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Hm. Guess I'm not an Otaku... all of this looks kind of like my TV screen did whenever my Atari would malfunction and I'd need to take the game cartrage out and put it back in.


Posted (edited)

Hmmm... unless I miss my mark, #1 is the school uniform from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, #2 is the colors of Lupin's clothes from Lupin III, #4 is clearly EVA-01 from Neon Genesis Evangelion. I'm tempted to say that #6 is a Zaku... not sure about the rest.

Also, deep down I know I should be horrified that I was able to decipher that many of them... but I just can't get worked up over it after pissing away fairly half the workday goofing off and using a client's company property to watch King of Bandit Jing in high-def on the clock.

Edited by Seto Kaiba

I'm pretty sure #5 is a Dom and as mentioned #6 is a Zaku.

#3 is Jigen from Lupin I believe.

#7 is Saiyan armour from DBZ and #8 should be Freeza.

Last one looks familiar but not something I've looked at or watched but maybe something I've seen a meme of somewhere.

None of these seem particularly obscure. Being all mainstream crap I'd assume this is actually a test to see if you're wapanese/weeaboo not Otaku/hikikomori.

None of these seem particularly obscure. Being all mainstream crap I'd assume this is actually a test to see if you're wapanese/weeaboo not Otaku/hikikomori.

You mean I suck even MORE than I thought?

It's all Atarai's fault...I remember those screens from Atari - I swear... :(


  bluemax151 said:
None of these seem particularly obscure. Being all mainstream crap I'd assume this is actually a test to see if you're wapanese/weeaboo not Otaku/hikikomori.

I guess I'm neither, then. since I only got Haruhi, Eva-01, the Dom, and the Zaku.

On that note, it makes me sad that I got Haruhi and VFTF1 didn't.

On that note, it makes me sad that I got Haruhi and VFTF1 didn't.

It might have something to do with the fact that I'm color blind ;)


Posted (edited)

Ya know, being as much of a Dynasty Warriors Gundam nerd as I am I should have nailed the Dom and the Zaku. The Saiyen armor was a dead give away with the AUTHENTIC BATTLE DAMAGE!

Frieza would have fallen right into place if I had caught that.

I feel dumb now. Haha

Edited by Chewie
Posted (edited)
  Gubaba said:
Found these on 2ch tis evening. I don't know if they're old or new...but I understand shockingly few of them.










well, i'm guessing that the first one there is based off the color scheme of the uniforms on The "Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya"

so, i guess the whole idea of these is that, "if you can see a specific Anime in these color patterns, then you must be an OTAKU..."

Edited by Shaorin
Posted (edited)
  bluemax151 said:
Being all mainstream crap I'd assume this is actually a test to see if you're wapanese/weeaboo not Otaku/hikikomori.

There's no difference. You have to be wapanese for words like "hikikomori" to be part of you vocabulary. And the irony is arguing that some anime is "mainstream crap" as if that made watching more obscure anime hardcore...

You mean I suck even MORE than I thought?

Depends on your perspective, I suppose, but I'm going to say you're alright, Pete.

Edited by mikeszekely
  mikeszekely said:
There's no difference. You have to be wapanese for words like "hikikomori" to be part of you vocabulary. And the irony is arguing that some anime is "mainstream crap" as if that made watching more obscure anime hardcore...

I don't even know what "hikikomori" means, and I know Japanese! :blink:

I dunno...I probably would've gotten the DBZ ones if I had ever actually seen the series (I read the comics instead). I'm kicking myself for not getting Lupin, though.


Re: people who ostensibly love anime, watch anime, sometimes even know Japanese, and suddenly fail this test or don't know what hiki-whatever-the-fcuk means:

Here's my theory - and as usual it's totally based on personal experience, gutt instinct and a healthy dose of vodka (had my first shot in three months today! the excuse? Bronchitus - nothing like a shot glass full of pepper mixed with vodka to get that out of your system).

Anyways - look at 4chan. I never have, but people here often complain about it. I get the feeling that only part of the reason people don't like it is because of the open-format chaos. The other part of the reason is the unmoderated idiocy; by which I mean people going back and forth over things which shouldn't deserve an argument because they're questions of fact rather than interpretation.

Another way of putting it - imagine if we didn't have a Newbie thread and ALL of those questions from the newbie thread were threads of their own. The forum would be a mess - but more importantly - the heads of noobies would also be a mess.

When I came to MW, I was a noobie. Part of what helped me get up to speed was how well organized the forum was in terms of locating solid information. It's important to learn what a person DOESN'T KNOW and needs to catch up on.

Now ...where am I going with this?

Well -

I think there's a whole sub-set of the anime otaku world - perhaps not in Japan, but certainly in the west/Europe/America etc who are ostensibly interested in anime etc....but not really. That is to say - they have a passing interest. They don't collect because that would actually require them to have jobs and make money. So they sometimes get one or two anime related do-das, often times bootlegged do-das at that. They do like free things like downloads - but not necessarily anime itself - with subtitles - because that requires an attention span beyond that of a three year old to watch, read, think about, understand etc. Sam with manga, which for the most part is in Japanese.

So what exactly DO they enjoy?

Beats me - oh - wait - now I know.

They enjoy games like the above. Throwing some random colors together and guessing what random color splatter represents an anime.

I dunno. I don't mean to come off like a huffy elitist or anything... but I find it silly that someone's dedication to anime can be inferred on the basis of whether or not they realize that random color bars are actually representative of anime they should know.

Grumble grumble..



I got the first six. Haruhi, red Lupin, green Lupin, Eva 01, Dom, Zaku. I should've gotten the next 2, but I'm not a DBZ fan. But then, I'vwe pretty much accepted the Otaku no Video coined title of Ota-King.

I remember the old "Pounds of Totoro" test. I wasn't at the max, but I still weighed several tons. ^_^;;

Though I'm woefully behind on most trends.

  Mercurial Morpheus said:
I got the first six. Haruhi, red Lupin, green Lupin, Eva 01, Dom, Zaku. I should've gotten the next 2, but I'm not a DBZ fan. But then, I'vwe pretty much accepted the Otaku no Video coined title of Ota-King.

Well, that makes me less otaku than you :p I mistakened the DBZ ones for something else.

But yeah, goddammit.


I'm in the same boat as David. I only recognized Eva 01 right off the bat. I could totally recognize some of the others after they were mentioned by other people.

  Beltane70 said:
I'm in the same boat as David. I only recognized Eva 01 right off the bat. I could totally recognize some of the others after they were mentioned by other people.

Eva-01 was the first one I got. After that, the Dom and the Zaku fell into place. Haruhi took a bit of thinking before I got it.

Posted (edited)

I feel kind of bad that I immediately new all of them except 2, 3 and the last one without even opening them. -_-


I kind of like the Dom one, I love dom's ^_^

Edited by anime52k8
  mikeszekely said:
There's no difference. You have to be wapanese for words like "hikikomori" to be part of you vocabulary. And the irony is arguing that some anime is "mainstream crap" as if that made watching more obscure anime hardcore...
I dunno I learned Hikikimori from reading the news and taking Japanese language classes. Same way I know what Karoshi means and Wakai Tsubame.

No need to be offended if you watch the stuff it was never intended to directly describe the quality of the programming and it wasn't an argument it was a statement. Everything there is mainstream because it's been on Western television with the exception of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I've assumed that's mainstream because I 'm constantly inundated by it both online and offline by third parties.

Otaku in Japan does not have the same connotations it has grown to have in the Western world. It's extremely condescending and Hikikimori is worse and a serious mental health condition.

Posted (edited)

I'm going to take a stab and say that #7 is not only Saya-Jin armor (I have a few Beckett books), but it's Vegeta's armor after getting his ass kicked by Son Goku durng the Saya-Jin Conflict Saga.

#8 is definately Frieza.

Edited by Wanzerfan

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