincidence that every time they're interviewed by professionals nothing negative ever comes up, and that every interview conducted by fans is so respectful it borders on hagiography. It's pretty much a given that Harmony Gold carefully vets their potential interviewers to make sure the professionals won't ask any awkward questions and the fans are drinking the kool-aid and/or will be so in awe of being recognized that they won't do anything but heap praise on their guests.

Posted (edited)
  UN_MARINE said:
My thoughts exactly.

Apparently, every HG/Robotech/Yune/Macek interview out there has been done by an interviewer who's drinking the HG/RT kool aid, while wearing the nostalgia glasses, high on protoculture & blinded by celebrity light.

There doesn't seem to be an interview where the interviewer is actually knowledgeable about the whole Macross thing.

I'm thinking it's either HG only accepts interviews from people completely in the dark about "Robotech's dirty little secret" or HG is bribing/paying for those "Robotech is bestest & Carl Macek is genius" interviews.

You'd think that the very people that host a web show/podcast would know more about these things <_<

I guess they have their ignorance switch set to high.

That is what always bothered me about the Space Station Liberty talkshoe podcast. The host got a lot of exclusive interviews with HG and Robotech personalities that way. And when things did happen for the franchise, he as overly pro-HG in many of the situations that came around.

By the way, I heard about SDF Macross now being available on Hulu. Now, I guess that's a good thing, but it kind of brings up one of the points I had about HG; showcasing Robotech is always top priority. Their franchise has been available freely there for months, and it's only now that the originals are starting to become available as if it's an afterthought. Plus, it's the ADV version, so they're really just screwing with us to make Robotech look better. We're going to hear more of the unflattering comparisons based on the dubs once again.

Edited by Einherjar
  Einherjar said:
That is what always bothered me about the Space Station Liberty talkshoe podcast. The host got a lot of exclusive interviews with HG and Robotech personalities that way. And when things did happen for the franchise, he as overly pro-HG in many of the situations that came around.

Not just Space Station Liberty, but even the recent ANN interview with Macek was rather fawning, as the hosts talked about how Streamline dubs are highly sought after (by who?) and chuckled slightly derisively about "anime purists" who want to have everything in Japanese with subtitles...it made me wonder: these guys are WORKING FOR ANIME NEWS NETWORK. If they're not dyed-in-the-wool anime purists, what the hell are they there for?

  taksraven said:
Don't forget that they wear tinfoil "thinking caps". :lol: :lol:

I knew i forgot something :lol:

  Seto Kaiba said:
Don't tell me you're naive enough to think it's by coincidence that every time they're interviewed by professionals nothing negative ever comes up, and that every interview conducted by fans is so respectful it borders on hagiography. It's pretty much a given that Harmony Gold carefully vets their potential interviewers to make sure the professionals won't ask any awkward questions and the fans are drinking the kool-aid and/or will be so in awe of being recognized that they won't do anything but heap praise on their guests.

I suppose it should be expected of them. I just hadn't given it much thought until recently.

  Einherjar said:
... Plus, it's the ADV version, so they're really just screwing with us to make Robotech look better. We're going to hear more of the unflattering comparisons based on the dubs once again.

Well, tell the kids on 4Chan and tell them to start boosting Macross' ratings and marking down RT's ratings. Just to "balance" things out.

Posted (edited)
  Gubaba said:
Not just Space Station Liberty, but even the recent ANN interview with Macek was rather fawning, as the hosts talked about how Streamline dubs are highly sought after (by who?) and chuckled slightly derisively about "anime purists" who want to have everything in Japanese with subtitles...it made me wonder: these guys are WORKING FOR ANIME NEWS NETWORK. If they're not dyed-in-the-wool anime purists, what the hell are they there for?

You're not suggesting an industry-wide conspiracy regarding the entire anime distribution process, are you? It's lost a lot of its influence with Japanese companies being more assertive about their products, but they wouldn't go so low as to defend a guy that was/is willing to make cost effective liberties with other people's work to save the industry, right? :ph34r:

Edited by Einherjar
  Einherjar said:
You're not suggesting an industry-wide conspiracy regarding the entire anime distribution process, are you? :ph34r:

Not at all...I'm just saying that the ANN podcasters lot a lot of credibility for that interview (with me, anyway...not that I'm part of their core fanbase, of course).

Posted (edited)
  Einherjar said:
You're not suggesting an industry-wide conspiracy regarding the entire anime distribution process, are you? :ph34r:

In your country?


Edited by Saraphys
  azrael said:
Well, tell the kids on 4Chan and tell them to start boosting Macross' ratings and marking down RT's ratings. Just to "balance" things out.

Soooo... tell them to keep doing what they've already been doing for a while now and take time out to raise Macross's rating in the process? Not exactly a tall order. After all, mentioning Robotech as something other than complete and utter shite on /m/ is a great way to get chewed out and accused of being a troll.

  Seto Kaiba said:
Soooo... tell them to keep doing what they've already been doing for a while now and take time out to raise Macross's rating in the process? Not exactly a tall order. After all, mentioning Robotech as something other than complete and utter shite on /m/ is a great way to get chewed out and accused of being a troll.

Not so much these days...I "advertised" the translation of "My Fair Minmay" on 4chan, and, while there, I saw a Macross/Robotech thread with the Robotech fans fighting back pretty hard, saying things like, "There a lot of GLORIOUS NIPPON in this thread." Hell, one guy even said people who liked Macross more was anti-American... :wacko:

  Seto Kaiba said:
Soooo... tell them to keep doing what they've already been doing for a while now and take time out to raise Macross's rating in the process? Not exactly a tall order. After all, mentioning Robotech as something other than complete and utter shite on /m/ is a great way to get chewed out and accused of being a troll.

If 4chan is the cesspool of the 'net, let see if we can actually put it to some good use. :)

I'm gonna leave this here as food-for-thought. I'm not looking for a response or an answer 'cuz I probably know what it is.

I have to give the producers of Astro Plan some creativity points for their show. It's getting a 2nd season, according to kresphy, so that must mean something. Yeah it's a copy of every popular mecha anime in the past 5 years, thrown into the pot, mixed, and boiled for and hour. But you know what? They took the concept of Macross' transforming planes and applied it to the J-10 and the J-11 and came up with something... fairly unique. And then I look at RT:SC and I look at the good-guy mecha and I see a rehashed design. No originality, just a CG rehash. And I'm thinking "how much were paid to the people who produced this thing?" Astro Plan has some of THE crappiest animation and loads of reused CG, rehashed story, and the producers were probably paid less than the people who produce Frontier. But yet they actually came up with something fairly creative that I'm actually giving them props for. I'm giving props to a Chinese bootleg over something that had a larger budget and better talent. And these people with more money and better talent are still promoting a bunch of 25-year old shows and the best they could come up with was RT:SC? :blink: And they're waiting for Hollywood to "revive" their franchise? And yet China produced something I could still potentially watch while drunk and throwing up? :blink: And another thing, AP only has 1 female character showing her rack and RT:SC needs 3? :wacko:

  Gubaba said:
Not so much these days...I "advertised" the translation of "My Fair Minmay" on 4chan, and, while there, I saw a Macross/Robotech thread with the Robotech fans fighting back pretty hard, saying things like, "There a lot of GLORIOUS NIPPON in this thread." Hell, one guy even said people who liked Macross more was anti-American... :wacko:

Well, yeah... you're going to run into trolling on 4chan. Let's be realistic, trolling is to 4chan what monumental ignorance is to Robotech.com. It's the proverbial bread and butter of most parts of the community. Of course you're going to see some defense of Robotech every now and again, but you have to remember that in almost any case where someone starts posting inflammatory remarks about a controversial topic like Robotech, easily half or more of the "defenders" of the show are doing it just to get a rise out of everyone else and don't actually believe the stuff they're saying. /m/ is usually a more reasonable board than the rest of 4chan, but it does have a few commonly held pet peeves that trolls play on for the hell of it... bringing up Robotech in a Macross thread is one of the most popular, and is practically guaranteed to get people raging.

Posted (edited)
  Gubaba said:
Not at all...I'm just saying that the ANN podcasters lot a lot of credibility for that interview (with me, anyway...not that I'm part of their core fanbase, of course).

On one hand, he's probably one of the only "celebrates" in the business who lives in the U.S. and speaks English that they could get to raise the show's popularity. Getting in touch with the real talent overseas would be difficult in a podcast setting. But that would leave a lot of voice actors and people who worked in the anime distribution industry as the only guests they can realistically have on the show throughout it's lifetime, isn't it?

On the other hand, I really do not know who ANN's core fanbase is these days. A majority of them may tolerate Carl Macek's career without understanding the ripple effect his most influential project had as a consequence. Also, they really make light of the other screw ups he made only because of Robotech, including the stuff that happened after the original 85 episodes. They easily forget the result of Carl Macek getting his hands on stuff like the first Fist of the North Star movie, Windaria, and Captain Harlock. But then again, the hosts may be contractually obligated to pander to everyone when it comes to anyone and anything anime related.

I guess I'm starting to question the credibility of the entire distribution system now.

Edited by Einherjar
  Einherjar said:
On one hand, he's probably one of the only "celebrities" in the business who lives in the U.S. and speaks English that they could get to raise the show's popularity. Getting in touch with the real talent overseas would be difficult in a podcast setting. But that would leave a lot of voice actors and people who worked in the anime distribution industry as the only guests they can realistically have on the show throughout it's lifetime, isn't it?

Assuming they're dead set on doing their interviews in the form of a live or pre-recorded podcast, their options are, for all practical purposes, limited to just those people involved in the western anime distribution industry. That said, they're kind of pissing into the wind no matter who they interview because none of the available industry figures are involved in the creative process. They're just packaging someone else's product for distribution, and that doesn't really give them a broad appeal. Interviewing the distribution industry executives would be like interviewing the owner of a company that prints movie posters about the content of the movie. Similarly, the English voice actors have rather limited appeal, since they also have no real input in the creative process and their work is generally regarded as somewhere between "not all that important" and "a genuine hindrance to enjoyment of the show".

Pretty much the only reason Carl Macek stands out in this entirely inauspicious crowd is that he claims to have, at one point in his career, been a "creator" rather than just a "editor" or "distributor". It's credit that he doesn't deserve, but because he's been distorting the truth and exaggerating his involvement in the production of Robotech and his importance in the early years of the anime industry for so long that some people actually believe his bullshit now, he's the only person they can get who speaks English and has even a halfway-credible claim of having a creative role in the industry.

  azrael said:
If 4chan is the cesspool of the 'net, let see if we can actually put it to some good use. :)

I'm gonna leave this here as food-for-thought. I'm not looking for a response or an answer 'cuz I probably know what it is.

I have to give the producers of Astro Plan some creativity points for their show. It's getting a 2nd season, according to kresphy, so that must mean something. Yeah it's a copy of every popular mecha anime in the past 5 years, thrown into the pot, mixed, and boiled for and hour. But you know what? They took the concept of Macross' transforming planes and applied it to the J-10 and the J-11 and came up with something... fairly unique. And then I look at RT:SC and I look at the good-guy mecha and I see a rehashed design. No originality, just a CG rehash. And I'm thinking "how much were paid to the people who produced this thing?" Astro Plan has some of THE crappiest animation and loads of reused CG, rehashed story, and the producers were probably paid less than the people who produce Frontier. But yet they actually came up with something fairly creative that I'm actually giving them props for. I'm giving props to a Chinese bootleg over something that had a larger budget and better talent. And these people with more money and better talent are still promoting a bunch of 25-year old shows and the best they could come up with was RT:SC? :blink: And they're waiting for Hollywood to "revive" their franchise? And yet China produced something I could still potentially watch while drunk and throwing up? :blink: And another thing, AP only has 1 female character showing her rack and RT:SC needs 3? :wacko:

Damn, Az. You don't cut loose often...but when you do, it's a barnstormer! :lol:


I've never seen the appeal of listening to interviews with american VAs or voice directors. Its not like they really did anything creatively or were necessary even. I would be much happier if the practice re-dubbing anime never was adopted; anime would be much cheaper.

Anyway, getting back to the topic. I have to wonder if deep down in Carl's heart, he really believes all the bile he spews about his career. He can talk all he wants that he is a great creator or w/e but, in the end, he made his career off the hard work and creations of other people. It's like being a professional fanfic writer.

Posted (edited)
  RDClip said:
I've never seen the appeal of listening to interviews with american VAs or voice directors. Its not like they really did anything creatively or were necessary even. I would be much happier if the practice re-dubbing anime never was adopted; anime would be much cheaper.

That thing he said!!

Anyway, getting back to the topic. I have to wonder if deep down in Carl's heart, he really believes all the bile he spews about his career. He can talk all he wants that he is a great creator or w/e but, in the end, he made his career off the hard work and creations of other people. It's like being a professional fanfic writer.

Going by what I've read and listened to of him, including his seperate commentary track on Heavy Metal (the one where he pretty much claims all responability for creating the movie), then I'd have to say yes, he is exactly that delusional, if not more so.

Edited by Keith

Type in Carl Macek on Facebook and you get a group page for him as well as a personal page.


  RDClip said:
I've never seen the appeal of listening to interviews with american VAs or voice directors.

Listened to an interview with Spike Spencer once ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



  RDClip said:
I've never seen the appeal of listening to interviews with american VAs or voice directors. Its not like they really did anything creatively or were necessary even.

's probably why nobody really bothers trying to interview ADR directors and all but the most prolific and popular English voice actors. As far as having people care about their work, about the best they can hope for is a special feature on the DVD that covers the dubbing process like they had on the Excel Saga DVDs.

  RDClip said:
Anyway, getting back to the topic. I have to wonder if deep down in Carl's heart, he really believes all the bile he spews about his career. He can talk all he wants that he is a great creator or w/e but, in the end, he made his career off the hard work and creations of other people. It's like being a professional fanfic writer.

Back in the 80's, Macek seemed rather upfront about the cosmetic nature of his "creative influence" in the editing process which shat Robotech into the world. I don't think he really started trying to sell himself as Robotech's "visionary creator" and an industry figure to rival Gene Roddenberry and George Lucas until after Robotech: the Untold Story flopped during its test screening and Robotech II: the Sentinels fell apart in early production. My guess would be he started trying to make himself out to be a visionary, industry-redefining figure as a way of reminding everyone he hadn't royally farted up when he "created" the "original 85" and to get people to come to the convention panels so they could market the decidedly lackluster products that kept the franchise afloat between failed comeback attempts. I don't think he started to believe it for himself until after the Robotech fans at the time started to buy into it.

Of course, by now he's thoroughly invested in the myth of his own creative genius after decades spent lying about his role in the production process, exaggerating his own importance, and trying to minimize the role the original Japanese creators and their stories played. Essentially, he's deluded himself into believing he's the second coming of Gene Roddenberry.


You know, no matter how high of a pedestal fans are gonna put Carl Macek on, it's always interesting to see him kiss @ss to the HG staff in hopes of getting a job back there. He was like that during the shadow Chronicles one day theater showing. I know he believes he's a creative genius, but but I wonder if he takes pot shots at Macross during the interviews to boost his marketability in the industry. That wouldn't surprise me at all.

On the idea of HG interviews being predispoed to favor them, I wouldn't doubt that as well. Look at the video Memo put up where that girl asked about the licensing stuff, and being able to use Macross designs in new productions...Tommy cut the interview short after eluding to being able to use Macross designs in merchandise productions (a strategic combo Tommy must've thoght of to keep the RT fans living in that delusion). What that video shows is that they really didn't want to get put into a corner that they couldn't get out of. I'm sure they knew that after the answer they gave, they would've gotten called on it. Sometimes, what isn't said is much more important than what is. Classic example.

Posted (edited)

Let's see what would happen if we put the helmsmen of both the Elsa and the Normandys (both SR1 and SR2) in the same room. Would Tony Oliver be able to kick Seth Green's ass? :p

Edited by Wanzerfan

In that panel video, I thought I heard Tommy say they wanted to market RT internationally and that they didn't want to get into trouble with copyright holders so they used Mospeada designs. It was right after he was waving around the Stealth Veritech. It's drowned out in noise, but it's there.

Now for something more Carl-related. In that panel video, Maeck mentions the crap of anime coming out. I'll give him that but at the same time, isn't that exactly what's going on in Hollywood? We're seeing remakes, re-imaging, and heck the highest grossing movie of all time is Dances with Wolves on another planet and with aliens instead of Native Americans and with enough eye-candy to give me cavities several times. It reminds me of something Dana Gould said about The Simpsons critics in the anniversary special. People criticize The Simpsons for not being as funny anymore and his rebuttal was "Well, neither are you, if that's the problem." And maybe that's something that should be said. Before you criticize the current state of things, take a good look in the mirror. Nothing is as ever as good as it was so don't be so quick to open your mouth about it.


I have a lot of respect for people like Tony Oliver, Dan Warren, Richard Epcar. Those guys were first starting out when Robotech was being put together. Most of these VAs have moved on to do good things, like other anime voice work, voice over directing, LAM directing, and many other things. I'm not one of those that believes that all anime should be in its original language only. I wouldn't throw in the VAs into HGs garbage. They make the panels HG has, simply to draw in fans of the show and fans of the VA, as well as to get paid for their time at the panel. I doubt they're in on all HG's ploys.

Posted (edited)

I don't have a problem with voice actors, it's just with the higher ups in the American industry who think they're more than what they really are.

  Jasonc said:
On the idea of HG interviews being predispoed to favor them, I wouldn't doubt that as well. Look at the video Memo put up where that girl asked about the licensing stuff, and being able to use Macross designs in new productions...Tommy cut the interview short after eluding to being able to use Macross designs in merchandise productions (a strategic combo Tommy must've thoght of to keep the RT fans living in that delusion). What that video shows is that they really didn't want to get put into a corner that they couldn't get out of. I'm sure they knew that after the answer they gave, they would've gotten called on it. Sometimes, what isn't said is much more important than what is. Classic example.

Isn't it sad then that fans like that put all their hopes on a couple of people who are supposedly super talented, but in reality they're just a bunch of opportunists who fans think can single-handedly revive a compromised franchise? That's what MEMO is defending all for the sake of nostalgia, and look where that led to in the past few years.

Edited by Einherjar
  Einherjar said:
I don't have a problem with voice actors, it's just with the higher ups in the American industry who think they're more than what they really are.

Isn't it sad then that fans like that put all their hopes on a couple of people who are supposedly super talented, but in reality they're just a bunch of opportunists who fans think can single-handedly revive a compromised franchise? That's what MEMO is defending all for the sake of nostalgia, and look where that led to in the past few years.

Action speaks louder than words, and so far, HG have not yet proven that their geniuses like they say they are. And some of the fans like PTH are already realizing this.

  taksraven said:
Listened to an interview with Spike Spencer once ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz




Went to a con that had Vic Mignogna. His voice now irritates me.

That and Ouran High School Host Club . I still hear the screaming.

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