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The Magicbox just posted five pages of information and screenshots about the game, comes out next month in Japan. Looks awesome.. I like how they really improved the graphics while keeping the same looking menus... Very comforting for a long-time Front Mission player. :lol:

Anyone heard if this is gonna be picked up for an American release?

And doesn't Elsa look like Britney Spears? :lol:


Link to the Magic-box article.

Looks great. I'm really excited!

And now for your Hollywood cast of Front Mission 4:

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine as Frederick Lancaster

Britney (ugh) Spears as Elsa.

William Hurt as Zead.

Jeff Goldblum (80's Jeff Goldblum, circa The Fly) as Beck.

Mary Stuart Masterson as Latona.

Crispin Glover as Bosch.

Jada Pinkett Smith as Hermes (I'm assuming the character is a girl... I can't really tell!)

Posted (edited)

Wow, great Wanzer designs. Zead and Bosch's suits look GORGEOUS!! Who's doing the mecha design? I'm really looking forward to this; I'm sure they will come out with figures of the Wanzers like FM3 but I would like to get models of them instead.

Edited by Sarensaas
  the white drew carey said:

D'oh! I totally forgot to link to the actual page. I was spending too much time trying to download that pictureof Elsa, but I guess the Magicbox is making it difficult for people to steal their "Work," ironic since all of their information is stolen without a source given. :rolleyes:

I hadn't heard about a FM1,2,3 re-release here... Guess thats a good reason to buy a PS2. Too bad we don't get Front Mission Alternative, that's the only FM game Ihave yet to play.


Well, at least Square-Enix has a couple of decent wallpapers for download this time. I always wondered why they weren't more liberal in keeping their fans happy, like the generous dose of cool images from the Armored Core franchise...

Anyway, check out Britn... I mean ELSA. :-)

The main site is at http://www.square-enix.co.jp/fm/, and I suppose more downloads will be available as the release date gets closer. Here's hoping for nice big images of the Wanzers!!!


Did anyone else notice that Magic-Box keeps screwing up Wanzer with Warzer?

Front Mission rocks.

I cannot wait.

My wife already knows that when this comes out, I am getting it*.

*This is rare, because I'm not usually this fervent about anything. In fact, I haven't been this fervetnt sine Patlabor: WXIII was announced to be released R1.

  the white drew carey said:
Did anyone else notice that Magic-Box keeps screwing up Wanzer with Warzer?

Magicbox screws up a lot, thats what you get when over half your news is translated with Babelfish.

I used to be really into Front Mission, I have that old model kit book they released aroudn the time of the SNES original and some manga tankubon with Front Mission stories in it.

Hoping Front Mission 4 will bring back the bigger battles of 1 and 2, 3's battles were too small... though the graphics were really nice.

  yellowlightman said:
Too bad we don't get Front Mission Alternative, that's the only FM game Ihave yet to play.

You know, I've had that game for more than 2 years. Haven't actually gotten around to playing it. Actually, I think I put it in to test it once I got it and played it for like 15 minutes. Other than that, I haven't bothered to touch it. Half the time I forget I have the thing.

  yellowlightman said:
  the white drew carey said:
Did anyone else notice that Magic-Box keeps screwing up Wanzer with Warzer?

Magicbox screws up a lot, thats what you get when over half your news is translated with Babelfish.

I used to be really into Front Mission, I have that old model kit book they released aroudn the time of the SNES original and some manga tankubon with Front Mission stories in it.

Hoping Front Mission 4 will bring back the bigger battles of 1 and 2, 3's battles were too small... though the graphics were really nice.

I think 3 gave up size in lieu of graphics.

Here's to hoping that the PS2 FM4 has the size of the earlier Front Missions, with (as it looks) the wonderful graphics of 3.


Finally, another SRPG on PS2 other than Ring of Red... anybody else play that? I could only find one used copy out of three local game stores... guess the game tanked in the states....

  Akilae said:
Finally, another SRPG on PS2 other than Ring of Red... anybody else play that? I could only find one used copy out of three local game stores... guess the game tanked in the states....

Ring of Red was done by the original Front Mission design team. I wonder if Square brought them back for this next one?

RoR looked cool, but I heard it had long load times and sloooooow battles. Like, FM2 slow.

  yellowlightman said:
  Akilae said:
Finally, another SRPG on PS2 other than Ring of Red... anybody else play that? I could only find one used copy out of three local game stores... guess the game tanked in the states....

Ring of Red was done by the original Front Mission design team. I wonder if Square brought them back for this next one?

RoR looked cool, but I heard it had long load times and sloooooow battles. Like, FM2 slow.

The problem with RoR weren't the loading times or more strategic, although very slow, battles.... it was the challenge... the last few levels were insane. :blink:

As for FF4... like many of the first generation PS2 games it looks too much like Front Mission 3 in high res. All those Wanzers featured in themagic-box preview have already been seen in FM2 and FM2. <_<

But anyway... mecha action always good... but I'm kind of curious about the so called Front Mission Online game, and I wonder if its going to have a more RPG format or if its going to be one of those really boring MMORTS games. :(


I think FM4's screenshots look better than FM3. But I see what you're gettiing at.

I suspect that FM4 will really shine is in the motion video aspect. It'll be clean and clear with none of the odd pixelation, jumpiness or screwy transparency effects that FM3 suffered.

  Abombz!! said:
As for FF4... like many of the first generation PS2 games it looks too much like Front Mission 3 in high res. All those Wanzers featured in themagic-box preview have already been seen in FM2 and FM2. <_<

All of the Front Missions have had basically the same Wanzers ('cept maybe GunHazard). I don't mind, Front Mission is a consistent world, and it doesn't make sense for it to pull a Gundam and design a dozen new mecha for every new series.

  • 2 months later...

man i loved the first fm, as for the rest, i'll have to get a ps2 emu cuz i sold mine. At least i can play the second one on ps1. hey, btw, do any of you guys like shining force or ff tactics?

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