RedWolf Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 eugimon said: Two markedly different views on migration and assimilation despite being ethnic and cultural cousins. I'm pretty sure Chinese and Koreans would be offended by putting them in the same mold. Plus Chinese by themselves tend to stick to their own ethnic and lingual groupngs.
MastaEgg Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 "Rick Hunter got up from sleeping, then he paused to reflect about the events from the previous day. He was saddened over the loss of more of his beloved comrades, some of which he never got to know. Then he put on his pants. Rick Hunter then felt a rumble in his stomach. He had never gone so long without eating. So then he went into the kitchen. But there was no more toast..."
Jasonc Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 I just ate some toast, wonder if it was Rick the Hunter's??? If so, all I can say is, you got jacked, SUCKAAAAA!!!
anime52k8 Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 MastaEgg said: "Rick Hunter got up from sleeping, then he paused to reflect about the events from the previous day. He was saddened over the loss of more of his beloved comrades, some of which he never got to know. Then he put on his pants. Rick Hunter then felt a rumble in his stomach. He had never gone so long without eating. So then he went into the kitchen. But there was no more toast..." this vaguely reminds me of some horrible Robotech slash fiction I read once. ugh
hulagu Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 (edited) VFTF1 said: in Robotech... who does that? The Robotech Masters? Yeah... they were a caste of space miners or something before the Masters segregated the genders and drafted them into their military program. Edited December 30, 2009 by hulagu
BeyondTheGrave Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 (edited) MastaEgg said: "Rick Hunter got up from sleeping, then he paused to reflect about the events from the previous day. He was saddened over the loss of more of his beloved comrades, some of which he never got to know. Then he put on his pants. Rick Hunter then felt a rumble in his stomach. He had never gone so long without eating. So then he went into the kitchen. But there was no more toast..." That really sounds like an actual except from robotech. edit: "And that's when he realized he would have to settle for oatmeal." Edited December 30, 2009 by BeyondTheGrave
BeyondTheGrave Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 (edited) Gubaba said: So? Back me up or tear me down here. How do the American fans react to those edits. Does anyone try to justify them and explain them away, or do they all ignore them when they find out the truth? The sane and logical ones move on. The others become like Rt fans. Gubaba said: Now all we need to do is figure out what Dolzaa meant when he saw Rick and Lisa kissing and exclaimed, "This must be the result of Protoculture!" And whether Jonathan Wolff was on the SDF-1 or in Albuquerque (I have no idea what this controversy is about, but it must be important, since it's apparently what made Wanzerfan swear off Robotech comics for good, and made him realize that the current staff at HG don't know what they're doing). I thought that got answered in this thread already? Edited December 30, 2009 by BeyondTheGrave
Gubaba Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 BeyondTheGrave said: I thought that got answered in this thread already? Y'know, it's funny...every time I ask that question, I get a different answer. So I'm just waiting for a majority to assert itself.
BeyondTheGrave Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 Gubaba said: Y'know, it's funny...every time I ask that question, I get a different answer. So I'm just waiting for a majority to assert itself. I can't remember where the the post is ie I'm not looking through several pages of post for it. But it involved Dolza remebering he left his oven that's powered by Protoculture and doesn't want a huge Protoculture bill.
hulagu Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 (edited) VFTF1 said: namely when the Zendradi scout ships get blown to smithereens - in Macross, Breetai says "what kind of weapons were those!?" and Exedol says something about how they're Reaction weapons - this kind of sets up the idea that the reason the future Macross is so important is because of Reaction weapons.... Can't have that here, of course - since only flowers matter So we just get Breetai going "Look at that! That proves the ship is on the planet" and calling for his ships to advance... It was apparently worse in the first proto-Robotech comic adaptation. So not all the pointless changes and missed plot points are about glueing three unrelated series together. They're shocked not by its power of the tiny warheads, but at the "primitive" (I assume this is a misintepretation of "long-lost") nuclear weapons and how lame the Earthling noobs are at space warfare. Edited December 30, 2009 by hulagu
Einherjar Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 (edited) Gubaba said: Y'know, it's funny...every time I ask that question, I get a different answer. So I'm just waiting for a majority to assert itself. Someone should just e-mail Tommy Yune about it. He's the one responsible for all of it now, maybe he'll put a write up about it just like the SDF-2 situation. He should be able to get pulled away from his hard work on Shadow Rising to address something like that. Whoops, I forgot about seeing it with a comic book mentality; you can't reveal all the enduring questions about a story all at once. You got to drag it along as far as possible to get people wanting more. Also, things can get retconned by whoever is running the show every few years. This explains the SDF-2 response, there is never going to be an official response that will stick. Forget canon explanations when they can be changed at will. Edited December 30, 2009 by Einherjar
VFTF1 Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 I emailed him, and here's what I got: Quote To: Gubaba Re: Why Dolza shouts "Protoculture!" when Lisa and Rick kiss From: Tomy Yune & the Robotech Crew Hi Gubaba, I'll be the first to admit that you Macross purists are pretty smart to spot things like this. The problem is that you immediately jump to the conclusion that serves your Macross purist ends - namely the notion that Carl Macek and the Robotech crew didn't know what they were doing and that there was no cohesive plot narrative. Now, the fact is quite the opposite. Carl Macek has often stated in interviews that he has the entire Robotech epic in his head. Keeping this in mind, and keeping in mind that all of the various Robotech media are inter-connected, you should readily recognize that what Dolza says in that episode, at that particular moment when Lisa and Rick kiss, need not be explained in that episode - or even in the Macross series itself...or even - in the entire original 85. And just because you can't find an explanation for it in that episode, that series or that saga - doesn't mean there isn't one. Hint: it's not in the novels, nor the comics, nor Shadow Chronicles either. So- where is it? It's in Carl Macek's head. And what is the explanation? Well - Due to legal reasons, all I can say at this point is that Warner Bros. is working on the LAM and working to make it faithful to Robotech and Carl Macek's genius vision of Robotech. Does that mean the answer to your question will be revealed in the movie? I didn't necessarily say or imply that - but I didn't not say or not imply it either. For legal reasons - that's all I can say now. Thanks for your interest! May the Flowr of Life Blossom in your bossom for years to come! Tomy Make of this what you will. Pete
Keith Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 VFTF1 said: I emailed him, and here's what I got: Make of this what you will. Pete I call shenanigans! That letter is totally fake, there's way too much punctuation, no spelling errors, and a carefully controlled use of caps & spaces. There's absolutely no way that anyone from the robotech camp wrote that!
Keith Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 (edited) BeyondTheGrave said: I can't remember where the the post is ie I'm not looking through several pages of post for it. But it involved Dolza remebering he left his oven that's powered by Protoculture and doesn't want a huge Protoculture bill. I always figured the Robotech universe was like the Smurf's universe. You know, "that's just smurfy," I totally smurfed her up the smurf," etc. Only in Robotech it's "That's just roboech, I totally roboteched her up the protocutlure.." Edited December 30, 2009 by Keith
Gubaba Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 VFTF1 said: I emailed him, and here's what I got: Make of this what you will. Pete thanks ftfvf1 i know it sounz obsurd but taht litter from tommy has dun wat nuthing else has witch is mak me liking robotech moar then macros so i now renonse the macros groupy name 'gubaba' and now desiding to coll meself RICKHUNTER101. i am alos lurning to right like a ture robotch fan witch i know relize is just away to keep you DISIPLES OF SETO from ondurstandinding wat we say its like a sort of coad. so keeep hidding behind jasnics skirts and enjoi your preshus 'orginal vertion' and keeep yur hentai and pedofilia to yurslef! praise haydon! RICKHUNTER101
hulagu Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 (edited) VFTF1 said: I emailed him, and here's what I got: Make of this what you will. Pete The best case scenario, as I see it, is having Shadow Rising end in a giant universe shattering retcon that resets the timeline for the First Generation LAM to reinvent the franchise and showcase the "genius of Macek's original vision of the series" without the burden of the outdated Original Series canon, designs, footage, plotholes and legal baggage getting in the way. I mean, all the cool kids are doing it, right? You might even have a shot at success. Edited December 30, 2009 by hulagu
Jasonc Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 I'll take your "That's Robotech", and raise you a "Yuk, Deculture!" I think all these holes in the story are more like games for RT fans. When one pops up, you create a thread, then fight over who's theory is most right, and you can't chalk it up to bad writing. Then, you wait 6 months, then argue it all over again. Another problem in keeping the Robotech universe so small. Everyone is super connected, and you argue the same things 500 times over. That's not to say that some don't do it here, but with so much to cover here in the Macross universe, they don't pop up as frequently.
VFTF1 Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 What's really amusing for me is that in Robotech, they STILL haven't developed cell phones!! At least by Macross Frontier, humanity has learned how to text message! Pete
EXO Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 VFTF1 said: What's really amusing for me is that in Robotech, they STILL haven't developed cell phones!! At least by Macross Frontier, humanity has learned how to text message! Pete I think in Macross the First, Minmay twitters: Quote ZOMFG!!! Giant Robohead crash thru ruf! LMAO!!! Sent pic!
Jasonc Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 Ahh, but the RT extremist will argue that Robotech has Ariel, the Invid Simulagent. She can contact you by telepathy. So there, Robotech is so much better.
Keith Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 VFTF1 said: What's really amusing for me is that in Robotech, they STILL haven't developed cell phones!! At least by Macross Frontier, humanity has learned how to text message! Pete They can't develope cell phones in Robotech, they lost the freakin' protoclture matrix, do you know how wasteful it would be to have tons of cell phones running on protoculture batteries that could go to powering new robotech ships? Besides, walking around with a Protoculture cell phone is akin to painitng a huge target on your forehead. As soon as you turn it on, you're leaving yourself open to attack from Invid, Haydonites, Deciples of Zor, Robotech masters, Cavil's little attack gerbils, robot cats that crackle appart when you look at them funny, giant talking slugs, etc. Plus if the Haydonites activate the reflex descrambler, then everyone carrying the new Black Berry Shadow phone will explode!
Keith Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 Jasonc said: Ahh, but the RT extremist will argue that Robotech has Ariel, the Invid Simulagent. She can contact you by telepathy. So there, Robotech is so much better. Ah, but she has no nipples, who wants to be contacted by a telepahtic chick with no nipples? That's just freaky. Beisdes, Sivil could totally kick her ass.. That's right Tommy Yune, I'm calling you out for ripping off Sivil!
Keith Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 >EXO< said: I think in Macross the First, Minmay twitters: I'd buy that for a dollar!
EXO Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 Jasonc said: Ahh, but the RT extremist will argue that Robotech has Ariel, the Invid Simulagent. She can contact you by telepathy. So there, Robotech is so much better. Hey quit your whinin! You don't know what's in Carl Maceks head! And for legal reasons up until if they do or don't make the movie, I can't tell you why it's better. So there... take that! Sucka... Macross Purist knowitalls. And just to let you know the Robotech team can design better mechs then Kawamori, but the same legal reasons keeps them from actually manifesting within the animation, comic books, or even get described in the books... but once it ends up (or not) in the live action movie... you'll eat your chocolate covered Ariel hating words Jasonc.
Keith Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 >EXO< said: Hey quit your whinin! You don't know what's in Carl Maceks head! And for legal reasons up until if they do or don't make the movie, I can't tell you why it's better. So there... take that! Sucka... Macross Purist knowitalls. And just to let you know the Robotech team can design better mechs then Kawamori, but the same legal reasons keeps them from actually manifesting within the animation, comic books, or even get described in the books... but once it ends up (or not) in the live action movie... you'll eat your chocolate covered Ariel hating words Jasonc. Gentleman, I've been keeping a secret all of this time. A secret to protect you all, but I feel it's now time to share. Finally I shall reveal what is "
Dangaioh Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 RE to cell phones and text messages... Look at Alto, Ranka and Sheryl... they prove that with the right Vajra bacteria, they can begin to tele-communicate using the Vajra network. You can finally "reach out and call someone (and slap some Minmei sense into 'em)!!!!"
Jasonc Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 Quote And just to let you know the Robotech team can design better mechs then Kawamori, but the same legal reasons keeps them from actually manifesting within the animation, comic books, or even get described in the books... but once it ends up (or not) in the live action movie... you'll eat your chocolate covered Ariel hating words Jasonc. Does that come with the nips too??? You know, if I believed all that stuff, I'd join the Snuggie cult too like the lot of them. I'll take Ariel and push her boobs to reach out and call someone. See, and you guys think I don't know what Robotech is all about.
hulagu Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 (edited) Jasonc said: I'll take your "That's Robotech", and raise you a "Yuk, Deculture!" I think all these holes in the story are more like games for RT fans. When one pops up, you create a thread, then fight over who's theory is most right, and you can't chalk it up to bad writing. Then, you wait 6 months, then argue it all over again. Another problem in keeping the Robotech universe so small. Everyone is super connected, and you argue the same things 500 times over. LOL, maybe it's a method for crowdsourcing writing and editorial tasks? Eventually you get a set of theories that work best with each other with the least plot holes and acceptable to the majority of the audience. Then you can run with the lot and claim that was your original vision and how it was meant to be from the start. Edited December 30, 2009 by hulagu
taksraven Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 Keith said: I call shenanigans! That letter is totally fake, there's way too much punctuation, no spelling errors, and a carefully controlled use of caps & spaces. There's absolutely no way that anyone from the robotech camp wrote that! Maybe somebody in the Robotech camp finally discovered how to use their spelling/grammar checker?? Taksraven
taksraven Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 Keith said: Gentleman, I've been keeping a secret all of this time. A secret to protect you all, but I feel it's now time to share. Finally I shall reveal what is " Did I mention that I saw a film once called "Hermans Bed". It was pretty good. I did like it in one episode of the Simpsons where they had a joke that essentially bagged out Hermans Head and it was Lisa that made the joke. (Think about it) Taksraven
taksraven Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 >EXO< said: I think in Macross the First, Minmay twitters: In Robotech she would twitter: "I is a dirty sluut who will screw everybody in the RDF. Bad me." Taksraven
VFTF1 Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 >EXO< said: I think in Macross the First, Minmay twitters: ZOMFG!!! Giant Robohead crash thru ruf! LMAO!!! Sent pic! Holy sh!t !!! you're right: Pete
taksraven Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 VFTF1 said: I emailed him, and here's what I got: Make of this what you will. Pete I thought that Yune would have signed off with "Death to the Macross Purists!!" or "May the seed of your Protoculture flower be fruitful in the belly of your woman!!" Taksraven
Aladdin Sane Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 (edited) taksraven said: I thought that Yune would have signed off with "Death to the Macross Purists!!" or "May the seed of your Protoculture flower be fruitful in the belly of your woman!!" Taksraven I dunno about that "Death to Macross purists" bit, given that some of the Robotech comics he scripted had plenty of references to "Kai Fun" and "Shao [Pai] Long". Perhaps Mr. Yune is a frustrated Macross fan heading the Robotech franchise in order to, in a roundabout way, work on what really interests him. Edited December 30, 2009 by Aladdin Sane
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