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Ahhh anybody get any word on what happens? :( It's 11:30am in Tokyo isn't it?

Not unless you can read Japanese well enough to search the blogs and find any reports.

Which I don't think you can.

Posted (edited)

MF Movie watched, Chinese neta


Sorry, this is rough translation.

the red text is the point!



阿鲁特, 公主=Alto

某人, 兰卡=Ranka




包子, 布雷拉=Brera

眼睛, 眼镜=Mikhail

1 开场后格蕾丝和女王达到后格蕾丝说有相应的目标需要达成

2 给兰卡送票的是阿鲁特,之后兰卡开着2轮摩托去学校给飞行班送午餐,期间有镜头插入阿鲁特与女王已经见过面

3 直到live开始时出现统合军的便当飞行队。第一首是新歌,期间出现2个女王形象,一个白衣另一个黑衣,白衣的形象感觉纯真,黑衣则暴露成熟感觉上像吸血鬼,过了大概30s之后白衣女王被黑衣女王的鞭子捆绑,之后白衣爆散,变成黑白混合的款式。之后黑衣女王更是对白衣女王咬住脖子吸血,之后吻了下去。

4 第二首歌开始后女王先是给阿鲁特打了一发手枪,之后向后跑从空中下落,救人结束后女王对阿鲁特把裙子提了起来…给他看了下裙子下面有小型的飞行喷口。同时随着进攻阶段的开始,虫子进入。

5 避难开始后2人刚刚所在的顶棚上的窗口打开,爬上后目睹被轰的街道。此时虫子发射直接命中会馆,女王和阿鲁特被吹飞。

6 阿鲁特救起女王后穿着飞行背包按照tv第二话躲避3只小虫子

7 再次被轰飞之后女王启动喷射器,但是不熟悉操作于是在缓冲了降下速度后斜着撞向地面的墙,轻微撞伤,有瘀青。

8 便当大叔挂掉后阿鲁特进入飞机,但是此时是飞机自行准备结束完毕.此时虫子正准备去抓兰卡

9 队长赶到后首先用导弹把虫子脑袋轰灭,可看到红色条状物体。之后背对虫子打开座舱盖和安全带去呼唤兰卡,但是被突然爬起的虫子用导弹轰飞出驾驶舱跌落地面,受伤

10 阿鲁特穿着飞行背包飞到2人面前之后把翅膀挡在面前试图保护…之后眼镜解围。

11 女王在战斗结束后被在一旁的包子找到,通过透视眼检查过女王身体无碍后抱起跳入下水道……

1、Grace and Sheryl reach Frontier, Grace said there is a mission.

2、Nyan Nyan restaurant, Alto call (Ranka's orange Keitai Kun) to Ranka said that he get the ticket. Ranka deliver lunch to Mihoshi Academy by 2 wheels moto, Sheryl meet Alto in early time

3、the first song is NEW in LIVE, black Sheryl kiss white like vampire

4、the second song, Shely and Alto Falling from the air, there is engine under Sheryl's skirt. Vajra begin attack.

5、Sheryl and Alto Climb the dome, watch Vajra's attack. Vajra hit the dome, they are blown.

6、Alto save Sheryl and escape 3 Vajra, it like TV EP.02.

7、Sheryl start the engine, but because not familiar with the operation and hitting the wall ^^

8、Giliam done, Alto get in Valk.

9、Ozma shot down the head of Vajra, and watch Ranka back to the Vajra. Vajra get up, Ozma is injured.

10、Alto tried to protect them, then Mikhail come...

11、Brera find Sheryl in the end of battle

11 女王洗澡时发现耳环丢失于是准备去找公主,同时三岛开始向大总统汇报时同时开始怀疑女王一行是间谍

12 在医院的队长直接问公主去不去他们那里,此处和tv一致。在墓地送行结束后公主在平台遇到兰卡,在公主飞出飞机后兰卡说自己也想飞翔。唱aimo之后女王和声,之后说这是命运的歌曲,而且说这是奶奶传下来的。格蕾丝的电话打来,手机从女王的胸部里跳出,一个鲷鱼烧样子的手机

13 入队仪式结束后全员带上防毒面具同时扔给阿鲁特一枚催泪弹还是催眠瓦斯样的东西…

14 女王再次找到阿鲁特,约会时的bgm变更为pink moonsoon,之后2人开着之前兰卡开的那种站立时双轮电动车在草原上狂飙…穿过森林之后女王意外从车上摔下,被及时救上的公主抓牢后2人翻滚掉下。两人撞在一起,正在阿鲁特看着女王的时候女王醒来,怀疑被猥亵于是先是拳击公主之后开始拳打脚踢。

15 此时兰卡因为参加macross小姐预选被学校停课,此处与tv一致。公主在sms还未飞行过,只是一直在模拟器里进行模拟驾驶。

16 进入巨人城之后,没有看到唱宇宙兄弟船的那位仁兄,也没有出现女王写歌剧情。布雷拉保持对兰卡的跟踪。唱歌后虫子暴走,但是此次处理方式是把装有虫子的舱室分离后炸掉……队长的女友在之前队长给眼睛兄打电话时首次出现……大概影片时间是40分钟左右……

17 归还饰品之后公主发现兰卡,同时经纪人邀请兰卡加入他的公司演出。

18 包括纳豆宣传(…那是稻草混扎吧…),工地宣传(比基尼服装),胡萝卜,娘娘广告之后,兰卡准备给公主发信,但是写着写着突然想到女王对公主亲吻,于是删除。

19 公主晚上训练结束后发现兰卡,开始和兰卡解释,一路跟着兰卡进入了便利店。正当在解释的时候时间为24:00. 播放兰卡的广告歌曲,此时公主得知兰卡已经出名。晚上坐电车时候公主开始怀疑自己的存在…之后被兰卡握住双手说公主就是公主。兰卡离开后回家发现爱君。

20 队长开车时给公主说女王一行可能是间谍。之后公主在tv版中的女王邀请公主护送的天台去见眼睛兄…眼镜兄不排除女王是间谍的可能,很基情。

11、Sheryl find to lost her earring when the bath, Leon report Sherly and Grace maybe is SPY.

12、Ozma ask Alto jion S.M.S, like TV. Grace call Sherly, the New cellphone!

13、Alto jion S.M.S

14、Star Date, like TV EP.05. BGM is Pink Moonsoon. Shley fall from the 2 wheel moto, Alto save her. Sheryl kick Alto when her wake up, because Sherly think Alto make a indecency at her.

15、Ranka has been suspended beacuase Miss Macross. Alto still in the simulation training.

16、Zentraedi Mall Formo, no Tokugawa Kiichiro singing, no Sheryl write lyrics. Brera trace Ranka.

17、Elmo invite Ranka.

18、Ranka's promotion events. Ranka want to send a message to Alto, but when she remember Sheryl kiss Alto, delete it.

19、Alto explain to Ranka. Ranka find Ai Kun.

20、Ozma said Shelry maybe is SPY. Alto meeting with Mikhail

21 公主在v25上发现耳环,同时女王的电话打来找公主见面。


22 兰卡和声后开始发绿光,同时爱君从兰卡上一口袋里钻出,此时女王说:产生了感应。爱君开始跳入草坪,兰卡去追,女王此时也追着兰卡。

23 公主赶到后发现女王正在追着兰卡于是误解女王是间谍,冲上去把女王至少抽飞了2-3m…公主说你不能碰兰卡。女王留言:很过分…开始下雨女王离开。

24 格蕾丝洗澡通信,同时漏点多次。女王则拖了靴子没更换湿衣服就直接躺倒床上。

25 公主在队员宿舍里点了一支蜡烛,看着耳环。用手触摸了下突然耳环开始发光并且公主看到二人约会时的记忆。于是公主解了头绳,对着镜子带上耳环…镜子中的长发公主突然变成女王模样。此时公主手抚心脏,样子很苦,同时脑中出现女王在雨中摔倒的场景,小时候翻垃圾桶的场景等等…公主被震撼,去找女王。

26 第二场演唱会的准备现场,公主准备向女王归还耳环,但是被格蕾丝和队长打断。队长女友宣布以间谍罪逮捕格蕾丝,但是格蕾丝则反说是frontier政府封锁g船队被袭击消息,经队长女友查实确认是高级权限消息。此时女王询问对g船队难民营救费用…队长貌似说的是1亿2千万?希望我听错了……扔过去黑卡之后成交。女王把让公主在战斗结束后再把耳环还回来。

27 会场是在水上。开始后是从水中浮出一艘带有工业风格的船。在射手座的陪伴下,sms出动,此时与tv第7话内容基本相同。但是此次的虫子舰船变成类似紫色的太空战列舰的模样…3连装480mm的巨炮发射把几乎所有正在进行fold的难民船打爆。此时兰卡从房里面看着live会场,接着冲向会场。之后发现公主不在同时接到队长留言

28 公主单独冲向种子战舰。此时live会场里开始唱钻石泪痕,兰卡也和声了…

29 由于耳环的效果正在战斗的全部虫子部队暂时停止活动,接着进行fold直接到了f船队的背后。效果就像tv中小时候的兰卡唱aimo于是虫子们fold到面前了

30 城市继续遭到大范围攻击,大量虫子进入,死亡人数巨大。此时兰卡开始自我觉醒…想起了小时候妈妈对她说虫子要抓她,自责因为自己死了那么多人。于是在全身绿色光球的包裹下冲下了看台跑向了剧场内的一个小的木质港口。

21、Alto find earrings in Valk. Sheryl call to Alto. Sheryl go to meeting place, she discover Rand in the here, Sheryl deny relation with Alto and give 2 tickets to Ranka. Sheryl sing Aimo.

22、Ranka sing with Sheryl, she show Green Light = = Ai Kun jump to the lawn, Ranka trace Ai Kun, Sheryl follow her.

23、Alto think Sherly is SPY beacuase he look Sheryl follow Ranka, Alto smacked Sheryl. Sheryl said it is overdone and leaved. The sky began to rain.

24、Grace is naked.

25、Alto earrings, Sherly's childhood flash in his mind.

26、Cathy want to arrest Grace. Grace said Frontier block the info of Galaxy was attacked. Sheryl deal with S.M.S to rescue Galaxy.

27、S.M.S begin rescue mission (BGM is Sagittarius). The story like TV EP.07

28、Alto attack Vajra Carrier. BGM is Diamond.

29、Vajra Fold to back of Frontier by Ranka's song. It like TV EP.24 beginning

30、Vajra attack! Ranka find her song could lure Vajra. She blame herself.

31 在某人觉醒的同时女王遭到虫子袭击,被及时赶到的公主救下,当公主准备把女王救起时女王对公主说兰卡在那边被虫子追,公主就跑去救人了……这里有一句话好像是她准备牺牲自己?这里我记不清了

32 兰卡的绿色光球越来越亮,几乎把当时整个live会场的所有虫子全部吸引了过去。意外跌下去时被一只螳螂状的虫子救起,塞入腹部的卵状膜里,类似zero的萨拉和鸟人合体那种…公主追着打结果被意外打中翅膀开始掉下

33 女王振作,觉得自己可以做些什么,于是脱掉婚纱样的外套往上跑,变跑边唱一首新歌。此时公主听到歌曲,立马从f形态变成g形态成功落地…同时格蕾丝对刚刚从昏迷中醒来的导播说开启所有设备,对准女王向外播放,至少可以提高人民的士气,给他们希望…于是全屏幕打开后女王的live场景出现在城市的各个地方,女王对格蕾丝表示感谢,格蕾丝回了一个可爱的表情

34 正在公主和其他虫子死磕的时候布雷拉开着v27来帮忙,并让公主先去救兰卡。

35 公主发现虫子后冲上去先给虫子腹部一刀划开了一个口子,正想用手把lank救出来的时候被虫子纠缠,此时公主暂时从飞机脱离,穿着飞行背包去拉兰卡。眼睛在阻击点看不下去后跑了出来给公主支援。

36 成功救出后2人掉落,此时公主用手让飞机飞过来之后进入座舱…眼睛做掉螳螂虫子同时因为站在桥上过于显眼于是被突然到来的红虫子打爆了

37 库兰大概是第5次出现,准备秒了虫子

38 把兰卡放下后2个歌姬开始唱狮子座,队长赶到女王进行保护。此时外面的2台macross也在战斗。先是在虫子的紫色战列舰出现的时候,f的macross主炮发射直接命中,无损伤。之后被sms的小macross用macross特攻打中舰体的前半部分,效果应该就是tv最后的那个…变都没变。成功后f的macross再次发射主炮,紫色战列舰爆炸。

39 战斗结束后,女王的左边停这vf27 右边站着兰卡停着vf25,然后正前方的台子停着队长的专用机……

40 开始下雪,女王把耳环送给公主。最后以兰卡的新歌结尾……

41 第二部剧场版预告,没什么特别内容,只是…最后出现了穿着婚纱的女王和兰卡!!!我擦你河森想干嘛!!真想吃反应弹么!!!!

31、Alto save Sheryl. She said Ranka is dangerous, Alto go to find Ranka...

32、Rank's Green Light lure almost all Vajra. A Vajra put Ranka in it's abdomen, like Macros Zero, Sara in the Birdhuman.

33、Sheryl start Singing to encourage people.

34、Brera fly VF-27 to help Alto, Alto put Brera save Ranka.

35、Alto fight with Vajra, Mikhail help Alto.

36、Mikhail was shot down Red Vajra. (Maybe he is alive)

37、Klan attack.

38、Sheryl and Ranka sing Lion. Macross Quarter attack Vajra.

39、The battle is over.

40、Sheryl present earring to Alto, started to snow, Ranka's Ending Song.

41、The MF Part.02 CM, Sheryl and Ranka wear wedding dress. <--------------------------Orz.....

Edited by kresphy
Posted (edited)

Hi Kresphy and thanks for the info, but, I have one question.

How was the acceptance and assistance to theaters in Japan?

There is some information about it?

criticism about the movie?

Thanks for the info again ;)

Edited by bustaf
Posted (edited)
In Japan, the story of Part.01 is blamed with Ranka's fans.

Because Sheryl is Heroine in this part.




Is that a guy dressed like Ranka? LOL who is he? :blink::lol:

Hoo... Looking the spoilers I can see where the direction of the next movie is.

Me too. And I like it... This film

basically resumed the series but the Vajra are still the enemies and Galaxy's agenda is not yet revealed.

I bet the second film will cover that... and more! B))

Edited by Kronnang Dunn

Just work up, stayed up all night at a Macross Night party then saw the movie. By the time the movie started I was half a sleep from staying up all night. Going to see it again in a few hours so I should be able to have a clear head on the over all movie since I fell asleep during some parts since I was up over 24 hours.

My biggest grip as of now.

Lots of reused Vf-171 launch and battle footage.

Posted (edited)
Thanks for the info. Amazing how much has changed despite it supposed to be most a retrace.

Well when the film was first announced it was said that it would be a retelling of the TV series, though that idea soon vanished with the wind, as you can tell by the info in magazines and such.

Edited by shiroth
Posted (edited)



Music (劇場版)



Words:坂本真綾、Gabriela Robin



Vocal:Ranka Lee, starring 中島 愛


「What 'bout my star?」(前編)




Vocal:Sheryl Nome, starring May'n

「ユニバーサル・バニー」(Universal Bunny、前編)

Words:しほり、PA-NON、Gabriela Robin



Vocal:Sheryl Nome, starring May'n

「Welcome To My Fan Club's Night!」(前編)




Vocal:Sheryl Nome, starring May'n


Words:Gabriela Robin



Vocal:Sheryl Nome, starring May'n、Ranka Lee, starring 中島 愛

「Pink Monsoon」(前編)

Words:Gabriela Robin



Vocal:Sheryl Nome, starring May'n


Words:阿佐 茜



Vocal:Ranka Lee, starring 中島 愛

「What 'bout my star? @フォルモ」(前編)




Vocal:Ranka Lee, starring 中島 愛

「スターライト納豆」(Starlight Natto、前編)

Words:一倉 宏



Vocal:Ranka Lee, starring 中島 愛


Words:一倉 宏



Vocal:Ranka Lee, starring 中島 愛

「ダイナム超合金」(Dynam Chogokin、前編)




Vocal:Ranka Lee, starring 中島 愛

「だるまゼミナール」(Daruma Seminar、前編)

Words:一倉 宏



Vocal:Ranka Lee, starring 中島 愛

「超時空飯店 娘々」(前編)




Vocal:Ranka Lee, starring 中島 愛

「ファミリーマート・コスモス」(Family Mart Cosmos、前編)

Words:一倉 宏



Vocal:Ranka Lee, starring 中島 愛

「射手座☆午後九時 Don't be late」(前編)




Vocal:Sheryl Nome, starring May'n

「ダイアモンド クレバス」(Diamond Crevasse、前編)




Vocal:Sheryl Nome, starring May'n、Ranka Lee, starring 中島 愛


Words:真名杏樹、Gabriela Robin



Vocal:Sheryl Nome, starring May'n


Words:Gabriela Robin



Vocal:Sheryl Nome, starring May'n


Words:Gabriela Robin



Vocal:May'n & 中島 愛

Edited by kresphy

So are there any new action scenes in the movie? If yes, how is the quality compared with the TV series?

Does the Tornado pack actually make an appearance in this first movie, or are they saving it for the second movie?


Thanks for the info. Amazing how much has changed despite it supposed to be most a retrace.

Well I can't read the review because my japanese is astonishingly poor, but so far there have been no negative reviews, so it must be all right then.

I'd like to ask the people who've seen it, if the animation and character designs are consistent, and of higher quality than in the series (they should be since its a movie!)

I'd like to ask the people who've seen it, if the animation and character designs are consistent, and of higher quality than in the series (they should be since its a movie!)

Going by the scans of the booklet in this upcoming link, they look pretty solid.


The post is spoiler free for anyone who wants to give it a read.


Thanks Shiroth, more costume changes and songs I see. I did feel a bit for Gubaba when I read this

And for those who are a fan of Nanase (I don’t know if there is even one…), She did not appear in the movie.

Hmm, Sheryl heavy yet pleasing for Ranka fans. Interesting boast there. ^_^ I like the idea that more focus was given to the characters. The series was so story driven, it was nuts.

Going by the scans of the booklet in this upcoming link, they look pretty solid.


The post is spoiler free for anyone who wants to give it a read.

Thank you very much for posting this review! Its very informative without giving too much away. I can't wait to watch this movie...


Just saw the movie. It was good. Some scenes will make you go... huh?? but I think the characters are a little more fleshed out. Well not all but at least is good.

I need to see it a second time for the details, but it was entertaining. 1st hour was more or less a re-telling and after that is almost all new.

Can't wait for the second part!

Just saw the movie. It was good. Some scenes will make you go... huh?? but I think the characters are a little more fleshed out. Well not all but at least is good.

I need to see it a second time for the details, but it was entertaining. 1st hour was more or less a re-telling and after that is almost all new.

Can't wait for the second part!

That's good news! Now that I know it's good, I'm looking forward to the movie. B))

Just one question: Did Alto slap Sheryl or whatsoever? I'm really curious about that spoiler Kresphy posted a little while ago...

Posted (edited)
Just saw the movie. It was good. Some scenes will make you go... huh?? but I think the characters are a little more fleshed out. Well not all but at least is good.

I need to see it a second time for the details, but it was entertaining. 1st hour was more or less a re-telling and after that is almost all new.

Can't wait for the second part!

I'm a bit mixed on if was good or just so so. Ranka's character is allot better in the movie version, allot less silly elements.

Nanase does not exist in this version and is basically replaced by Alto as Ranka's best friend, everybody knows each other from the start of the film aside from Sheryl .

Yep the first half is basically the Deculture Edition 2.0, then the rest is a mash up of the fist half of the series.

Since the movie screen is bigger the camera angles make the Valks look huge unless it stock footage being used, yet the Destroids get bitch slapped all over the place. In the short clip of part two they show a VF-1 with fast backs in what looks to be in a Fire Valk color scheme raising on the launch pad.

Renato & Alex for this movie I will admit there plenty of what you guys call "Front & or Rear".

Just one question: Did Alto slap Sheryl or whatsoever? I'm really curious about that spoiler Kresphy posted a little while ago...

No he does not,

he pushes her to the ground but in a diffrent scene Sheryl punches Alto in the face.

Edited by Save

LOL, yet again they turn things upside down... MF flipped many SDFM scenes and the MF:FD movie has done the same with the series it's based on. I like it! You get the impression in the movie that Ranka had a head start on Sheryl with Alto and now the two are really competing.

Sounds like it will be a fun movie to see... :D


No he does not,

he pushes her to the ground but in a diffrent scene Sheryl punches Alto in the face.

Well you got to watch the firey temper of them French girls... :p


Damn, I'm so interested in the movie but have to wait to watch it. This topic is dangerous with so many spoilers. It tempts me to see what is hidden under those black lines ...

By the way how long is the movie?

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