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With Hasbro/Taktomys Transformers/Votoms




and PGs

Yammato's Macross/Votoms -Ingram if you count the pre-order for the Blue one

Bandai's SOCs. SPecs, DX including Macross

Tomys Zoids and

Kotobukiyas Zoids/Armored Core

Im at roughly about 6k CDN

What are you guys at.....

Posted (edited)


Unless you count the "I [heart] Minmay" keychain that I bought. (Â¥600...that was a pretty expensive keychain.)

However: books, CDs, DVDs, movie tickets, concert tickets, airplane tickets...that's a different story. :unsure:

Edited by Gubaba

Unless you count the "I [heart] Minmay" keychain that I bought. (Â¥600...that was a pretty expensive keychain.)

However: books, CDs, DVDs, movie tickets, concert tickets, airplane tickets...that's a different story. :unsure:

Really ... wow

Well I travel at the expense of my company haha and I dont go to movie theaters I bit torrent I think Movie People should suffer like the average american joe has for the past year and a half. I dont go to concerts they bore me ... Dont go to sporting events either they bore me too Id rather play the game instead of watch it CDs are a thing of the past as I Buy what I want song by song on ITUNES and like in Zeitgeist If you love what you do you want to share it with everyone ie Trance around the world Above and Beyond is free. For all my radio I podcast CBCs Paul Kennedy Ideas, as it happens and the Current. On books Yes I have spent about 200 on or more because I like reading WAY too much non fiction

But no toys really.....good for you

Really ... wow

Well I travel at the expense of my company haha and I dont go to movie theaters I bit torrent I think Movie People should suffer like the average american joe has for the past year and a half. I dont go to concerts they bore me ... Dont go to sporting events either they bore me too Id rather play the game instead of watch it CDs are a thing of the past as I Buy what I want song by song on ITUNES and like in Zeitgeist If you love what you do you want to share it with everyone ie Trance around the world Above and Beyond is free. For all my radio I podcast CBCs Paul Kennedy Ideas, as it happens and the Current. On books Yes I have spent about 200 on or more because I like reading WAY too much non fiction

But no toys really.....good for you

Well...I include my trip in the topic since I went to Tokyo to visit friends, and I saw the Yoko Kanno cnoncert and Eva 2.0 while I was there. While I was there, I bought quite a number of Macross books, comics, and magazines as well. ^_^

Posted (edited)

Dunno exactly how much offhand, but if we're lumping model kits in with "toys" then I'd say maybe $350-400. If we aren't, then it's about $30 for one of the old 1/100 VF-2SS's.

Edited by Seto Kaiba

I've been good with toys this year! It's models that I've spent my luxury money on! Even then, this year wasn't too bad since I only spent about $500 on models.

Last year was the big toy year for me.

Is this like nerdom's equivalent to a biggest dick competition?

Nope, that's PC specs. For the record, mine was pretty big, but I'm feeling pretty inadequate what with the Core i7s and the Radeon 5800 series...

Anyway, this has actually been a pretty cheap year for me, toy-wise. I mean, last year (or was it the year before?) I was importing Masterpiece Megatron, plus buying up all the Classics 2.0/Universe figures I could get my hands on plus several Animated figures. This year, I bought U.S. Masterpiece Skywarp, Leo Prime, the two Energon repaint combiners, Voyager Megatron, Dead End, and Breakaway. So I guess under $200 for me this year.

Next year will likely be more expensive. I want a couple of the new movie characters that are coming out, like Mindwipe and Bludgeon, plus Animated Arcee if she's still coming out. Plus there's some reason to believe there's going to be a toyline for the new Transformers game. And let's not forget the U.S. release of Masterpiece Grimlock.

I doubt it'll be $6000 CDN, though.

Is this like nerdom's equivalent to a biggest dick competition?

Now why would you say that

Im certainly no nerd. How different is it from top piss poor executives bragging what stale old 2 dimensional art they have and what new yacht they bought

We are here talking about not the average end toy collectibles but rather upper crust stuff. So spill it and instead of knocking my thread

besides i measure around 7.6 " so i dont need to compensate

We are here talking about not the average end toy collectibles but rather upper crust stuff.

Define upper crust stuff. Because if Transformers I pick up at Target don't count, then I've spent $0 on toys.

Define upper crust stuff. Because if Transformers I pick up at Target don't count, then I've spent $0 on toys.

well certainly not upper crust but sure why not I have added my transformers. I just mentioned upper crust. because I dont see members here as NERDs

You want to see nerds walk down to the basement levels of a Financial institution i worked for on the door it says DESKSIDE SERVICES

That is a sad example of nerds or little scrawny MBA grads working in cubicles smaller than my aquarium with pocket protectors dreaming of the day they will sit on the top floor and scheming how they will ruin the economy

No post what every you spent on collections. My number is high only because I deviated from Transformers , thanks to MW for that....last year I would have never purchased Gundams, But I tried one and another and I was hooked. Something about building them and enjoying the friuts of your labour. Also MB and all shows after BW have kinda of killed it for me with Transformers. After this year getting a PG MKII from a board Member I didnt realize how nice they were. Also my First SOCs from last year got me hooked on that line. I estimate that next year I will be hovering around the 2k mark which is ok since I am really out of the Transformers market. I have caught up to the MGs I most wanted. Gotten every PG and pretty much coast with SOC, MG Gundams and Macross

Is this like nerdom's equivalent to a biggest dick competition?

If so, I win on the shortest. $0 spent on toys this year and only $12 spent on a Darth Vader the year before that.


Is this like nerdom's equivalent to a biggest dick competition?

As I don't drive a Porsche, only a porsche eater B)) my dick is quite adequate thanks.

On the toy front absolutely nothing but on the model front just over A$6K.

Now why would you say that

Im certainly no nerd. How different is it from top piss poor executives bragging what stale old 2 dimensional art they have and what new yacht they bought

We are here talking about not the average end toy collectibles but rather upper crust stuff. So spill it and instead of knocking my thread

I meant no offense as I consider myself a high-functioning nerd but I also hate to be the bearer of bad news but, assuming you're an adult, you're a nerd too. Now I don't want to try to draw up some strict definition for "nerd" but it's generally safe to say it's VERY nerdy for a grown man to collect toys... even if they occasionally call their toys "collectibles." The good news is, if you enjoy what you do then you shouldn't be bothered by the label.

Also, it's in bad taste in any social class to be a braggart (even if their is some semblance in shame in the highest numbers). I find the last thing my friends with yachts and such do is boast about what they've spent although all are certainly happy to share their enthusiasm like we do with our threads dedicated to toys.

Remember, it's not the size of the collection that matters, it's the pleasure you give or derive with it.

Posted (edited)
Technically i didn't spend anything. I sold some old toys and bought some new toys with the proceeds.

I'm with RDClip here. I spent 2 million 100 thousand Yen on toys this year, so what is that...19 thousand USD? the majority of them upper crust toys. Sadly - I didn't actually KEEP all of them :)

If we're just going to count the toys I kept - then we're not looking at much. Probably two thousand dollars worth of stuff in my collection...but some of that is from last year....so I dunno....a thousand bucks?



Edited by VFTF1

IDK how much I spent this year, I've been just buying McFarlane Halo 3 figures and the occasional Star Wars figure to boot.


Looking at my "toys"....

my bike only recieved it's needed maintainance, no fancy hop-up parts or whatever, too bad a week ago my alternator suffered a meltdown during rushhour or it would have been a lot cheaper this year

Anime related, just a few mangas and a saber lily figure

Guitars, here I did spend some cash, bridge parts, vacuum tubes, strings, and a new preamp

Posted (edited)

As of tonight? :huh:

In the past year...


11 assorted Valks

1 model

~$1600 (oh boy do I wish I hadn't bothered to add that up :ph34r:)

and that's in the past 4 months alone....

That's leaving out about $600 worth of Legos (yay for the giant Millenium Falcon), $150 worth of model kits...

And considering how I use my laptop, yeah, that qualifies as a toy I think... And the 47" tv... and the 360...

Yes, this has been an expensive year. :wacko: Screw the economy, I'm having fun dang it!

Edited by Chronocidal

A couple of lenses for the camera, a new laptop, 13 yammies, a pg 00... so around 6k??? holy crap... next year is going to be dry though, working on buying a house.

A couple of lenses for the camera, a new laptop, 13 yammies, a pg 00... so around 6k??? holy crap... next year is going to be dry though, working on buying a house.

me too but the market is crazy here

immigrants keeping the prices soaring. I cant wait until we have an american style meltdown then i will get off my lawn chair with my beer and buy a house...

Just did a tally... i have spent about US$8700 on Macross toys alone...

bookmarked... for the next time my wife asks why I spend so much on toys. :lol:

Let's see some pics of your collection! Please? :)

How can anybody consider a Revoltech "upper crust"?

Well since an 6 inch figure normally goes for about 10 bucks in walmart and TRU ie HeMan, GI JOE etc

and the average Revy goes for 40-45 um yeah I would say its upper crust.

I meant no offense as I consider myself a high-functioning nerd but I also hate to be the bearer of bad news but, assuming you're an adult, you're a nerd too. Now I don't want to try to draw up some strict definition for "nerd" but it's generally safe to say it's VERY nerdy for a grown man to collect toys... even if they occasionally call their toys "collectibles." The good news is, if you enjoy what you do then you shouldn't be bothered by the label.

Also, it's in bad taste in any social class to be a braggart (even if their is some semblance in shame in the highest numbers). I find the last thing my friends with yachts and such do is boast about what they've spent although all are certainly happy to share their enthusiasm like we do with our threads dedicated to toys.

Remember, it's not the size of the collection that matters, it's the pleasure you give or derive with it.

! -- That's it. I'm a nerd. I've been trying to deny it but this post makes it clear . . .

All I can do not is strive to be the "high-functioning" variety. A few bullet points on high-functioning vs. low-functioning would be helpful, but that might be another thread . . .

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