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  azrael said:
They have the consent of Tatsunoko. They'll pull ideas but it won't be Xerox copy of the cartoon. "Drawing inspiration" would be the lingo. <_<

As they market their own movie, referencing the 80s series will be in short blurbs. But the fact that they reference it will make people go back and look at the series. When you hear "re-imaging", "revitalize the franchise", or "reference the source material" , the tendency would be to look back at where it came from. The old series would get some attention through people looking for it trying to figure out where a LAM would be headed. The 80s cartoon would indirectly get some attention as it gets mentioned through producing the LAM.

Most of the people who the movie would be marketed towards weren't around in 1985, anyway.

When both Tiffany AND Billy Idol came out with Tommy James and the Shondells covers in the mid-to-late eighties, it made me think that Tommy James must have been some really massive '60s music star who I had just never heard of before. Of course, he wasn't, but I got fooled...and I can't have been the only one.


Sounds like the movie could be very successful regardless of quality, if the new viewers are ignorant about Robotech and old fans are very selective/defensive about what they remember about it but willing to accept anything.

But you can apply that to almost anything that comes out these days. There's nothing inherently wrong with that to a certain degree. It's just hard to take things like Robotech as seriously the more you know about it.

  Einherjar said:
Sounds like the movie could be very successful regardless of quality, if the new viewers are ignorant about Robotech and old fans are very selective/defensive about what they remember about it but willing to accept anything.

But you can apply that to almost anything that comes out these days. There's nothing inherently wrong with that to a certain degree. It's just hard to take things like Robotech as seriously the more you know about it.

Are you saying that we've sabotaged our enjoyment of the RT:LAM becuse... we're... too damn smart? That we've actually seen what's happened with the franchise?

Damn... That's... that's just.. sad... and hillarious!

  Robelwell202 said:
Are you saying that we've sabotaged our enjoyment of the RT:LAM becuse... we're... too damn smart? That we've actually seen what's happened with the franchise?

Damn... That's... that's just.. sad... and hillarious!

Yep... I think that's pretty much exactly what Einherjar is saying...

Of course, Harmony Gold is saying something very similar... that by pointing out that they can't use any of Macross's intellectual property in future "Shadow Saga" crap or the live-action movie, that we're undermining our own anticipation for the movie, and destroying the expectations of other fans. :rolleyes:


Hey, uh... Gubaba!

Just in case I ever tread where Wanzerfan did, let me get this out in the open right now...


Please understand this, and don't feel the need to educate me like you did a few posts ago...

By the way, Nice job!

  Robelwell202 said:
Hey, uh... Gubaba!

Just in case I ever tread where Wanzerfan did, let me get this out in the open right now...


Please understand this, and don't feel the need to educate me like you did a few posts ago...

By the way, Nice job!

I think it's more clearly an indication of just how little I wanted to do any "real" work today.

Of course, everyone makes gaffes and mistakes and comes off as an idiot sometimes.

But some do it a little more often than others. My point was that those people are generally not listed as credible. So if they come up with something that seems difficult to believe, people are less inclined to believe it, unless it's accompanied by firm evidence.

The solution is simple: check your info before you post it, or else clearly mark it as a rumor or as a possibly misremembered fact. It's not THAT hard. :)

  Gubaba said:
I think it's more clearly an indication of just how little I wanted to do any "real" work today.

You're not alone... I spent a good 45 minutes or more during a particularly boring meeting playing Mahjong Titans on my laptop.

  Gubaba said:
Of course, everyone makes gaffes and mistakes and comes off as an idiot sometimes.


The solution is simple: check your info before you post it, or else clearly mark it as a rumor or as a possibly misremembered fact. It's not THAT hard. :)

Naturally... though the subject of the Robotech franchise and particularly future Robotech productions is always going to be a particularly problematic one since not only do we have to contend with faulty memories, obscure facts, and rumors, we also have to sort through Harmony Gold's hype and misleading statements, and unhelpful representatives of the Robotech fanbase who (deliberately or otherwise) spread misinformation by presenting their own uninformed conjecture and crackpot theories as though they were fact.

  Einherjar said:
Sounds like the movie could be very successful regardless of quality, if the new viewers are ignorant about Robotech and old fans are very selective/defensive about what they remember about it but willing to accept anything.

But you can apply that to almost anything that comes out these days. There's nothing inherently wrong with that to a certain degree. It's just hard to take things like Robotech as seriously the more you know about it.

yeah just look at Twilight for example

the story is crap but it appeals to the morons, and sadly there are more morons than intelligent folk...

and like Robotech, Twilight is hard to take seriously....

especially when you know about the vampire C section and realize Bella is just a self insert of the author.

which brings me to the next question.. how in the hell did that series

become so popular?

Posted (edited)

Its a teen romance novel. It has all the crude and hackneyed writing of a dime-store romance novel, but none of the softcore porn. Which means its got a death grip on the entire female readership base. And oddly enough, Mormons too.

Edited by Funkenstein
  HappyPenguins said:
which brings me to the next question.. how in the hell did that series

become so popular?

Right place at the right time and its hardly original. Look at Anne Rice, she's been trying to peddle that lovey-dovey vampire crap for decades.


  taksraven said:
Right place at the right time and its hardly original. Look at Anne Rice, she's been trying to peddle that lovey-dovey vampire crap for decades.


Trying to peddle it...? She's been succeeding at peddling it for quite a while now; maybe not as much as she used to, but she had quite a long string of bestsellers there for a while...

(Needless to say, "bestseller" and "me" usually don't mesh well...I only managed to get through the first two and half books before hitting the "thanks I've had enough" phase.)

Posted (edited)
  HappyPenguins said:
yeah just look at Twilight for example

the story is crap but it appeals to the morons, and sadly there are more morons than intelligent folk...

and like Robotech, Twilight is hard to take seriously....

especially when you know about the vampire C section and realize Bella is just a self insert of the author.

which brings me to the next question.. how in the hell did that series

become so popular?

The book appeals to fan girls.

The author wrote the book in a way that girl x could insert herself in the story.

The movies on the other hand idk. Some of my friends went to see it. All straight men and NO woman within the group.

And stupid question: whats vampire c?

Edited by BeyondTheGrave

I have a feeling that if WB was going to simply sit on RT LAM, they would'nt have hired 4 writers already to try to get this thing going. I still don't have the confidence to say that it's going to get made, but I don't think WB is simply gonna sit on this, at least not at this point. If later on, it turns out that budget conflicts and other issues become too big, that can all change. On the "fan person" bringing this to WB, wasn't it Tobey's production company that first showed interest in this? Supposedly, Tobey is a big fan, so there you go.

I personally can careless about the movie getting made or not. Either way, I think the fans that actually know of Robotech and are part of the website, are probably gonna feel alienated, as it probably won't resemble anything they're familiar with. On the flip side to that, if it comes out, and does well enough to put out product, all that new product will replace the old Macross related stuff. If new fans come in, which let's face it, there probably would be, they'll only be familiar with the new designs. Any Macross designs will be "copies of the original Robotech" for them. That may make Macross a franchise that they may have to stay away from. Doubt it would play out like that, but it'd be nice.

Posted (edited)

ok. that just brings up the question of WTF?

Seriously confused. Tried reading the synopsis of twilight and i became more confused and irritated over how much sense it did not make. Understanding the legal issues of Macross is a whole lot easier

Edited by BeyondTheGrave
  Gubaba said:
Trying to peddle it...? She's been succeeding at peddling it for quite a while now;

Sorry, should have qualified what I meant by trying to peddle it. I was comparing the 8 million copies sold of "Interview with a Vampire" since 1976 compared with the 17 million copies of the original Twilight novel that have been sold since 2005. I am not saying that Anne Rice is totally unsuccessful, but when compared to Stephanie Meyer, I think her "success" is more muted.

Just my opinion, probably wrong.


  Jasonc said:
I have a feeling that if WB was going to simply sit on RT LAM, they would'nt have hired 4 writers already to try to get this thing going. I still don't have the confidence to say that it's going to get made, but I don't think WB is simply gonna sit on this, at least not at this point. If later on, it turns out that budget conflicts and other issues become too big, that can all change. On the "fan person" bringing this to WB, wasn't it Tobey's production company that first showed interest in this? Supposedly, Tobey is a big fan, so there you go.

Tobey's company is the one that's actually going to produce a movie, if a movie ever gets made. WB will be handling the distribution, marketing, etc. for Tobey's company. WB got the film license and Tobey's production company will be the ones to actually produce the flick (i.e. Macguire Entertainment and Warner Brothers presents, in association with Harmony Gold blah blah blah). Right now, a script needs to be pitched and greenlit by the studio. Then the studio/producers need to find a director. Director needs to meet with Macguire Entertainment and line up all the art and VFX studios, casting companies, etc. to get a budget. Then they run the budget by the studio, etc.... (bear in mind some of this can be done together and/or out of order, i.e. they can have a director by the time they pitch a script).

I personally can careless about the movie getting made or not. Either way, I think the fans that actually know of Robotech and are part of the website, are probably gonna feel alienated, as it probably won't resemble anything they're familiar with.

We'd have something like the G1 Transformers fans against the new ones, basically. Been there, done that.

On the flip side to that, if it comes out, and does well enough to put out product, all that new product will replace the old Macross related stuff. If new fans come in, which let's face it, there probably would be, they'll only be familiar with the new designs. Any Macross designs will be "copies of the original Robotech" for them. That may make Macross a franchise that they may have to stay away from. Doubt it would play out like that, but it'd be nice.

At which point, we're gonna see an influx of newbie questions.


The economy goes to hell, the world is at war, and people are working on a Robotech live action movie.

This year sucks!


  BeyondTheGrave said:
The book appeals to fan girls.

The author wrote the book in a way that girl x could insert herself in the story.

The movies on the other hand idk. Some of my friends went to see it. All straight men and NO woman within the group.

And stupid question: whats vampire c?

This is quite disturbing but in one of the books Bella is pregnant and Edward uses his teeth to do a C section to save her and the baby....

Posted (edited)

Japanese voices and english subtitles... so...it's not Robotech but the original three sold under the Robotech name?



Edited by VFTF1
Posted (edited)
  VFTF1 said:
Japanese voices and english subtitles... so...it's not Robotech but the original three sold under the Robotech name?

Eh, it's not like it's the first time one of Harmony Gold's distribution partners tried to sell the originals by hyping up their ties to Robotech. The ADV releases of Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada all did that. First time I've ever seen them try to sell them under the Robotech name though... kind of disturbing.

Edited by Seto Kaiba

There will be a Robotech movie, no doubt about it. But will Harmony Gold be able to turn that exposure into something positive? We've seen them do completely worthless things like create stories and then turn around to retcon them. In my mind, when RLAM gets made, HG will have to retcon most, if not all of its pre-live action stuff so that they can ride the movies coattails to the bank. Thats why they are waiting , so that they can get a script and then make the proper retcons for the Shadow Rising dvd.

Posted (edited)
  Seto Kaiba said:
Eh, it's not like it's the first time one of Harmony Gold's distribution partners tried to sell the originals by hyping up their ties to Robotech. The ADV releases of Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada all did that. First time I've ever seen them try to sell them under the Robotech name though... kind of disturbing.

They aren't being sold under the Robotech name though, they are just being advertised "by hyping up their ties to Robtech" exactly like Animego and ADV did. On this other page advertising Robotech they clearly state the Robotech sagas are based on the original Japanese series.


Edited by Freiflug88

That is so messed up - it's like an official bootleg. It's like if I made a poster where you had Spiderman, Batman, Jimmy Carter and Ronald McDonald and called it "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." And idiot parents looking for a cartoon for their kids would buy it :)

Oh well. Whatever...


Posted (edited)
  HappyPenguins said:
yeah just look at Twilight for example

the story is crap but it appeals to the morons, and sadly there are more morons than intelligent folk...

and like Robotech, Twilight is hard to take seriously....

especially when you know about the vampire C section and realize Bella is just a self insert of the author.

which brings me to the next question.. how in the hell did that series

become so popular?

Every time I think of Twilight, emo vampires always comes to mind. And the sequel, emo werewolves?

Anyway, it's the endless discussions about the mysteries and blatant inconsistencies of Robotech that I can't take seriously. Most of those things were primarily caused by the show being edited from different sources, which required the creator and material in different forms of media to try and justify. Most of the story they came up with was dictated by the animation they had rights over, not the other way around like normal shows. By now, people should know better that they'll never be given a satisfactory answer for any of this, unless you agree with huge retcons every few years to fix it.

  Jasonc said:
I personally can careless about the movie getting made or not. Either way, I think the fans that actually know of Robotech and are part of the website, are probably gonna feel alienated, as it probably won't resemble anything they're familiar with. On the flip side to that, if it comes out, and does well enough to put out product, all that new product will replace the old Macross related stuff. If new fans come in, which let's face it, there probably would be, they'll only be familiar with the new designs. Any Macross designs will be "copies of the original Robotech" for them. That may make Macross a franchise that they may have to stay away from. Doubt it would play out like that, but it'd be nice.

That doesn't sound any better than the current situation. They would have their own designs to use for Robotech productions for a change, but still have the rights and influence to keep anything Macross from leaving Japan. It would make them more legitimate at the expense of something else like always.

Edited by Einherjar

HG actually has a contract according to which they own Australia. They just never allow anybody to see it. But rest assured - the continent belongs to them.


  HappyPenguins said:
This is quite disturbing but in one of the books Bella is pregnant and Edward uses his teeth to do a C section to save her and the baby....

I googled it. That makes absolutely no sense. Hg business plan makes more sense than that crap.


Is that Spanish-language release the three chapters of Robotech with the availability to watch them as the original series? If so, that'd be pretty cool.

  jenius said:
Is that Spanish-language release the three chapters of Robotech with the availability to watch them as the original series? If so, that'd be pretty cool.

It's a separate set completely. The Robotech versions are edited versions of the Original series and not merely a different dub track over identical video footage. To make that option available in the same set you would have to double the DVD count cause you would be craming two video tracks for basically the same episode.

HG even stated that the only real reason they bothered remastering the less popular Sourthern Cross and Mosepeda was so that they would have Remastered Footage to work with to for creating the Remastered Robotech release from scratch rather then attempting to remaster the ugly Robotech Legacy footage.

  VFTF1 said:
HG actually has a contract according to which they own Australia. They just never allow anybody to see it. But rest assured - the continent belongs to them.


As an Australian I can vouch for the fact that HG does own Australia, in fact when I bend over you can see that I have the scars to prove it.



Someone at the next Robotech panel should ask when they're gonna stop bootlegging other series and make their own, using their own designs...I know this was asked a long time ago, but it's one of those questions that should be asked at least once a year. That advertisement makes it seem that the 3 series came from Robotech. I know only a moron would think that, but look at the people who we've had to deal with from rt.com and elsewhere. Not all of them, but it's not a far stretch to confuse them.

In regards to my last post about the RT LAM, my hope is that if the movie gets completed, that new designs make the originals invalid, or dead money to HG. While it's a far stretch, it'd be nice. Better yet, it'd be cool if WB decides to pick up the franchise, and open up the negotiations properly to get all of Macross over here. OK, I know, I'm just dreaming, but still, it's a nice thought.

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