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The MW rewatches M7 together Thread


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Heh, I thought I was behind because I hadn't watched an episode since late Dec and went on a hiatus for the whole month of Jan. I started watching again last week and got a little carried away - Already watched up to 15!

I thought I was going to be behind. Sounds like I need to slow down and join in the thread again!

Great discussion so far, everyone. I really like how much more enriching it is to watch this along with everyone's comments.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not going to lie. I was new to M7 and jumped ahead and finished the whole series, movie, encore episodes, and dynamite 7. I couldn't help it, it was addictive! lol

I'll take a crack at writing a review of episode 11 or 12 (whatever the current one is) in the next day or so if someone else doesn't beat me to it.


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Okay, this is my first time doing this and I haven't seen much of other peoples reviews on the previous epsidoes yet (I hope to get time to do that soon), but here goes. I think most of what I noticed were things that I thought were funny or odd, so it's not really so much of a review of the episode.

Note, this is based on the afore mentioned crappily subtitled FX version, where even me with my extremely limited knowledge of Japanese can tell they mistranslate stuff at times, lol.

Okay, I know that Mylene is the Mayors daughter and all, but do they not have police that pull over reckless drivers? lol. So she gets done driving around and getting her kimono stuck on the shifter, and for some strange reason Gubaba has to get it off for her.

Now during Gamlin and Mylene's date, Mylene has to go to the bathroom to clean off her kimono. The "vampire" zaps her and Gubaba jumps into action and get knocked against the mirror and breaks the mirror. All I could think of is, wow, that's one tough ...whatever Gubaba is.

Now, when Max and Miria are in the room where they are looking over all the people that have been kidnapped, listen in the background and you can hear typewritters. I had never noticed that before and I had to laugh out loud because it struck me as funny that a typewritter that is outdated even when Macross 7 came out, would still be used, even in a sound effect.

Mylene's body guard (his name escapes me at the moment) goes in and accuses Basara, Ray, Vefidas of hiding Mylene and the Fire Bomber members all go running out to find her. Whent he body guard goes back out and hits his head on the door and breaks it and Basara turns around and tells him that he should fix it. Maybe it's a bad FX translation, I'm not sure, but I found it funny.

Apparently it is also revealed in this episode that when Gubaba gets electrically charged, he turns into a Mylene homing device.

Now, this again may be a bad FX translation, but Max notes that a lot of the missing people are part of the navigation team. Now that strikes me as odd because technically speaking, navigation on aircraft/spacecraft (real-world here) is only responsible for calculating where the ship is at that moment. It has nothing to do with going from one location to another (guidance) or how exactly to fly there (control). Seeing what happens later in the plot would lead me to believe that this might be better translated as a "fold" team, or possibly even guidance. Just a nit, like I said, probably due to the FX translation :).

Now, when Basara and Gamlin find Mylene, there is an interesting story switch. For the first time (I think), Gamlin posits to himself if Basara's singing might really work. Shortly after, when Basara goes to rescute Mylene from the cargo container, Basara goes in without trying to sing. He shoots his speaker pods into the guns and viewscreens of the enemies yells "pinpoint barrier punch" and basically attacks. I found it very funny that he yelled his attack, reminded me of Street Fighter or something, lol.

And in the ending, we see the forced separation of City 7 from ...Battle 7 (sorry if that's wrong, trying to remember the name of the front section). I had actually completely forgotten about that part of the story.

That's it for my brief notes, hope they make some sense :lol:


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I keep waiting for Mylene to kick Basara where it hurts. :blink:

Don't hold your breath.

And I'm surprised to hear Sharron Apple songs playing. I would have thought after the Sharon Apple incident no one would listen to her songs anymore.

One of the Macross 7 CDs ("Music Selection from Galaxy Network Chart") shows the top ten songs in the galaxy for one of the weeks in March 2045, and "Santi-U" by "Sharon Apple R" on on the charts. They explain that the "R" stands for "remake." So I guess that THIS Sharon Apple is safe...

I'm still not sure she'd be a big hit, though. It seems kind of like after the Milli Vanilli scandal, when the producer trotted out the guys who ACTUALLY did the singing, calling them "The Real Milli Vanilli." And of course, they failed.

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Okay, I know that Mylene is the Mayors daughter and all, but do they not have police that pull over reckless drivers? lol. So she gets done driving around and getting her kimono stuck on the shifter, and for some strange reason Gubaba has to get it off for her.

Funny you should say that. The Macross Police apparently learned that lesson with Isamu on Eden. :lol:



Now, when Max and Miria are in the room where they are looking over all the people that have been kidnapped, listen in the background and you can hear typewritters. I had never noticed that before and I had to laugh out loud because it struck me as funny that a typewritter that is outdated even when Macross 7 came out, would still be used, even in a sound effect.

Typewriter soundeffects were also used In MDYRL as well when Misa was typing out the translation to the Protoculture Love song on her Computer terminal.

Now, this again may be a bad FX translation, but Max notes that a lot of the missing people are part of the navigation team. Now that strikes me as odd because technically speaking, navigation on aircraft/spacecraft (real-world here) is only responsible for calculating where the ship is at that moment. It has nothing to do with going from one location to another (guidance) or how exactly to fly there (control). Seeing what happens later in the plot would lead me to believe that this might be better translated as a "fold" team, or possibly even guidance. Just a nit, like I said, probably due to the FX translation :).

That is not quite how things went according to my Fansubs, which were done by Xeros. Here is the copied dialogue from my fansubs:

At the Kidnapping briefing:

Guy: And now, Kareda Scarlmg, 29 years old. He was driving alone late at\nnight when he was kidnapped. The car he was driving was found\nabandoned in the service area. In just the past week alone, the number\nof missing people has climbed to over 20. Our only conclusion so far is that they were kidnapped.

Max: An awful lot of people...

Guy: Ruling out abduction for profit, I believe it's more likely an act of the enemy.

Max: If that's so, this action clearly differs from the enemy's previous patterns...

Exedore: Could they be stealing the people themselves ?

Guy: I'm not sure if this is merely coincidence, but Gina Brittman, of Macross 7's Section C and Frederick Baum, Section E, are also missing.

Max: Aside from those two, are there any similarities to the other abductees ?

Guy: No, not one.

Miria: Anyway, all we can do is form a special operations team to look for them.

Then later on the Bridge...

Sally White Haired Bridge Bunny: Captain Max, the number of missing people has increased by one! Robert Moraise, working in Fold Section B.

Max: Fold ? While on duty ?

Miho (Brown Haired Bridge Bunny): No. During his break.

Exedore: I wonder if they plan to interfere in the gentle lives of the people of Macross 7.

Max: It'd be better if they kidnapped me instead.

Also have listening to the Japanese Dub Sally and Max clearly say "Fold-O" while discussing Robert disappearnce on the bridge. I certainly feel like the "Genius" Max and Exedore have lost their edge sitting around on the Battle 7 bridge. I mean its obvious that the enemy is obviously after the Fold system after kidnapping three Fold operators in row. I would have thought it would have occured to Max "Wait a sec sure this guy was kidnapped during his break, but my own daughter was kidnapped while she took a bathroom break this has got to be more then just a coincidence."

One of the Macross 7 CDs ("Music Selection from Galaxy Network Chart") shows the top ten songs in the galaxy for one of the weeks in March 2045, and "Santi-U" by "Sharon Apple R" on on the charts. They explain that the "R" stands for "remake." So I guess that THIS Sharon Apple is safe...

I'm still not sure she'd be a big hit, though. It seems kind of like after the Milli Vanilli scandal, when the producer trotted out the guys who ACTUALLY did the singing, calling them "The Real Milli Vanilli." And of course, they failed.

I think it could be a difference in PR. After finding out the truth about Milli Vanilli listeners simply felt betrayed not just at the producers, but at the real singers who agreed to go along with the whole charade in the first place.

With regards to Sharon I bet the UN Spacey convinced the public that Sharon was a victim as well and that the whole incident was really Marge's fault after he hacked into her. Besides every who was there to see Sharon hypontize Marge into jumping off the Macross to his death was a trace. It would have been easy to sell a story that as a computer AI Sharon was simply being used by Marge until Isamu blew up the Sharon box and that in the resulting explosion Marge, the evil puppeteer of Sharon, was thrown out the maross bridge and fell to his death. I mean we already saw the UN Spacey cover up the truth about the Megaroad's disappearance for years in order to keep colonization going so of course the UN Spacey would have no probelm covering up the truth about Sharon turning evil on her own in order to make a remake of the most expensive vocalioid ever still sell music albums.

Edited by Freiflug88
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Just one thing in Macross Frontier the Sharon Apple Incident caused a backlash against Self Aware Sentient AI development. Sure Ghosts were eventually placed in roll of mostly taking over from fighter pilots but they are dumbed down with limiters.

Whatever enthusiam for sentient AI there was waned as people realized they were creating their own Zentradi equivalent which could blow at their own faces.

Well it is Guvava that saved the day really. I don't think Mylene heard the music per se but though her mental link. In turn with her respondig Guvava located her.

Gamlin is still chidlish thinking badly of Basara. But he realizes Basara has a better grasp of the situation and Mylene.

The whole kidnapping plot was decoy to separate City 7 from the rest of the fleet. Gigil doesn't like being used like a pawn.

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The first OVA of Macross Plus, that premired a month before M7, was the first to make the DYRL prefrance clear unless you count Mac II.

Right from the beginning Mac Plus shows Isamu with his DYRL-style sholder pads fighting Zentradi battle suits that look very reminscent of the DYRL-style Nousjadeul-Ger. Mac Plus not only used the DYRL combat mecha, but the civilian mecha as well with their futurisitic car styles. Mac + also kept the Macross "armed" with the ARMD Space Carriors over the Promethus and Daedulus aircraft carriers from SDF.

Also wanted to add that while I was checking this I noticed someone very interesting at the Sharon Concert crowd...



I didn't get what's those screens are about... I guess he isn't kawamori because his eyebrow are too thin to be him.

Edited by akt_m
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Kresphy, are those caps from the remastered M7? I might have to get my hands on those, b/c the caps look great!

Catching up, it seems M7 is progressing much faster than I remember. I'm appreciating the character development more on my second viewing. Also, watching no more than 2 eps a day keeps the battle animation from feeling too repetative.

Episode 12 left me wondering about Gubaba's connection to Mylene. Pretending to be ignorant of Song Energy right now, the viewer is left to wonder if M & G are psychically linked. Since he was more or less able to track her to the warehouse district, then sat atop the speaker "beaming" Fire Bomber's song to Mylene.

As far as Mylene & Gamlin - why is she hiding her identity from him? I didn't think she was even interested in him at first. But at the same time, she's actively seeking to promote Fire Bomber & starring as Lynn Minmei on TV. Did she really expect the charade to last?

Finally, I was caught off-guard by the capture of City7. I forgot that it happened so early. It was, again, a nice What the Frak! moment for the series. I think after the lightning 3rd act of Frontier, M7 became this huge giant of a series in my mind. It just went on forever. Really, we're almost 1/4 of the way through! The hard part now will be to slow down to 1 episode a week, lest I fall into the same trap as Uxi.

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Episode 12 left me wondering about Gubaba's connection to Mylene. Pretending to be ignorant of Song Energy right now, the viewer is left to wonder if M & G are psychically linked. Since he was more or less able to track her to the warehouse district, then sat atop the speaker "beaming" Fire Bomber's song to Mylene.

Gubaba seems to just be in tune with Mylene's emotions in general. In many cases, he's even more honest about how she's feeling than she is, like some kind of "mood pet." Definitely a psychic connection, and probably innate to the species he belongs to (



What I liked about this episode is that we're starting to see Mylene singing in the face of adversity, to try and motivate other people. It's the lesson Basara's been trying to teach her all along, though he's quite horrible at explaining that to her and instead just berates her for not getting it (yet also displays a very high level of faith in her when she's not around). I still feel like she's progressing as a character despite Basara, not inspired by him, while the real irony is that Gamlin is starting to (begrudgingly) show a bit of understanding for Basara's singing.

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Quick question: I thought the Supernova was a project theme for valks.. but on EP3 Supernova is a concert/stepping stone for bands to get big? I'll catch up today with the episodes =) after my marathon

I think you're mixing up Plus and 7. Project Supernova in Plus is indeed a Valk competition. But Supernova Live in 7 is kind of a "battle of the bands" event.

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Note that Macross Plus and Macross 7 were shown roughly concurrently so them referencing each other is not a surprise.

For that matter for this episode instead of Basara siging in Valk he uses it for a "Pin-Point Barrier Punch!".

Basara's Valk must be the single most powerful unit in all of Macross history. I mean is there anything it can't do?!! Had totally forgotten about the Pin-point barrier punch Basara style.

Kresphy mentioned above the similiarities between Mylene and Sheryl. I finally got to watching episode 12, and couldn't help but thinking that the scene were Mylene "connects" with Gubaba and the rest of Fire Bomber by singing, was an inspiration for the scene in Frontier were Sheryl sings to lift the spirits of the people in the bomb shelter.

If anyone is watching the old dvd version, they will have maybe seen the 7 Plus section at the end were Veffidas' earlier life is explained. I had completely forgotten that Veffidas used to

be a fighter and her fighting partner was a panther!

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If anyone is watching the old dvd version, they will have maybe seen the 7 Plus section at the end were Veffidas' earlier life is explained. I had completely forgotten that Veffidas used to

be a fighter and her fighting partner was a panther!

So yeah, was she a mercenary or a pro-wrestler? thoughts?

Oh, and Dio - best avatar on MacrossWorld.

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That is not quite how things went according to my Fansubs, which were done by Xeros. Here is the copied dialogue from my fansubs:

At the Kidnapping briefing:

Guy: And now, Kareda Scarlmg, 29 years old. He was driving alone late at\nnight when he was kidnapped. The car he was driving was found\nabandoned in the service area. In just the past week alone, the number\nof missing people has climbed to over 20. Our only conclusion so far is that they were kidnapped.

Max: An awful lot of people...

Guy: Ruling out abduction for profit, I believe it's more likely an act of the enemy.

Max: If that's so, this action clearly differs from the enemy's previous patterns...

Exedore: Could they be stealing the people themselves ?

Guy: I'm not sure if this is merely coincidence, but Gina Brittman, of Macross 7's Section C and Frederick Baum, Section E, are also missing.

Max: Aside from those two, are there any similarities to the other abductees ?

Guy: No, not one.

Miria: Anyway, all we can do is form a special operations team to look for them.

Then later on the Bridge...

Sally White Haired Bridge Bunny: Captain Max, the number of missing people has increased by one! Robert Moraise, working in Fold Section B.

Max: Fold ? While on duty ?

Miho (Brown Haired Bridge Bunny): No. During his break.

Exedore: I wonder if they plan to interfere in the gentle lives of the people of Macross 7.

Max: It'd be better if they kidnapped me instead.

Also have listening to the Japanese Dub Sally and Max clearly say "Fold-O" while discussing Robert disappearnce on the bridge. I certainly feel like the "Genius" Max and Exedore have lost their edge sitting around on the Battle 7 bridge. I mean its obvious that the enemy is obviously after the Fold system after kidnapping three Fold operators in row. I would have thought it would have occured to Max "Wait a sec sure this guy was kidnapped during his break, but my own daughter was kidnapped while she took a bathroom break this has got to be more then just a coincidence."

Okay, that makes a lot more sense than my FX DVD translations. Can someone please point me to a Macross 7 subtitle that makes sense? I have bittorrent, lol. I would love to see a more correct translation! :)

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So yeah, was she a mercenary or a pro-wrestler? thoughts?

Oh, and Dio - best avatar on MacrossWorld.

In the Encore ep I believe she is described as a recently cultured Zentradi.

Here are the things we know about her.

She used to fight a lot, had a pet panther, had to turn down a Zentran suitor, met Basara the first time singing with his guitar in the mountains and gave up that life for drumming. Veffidas doesn't speak much but when she does you listen. Like... "Which do you like?" to Mylene. :lol:

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Oh, and Dio - best avatar on MacrossWorld.


My wife hates Gabil, and calls him the "evil space monkey," so that's where I got the idea. When I get some time I'd like to do a whole cast photo, time permitting. :D

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Looked to me like she was disapointed that her man wasn't strong enough to keep up with her, so she left him for parts unknown, and wound up in City 7.

Now that's a woman you can really respect on a whole other level.

"Honey, if you are not able to kick my a** in a fight, I'm gonna leave you and become a drummer for the galaxy's biggest rock band"

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